Sunday, January 22, 2017

linking worlds together in 3d-piled higher and deeper

3d-phd HOWEVER, My Question,
If we build transit and rail here in Florida and reduce the roadways for people to walk and bike.
· Who will employ all the gas station attendants, and mechanics in repair shops that lose work?
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What as bizarre trip you are on, you should write everything that happened to you 
It would be a great idea, but much too much to do now, as I need to get busy on a hundred or so other things that are due now, or sooner!
What brings you here then?
I've not been able to get focused!
What's new?  This was how we could get you into trouble so easily.  You never hesitate when it comes to spontaneous inspiration.  Like Friday, riding your bike right up to people at MOSI.  You knew who you needed to speak to.  You really had no idea why, but as one person turned to walk away you went back to the first that you passed. As usual everything happens exactly as it needs to happen.  And nothing more needs to be addressed.  You said what you needed and were inspired to say.  Connecting more of the dots than anyone needed to know about. . . it's always the same there for you.  You are ready and able to do what needs to get done.  And each moment more tools and abilities fall into your hands as you need them and know they are able.
I don't know how I can keep up with everything!  Sometimes I feel like such an idiot, pushing the limits of things on one side while knowing there is more on the other side that I have not dealt with yet
We know, and sometimes, those two sides are one in the same, and you really have jsut over-looked something that "magically" appears before you.  It's never knew for you, but you are always able to carry it forward.  As you are at the right place at the right time, that is part of your nature. No worries, all things are fine and super, move forward and trust it all is as it must be. . .
I still get nervous!
We know, that is part of being alive, it insures you check and recheck and take carful time and effort to be sure everything is aligned before moving forward . . .trust it all as it is. . . 
I know, Please Lead and Guide me to fulfill all that you have set before me, in the Name for Father, Son and Holy Ghost., Amen.  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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