Monday, October 17, 2005

Mysteries of the Divine Feminine: Kundalini Awakening and Empowerment

12.23pm I’m not afraid of anything. Thank You Jesus Christ!

What are you doing now?

I'm a bit nervous about a few things. I need to do another step to deal with Dan's BS. Then keith is drunk in the toilet all the time. I must have a sign on my head "FOOL" where I just set up losers to retire and goof off. Why do I think lazy losers would ever want to get anything together and be productive if I make it so easy for them to just waste time and money? Guess I can't do this any more.... Cathy thought she was getting married, but she did get a good job and car. Now she'd going to church all the time so I guess she certainly got it together. So I guess she wasn't a strike out...

While Dan certainly seems like a waste. I tried to get him focused but all he was able to do was collect more shit and piss off all my neighbors and friends. Maybe the next step with Dan BS will get him focused. I should have pushed the state attorney more. It's just wrong when I help him out for two years and I'm afraid to come home to my own house... Whenever someone assaults people to get their way they are just not civilized and belong in a cave or a pine box. I feel sorry for Rachel, since she let him into her house. I wonder if he's watching TV all the time, pretending he can't do anything so he can hide in the toilet.


I guess I've not given up on Keith yet. He does try a lot... or seem to. But with bad habits like bimbos and booze, he's never going to get anywhere...


I guess he's not conscious about how everything is GOD, and everything is energy. So whenever you put energy into something you end up with more of the same kind of energy. So bimbos and booze in the toilet of society will only keep him in the toilet of society. I try to get him working in Yoga and volunteering at USF so he at least interacts with some good people.

But still he likes the easy sewer trash. Real people and valid activities are not as easy to do, but they bring the results that we want. We want to grow and be productive. Not rot in the sewer. Dan was also convinced the sewer was the place for him. Watching TV all the time just made sure he could never get out of the sewer. I wonder how many millions of people live on social security, disability or something so they can just watch TV all the time. Yucko!

Where do you want to be.... are you going to get anything done?

I'm trying ... I'm getting some things done and I guess I feel pretty good about it all. I know things are shifting and changing. And I guess I'm doing my part as usual...

now what do you mean?

I hope I don't mean there will be another big hurricane.... lol.... but for some reason that wouldn't surprise me in the least.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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