Tuesday, February 18, 2020

connect with them as a community

ok, so more time to understand who I am.

It's obvious that I really needed to be alone for a year or so before working again. Then the silly job with Ecurb was really ideal to get me back into focus. I realized how many times I wish I had made an effort to get to know my team and connect with them as a community, a team, a family. Course I was distracted with all sorts of family stuff, including that my mom died, so I felt like my family was gone.

Wow, I spent a year figuring out what I wanted to do and then suddenly found myself walking into a pretty cool company ready to step into the next place. Not only were they ready to take me seriously, but when I took my stand and made a case for something, I was successful. Norahs has said all along that I'm exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I do best. I've sorta had that experience all my life, which is why I was so pissed about the motorcycle accident.

I mean if I'm in FLOW and moving into things all the time . . . why should I ever be SLAMMED for anything that I do or that shows up. I guess it was just my time and space to evolve to this next space where I can be doing what I do best.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

We are really pressing you to step up again. Each day you are challenged with more work to do and more efforts that only you can step into. Making the efforts and setting the skills and stage for future works is all in the process.
I guess that's why I am here today!
We were very clear with you about what you needed to do. Coming to this Wordpress Meetup was important for your next steps. . . 
I didn't know I would be blogging or getting more online, yet!
What are you waiting for? You are starting to talk more, both to us directly, and to your technologies that convert your words to text.
I noticed today, that You want me alone in the house for a year or so too!
We have to get you back into your power, making things move, walking through walls, all the stuff you know you can do, but Have NOT in years.
I understand and am taking my time about this! Everything is a challenge and I'm moving forward 
We are pleased
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ

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