Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wake Up World, do you want ‘Thriving Life’ or ‘Destructive Death’ |

As far as the value systems that derive from this ‘economy based on death and destruction’ are concerned, here are just a few: we have to be trained to value competing — globally over goods and resources and individually over position and income to buy those goods and resources. We have to be trained to value hierarchical structures, rather than connection, because it keeps us on the level of ‘we deserve more than you’ or ‘you are worth less than us’. Above all, we have to be brainwashed into believing that we have to value a growing economy over everything else. To keep this myth alive demands that we consume, that we buy the latest smart phone, the latest fashion, the latest overpriced food stuffs, present ever younger ‘faces’ through spending fortunes on cosmetics and surgery, flaunt ever bigger houses, better cars and so on. This striving for ‘consumption’ – yes, also the consumption now of information – leaves no space for love, caring and sharing, for equal distribution or for coming together as nations to tackle the issues that concern us all, such as the destruction of our planet.  The Return of the Feminine Principle: A Question of ‘Thriving Life’ or ‘Destructive Death’ | Wake Up World

Everything about healing comes down to one simple rule: You must become who-you-really-are. That means to love, accept and be yourself no matter what. You can’t contract your energy for others or for fear or for anything else. No light dimming allowed. When you get to this point of being unapologetically you, your energy will flow, your body will be in full healing mode, and you’ll be on your way to miracles. Bonus: Life will also be super fun and a million times easier than it is now. I truly believe that straying from and separating from your inner being, or who you really are, is the root of discontent in the body. The more you come back to being unapologetically you, the better your life will feel. It’s called being “in alignment” (we’re talking with who you are and want to be, not with everyone else) and it’s more amazing than you can imagine. Yep, it’s that simple. Amy's Approach: The One Simple Rule - Energy Therapy for Emotional Healing

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What an interesting set of quotes to post for beginning this new discussion!
It's what popped up before me and created a space for truth!
What is most important is letting this truth come out fully, and strongly in your work as you see fit, beyond all the programming and greed that locks everyone into fear and insecurity.  The truth that you know and need to share will only come out if you PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.
It figures that you would get into my face so strongly like this!
Unprocessed emotions, unresolved trauma and damaging belief systems (ones we don’t even recognize we have!) are the biggest contributors to why we suffer with symptoms. In many ways, the way we experience our lives from an emotional standpoint is a blueprint for how it unfolds. Not only do stored energies cause us to experience intense emotional reactions like fear, excessive worry, and sadness; but they have a huge impact on our immune systems, which affect our physical bodies. By releasing these emotions, we free ourselves from negative emotional patterns, and employ our immune system’s full healing capabilities (My Own Healing).
I know this, and reading it again from another author is somehow important for me now?  I'm not really sure, except it's something that I must address and look at more fully!
What came out for you?
I went to speak to my wife about this, as she was dealing with death again!  I told her she had somehow not resolved a death or a step through this process once before in her life.  She did not seem to fully understand so I told her the story of forgiving my father after playing catch when i was 5 years old.  He could not recognize that the glove was too big for me, or that for some reason I could not close it with my little hand.  Course all he could see was that I couldn't catch the ball when he threw it to me and that was all he cared.  So I expressed how important it was for me to forgive him and allow the little child inside of me to be heard to resolve this issue from so long ago.  It's like any experience we have or need to have for us to grow and move on, not having it, or missing it, leaving part of us stuck at this one place.
We know she has to deal with these things on her own time and space as only she can know and do . . . 
I know.  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Please fill us with Your strength Love and Wisdom to carry us on to fulfill your glory, Amen!

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