Saturday, December 20, 2014

Back to Mac world!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!  I am so very grateful for all you have opened for me this day, this week, this month, this semester, the year, this life!!!
What does this feel like now?
It was planned from the start. . . freaky cool kinds stuff too. !
What do you mean?
I saw Christopher, Thursday and Friday, as he wanted to frame some canvases to paint on.  His mom got him a canvas that he painted recently.  It is really cool, and at the head of his bed.  He did a Spanish house design for one of his classes, that included an incredible rendering of it set in the dessert . . . all glass and sunshine!  Then he added his painting into the kitchen for the rendering.   I noticed it and asked him about it.  He explained how he had used 7 friend's computers to help render the files which still took several hours.  Course I asked him about getting Dave's old Mac, which Dave wanted me to buy.  He laughed of course, then said how he modified the space to make the painting fit exactly like he wanted.

I am always so proud of him!

Like the new canvases to paint on.  Thursday we went through all the wood and stuff I have around here, found all the tools and then stretched a canvas on a wooden frame I already had picked up from somewhere years ago.  He liked how the first one came out Thursday, but then we had to go to Home Depot and get more wood for what he wanted.  It was a four-foot roll and he wanted as big a piece as we could make, using golden mean ratios of course. . . In painting he found that he liked it best to be completely lost in the canvas, where he could only see the canvas while working on it . . . nothing else in the field of vision, but canvas.
What could you ever dream possible?
I know, like everything I could ever think would be awesome is so very set and clear now in our lives now!  I didn't ever think of the Golden Ratios for eons, really only considered it with Sharon's questions.  How perfect is that my son KNOWS this, feeling in his bones I'm sure.  PERFECT!  I mean even this keyboard and screen window with my eyes not doing nearly as well as they once worked.  It felt like the concentration of pollution inside of me got to a certain level that my eyes shifted one day (oh it's an Aluminum article I found).  Like the muscle got lazy and nothing would focus any more.  But now with this new Macbook Pro, I  can easily enlarge stuff, and the keyboard is lighted and set perfect, so perfect, like writing here in the dark 303am NOW!!!!  too.  It's like music running in the background off pandora and the whole scene is out of some storybook fantasy I had when i was twelve hiding under my sheets wanting to express so fully.  SO, i guess its time to finally learn how to type . . . lol . . .
NOT NOW though!
On the way to Home Depot, I took him to the little Spanish place down the street and he LOVED his lunch!  Then I asked to take him to a steakhouse for dinner, but Kim suggested we go see the Hobbit, which he loved anyway!  He watched the first two with his friends wanting to go see it earlier this week, but never did.  They were both so pumped to see that movie, so I took us all out to Sweet Tomatoes instead of steaks.  We got to the movie 30 minutes early.  Kim and Chris were chattering so much.  Both had read all the books dozens of times. . . It was really remarkable! 

Funny now, I remember watching them chattering.  There was a line at AMC Movies where Wild Premiered.  So we walked up to the self-serve thingy where two guys were getting tickets.  The 2nd was having troubles, so I turned around and noticed the front window empty.  Walking over there, I got us tickets, and remember now how the lady goofed and only gave me two instead of three.  So I had to do a second transaction . . . and I stopped and Looked up to see Chris and Kim still chattering by the line where the guys were.
What you did was remarkable!  You never considered anyone but them.  Making the whole experience and opportunity so clear and easy for them both.  You create such awesome opportunities all the time, never slowing or hesitating to share your joy and love with everyone all around you.  Like today, you did the same things with getting your Macs.  First you emailed steve jobs and asked for help.  Then the web store director contacted you about getting whatever you need before Christmas.  The next moment you found half of what you needed and now you are starting to take it more seriously.  First you got this "Best and Biggest" MacBook Pro they had at International Plaza. . . Just walked in and asked for it.  Ending up with more than you imagined!  Now you wrote the manager at Citrus Park about trading in all Kim's equipment for more of the same . . . 
You just did exactly what you were teaching your son all week . . . I'm sure you didn't notice it, but since birth you have used the time in the car as captive training.  Your children have no choice but to listen to your every world with their complete attention as you are driving them around.  We are sure you never noticed this.  But again you drove Chris a dozen times at least this week . . . and this message was all about getting clear in his passions and TRUST the Present Moment, as a new Divine Experience that he's waiting all his life for . . . . 
NOW, again he is given the perfect moment to Be and Express something that no one else on the Planet has ever done . . . Something totally unique and special that the Whole Universe will notice and grow from it.   NO Pressure, NO Responsibility! 
THUS, His moment this next second could again be the Defining Moment for all creation . . . and the best part is that each new moment can be the same experience again. . . AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN,  each second he is better able to do something that None have ever done or Considered.  And Again he is ready, and able, knowing in the Heart how he is only here this moment since he is Ready this moment to BE and EXPRESS is own, personal, private piece of Divinity! 
But all creation is like this. . . No one knows, or believes . . . and those who discover all get selfish and insecure wanting to control and force things.  Can't you all simply accept you are NOT in charge.  Accept this is ONE Life, and you are only a small part.  BUT YOU can make all the difference any moment you choose. . . . ONLY by CHOOSING ONE!
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I choose to Be and Follow in Your Word 4.10am. . . wow, I better sleep!

Thank you Dear Jesus for all that you are and all that you share!  I am so grateful to be in this experience with you and know we will always be connected doing only what We are Here to DO!
for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghosts. . . Amen

Monday, December 15, 2014

subsustainable submission

Journal2MyGOD: Author's view of submission: Current literature debates the major issue of whether or not the political systems can institute sustainable solutions before it's too late. This debate suggests grassroots efforts may represent the most viable solution to displace the “Status Quo” industrial agriculture model.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What an incredible experience to see you doing exactly what you want, seeing, dreaming, moving things so strong and clear.  no one can imagine the visions you've seen.  But many marvel at the things you do.  it's random, and spontaneous, but full of light and clarity.  "How could you suggest such things.  What do you know?"  It's really remarkable how these things just keep happening, faster and faster.  Like sharing John's Research with Kim.  Who can imagine what she will find.  What is, will always be.  it's never going to change, but get stronger and more apparent, more clear, more full.  Like deciding it's time to leave and start something new?!?! OR NOT!!!
I really have a million things to get done today!
What is really happening, you rarely seem to comprehend.  but always you are ready to take the next step, move forward and step into the empty space.  What is it that you know and feel has to be shared?
I'm perplexed by my dad!  He has been teasing me about GMOs and such while having spoken to the farmers dealing with it all on the ground.  Course I'm convinced they are only stealing from the farmers.  The big industries create laws to limit the farmers production cycle, and then sell him tools and resources to support a different production cycle.     
What about this?  Another piece of the American Machine you have discussed and debated all your life. . . OF course you know it, you've lived it, exploited it, done it all exactly as they all have. . . why else would you all be so determined to stay in that game forever.  you're own private paradise, no excuse to change anything, as each of you find something more to exploit and use. . . taxes, insurance, neighbors, plants, people, places. . . it's all a wild ride for you, each side advancing a mission of sorts.
I'm  not convinced that's all there is to it!
What you will soon find in this next ride you will start.  each of you will do DOing, BEing, SHARing, LOVing, so much and clear, and full, you wont have this spare time to sit and read, relax and enjoy.  Each moment will be more full than the last.  Stronger, clearer, no fear, no concerns.  it's about loving the experience and being full in this knowledge and experience you share so easily.
I know I need  to get busy. . . clean the kitchen, shower, shave. . . . then maybe write an article?!
What is it that throws you off now?
I'm feelin like i've not got the time to get things done!
What is remarkable here is how much you get done all the time, exceeds and  surpasses anything others con consider.  connecting the energies as you are is really beyond.  like cheers in high school seemed like such a far out place  to so many, while you had the bottle in the closet and served cocktails to your guests beyond expectations before you could drive. . . Most others didn't consider such until driving for years.  And certainly never while driving
I am so grateful to share these moments with you!

I think these glimmers are so awesome. . .

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

subsustainable submission

Author's view of submission: Current literature debates the major issue of whether or not the political systems can institute sustainable solutions before it's too late. This debate suggests grassroots efforts may represent the most viable solution to displace the “Status Quo” industrial agriculture model. Agroecology is a science for studying grassroot systems for sustainable agriculture. This literature defined the indigenous knowledge and agricultural skills developed through multiple generations specific to local environments, climates and populations. Further research is recommended to explore agroecological solutions based on urban agriculture for increasing food production and also creating a sustainable alternative to the insidious industrial agriculture systems.