Saturday, October 30, 2004


Yahoo! Groups : stars2heaven Messages : Message 770 of 803: "
12:17:01 AM 7/3/2004
Hum, love these numbers....
So anyway, I just felt all these dreams happen that very moment. All the visions and fantasies about running together...
* The infrastructure in the county.
* Building the patent, test case with the City.
* Me and my art form.
* Doing the chant with Maria and setting up full performances at Harmony.... $1000's/seat
* Monthly rituals at the Indian mounds
* Real powerful Indian rituals where I simple was the priest in charge of it all.....

Then it all is flowing together like, I love water and move rivers to make water clearer. That's my business and that's my art form, and that's my passion and patents and everything. That I can use to fund everything.... like our whole culture flips over. People build their own transit water systems and replace the government, power companies, auto, greed-power culture completely.

Power struggle is gone; we stop driving and start walking to end the greed wars. Lol... like one city block at a time, building the safe cycles to replace their infrastructure.... like it's all done and I'm there again.

Ok, so I saw a completely new world... another level, another vision. A new complication to the one same dream fantasy that I've always had! The E=MC2 integral.... more and more strands of energy sticking to our spiral helix up... up.... up.... lol.... 00:30:07 I guess I need to chant?

Yes Son you will. That's a wonderful feeling isn't it?


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