Sunday, October 10, 2004

Sunday, October 10, 2004 9:05:49 PM

So I’ve been sitting here in my room reading and writing for a few days now. Things are really kinda weird, like at church this morning I really felt kinda insulted by the whole thing. So I went home after the first service. I usually stay for the first and second service to sing. But it just didn’t feel right. I almost left before the first one ended. I wanted to ask jerry about the videos. Like he had just done this “once upon a time” story that would have been a good video. I guess now that I write and think more about it; I feel almost arrogant about it.

That was weird too. I'm not sure how I felt. But then when I turned on my truck to leave, the song on the radio was the same song they sang at the closing. So now on the radio here “are you God’s servant just when it’s convenient for you?”

So now I know I need to chant more, and that I haven’t in a few days.

This is what you need to know son. There is a great deal coming together here again and you need to get busy with it all. Stop fear. Thank God for this. Get serious about it all. How excited were you about the response from the Genetic/Math Dr. But you never replied. It’s all just waiting for you to get serious about it all

BLOG: playing all the time loving our Blessed Lord Jesus, learning, growing, loving, De'ja Vu every moment, coincident synchronistic Christ synergy with everything.... wow, what a ride seeing all of nature and creation opened up to me
How much?
This is really a lot more than you might expect or understand. There is really a great deal going on here and this wont be done until you get more serious about it. You know this truth completely, and that’s why you must be pushing it all so very much.

How much?
This is what you need to do son. There you have everything you ever could imagine and these people have no clue what you are doing.... “Jesus is alive in us” by Al


1 comment:

  1. YES ASHER. we need to make a video together with these kids?!?!?!

    Wednesday night I attend The Point which is a youth group that meets at Crossroads. The age group is targeted and designed only for high school students, but the messages that Kevin Queen speaks on is for everyone. No one has ever questioned why I go, nor has anyone tried to stop me from going, so I contiune to go. As I have said before the messages and the truths that are spoken are life changing and life altering and everytime you miss out on them you miss out on God's very best for you. Well this week Kevin was speaking on faith. He said that as Christians we are pretty good at believing in God. It has been drilled into us and our lives, and when it comes to our faith in believeing in him, everyone has that down pat. But what we fail to realize is that God believes in us. He calls us out to do certain things because He believes that we can do them. He never gives us more than we can handle, or never gives us tasks that He knows that we can't complete. He used that example of his baby daughter. When she is leaning on the coffee table, Kevin will get down to her level and call her to him. He knows that she can only take about 6 to 7 steps and so he is that far away. He smiles and motions for her to come and she comes. The same principle can be applied to our life. God gets on His knees and calls for us to come. He smiles and says yes you can do it for I believe in you. Just like Kevin doesnt call or expect his daughter to walk a mile or two. Kevin knows that she isn't ready for that. It is the same with God. He calls us to what we are capable of us, and he nevers give us more than we can handle. He nevers drops us or lets us down for His track record is perfect. Yes, we believe in God, but more importantly God believes in you and me. He is calling to you to take that leap of faith and get out of the boat. Go ahead he is calling you.......
    Another side note of what Kevin said is that a lot of times people ask what college to go to, or what decisions to make. God does make things clear and gives us direction. But he said over 70% of high school students cheat. So on one hand we ask for God's wisdom and favor, but on the other hand we lie and cheat to one another. God says that if we are faithful in the small things He gives us big things to be faithful in. Instead of waiting for the big moments of your life, why not be faithful in the everyday things. For once your life is transformed by living faithfully in the small things only can God can trust you in the big. So, some of us are waiting for the girl that will be our wives, while others are asking God to be big in our careers. Why dont we concertrate on the things that we can influence. Why dont we stop lieing and cheating, and stop sinning with our eyes. For Kevin Myers said that the eyes of God our searching this world for people that He can use. I promise you that if you are faithful in all things, that God will be faithful to you in return. And we all know that God always out does Himself in the blessing department. We can all testify to this.......
    Asher Emmanuel

    posted by Asher Emmanuel @ 1:55 PM 3 comments

    At 1:58 PM, Jheison Romain said...
    Yeah man, that's good stuff, I just wanted to emphasize that not only did Kevin Myers say those words, but they came from the bible itself " For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:9. Aiight man, i'll ttyl.

    At 11:52 AM, Jheison Romain said...
    Yup, good stuff.

    At 7:41 PM, stars2man said...
    Yes Awesome dude... lol.. great to read your words now... think i'll copy this link to my blog too... it's Great to KNOW more are Listening to Jesus Christ!

    God believes in us. He calls us out to do certain things because He believes that we can do them. He never gives us more than we can handle, or never gives us tasks that He knows that we can't complete

    There is a CrossWinds here at too... So Jheison maybe we should make a video together with this kids?!?!?!
