Saturday, January 04, 2020

Opening the new decade of change

The real sad part about this is that I understand how things fit together. And I am able to use this understanding to evolve. And therefore I’m shifting to another place all by myself. And have to understand and express this so that my evolution can be congruent and supportive of the planet.

For example, when I consider this next article that I had up here on this blog discussing The US death rates . . . This really has got nothing to do with a specific chemical, because it’s a systematic problem.  Pointing out the current calamity ignores the fact that the “greed $$$ systems” are fundamentally polluted and toxic to the planet and all life on it. And the only way people can publish for us to understand these things, is if they only hint at this deeper truth .... otherwise the industry prevents the publishing, so they have to be hidden in order to share anything at all. To be completely transparent about what’s happening to the population on the planet is counter what’s needed to be published. These authors must remain hidden and very careful how they publish critical issues like this...

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
Do you think this is ready to move forward or is there something else that is holding you back?
I Really have no clue on that aspect; I am clear about what’s ahead of me right now. But I’m not 100% sure on how I’m going to stage my next steps and actions to fulfill what I need! The biggest challenge is recognizing that I really am not clear about my needs beyond service and fulfillment. Service and fulfillment to Spirit and God is such an abstract expression that I am constantly challenged to understand and bring forward an immediate expression. I know I need to trust my instincts and stay in my FLOW but I also am intimidated by everything!!

Like last week, I was given the opportunity to explore some new technology and really had no idea what that meant until I started doing what it was. Sure I invited other people to participate with me but then I’m not leading anything, I’m following along like they are and that defeats the purpose of me being there to bring forward new tech. However, I accepted that possibility and went forward with it anyway and we both found that the opportunities were tremendous for us all.

This morning I woke up and started savoring my beautiful space and bedroom and enjoying the time to myself under a pile of blankets and finally I reached out and picked up this iPad that I have in my hands now. And I realize that I needed to finish what I started here on this page. This meant that I was challenged to “talk to the technology” and step into my next place of power. I understand shifting everything is not going Quick but I also realize that my opportunity to use incredible technology is fundamental to shifting everything!
What you need to remember is that you can share this with your peers and professionals to move things forward because you’ve established a team working with you that is ready to address each line that you have written above. In part of understanding your place here, is accepting that you have the team supporting you, that you need, which may be more than you understand and a lot more powerful than anything.
I started this morning reading the Saint Pete Times. And as I go through it digitally on my iPad of course; i find that I have an opportunity to express where I am and where I’m going. And just coming to terms with what that means is kind of critical for me anyway. So I’m opening up this blog to write about my next steps and I realize that I haven’t defined them yet. So next week I’m going to a conference with the leadership of the state. A close personal friend is staging the whole event. Just like Retep was running the last event I went to. So recognizing that person of power is in control and allowing me to step into the space brings greater responsibility for me to be very clear how I step into a space and how I make change!
What is remarkable for us, is that you tend to fear your inspiration and flash off seeing your Transit system again here but are Intimidated to discuss this at any length. However if you’re in a very professional position, where you can actually build this exactly as you intended. This opportunity before you seems insurmountable, however your team is ready to help you!
I’ve not been able to build and test anything yet. While I was in an institution that supported inventions as a priority and even provided 45% to the inventor; but they still wouldn’t help me do what I intended to do. Course I don’t think they had a clue what they were dealing with anyway, but I did have a lot of support and direction there. Of course, my first encounter with the vice president over sponsored research resulted in her copying my technology to bring to another country. I’m curious to see what they tried to do course!
What about accepting that people are greedy and insecure and recognizing that you can shift things anyway. If you’ve designed and created the solution fundamental to creation; everything in creation is going to help move it forward. This is part of understanding evolution. It’s not simply watching and participating randomly. It’s very decided in strategic actions. As you have experienced with your new house-house, this world responds and supports things very specifically and clearly for moving them forward. You’ve had this experience all your life. You Even teach and share how to develop FLOW to experience direct conscious divinity. 50 years of living this life has empowered you tremendously, as you witness each day, finding something else in your space demonstrating this!
I know, but it’s also very intimidating to push things beyond my own understanding. I know that I’m shifting everything, and I know I have the opportunity to help shift everything. However, not having any direct experience or understanding of what that really means is tremendously intimidating to sit and talk and address professionals who need me, and need my help, but don’t know why and I don’t know why either!
What these resiliency conferences are all about is making people strong and clear for moving forward. This is your place, this is your job, this is what you do. Making people strong and clear about moving forward begins with the child standing up. Moves on to Making Gardens and biking across the neighborhood. These are things you are able to do at the church down the street or at the University institution for the whole community. You have done this. You have done all of this.
I know but resiliency is a lot more than just being able to get up and move forward after being knocked down off of a bike in the dirt. Allowing whole communities to recognize their power and control over your environment is a lot more than just getting up out of the dirt. And I know or realize that storm water management and infrastructure design is fundamental to all this. However shifting these is not easy.
We Have you now, that’s why it’s taking so long. That’s also why you’re so damn comfortable now because if it were easy it would’ve been done along time ago. Getting you ready and giving you the support you need will make it easier. No, it will not be easy anyway but you can do it
I Thank you for this moment sharing and discussing.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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