Thursday, July 15, 2021

divide and conquer is foundation of Caste

Wow it’s all about fear, programmed into people from the start. Germany converted the nazi places of horror into education and honoring monuments to accept and recognize their real history.  Germany has outlawed nazi symbols, while Americans have used confederate symbols in flags and city monuments. 

Teaching American about the truth contradicts the affluent corporate takeover in America now. Losing personal family at the time of working on something is so critical to wealthy people trying to stop you… the poisons in this earth have been meticulously engineered to target people. Like a simple microwave malfunction can result in cancer for users very easily, as almost a hidden execution.  Naturalist doctors, DOs and other professionals teaching nutrition against cancer and the medical greed systems are also being executed.

Castes, started with Noah’s son Ham enslaved in the Bible. Why are we hearing about this and still talking about this.  Name it, claim it …. Caste is a about divisions - about divide and conquer - a very defined and successful technique used on Earth throughout history to subjugate humanity.  The royal family unit was in control, all other families were systematically damaged, reduced, and impacted to create subjugated Castes of the others.

The “divide and conquer” is the foundation of Castes, the last of the failed patriarchy paradigm desperately trying to hold on …

A method created by man, that must be dismantled by man. Isaiah 5:20  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet.

Wow, so much clarity and focus, I see how much I am able to bring forward such topics and ideas of necessity to a level that so few are even able to comprehend.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What do you need? You are sitting in a big rocking chair, and wondering about all the women walking by. It looks like a dance troop to you, as all the ladies are in tights. You have seen the cheerleader competitions here before. Of course, we could say how they are all here just to make sure that you stay relaxed and focused on what's before you. And what do you hear? 
I know, I've started a few different Omvana meditations, or lessons, and several times it transferred into the course of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen. And this time it was his relationship section where he is now asking questions. . . .”what does an ideal love relationship look like?"  what do you really want?
What do you feel as you Hear this?
I get the idea, and experience, that YOU want all my attention.
What’s wrong with this. And now they have a deep dive into what on “amazing friendship” is all about. Like he says now how you ”are” really about a mix of the five people closest to you.
I don’t seem to have many friends at all now.  I only talk with you all the time. I've always been a leader where others follow. I remember how each year at school, I would show up as a new person. Many times people would not even recognize me.  Sometimes those friends over the summer world stay with me. While sometimes it would just be the people around me in the new classroom that I would focus on.
What about the stories you hear now about new adventures.
I know I have to create “change.” Remember I had this death experience, where I was finished with beating the machine and was so disgusted and ready to leave. But NO! I had to come back and contribute to this new world or new experience of growth and shifting it all to a higher level. You had me teaching people to talk to Plants and Angels, which I seem to have done all my life. Is this what you like? You encourage or force me to this and be with this experience with you.
What about this is so hard for you? You are in complete comfort. Everything is easy. Money and freedom follow you with ease and peace. Most people would pay You are living a fantasy. What else could you need or want. Could this be any easier for you. You know this world and experience is so much of exactly the ideal that everyone seeks. You know this will not change for you. You know you can help and lead anyone to this.
I do, but I also feel so many others are on their way feels like such a big change or transition.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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