Thursday, April 04, 2024

clear about my own personal needs

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word !

What now?
I'm writing with a pen again. And yes I realize I need to be slow and carful. Getting it all typed perfect and spell checked is really wonderful, especially as I really just scribble some times really is always such a blessing for me.

Today is Easter, and I went to the Sunrise service which was really just beautiful, as the sun came up in my face right before me. What a wonderful experience. And then I was able to read a write in my new little book where I've been coming to terms with what Jesus has before me. It's really been a challenge but I must get really specific and clear about my own personal needs and desires. Getting real about what I want and who I am is really critical.
What have you found. 
I seem to be heading back to school, teaching and leading kids. Maybe even with scouts again.
I was invited on a sail boat trip which was kinda cool, except I got sick. As weird as it was setting sick was the last thing I thought about. But when someone spoke to me about it. He must have seen it coming on called it out of me.
I  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

But really have barely started

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

We want you to write a lot more. You have been changing a lot of things, and the idea of this New Life of yours is significant. It’s not every day that any professional can take a sabbatical for four years, only to return to the same work, doing the same things at a higher level. You asked to start over and welcomed the idea of being an intern again. Most men would never consider anything like this, nor would they welcome the idea of people half their age telling them what to do.
I get it, so it’s important for me to write more about my experiences! I really have a lot of trouble keeping up and I realize you like when I chant Your Name. It really feels like You are giving me more to do, where I can't keep up or stumble without You.

As I started with this new position and a new church and a new life. . . Several things were completely different. Having a boss as young as my son wasn’t such a big deal, as Chris and Emily have told me what to do since they were born. Course, my decision to keep them in their Spirit, since they had just come from God, was how I chose to keep them there instead of “brainwash” them to be whatever the latest propaganda here is selling. 

Shifting from Dad’s Greed in Methodist to Mom’s Love in Catholic changed a lot more than this. 
What exactly do you mean?
I was one way and Now I’m completely different. And the thing that happened in between, was You. So yes, I will know You the rest of my life. I realized that it’s me and Jesus in everything now. Like I’ve been working to get myself into a regular routine. It was incredible when I started with the Catholic Church and Lent, I have really been guided and directed more and more every moment.
What do you mean, can you give us and example.
I guess this will sound a little weird. But I’ve started at a new job, at a new place, and get into my office every day and work. I brought in a coffee maker and such there to share. But really have barely started.  I remember how I need to eat more regularly, and even munch nibbles regularly instead of stopping for lunch. I never liked leaving or missing an hour of work anyway. But I noticed I seem to getup and go to the bathroom almost every hour. 

Of course, it seems to me that I’m using the bathroom more than anyone. I know this food and coffee thing is important, because I’ve noticed before I will get foggy and not think clearly. I mean, I remember being in my home office lost in space one day. And my wife walked in and asked if I had eaten. Oh wow, food, forgot about it, and it was clear how important it was to eat and all whenever I worked. Then being in some office for eight hours is kinda new for me too. Sure, I was at home, or at USF, but I could always come and go as I wanted, and never had to stay in one office.

I then realized how important it was for me to pray and keep Jesus in my mind and heart all the time. I do whenever I work at home by simply repeating “Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,” over and over again. Now, in an office working for a company, I’ve recognized how important it is to pray. It has become really obvious, as when I forgot to, the computers would crash, or something else wouldn’t work or come apart. Then when I do pray, I’d get random phone calls from clients and friends or other things supporting my work.

Today, I’ve finally been getting more data and results that make sense to me to support work in the office. I’ve literally crashed two or three machines already. My own computer has had software reinstalled a few times, and was wiped clean this weekend to rebuild again for a fresh start on Monday.  I was so happy to finally get good results and clean simple data. So today going to the bathroom, I realized how easy it was to say the Lord’s Prayer then.

Yes, it seems a little weird. But I know I have to pray regularly, and the regular walk to the restroom was just an easy reminder. Like everything with Lent, was building important routines and simple habits that will carry me into my new life. I also tried to do other prayers, but the ease and comfort I found in the Lord’s Prayer was really ideal for me.
We have been wanting you to get into these specifics that you experience. You are leading others into the same clear paths we have been using all along. As you know the ideal is bringing everyone to Love. And having this Love inside of you, and allowing it to grow and bring you forward. Don’t worry so much about trying to speak or explain your history, stay in your own experience and your own truth. Everything will come together and happen exactly as it needs. 
I have been listening to you more, and I feel your strength and guidance all the time.
We need you to stop talking or trying to explain things to others or anyone. You just need to live it, and live it more fully. You know you are able to live this Love at such a higher level. You have always been able to stay in joy and peace. Yes, walk on water and through walls. You need to let go of all the worries, at home, at work, and everything everywhere is irrelevant for you now. It’s time for you to accept your place and responsibility to direct and create this experience as you have imagined. The young intern shifting things beyond all understanding. 
I get it, no more talking, but simply being as best as I can. . . 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to achieve Your Visions!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

help me prioritize these issues

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! This discussion is exploring my learnings and experiences with Dick Alexander.  He started with a prayer, and I remembered how I started work in my office last week, beginning a new tasks, a new project, another thing to do or learn, and I stopped and prayed. Like again now, as I begin to read this over again, and I stop to pray.  The Lord’s Prayer comes out so easily.  And now he begins with something very simple:

Who is God for you. When did you come to know God, what was the reality that hit you “to want to know God.” What shifted inside of you to realize, you needed to pursue a personal relationship with God. What shifted inside of you that made this relationship with God into a priority. As you consider this Witnessing for Jesus, discern what is important to add, and what is not necessary to retell in this experience with God. 
What did you do now?
I stopped and listened to Dick’s instructions that I’ve recorded since we met, and he really wanted me to focus on the priorities that I’ve been seeing and feeling before me.  I'm trying to focus on these essentials to bring more clarity and confidence into my relationship with Jesus, through simplicity . . .This Confidence improves productivity . . . Spiritual freedom, slowing down to carefully experience the true gratitude in this moment I have in Relationship with Jesus . . . BEing instead of Doing. . . 

Knowing now these lessons before me, involve Deep intentional reading, contemplation, meditation, followed by prayers in focused conversation and Journaling, to stay intentionally connected more deeply with Jesus. This is really why I started to journal in the first place.  I knew I was having this ongoing conversation and debate with Jesus. Typing each word to read over and understand, brought me into a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus. And I need to laugh, as I just now sent another video into the Apple Feedback app, where every day I try to do something they’ve not setup to work smoothly yet. And now again I get another notice to update my apps. . . Beta 3 now I see, while it’s not been a week since my last update . . . lol . . . . Yes, they added video to the feedback app, I’ve already complained that it doesn’t record the sounds, so the video is still only halfway there. I mean now useful is seeing a mouse move around the screen, if I don't say what I'm trying to do simultaneously.

Again now this is all about my spiritual relationship with God, all the Love and Joy of Sharing this Divine Grace that Jesus gives me every moment . . . even here at the extreme digitally, where I am getting more tools making it easier and more comfortable to share so much . . . KNOWING:
  1. Always Love and Relationship! 
  2. Love God with Heart, Mind and Soul!
  3. Love our Neighbor as ourselves!
This is more focused on my “Why Statement” to stay more focused and clear to see, feel, and experience more of the “Fruits of the Spirit” around us all the time. These Fruits as the visible and measurable examples of His Love Flowing throughout our lives . . . Keeping this Love always, as Jesus is with us always. 

Those who live in Love, are in God, as God IS LOVE. Keeping these Fruits ever present in our minds and experiences as these are the fulfillment words of blessing we can see all around us:
  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Forbearance 
  5. Kindness
  6. Goodness
  7. Faithfulness
  8. Gentleness
  9. Self Control 
Galatians 5: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, showing the touchstones to gauge our experiences to live intentionally in relationship with God.
What are you feeling?
I always feel there is so much to do and no time, so I feel like I sit wasting time instead of doing anything. I’ve noticed this before. I try to or pretend to, be doing the most important things, reading, writing, and sharing; but really never seem to be doing anything else. I get frustrated with my lack of inspiration and action. I haven’t even made lunch or breakfast today. I’ve been feeling good about work and am happy with my progress there, but not much more.
You Started your laundry, then you know what you need to clean and organize, each little step is progress. The floors are clean and the front rooms are getting more organized, that’s progress, you can sit comfortable on the couch, and share this experience with God.  HOW’S THAT WORKING FOR YOU?
God Grant me the Grace to stay with You as my Priority . . . Priority vs Distractions; means really slowing down to appreciate the beauty, truth, and goodness that I can see and experience all around me. I went back to the Ignatian Adventure Book: I am created to praise, love, and serve God with the indifference of Spiritual Freedom! Indifference in freedom to serve and love as God Wills each moment, not attached to any outcome, or any selfish perspectives to achieve or accomplish something. Detachment from the cultural of corruption that is all around us, to express Spiritual Freedom with Christ-like decisions to subordinate our ego. This is Spiritual Freedom to make Christ like decisions, in partnership with God in all situations . . . Where I must decrease, so Christ may increase to experience heaven on Earth. Reconciliation is to regain equilibrium with Spiritual Freedom, to be open and honest in the moment. Recognizing how accepting the forgiveness of Jesus is my own declaration of intention for expanding my relationship with God.
What is happening, is the more clarity and focus you create allows this mission before you to unfold gently and peacefully.  Again it’s important for you to step into this understanding that you know is necessary for your own progress. Like the crosses that you bear in the legal situations before you. Each one has a specific element you are confronting in the corruption of your culture. How can people understand these deeper challenges you share if you never share these deeper levels. Prioritizing these touchstones that are so critical for others to get these deeper truths.
I have to discuss this with Dick! He wanted to help me prioritize these issues, to simplify the experiences. Taking my time in Joy and Gratitude is fundamental to this experience. Literal vs. Figurative is relative for each story in the Bible and understanding the critical and relevant details in each circumstance is critical. Avoid sin: The lack of gratitude . . . living intentionally, and living deliberately into a Spiritual Culture.  

Recognizing how Jesus has set-me-up to share and learn something deeper and understanding how my WHY STATEMENT comes through more all the time.
Now are the five steps with SEEL: Reading, slowly carefully, Contemplation, Meditation, Prayer and Journalling followed by Examine. Where the readings support a Theme, and this theme is what is critical. . . Contemplation on the word of phrase - - - a long loving look at the real words. . . . Savoring this moment. Distilling the message down to the essence which we take into meditations followed by Prayers = talking to God about the experiences. 
I get to spend more quality time with God. And develop a deeper relationship with God
Ask yourself, What does God want for you? Or what do you want for your daughter or your granddaughter. . . 
I’ve finally come back to the Fruit of the Spirit. When I think about what GOD WANTS, or more

intimately what Jesus Wants, or my mother and all the love and joy I’ve seen or shared in relationships. . . We all just want to be understood, and loved or accepted as who we are and what we can do. 

What comes to mind for me is Mrs. Michaelson from kindergarten. She was the art teacher who really just loved me. She always just wanted me to BE ME, to express myself. . . To share the gifts that I had. I remember all the art I did in school, and how it was really the only thing I could work on. Every time we did art work I was always so focused and diligent. Then she always wanted my projects for the display case and I remember how mad I got about never getting my projects back, or having pieces damaged or broken. Then she was transferred to the middle school when I was there and again she wanted my work for her display case. And again my cool piece was broken and I still have this one, where she glued the broken lid back together after it was damaged. . . 

It was third grade where Mrs Lemon came into substitute as our teacher went into the hospital with cancer. And she knew I was trouble, and would drive her crazy. And immediately as she came into the class she got me alone and told me I was in-charge of the bulletin board, where I had to redecorate it for each new section we studied in class. . . So every week I’d be making pictures and collecting art to fill the space for the next week, busy doing my own thing, working on art instead of getting into trouble sent to the principals office again.
What you’ve shared in your experience is what has worked for you. When you consider your love and life in Christ and what you know and share Spiritually what higher calling do you feel here?
I guess, when I think about my accident and how I really did NOT want to come back. I felt so frustrated and disgusted with the culture and the priorities forced on me all my life. And then to end up as an engineer, building and designing infrastructure to support a pathetic culture. To really consider what I would want to be or express as my highest self. . . recognizing how my mom, God and Jesus would only want me to be and express the highest-best version of myself possible.

Yes, God has always wanted me to express the bestest, highest, most profound self that I can find inside of me. Does this mean art, or beauty, or brains, or something else, I’ve not yet considered or experienced yet. And what’s interesting again, is how I remember that accident, and how coming back was only to help Jesus reclaim His Kingdom. I mean, I knew the Wild Kingdom and the beauty and Grace found throughout the woods and wilderness ruled by “wild” animals and creatures, which sustained and supported themselves magically reinforcing and recycling everything to support growth and development.

And then I know that the snake deceived mankind into a gluttony of lies, where greed and consumerism. poisons and destroys most everything, approaching the growth and development of love.  So Mankind and Nature were on opposite ends of the spectrum one seeking love and bliss, while the other seeking only to destroy and control all aspects. 
What about your desire and place in this?
I know again how I was able to see and live in both places, or how I did live in each side. Even seeing and sharing the extremes in each sides. And then seemingly returning here to make it work. What does Jesus reclaiming His Kingdom “look like?”

Is that what I want? 
Is that what God wants for me?
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to achieve these dreams!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ Wow, I still have sooo much to do. . . This is some of the apple feedback I’ve given. . . 

Friday, February 02, 2024

Strength, Love, & Wisdom to ACHIEVE YOU

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you doing now
I’m kinda struggling. I’m already at Trips sitting for Breakfast now -, and have been up for a few hours. I’m really challenged with all the extra pieces and such I need to deal with! Yes, the regular job is great, especially since I have no tenants. But then of course, I need to clean and redecorate again. I get ready for something and then everything shifts. I seem to be putting a hundred things together and then there are a hundred others that I never saw, expected, or considered. I guess that’s really nothing new for me you have always played this game with me, make me think I can do something important on exciting and then it completely shifts.... Into something bigger and Better far beyond my imagination.
What about posting all that you’ve been working on and reviewing it more with us.
I guess the thing that was a priority this last week was getting the VA reports done at work. I felt like we were talking a different language and were not seeing the same things. As weird as it was, he kept asking me to compare apples and oranges. Each time I would try to get deeper into both reports to find what he was asking for. But finally, I explained how one report was a completed study, while the second was only about “how to complete” the study, with no more details or examples completed to compare to. I was sorta embarrassed telling him off almost. So this morning when I awoke, I opened up the second report again, found the executive summary and copied out the first paragraph and listing of what they were doing, in preparing a summary of methods. Then sent it to him. Essentially confirming all I said..
What this is all about is your experience and consciousness of devotion, this shields you from the trauma. Yes you are speaking about what happened and what the challenge at work was. You are really just deflecting, because you know the real challenge was going out for beer with another attorney. Most people would feel speaking with dozens of attorney’s is Wrong or a last resort to be avoided at all costs.  You however recognize how your honestly and insights can really be powerful and effective. You have always done this. Just like you have always approached the leadership and always stepped beyond the rules. It’s that experience of walking through walls. You grew up in the woods talking with the trees who guided your every step, as we are again now. Still you are fearless and arrogant in a sense, another gift for you.
I guess so, as each new cross i get makes me stronger and clearer for the next day and next step before me. Which makes me wonder about my children!
What you need to speak more about is getting out for the beer.
I know after meeting Kevin for breakfast at Trips, I had to meet an attorney about my mortgage! He totally understood and agreed with everything I said to him. He knows how the system is all stacked against us. People have become more like cattle in this system of greed and control. Real love and life don’t matter at all anymore. The entire system is completely focused on the bottom line and nothing else. Society and community is not the purpose or goal any more, but only a by-product, only another necessary component to get more cash. It’s really become obscene. . . 
What have you done about it. 
I get it, you still want me to change everything. So I recognize how this loop hole and deception this company uses to "scare me” and intimidate me are really standard practice to squeeze more money out of me. No one argues, No One fights, everyone is scared to buck the system since these companies are regulated and always follow the rules. What total BS, not many companies follow the rules at all anymore, its all greed and deceptions. They spend more time and efforts trying to find loopholes to con another victim. 
What are you doing now… in bed, drinking the fanciest beer you ever had, writing with a pen! Making complete scribbles sometimes, and still the app gets it written out perfect. Do you remember asking for this, and then thinking to yourself that we would do some magic! Maybe crazy kinds of things where some gremlin came in to fix your mess each night. We seem to remember you looking under your bed, thinking you could catch them. Good luck looking inside this pin and iPad. You will never find them in here. But you on getting closer. 
I know you wake me up and get me all excited about something and then you want me to write all these details.
WE really have told you the full story already, with all the details from the very start. You still walk through walls and no on can touch you. No one can follow you. Usually not one will understand completely either. But this has made you wet strong and agressive. We asked you to share and more and more comes out every day. 
I know I prayed before welcome last night, asking you to speak instead of me. I’ve already told everyone to ask for Jesus. To specifically demand for the name of Jesus to be voiced in their heads before they act. We all know we hear all sorts.
What about getting specific, you know who you speak to. Are you ready to share these deep truths. Are you afraid son. Thought you were fearless. Thought you could walk through walls, thought yon beat the matrix everytime. Thought you chewed them up and spit them out to make more compost. You have always been able to do this. Why do you think it would be any different now. 
I guess I should not be surprised. I've always rebelled against the system. I’ve always beaten it too. And now I see the snake showing up again. Changing key words here to confuse the meaning. I go back and read what I wrote, and find words changed.
 Change. Snake always after me. Lol. That's nothing new. Beat his asS into the ground all the time.
What about some sleep now, you finished your beer. And you finished this Page. Great staff on Facebook and linked in. It's all perfect. 
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to ACHIEVE YOU!
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Fw: February 2024 Tarotscope, Astrology, and Numerology Forecasts

you know I have RANDOMLY, forwarded messages to you both for YEARS!

Chris gave me crap about it once, saying some BCC written to someone else is meaningless. . . Again today I'm in Tears writing a message "to someone else" that I wish I could share with my Family. 

I've never had real Family. EXCEPT FOR YOU! . . . Sure, Kim and Collen, Dad and Mom. . . only MOM was unconditional and uninterrupted. . . and unending through everything and anything!!! I mean you both even left me for ten years. . . (and might never read this, and certainly won't answer)

The Men's Fraternity at Saint Raphael's asks us to witness to each other all the time. . . I mean real men, sharing REAL LIFE. . . I mean, holding up another who gets to tears. . . I mean real tears. I bet you didn't know this. My dad would beat me when I was a kid. I mean, belts, and all really bad, where I had stripes on my body and blood. Most people can not even understand this. Except maybe the women at the AlphaHouse. . . But when people ask me to explain. . . I say a few things. . . Like, I never knew how it affected me. . . Except KIM Taught me how to CRY AGAIN. I didn't cry when you guys left me. I didn't cry when my mom died. I just didn't cry at all anymore. . . . It's like one time, I was speeding through town, drunk again; with three people in my little rabbit.  I laughed racing by the cop hidden at the gas station, and shut off my lights. . . Course the sirens turned on and he was after me. The guys YELLED for me to stop. 

So I did.. . . when the cop looked in my window. . . "OH Shit, do you know what your dad will do to you! . . . who else can drive?  Take this kid home. . . " Later I found out that he had seen my dad pick me up at the police station once. . .(did you know Chuck's Dad was the county Sheriff, who likely knew more about me tan I do)  The belt was swinging in the car. I couldn't run, I couldn't hide. . . Whatever the cop saw, was enough to save me ass again. . . Funny the last year in High School I thought I was invisible. . . the cops would never stop me or approach me. . . Even once when they saw us walking up from the valley where we exploded something I made,there was this giant cloud of sparks and such behind us . . . . when the cop drove right past me. . . 

Oh anyway. . . I love you guys, and I have posted my messages to you on a blog, since you came home again see the CC

Rafe, bringing the stars to man

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From: OMTimes Magazine <>
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Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 06:41:09 AM EST
Subject: February 2024 Tarotscope, Astrology, and Numerology Forecasts

Featured Articles:

Tarotscope February 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

By Liane Buck

The Tarotscope Forecast February 2024 shows that the time has come to mature some ideas in order to put into practice what is in the realm of thought.


Astrology Forecast February 2024

By Kathy Biehl


Throughout this month, three key components of your life will meet the new and streamlined approaches that will become the norm over the next 20 years.

Ascending Hearts

2024 - Year of the Wood Dragon

By Liane Buck

Unleash the power, wisdom, and good luck of the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024. Embrace growth, success, and prosperity with this revered symbol in Chinese tradition.


The Jealous Side of Each Zodiac Sign

By Liane Buck


Explore the influence of zodiac signs on jealousy behaviors and gain insights into how to handle them for a stronger love connection.

Love Life Forecast

The Year of the Dragon: Chinese Horoscope Forecast for all Signs

By OMTimes

As the Year of the Wood Dragon approaches, the 2024 Chinese Horoscope brims with exciting prospects and transformative moments for each astrological sign. This majestic and auspicious year promises a mix of opportunities, challenges, and changes.


What is Your Life Path In Numerology?

By Liane Buck


Unveil the secrets of your life path and fulfill your true potential with Numerology's guidance on finding your life purpose.


Numerology Forecast: True Love is Freedom

By Greer Jonas

As the Year of the Wood Dragon approaches, the 2024 Chinese Horoscope brims with exciting prospects and transformative moments for each astrological sign. This majestic and auspicious year promises a mix of opportunities, challenges, and changes.


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Sunday, January 07, 2024

The New year’s perspective

Yes I’ve noticed I’ve been writing more freely in other places. I also realize how much more I need to write. It’s gotten very clear to me. . . As the radio says now “hold on just a little bit longer”

"The system goes back-and-forth between talking and writing in hand writing and pen. Sometimes I get annoyed thinking, but I just don’t need to be doing anything. Sitting inside feeling cold hello but I was writing in my book when I went to get a cuppa coffee I felt the sunshine coming through the kitchen window. That’s so wonderful. So now I’m outside on the rocking chair in the sun Sitting in the sun and my pen isn’t working now or 

Allow2Create: Sunday, January 7, 2024Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I have been too excited and distracted. I know there is so much for me to do, I try to step up and do what's necessary. I still seem to loose touch and believe or do things that don't register or make any sense to me. I guess my whole life has been very fast and constant. Now I recognize how much I need to slow down and be present with my immediate challenges. Which may not be what they seem and can easily be something I’ve not done 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What do you think?
It really get annoying when I know you want me to write, and I’m not doing it the right way, so nothing works!
What have you learned to do with your self when nothing works?
I know! I need to pray. I need to get JESUS into

my mind, and heart, and Spirit!
How many times have you heard this? What is your excuse now?  You have so many tools and abilities that you are tripping over them. You recognize and feel these everywhere and REPEATEDLY hear how much you need to slow down and take your time reading and sharing at a deeper level. BUT SLOWLY.  You still are running people over.
I know. I’m sorry. And I guess this was important for me to learn. Just like recognizing how much more I need to write. And write slowly with a pen and paper. Or I guess typing now, as it also forces me to be “SLOW” and careful. No typos’ and not hitting the wrong keys, even as I hit the wrong keys over and over and then the words change before my eyes making them correct most of the time .
 What did you come here to write about now?
I know, I need to more carefully examine what I was writing and reviewing with Dick. . . .
Thank you Dear Jesus for this wonderful sunshine today. Thank you for this clean porch where I can sit and write with ease. Thank YOU JESUS for all these gifts and pleasures of mankind that you have given me so freely. Please help me to respect and honor all those who you send to me to share in this space and beauty. 
What did you do about this?
 Yes, I know I removed all the airbnb listings except for the one that Dawn and I did for her clients to get the space they needed for healing. I know we had listed the space in the $3000 or $30,000 range, but I didn’t put it up that high. . . Yes I WILL!
Again We are helping things to shift at so many levels. . . That This whole life is a PLAN. And yes you need to be sure to post the picture you just snapped. Again you have asked for all these tools, and you were very specific and very demanding about every detail that you have at hand now. YES Now, you have them all, so now you must use. Them. . . .We couldn’t love you anymore, take a look at the cross. . . Anymore. Anymore than WE do right now. . .
 I get it. I know. I wrote a note to Leslie now too. Just like a heads-up . . . Like I’m so grateful to be alone again. I wondered around greeting all my plants and checking to see if everyone was ok. I still or ALWAYS will have sooooo much to do. But it’s good to know I don’t need to do anything now, or not in any rush at all. Funny, I was looking up the Mass times at St Pauls thinking how I missed the morning times helping an ABB guest get out. And as it turned out the St Raphael’s Mass tonight is earlier than St Pauls. . . So I’m happy about tht, adn really even laugh to myself about it.
What were you working on?
Yes, I know I need to finish with my lessons this morning and speak with you more about it all.Ahh, “discernment” that has always been my problem with the ABB. I knew Jesus only sends me Angels, but then I forgot that this means respecting where “they are” and understanding or listening for their challenges, BEFORE I bury them with all the spontaneous solutions I can see everywhere.
We have explained this to you before, that you have been able to see and understand things at a different level than most people. Not many have asked for this deeper insight that you have. You wanted to understand how things worked and why we were not more present and active with everyone. As you know, true Love only comes with a conscious choice. Having the ability to choose and not choose, understand and explore, or not are all necessary elements to bring Love to Agape Love where we are. 
 I get it, and it bring me back to understanding my discernment and deeper need for discernment. It’s more than who I bring into my space and what things I allow to happen on my property. I always recognize my responsibility to share what I’ve been given. But then I don’t always see and know that I need to honor these gifts and respect my limitations, as well as respecting how others might see and interpret my gifts and abilities.
What did you experience now?

 I was outside putting seeds into my bird feeder and one of my neighbors walked by “Happy New Year.” Yes, feeling the love and joy of having such wonderful neighbors is knew for me now. It’s recognizing the fruits of the spirit. Not just the joy and love of connection. Speaking a bout the perfect sunny day and the vibrant rainfall we has yesterday that we really needed. But then also knowing that I am here in the right place at the right time to do and share whatever it is that I’ve been gifted. 
We have again been very specific and very focus with this insight for you. . . 
 I know it’s about learning what’s real about my own discernment. What can I do now. What do i need to do now. How can I take more responsibility and control of myself to honor God and all I’ve been given?
What can we share?
 I guess it’s more about gettin ready and gettin serious about this “new life” that I’m stepping into. I’m able to bike to work, and I can do this starting tomorrow, or tonight by biking to church. Taking responsibility begins with my own exercises and responsibilities at home. I have so much I can do or not do. I want to be at ease, and this means making my space suitable for me and what I need. What do I really need moving into my own space and my own experience before me. I need to be slow and careful about my job and stay very clear and focused about my own professional experiences and world before me. 
We are here to help?
 I know. . . Thanks you so much, I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.