Tuesday, November 15, 2005

mind vibrations to Freedom!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of The Word!

Write some more and let us as well...
I've been finding more and more for my research. The new issue of Scientist found the vibrations I was writting about. So the methods are clear now. And I know I need to submit it.

well... do it now...
I can get it done after class tomorrow.

yes just get it done
I also have to get busy on Koehler's Leadership paper and getting the SMA prototype done.

well. . . . at least you are clear about your tasks
I wrote them down now too. So I also got this other stuff about the mind vibrations too. Holosync CD's are using sounds to create the Alpha, Delta, Gama waves in the mind that can also come with different states of meditation.

SO I guess that's why the negative in my life so abruptly left. I mean yesterday Andrew even wrote a contract to make his position clear in my house. I'm not sure he's going to meet the conditions we wrote. But at least he's making a sound attempt.

Also really interesting is how Keith already found his little Goddess. I know what he did for Equan was a serious good deed, and even getting clear and focused on his 40 days and 40 nights is really cool. . . . but. . .
Remember the Prodigal's Son story. . . what makes his efforts so significant is how he's affeting people so much already.
Hey, i affect all sorts of people too.
well... you are still behind the scenes. you've made long term commitments and long term goals. A little Goddess after 40 days is not the same as staying 16 and having a hundred children.
I know you've said that before.
Yes, and we will again.
I ove You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. thank you for filling me with your strength love and wisdom... continue to lead me into your light... Amen.

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