Thursday, September 12, 2019

grateful and happy for everything

I never slept last night, I was so wired, and crazy reading, and rethinking all my emails. Then I sent my dads note to him, 4 times. So he was wired about it too, posting notes, questions and changes up till 12:00 midnight last night. Then I met with Yrag yesterday too, who liked and opened more doors for me with YFG, who I meet on Friday to create a new deal.

Yrag made me copies of the critical pieces and returned the toxic piece of Ttocs’s work. He then got really specific about priorities and goals I should keep in mind as I move forward.... I left his office and went to Kinkos to get my copies scanned. I then called Llib to discuss next steps. I was thrilled he returned my call in moments, to recommend a meeting next week. I then drove to Oxford Exchange for a glass of wine, with my reading the scanned files.

I also wrote my dad that moment. And they had no WiFi, so I never could send it . . . . Or so I thought, actually sending it four times before the night was over. I know I’m in such an awesome space. It feels so very clear and strong. Crazy great as well, Yrag asked me about Mik as we sat down. Gone 9/11/17 with Irma, cash clearing the bank from the house sale also on 9/11/18 and now discussing new world with him 9/11/19.... She was interviewing for a St Pete Job, and resigned from Ytinummoc Gnippets Senots .... he was really surprised, but she said the commute from St Pete made that impossible... which is crazy, as he commutes from st Pete now too. . . .

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What a wonderful experience to see this set of three powerful events, exactly as year apart. Powerful dates, powerful numbers, powerful experiences. . . more power coming to focus each day. Trust what is, and move forward in this power and clarity. 
I am so very grateful and happy for everything that’s before me. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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