Monday, June 20, 2016

Another new article?

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What happened?
It was totally weird.  I met with a local writer who had published with Science: Nasus!   I wanted her opinion on my work.  She told me to write the feature editor again and ask if he could reconsider my piece if I were to revise it.  Course everyone has been telling me to get a co-author so I figured that was a great revision.  I was getting ready to resubmit somewhere else anyway, so asking him about a revisions with a co-author would be great to also include a new copy in the different format.

I worked and worked, read and rushed, just anxious to get it out.  I had to copy it all to Nhoj, Annod and Drahcir as they were all wanting to know about my progress too.  Course I copied to Nasus and the other authors who might co-author. . . lol . . . BCC to Nhoj, the President and Lead Editor too.
Yes, but What happened!
I got home and read what I submitted!  Wow, I screwed my first paragraph of the introduction!  It was a mess, completely unintelligible and disjointed.  Yea, rushing last minute serves me right!  The next day I was so embarrassed I had no idea what to do. . . So I made the revisions.  Visited the Library to have it all read over - - - only a few coma's and a word here and there changed.  Then I resent it all out again.
Dear Dr. Editor,
The last file I sent was a mistake.
I had made a mistake in the first paragraph of the introduction.
If you are inspired to read this. Please use the attached.
Have a great weekend,
Of course, this also meant I needed to resubmit to the new journal as well.  I sent the same note to the editor there, and last night already had a reply authorizing the resubmittal.  Now today, the assigned editor there wants a Word file instead of the PDF?  So essentially I'm revising the article again?  Or reviewing it once more . . . how cool is that! Third time's a Charm!
What do you think we are here for?  WHAT DID YOU DO?
I know . . . I realized that I was getting another chance to read and revise this piece again.  So I stopped and went to read it all over again.  NOW, this time I'm checking references and fine tuning things a bit more ;-)

Thank You Loving Lord Jesus Christ for being here with me and guiding me through all this!
We have always been here, and you know that's what we need to hear from you.  
11.45am I'm thrilled, this is really awesome!  Not only is my work looking KILLER, but it's these tiny little tweaks that make it all priceless . . . lol . . . Like the top left quote on this blog is what I added, at first messing everything up, that needed to be fixed . . . now it reads: 
We suggest Urban Agriculture (UA) can significantly reduce planetary impacts through engaged stakeholders and knowledgeable leaders stepping beyond the industrial puppeted "burrocrats" (aka bureaucrat, pronounced burro-crat as in burro, a small donkey and the Greek suffix -kratia or kratos, meaning "power" or "rule." Burrocrats: "jackass rules").
I love that phrase . . . it was commented on by Dr Dron when he suggested I get a Phd!

4.38pm. I made all my revisions and sent it out again exactly as i had before with all the copies. Wow, it's neat to go back to read this again. Funny, how i skip to the parts that i want to read. The intro is a lot stronger and clearly focused on the american machine again, which i guess is where I started with Dr Dron. . . course i also went and found all the last few articles from the lead editor and president, so it's really kinda cool to see that my piece is really on point with some of their work too - - - addressing the big picture critical issues that we are all needing to get into now anyway.
We are really happy about your work.  It is really a challenge for you and you are pressing it beyond the limits again, and pushing in all directions.  That is something you are good at doing . . . you've had a lot of practice, trying to get around your father and schools and all the other rules placed before you. You know, even your son will comment on daddy rules about breaking rules! Or the ruler of the rule-breaker, and everyone has noticed this too, saying you are pushing the limits and getting away with too much, but then it's you who writes presidents and tells them what to do and what not to do. you are always very clear and strong about it all.
I guess so, someone has to be! 6/20/2016 10.10am, it was weird yesterday we were waiting for brunch and Mik said how I'm always pushing the limits and somehow it works for me. Doing things the wrong-way that no one would ever try, as it's obviously wrong, but it works for me! Like when we got the new roof, everyone else would get estimates, and review contractors for months or weeks before.  But avoiding all warning about coming inspectors and deadlines, the last week before the due date . . . I met a contractor working next door and asked about a new roof.  Suddenly getting an installation done that weekend.  No prep-time, now details, met someone, got a quote, and then got it done in no time at all.  No one ever does that, but some How I did!
What's this all about?
It is really all about my faith and trust in God!  Of course I knew i could pull it off, nothing ever stands in my way.  It's really always weird, like the 13 cents left after grocery shopping at three stores and getting gas.  lol, or the insurance refund showing up just in time for the electric bill.  This really happens to me all the time, and I never have to worry about it.  It's all in God!  Thanks Love Lord Jesus!
What you always remember is the gratitude and grace you have around you in accepting that things come to you as you need, since you move in spirit.  You are always following and leading into the things you know you must do.  It's never a challenge for you. And seemingly no one can get away with it like you have, because you always have. Like you read in the journals today where engineering students who have the practice and introductions reinforced at young ages results in the support and direction - - - and confidence to succeed in engineering.  You have consistently pressed and pursued things beyond the place that anyone could believe. This is your nature, this is who you are. Like always knowing things would come around and be exactly as you want or need. Whether it's the budget and the bills or the next article you need to write and express, suddenly the aspects and pieces you need to make it happen all appear before your eyes. 
But remember, as with the roofer, it's being prepared to follow through.  Asking the right questions, and stepping through the open doors. These doors don't just appear, you find them, ask to open them, and even create new doors from nothing, where others would not even look.
I know, it's about pushing the limits, and always staying in my Faith that this and everything is exactly as it needs to be for me to get to that next place that I want to get!
We have been waiting, you have created and pressed for things for so long, and so strong, it's good for you to get results, and see things become as you dream.
I am so grateful for this experience with You!  Thank You so much for my wonderful children, family, friends, lover and life; I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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