Sunday, August 18, 2019

flash to new systems

I Flash to new systems for feeding the whole city based on restoring the waters in this area.

What is remarkable again is that you are dancing around this power and focus so easily and simple for you, while never even considering the extreme change and opportunity that you will bring to the whole Earth to create a completely new place designed in-step with Nature.
It's really what we have always talked about from the very beginning! 

We have never changed. And you are discovering that you have not changed too much either. You have the flare for creation and change that is your favorite thing ever. And you spontaneously inspire and encourage others to engage and grow all the time as well.
I am so THANKFUL for all you have lead me to and guide me further as here again: now4u2

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

We have been trying to make it clear to you for so long how this is all been your own creation. You already know where the next phases will be. You already have all the rivers designed, and all that you do is move the water around like Father, like Son. Creation from the waters of the Earth is really all we are about here anyway. And many are starting to realize that the "divide and conquer" methods of the machine and the church, really have nothing to do with evolution or growth, but more about monopoly and control.
I know i keep finding that we are more profitable when we share and grow together and encourage and support all life! Instead of limit and control it!

What are all are finding is that limit and control is actually the problem, not the solution. For example, the wealthy have already spent eons trying to limit and control the poor. This has resulted in increasing population of poor. Each time they try to limit the water, the food, create new diseases and poisons, they soon discover that this has a greater reach of multiple side-effects, which have the opposite effect. We are always surprised how they keep trying and trying regardless of who the results show the opposite.
Consider the divide and conquer of the right and left, or the white and black? This has increased the white-supremist efforts that are back-firing, literally ending the control of guns and violence. The global effect will be long lasting, and those industries slatted to loose the most, are actually those same industries who started it.
I know this is a nature-effect! Like the evolution of the city and the environment connecting more and more. Since mankind is a part of Nature, and the movement of water in our bodies and surrounding is what makes it all possible. While this greed-machine dividing our waters to control who has clear or dirty is a sick disease which will only continue to kill. While combining these is what is needed. Recreating the wholistic flows for creating life beyond profits. It's more important to support individuality, individual rights, democracy, libertarianism, anarchy, rebellion, and the revolution of Spirit that brings us out of the lies, Brules and Fake news into the Truth of our power. . . lol . . . just got this

What a trip
I know, nothing new for me!

What's next?
I need to exercise!

my first hour every morning. . .

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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