Thursday, April 09, 2020

Lady of Lourdes Garden

Yesterday, I was told about the Lady of Lourdes Garden next the the St Paul's Church. . . WOW clear and pretty powerful space. When I walked in, I immediately knew I had to do Ritual. . . so I raced home to get my mat and such for Ritual. When I got back the SUN had gone down. . . . oops too late?!

Later I realized I had to do Ritual with the Full Moon instead.  So I raced over again on my bike, . . . oops too early?! the Moon was so low on the horizon it was hidden behind all the trees.

Uhg, still no Ritual. So I rode my bike home and the Moon was shining BRIGHT and CLEAR into my backyard. Dropped everything and did Ritual that moment. Yes I know I need to do this more and more. The Earth is screaming for more Energy, more Sunshine, sent deep into her center. . . yes, on my to-do list. . .

if you look closely this is a unicorn
not the Easter Bunny
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What do you really feel now. . . 
It's Easter Jesus, I feel like crying!
What's wrong with that, why not do some crying.
I really miss Ylrebmik!  And I know her dad passed 4/1; and it feels like we would always honor him in our Family Easter Celebrations and prayers today. . . . instead I was ready to do all these things I was "supposed to-do" today . . . busy instead with sending silly pictures to my kids and family.
Yes it is a HOLY day, Where it's important for you to relax a bit. Always stressing with more and more all the time really serves no one.
I know, so I went to sleep and have been in bed almost all day!

I need your Strength, Love, and Wisdom . . . I pray for your Glory, Amen!  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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