Thursday, February 21, 2019

What's a Catalysts?

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What happened?
Once again I am totally floored with my power and focus! I get the sense about how I can make things happen at a completely higher level. I know I am moving higher all the time. I get this vibrational sense that things are shifting and that I can make things move so much stronger and clearer.
What was the sense you found in the dream last night?
It was like I just showed up somewhere randomly and everything about their challenge and struggle was something I could do in my sleep! No challenge for me at all, while they almost gave-up. It was really something I had done or felt over and over again. Like moving into my house for the first time and knowing I could really do a lot there and move things forward very easily beyond all limitations.

Now, I'm reminded of first arriving in Tampa for college, and feeling like I was in a time-warp back into High School, where everyone was struggling and trying to figure out what I had already done the last ten-years. Course, I'd been down this road over and over again? Do you think I could get it right this time? And what does it mean to get it right? Does this mean being someone else? Does this mean being who I AM? Does this mean BEing more than I AM? How could I BE MORE? What is it that I'm exploring or trying to understand now, that is beyond me, or forcing me to grow and achieve more.

This brings me back to my feeling with Nwad and Ylrebmik. . .  is it my place to help the Goddess Fulfill herself! Am I just the catalysts that is found or discovered at the one moment that it's needed. Like the tiny spark or lightning that hit the mud puddle at just the right time to start the cells of life on Earth. Nothing more, not something constant or endless, but that tiny little bit that's needed to get this started and that's it. Nothing more.
What if that's why you are always left alone. You can not spark-up something new if you are all surrounded and engulfed in the old? Everything about creation and evolving requires freedom and moving forward. The old might prop you up, but allowing for new growth, creation, and evolution is more than this. SO MUCH MORE! 
I'm not happy alone! Abandoned AGAIN!
. . . Or Not always happy. It's weird how these things come and go for me. Like being alone again now is weird. But I'm looking forward to my parents doing their snow-bird trip. They've been down here in Florida since November and are leaving Monday until next November. I could never have a house for only 4 months, why bother! It seem like such a waste of time and effort, or cash! But that's what snow-birds do and that's like 75-80% of the population in Florida. Weird!
What about getting unstuck, releasing the energy that is stuck . . . releasing unresolved trapped energy of trauma, pain and stuck energy. . . releasing the individual and the universal energy of entrapped, constriction, and betrayal . . . for completing cycles, releasing ourselves into our own renewal . . . write down the treads you have stuck still . . . 
I know name and claim to release it all . . . give it to God, and bring to the Light!

What do you think you have left out?
I'm not sure? I've talked to my Dad about this and knew my Wife left, or came so I could! But I guess I never said how I felt "abandoned." I was abandoned by my wife when Hurricane Irma Hit on 9/11. So did I feel abandoned by my Dad sometime? Maybe there was one time, one event? I know we would always joke about him missing my Birthday! And of course I remember a big Birthday party my Mom did for me once too. . .
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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