Saturday, May 15, 2021

everything to change at once

May 12th
It's really cool in fact, as I just received my shed permit.  I now have to move it 5 feet . . . Funny, I also have just signed up to be a foster parent,  and attended the intro zoom meeting Tuesday. Just had second lunch with Pastor John for church membership and have my second interview for a great job.

Wow a busy week. And l know I really have a lot more coming soon. It's really just obvious how this all works. I always wanted everything to change at once. And now as I scribble, and see all these sloppy scribbles coming out typing, spelling, and grammar almost perfect.

May 15th
I am on a ZOOM call now, with the sacred Earth Grandmothers. Everyone is doing prayers and songs.  It started with honoring the waters. What a great place to start, when I am invited to attend and find time and energy to share. Yes, a new life to begin now. Always honoring and celebrating the beauty and love that we are here to be and share. It is always such a delight.

We need to learn to live like a tree. Learn how they express Earth. Their whole being is filled with mother earth's blessing! Earth's beauty and glory shines before us in each branch, each leaf, and each fruit. We give thanks for the Rivers and the Airs that comes together in the beauty and blessing of this power and glory of Trees. We can listen and hear the love of Earth in trees. We can share and love trees very easily. We have the gift of imagination for visioning to vibrations between us! We can "see" the roots of our energy growing down from our spine deep into the Earth exactly as the Tree is.

This power and truth in consciousness will bring our next paradigm and experience of creation. Then we are able to understand all the unity of life. Only then will we support and love as caretakers of this Divine Earth. Then we are able to share in the knowledge more clearly with all life. Each plant and tree is deeply connected to Earth history and evolution stored in the stones. Our DNA only holds our own evolution, learning, growth and history in life.  Our connection, respect, and love in sharing consciousness energy of mind with Trees allows access to great volumes of insight, knowledge, and wisdom.

Wow, I must do the Plant Lecture on the mindvalley site . . . . as soon as possible

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We have told you this action, necessity, duty, and requirement forever. You needed to get all the pieces in place first. Like now, you are able to talk, type, and write here before us all. . . instantly, randomly, in complete comfort, and ease! 
I know
Easy as you asked! 
but are you ready? 
I really need to get busy with whatever I want to share. I think I can do the picture easily but then I need to make a little email and reminder to post. I can post it everywhere. So I wanted to add a little video clip from the sliva lecture that I completed already … like when I picked up the glass of water to chat with it too.
easy for you as you know your name 
I know, I also found a native ceremony passage about claiming my name.
Easy! And again now you are writing in this space because it's pure and clear. As the wind blows and your chimes ring, exactly as you dreamed and planned. 
I guess & will be too busy to write again soon.
Now you will find the power of your plan. 
It’s this pen again isn't it!
Yes your Pen and paper do exactly what they need to do. 
I can be fast and easy.
Yes, easy! 
It's always so easy for you, and you laugh at how much more you give me . . . While you always want more and it's always better when I listen to you
Ease! As you do define a new experience here writing with your left hand you have a lot to do 
I know at least i started. 
easy does it! 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. 

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