Friday, January 27, 2012


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What did you do now?
It's really interesting as I am getting clear into my power more than ever. . . I'm blogging in the library again now, using one of the free-library-lender-laptops.  It's almost mystical as I could remember writing in high school wanting and dreaming of the space and time that I could be getting serious about who i am and what i do using the free resources of the universe like this.

I've always been in the same place doing the same things.  Present with what is, creating and engineering new ways to cooperate.  Here again I feel this awesome power and clarity where I could very easily be creating the thing that I am always about creating.  I feel the opportunity and actions that I need, as I can see the truth and plan before me.  I've really gotten a lot of flashes about what I can do.  It's really such a trip all the little pieces coming together like magic.

Today in class the professor said the same thing I've heard countless times.  Again about writing and tenure and making things very clear and specific for my research.  Not only did he answer the list of questions Tom gave me Tuesday, but also gave us a very clear outline for presenting our research topics in his class.  I always laugh about how I am always in the right place at the right time.  But this time, it connected better with every other aspect of myself.  It was all there done and clear.  Like somehow hearing these words, seeing them written on the whiteboard, and also on the paper in front of me made them more real than ever.  Then I also thought how he had gone online to show me what to look for in the library research site.  I've been there hundreds of times, and know where to find everything.  But still somehow he was clear and specific enough to fill some gap in things that I already knew.  I was ready t!
What did you Flash to this morning?
I was biking in and felt I was taking Kala with me.  Biking through the areas to create a new project for a team of students.  They were all signed up for the next year of creating global solutions.  We have to make it all work in our backyard before we can do anything anywhere else!
What did you see
II Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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