Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Secret Wisdom of Symbols

The Secret Wisdom of Symbols By Phyllis Immink

Symbols are very much a part of our daily lives -- the letters of the alphabet, numbers, names, corporate and national emblems, and religious and secular rites, for instance. There seems to be an inherent propensity in human nature to make and use them. The sacred sciences of antiquity were all recorded in symbols that sum up certain occult principles and therefore form a mystery language. Most symbols condense a number of meanings into one and can be interpreted in either a cosmic or a human sense. The keys to the symbols which unlock the nature of things will give us some answers to the questions we ask: What is life? Where did I and the world come from? Where am I going? What really is the true nature of things?

Some of the ancient geometric symbols addressed cosmogonical questions. The circle, for example, can represent space -- not empty space, but the space referred to in Genesis as "the waters of space." Beyond this is infinity, which cannot be expressed by any form or shape. The perimeter of the circle indicates infinity in that it is beginningless and endless. If we put a point in the middle of this circle of space, we have the first stirring of spirit. The Pythagoreans would refer to this point as the Logos.

The circle can be equated with the egg, a sacred symbol in the cosmogony of every people, representing the entire cosmic process by which worlds and living beings are born. It contains the positive and negative forces which together produce manifested life. When the circle is shown as a spiral, it represents evolution, eternal change and growth. The circle with a horizontal diameter signifies divine Mother Nature. When the horizontal line is crossed by a vertical line, we have the symbol of Father Nature added, the two together forming a cross and representing the manifested universe. Generally, a vertical line stands for spirit, and a horizontal line matter.

The same idea is represented by the equilateral triangle and the Trinity. The upper point of the triangle, in the same sense as the point in the circle, is the unity, the one life, from which springs a duality of spirit and matter which can be expressed as energy and substance, positive and negative, or force and matter. This duality manifests from a unity which contains both spirit and matter and which is the source of all. The two sides of the triangle denote duality, and the base of the triangle is the offspring of spirit and matter, being either the *inner** *cosmos or man -- for in the process of manifestation, whether of human being, planet, or sun, these three forces over an immense period of time together emanate physical matter as we know it.

The cross symbolizes eternal life and is used in various religions with slight differences. The Christians took it from the Gnostics and Kabbalists, who took it from the Egyptians; also present in the Mediterranean area were the Latin or Roman cross and that of Buddhist missionaries from India. The cross of crucifixion actually signifies the incarnation of Divinity, the "Word (Logos) made flesh" -- crucified on the cross of matter. In his letters, St. Paul dwells much on the Christ in us being crucified, and many religions have the story of crucified saviors.

The oldest Egyptian cross, which was also the Greek cross, has both lines of equal length. The horizontal line represents the feminine or passive principle of nature, and the vertical line the energic side, a symbol of dual generative power. Siva, Jehovah, and Osiris are all symbols of the active principle in nature: forces that provide for the formation of matter, its destruction and/or regeneration.

One variation of the cross is the swastika. *Swastika** *is a Sanskrit word meaning "well-being" or "auspicious, " and there are said to be seven keys to its inner meaning. This symbol is found in India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Japan, the Americas, Greece, Rome, and among early Christians. In Scandinavia it was known as Thor's Hammer; in India as Vishnu's discus or as the Jaina cross; in Buddhism it is a "wheel" denoting eternal motion and stands for evolution. Representing spirit-matter, its central point is the god principle, and its four arms represent in succession birth, life, death, and immortality.

Another form of the cross is the Hebrew letter tau, the handled or ansated cross, called in Egypt the ankh, which ages before had been used there, and was placed on the breasts of their mummies. Used by the Romans, it represented immortality. It has also been found on the backs of some of the mighty statues on Easter Island. Its meaning is similar to that of the swastika, except that it represents a higher plane of being: the primordial movements and states of cosmic being.

In a mystical sense the tau is also the Tree of Life or World Tree said to span heaven and earth. From the most ancient times trees were connected with gods and mystical forces in nature. Every nation had its sacred tree. For the Buddhist, it is the Bo or bodhi tree *(**ficus religiosa**) *under which Gautama is believed to have reached enlightenment; in Mexico, the dark cypress; and the sycamore tree of Assyria and Egypt, where its cones were carried in religious processions. Other trees that have been used as symbols were the fir, oak, tamarisk, palm, and vine.

In Scandinavia the sacred tree was the ash, and in the Eddas the* *cosmic ash or Yggdrasil is the symbol of universal life. It had three roots: one in the god-world, one in the realms of matter, and one in Niflheim (cloud-world) , the formative world of undifferentiated substance. The Hindu cosmic tree Asvattha symbolizes the universe in its intellectual and moral character, its leaves suggesting the mantras of the Vedas. It was described as growing upside down, the roots having their genesis in heavenly regions. The Zoroastrian Tree of Life is the gogard or gokard, among whose branches lives a serpent which cannot be dislodged. This is reminiscent of the Tree of Knowledge in the Hebrew Garden of Eden. In this context, the serpent is the embodiment of divine wisdom and the symbol of spirit. Because of its ability to shed its skin, it also may represent regeneration, rebirth, or cyclic time.

Another widespread symbol is the lotus, sacred to the Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese, and Japanese. Exemplifying the miniature as a part of the whole, it includes all the forces of the macrocosm in the microcosm, for the seeds of the lotus, even before they germinate, contain perfectly formed leaves -- the miniature shape of the plants they will become. The lotus, representing all the forces of nature, lives in the four elements -- its roots in earth, its stem in water, its blossoms in the air and the sunlight -- i.e., in earth, water, air, and fire. Its likeness appears on objects of every description in Asia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and also America where it is found decorating Inca vessels and frieze paintings at Chichen Itza. In India, a bodhisattva is shown announcing the incarnation of Gautama Buddha by presenting a lotus to Mayadevi, his mother-to-be. The same idea appears in Christian paintings of the archangel Gabriel handing the Virgin Mary a spray of white lilies. Both symbolize, not only the incarnation of a spiritual teacher, but also the birth of divine awareness within an individual.

From times immemorial, knowledge superior to that of our present age has been preserved in symbol, sacred allegories, and myths. They formed a secret wisdom handed down from person to person and from age to age. There appears to be a system of symbols common to all religions around the world. According to H. P. Blavatsky, there never was, nor can there be, more than one universal religion, for there can be but one truth concerning the Divine. The symbolism of every people reflects the same spiritual principles, and the symbolism of all mythologies has a scientific foundation and substance reflecting spiritual potentialities.

(From Sunrise magazine, August/September 1996. Copyright (c) 1996 by Theosophical University Press)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Winter Solstice Ceremony

The key is to have a clear intention of what seed you want to plant deep within the Energy Body of Mother Earth for the upcoming year. Your request must be for YOURSELF ONLY, or your role within some larger or collective/group process. You cannot ask for someone else - that violates their free will. So ask for whatever it is YOU sincerely NEED (no superficial 'wants'). It can be material and very specific, or energetic or a spiritual quality.

Get clear on your intention BEFORE you practice your qigong ceremony, which is most powerful just before midnight on the night BEFORE the actual Solstice time. It's a big event, so the ceremony will still be powerful the a day before or after, don't sweat it. State your intention either out loud or mentally, send it to the four horizontal directions and to Heaven above and Earth below, and to the heart of Humanity within.

Then perform your qigong ceremony, holding the intention that the Life Force will help you birth that seed intention over the next year. At the end of the movement ceremony, call forth the Golden Dragon of the Center Direction of Earth (its core) and release your intention, ask the Life Force or its agent, the Dragon, to ascend to Heaven with your request.

If you want to make the ceremony even more powerful, prick your finger to get a drop of blood at the end of your qigong ceremony, state your intention, dissolve the blood into a small bowl of water, and then pour the water onto the earth or into the sea or a stream or river, again repeating your intention and releasing it to the large chi field. It's very important that you RELEASE your intention to the larger field.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Zest2Zeal : Message: CAPRICORN JOURNEY = MASTER OF OUR OWN LIFE: "WISE COUNCIL Capricorn's guidebook for success includes the following -

1. Patiently take one realistic step at a time. Progress happens incrementally.
2. Don't waste your time on illusions and fears. Do your inner work so that you can liberate yourself from the role of being your own worst enemy.
3. Prepare yourself by creating a foundation of knowledge and know-how in your field. You may be an innovator, but you have to know what you are talking about to command the respect of those in your field who will scrutinize your work. If you can stand up to the experts, you can become one yourself.
4. Keep your focus on your project. Don't waste time with those who do not support your vision. Don't be diverted and distracted. Time and resources are limited. Use both wisely.
5. Be strategic. Don't fight trivial battles. Use your energy to overcome obstacles that are critical to your success.
6. Make every step doable and enjoyable. If something seems too hard or stressful, chunk it down into smaller more manageable tasks.
7. Whatever your project, define your life work in terms of service. What benefit are you offering? How can what you do help others?
8. Respect power.
9. Don't get overwhelmed. Just keep going. Keep up. Patience pays. Just do something. Waiting is wasting.

Monday, December 22, 2008

love for all humanity

Over the centuries spiritual and moral thinkers have prescribed ways of living that lead to greater happiness over the course of a lifetime, and the best of them from Socrates to Buddha, from Jesus to Maimonides, have powerfully lived out what they taught. The goal of a good life, they agreed, is a deep happiness consistent with simplicity, integrity, and a profound generosity. The great thinkers have never thought of happiness as primarily rooted in the hedonic indulgence of the senses, but rather they have described a sense of well-being and satisfaction that comes from a higher purpose pursued over time. Opinion has differed as to how happy we can expect to become in this mixed up world, and as to what goals and purposes in life really deliver on happiness. Rather than sort out these debates, I wish only to convince the reader that the key spiritual secret of any happier and healthier life is the deeper kindness that can be captured with the term “Gift-love,” a term borrowed here from C.S. Lewis.

We are busy in life with what Lewis termed “Need-love,” loving and seeking the things we need, from good food to a decent coat. And we certainly all need and seek to be loved, for if we do not receive love we will not be able to give it away. Yet even when we pursue the things we need, it is often not just for ourselves, but for the nearest and dearest who depend on us. This points to the other side of life, to Gift-love, a sincere love of others that is commonly taught by exhortation but is really transmitted by example, and that we typically identify with spiritual and moral goodness. My thesis, more clearly stated, is that as a side-effect or by-product of Gift-love we generally feel happier and are heathier over the whole of a life.

This thesis is old, but it can be forgotten, so it bears repeating from time to time. Indeed, it echoes in literature over the generations. Henry David Thoreau wrote that love is “the only investment that never fails.” Abraham Lincoln stated, “When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.” It is said that Lincoln was prone to occasional melancholy. One way he overcame this was by doing “unto others” in the many small acts of neighbourly kindness for which he was so well known. Ralph Waldo Emerson described the path to happiness thus: “No man can sincerely help another without helping himself.” Sincerely is the key word. There is an after-glow when we do good, a satisfaction that flows from authentic giving, and not from actions that are primarily motivated by self-concern. Psalm 11:25 reads, “Those who refresh others are themselves refreshed.” The “kitchen table” wisdom around this thesis is perennial.

A happier life revolves around at least one immaterial good - love. We cannot grasp Gift-love like a coin, but this warmth and concern for another is more real and meaningful than anything we can possess. Here is an exercise: close your eyes and intensely imagine giving to the person in your life who you love most, and then open your eyes and feel your heart strangely warmed. This state of being and related action in Gift-love is the Highest Spiritual Good for each of first because giving does so much for others, and secondarily, because it is a key source of joy and health for givers.

When we cultivate sincere Gift-love through day-to-day practice, we inadvertently discover the great paradox that underlies fuller human flourishing - in the giving of self lies the surprising discovery of a happier and healthier self. This paradox underlies most spiritual and moral wisdom.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Intuition and Spiritual Awakening

Conventional wisdom says that intuition is often illogical - which implies that when you follow your intuition, you abandon logic and intelligent reasoning. (Which, by the way, implies insanity.) But is this really true? Is it a fact that intuition and logical reasoning (the "right brain" and "left brain" functions) are at odds with one another?

It sure may seem that way from the limited (i.e. surface) view and understanding of the human personality, but when you begin to view life from the perspective of the higher self (which is where your intuition comes from), you will find that you begin to access a bigger picture of life where intuition and logic coincide. In other words, when you begin to view life from the higher level perspective of the soul, everything begins to make more logical sense. Using an analogy to explain this as simply as possible, if you had a "fly on the wall" or a "satellite up in space" view of your life, you would begin to see a logical pattern to it and understand more about it than if you were simply caught up in the midst of your current drama. From this higher level view, your life would begin to make more logical sense and your intuition and reasoning would coincide or "align."

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chakras location and chakra names

Chakras location and chakra names: "Chakra radiation between male and female
Chakra radiation between male and female are complimentary in polarity
turning on - uplifting and inspiring each others !!!

The energy may flow from male to female and vice versa while at the same time flowing from lower Chakras upwards towards the higher Chakras. More on sexuality will be explained in a later chapter, as sexuality on your spiritual path is an extremely important topic to be truly understood by all, as misunderstandings of this topic may cause severe problems physical as much as spiritual."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Project Camelot | Mission Statement

Project Camelot | Mission Statement: "Overview and mission statement:

• To provide researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.

• Our focus includes but is not limited to the following:
• extraterrestrial visitation and contact
• time travel
• mind control
• classified advanced technology
• free energy
• possible coming earth changes
• revealing plans that exist to control the human race.

• To establish ‘safety in numbers’ and unite these disparate factions under an umbrella of protection for activists and ‘whistleblowers’ who may have concerns for the safety of themselves and their loved ones.

• To provide a tribute to all activists in paradigm-challenging fields who have worked for the benefit of humanity... and who have suffered or been silenced for speaking the truth."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Journal of Alternative News

A Journal of Alternative News: "For thousands of years rumours and reports have circulated that somewhere beyond Tibet, among the icy peaks and secluded valleys of Eurasia, there lies an inaccessible paradise, a place of universal wisdom and ineffable peace called Shambhala – although it is also known by other names.

James Hilton wrote about it in the 1933 book Lost Horizon, Hollywood portrayed it in the 1960s film ‘Shangri-la’, and recent films such as ‘Kundun’, ‘Little Buddha’ and ‘Seven Years in Tibet’ allude to the magical utopia. Even author James Redfield, noted for his New Age best seller The Celestine Prophecy, has written a book called The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

new little miracles

wings12.16.2008: "We are being told that things will be different now…that the so-called darkness has gone elsewhere and can reside here no more. We are being asked to grab onto this new hope, to these new little miracles, and to this new connection and pipeline to a very new reality. These miracles are the train that has stopped at our station. They are saying to us, “Jump on board! I will take you there if you only choose to believe. I have come for you now.”"

Monday, December 15, 2008

opportunities to learn from defeat

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Protective Nurturing
Taurus Daily Horoscope

You may be in a space of nurturing today, and find yourself caring for the needs of your family members. You may even feel protective of them, wanting to keep them safe from the world and its challenges. But, there are times when protecting the ones we love is the opposite of nurturing their growth toward their highest potential. In our desire to save them from experiencing sadness, frustration, pain and anguish, we may be robbing them of the opportunities to learn from defeat and discover their strengths. In our world of dualities, it is often necessary for us to experience the opposite or absence of a thing before we can understand the thing itself. Today you can nurture your loved ones when they need your support, but you can also find the strength to let them learn and grow through their own experiences.

Life and its challenges can be far more effective at teaching us about ourselves than having someone tell us. The process of trial and error sheds greater light on most subjects than simple instruction. Some people can learn this way in some situations, but other times we need experience to understand fully. We need to keep in mind that nurturing someone needs to be with the ultimate goal of having them grow to be able to stand on their own. When we nurture our loved ones with this goal in mind today, we can protect them far more effectively and successfully.

We all spend a great deal of time hiding our true selves from others. Why do we do this? Well, we believe we must in order to protect ourselves from harm – sometimes physical harm, but usually emotional harm.

In fact, we become so good at hiding that we lose our grip on our true selves. We pretend to ourselves as much as we pretend to others. But in order to be genuinely happy, we each have to relocate that unique real self that came into this world. Only then can anyone connect with his or her life purpose.

If you watch children carefully enough, you can see them gradually learning how to hide themselves. As toddlers, they are usually blissfully themselves, and this is exactly why we find them so delightful. No pretense, no politeness, no hiding. Of course, when a toddler points out that someone is bald, this is hardly behavior to emulate as an adult. However, the joy with which a toddler experiences the world is a wonderful example to follow. This essence of joy, pleasure, and fun is your birthright.

When discontent with work and career begins to set in, it's good news. It means you're no longer comfortable living a life that is untrue to your real self. It means you don't want to hide anymore, and as a result, contentment is finally possible. But the discontent often comes before the ability to connect with the real self underneath all of the years of hiding. Reconnecting can feel daunting, but it's a journey well worth taking.

Begin by simply noticing when you hide yourself in life. Check in with yourself to see if you're expressing what you truly feel or if you're saying something else. There will be times when hiding a little bit is appropriate, such as when the truth might needlessly hurt someone else's feelings. But there will be other times when you can choose to let go of the fear and let others truly see you. There will be times when you can say what you really mean even if it feels risky. We hide to avoid conflict and pain, but the act of hiding is often what causes the greatest pain and conflict.

The more you notice the moments when you hide, the more in touch with your real feelings, impulses, and preferences you will become. As you peel away the onion to reveal your essence – the real you – there will be much more clarity about your purpose and many other areas of your life. Choices will be much easier to make because you will know yourself deeply and intimately – the you that is absolutely unique, precious, and divine. And as you allow the real you to be seen and experienced by others, you will feel genuinely loved for who you are.

Are you in a Commitment Conflict? Maybe you've declared to yourself that things are going to change, that you're finally going to drop the old baggage and move forward in a particular area of your life. You set intentions, you think positive thoughts, you write in your journal every night. But nothing's changing. Why?

You might be in a Commitment Conflict. You say you're committed to making a change, but you're committed to the status quo. The way things have always been is safer, it's known, you may not like it but at least you know how to deal with it. The changes you're seeking are scary, unknown… what if you get in over your head? What if things don't work out the way you want, how will you handle it? What if the change you're seeking is worse than the scenario you're living with now?

Let's take a common scenario: relationships. Let's say that you've done some inner work on yourself, cleared up some past issues, and have declared that now is the time to meet Mr. or Ms. Right and create a loving, committed union. You journal about it, you meditate on it, you have post-it notes stuck on all your mirrors proclaiming your new intentions. But inside your head, every once in a while, you say to yourself, "I've tried this before, it never works out. The perfect relationship doesn't exist."

You now have two commitments battling each other: The commitment to create a fantastic relationship, and the commitment to prove that such a relationship doesn't exist. It's said that humans would often rather be right than be happy. If you make efforts to create a new relationship, but it doesn't work out, you've proven to yourself that, once again, you were right. In this case, you're more committed to the belief that fantastic relationships aren't possible for you.

So be more committed to the change you seek than to the status quo:

1. Watch your thoughts! When a thought that sounds anything like your old, limiting belief surfaces, deal with it right then and there.

2. Be ready with Replacement Thoughts. Write your new, empowering beliefs on, yes, post-it notes and notecards; have these reminders around you and use them. They are there to replace the old thoughts whenever they surface.

3. Take steps towards the change you want to make. Brainstorm ways in which, in the example used, you can prove to yourself that fantastic relationships exist and that you're next in line for one. Search out validation that your new ideas are true. Make your new ideas true.

4. Make constant, steady movement towards that which you want, and leave the rest behind. Our daily lives are made up of a series of decisions made moment by moment. Pause and consider even the tiniest decision you're about to make; could one of the choices support you in the change you're seeking to make? Be committed to making those changes. You may just turn out to be right.
by Suzanne Devereux

yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have; so spend it wisely.

Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Redefining Seduction

Redefining Seduction: "Evolutionary Revolution gives Darwinian cultural permission to all women to use their forgotten biological power to initiate seduction. Hence, she will select her mate and guide him to mindfulness. Women can create loving and effective partnerships, stop the male war habit, help men to redefine 'progress' and reduce their need of ‘stuff’."

WOW, it's about time!!!
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Global Orgasm - December 22nd, 2007 - Peace through Global Ecstasy

Global Orgasm - December 22nd, 2007 - Peace through Global Ecstasy

Welcome to the 3rd Annual
Global Orgasm for Peace

Mark Your Calendars
This year we’re synchronizing in the two-hour period around
the Solstice, which falls on Sunday December 21 at 12.04 p.m.
(four minutes after noon) Greenwich Mean Time. So in the U.K., Global-O time will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

> Check the Global-O Time in your country <

The world is celebrating the election of the new USA President, Barack Obama, and the hope for change that he has stirred in our hearts. We are riding the wave of joy and renewal, which gives us a flying start for this year’s Global O! It’s the Global OOObama Factor!

So let’s not waste this energy. Let’s send a wave of positive intention into the quantum field of the Earth. We will spike the charts at the Global Consciousness Project and lay a foundation for the ‘Mindful Alpha Male’ President to build on,
to begin healing the damage done to the planet and all its species.

So what is energy? « Indigolifecenter’s Weblog

So what is energy? « Indigolifecenter’s Weblog: "higher vibration emotions of love, peace and joy felt lighter to you.

The point here is that each of us has an energy field. The energy of our thoughts and feelings extends beyond our physical bodies and affects the spaces around us. So, whatever you are thinking and feeling goes beyond you and influences people around you. In turn, other people’s thoughts and feelings influence you."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

EnlightenNext Themes Pages

EnlightenNext Themes Pages: "EnlightenNext Theme Pages
Multimedia-rich web pages that take you to the heart of the most important questions of our time . . .

Welcome to EnlightenNext magazine’s multimedia portal page.
Through seventeen years of investigative spiritual journalism, we have sought to document—and create—a framework for the creative breakthroughs that will lead humanity to the next stage in its spiritual, ethical, and social evolution. Here you’ll find some of our best work, artfully presented in thematic, easy-to-browse web pages. Each feature page gives you the exclusive articles, interviews, audios, and videos that feature the mystics, activists, scientists, and scholars who are leading the way toward the future."

Sunday, December 07, 2008

inner divine love

"Through intense deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of love from within you will be constant and unbroken." ~Swami Muktananda

1. Follow your breath. Don't try to control or change it, simply watch it. Surrender to it. Let the Universe breathe you.

2. Repeat one sound for 15 minutes so that it vibrates all throughout your body. A sound like AUM or HUM or HU will do.

3. Look directly into your another persons eyes for 15 minutes, gaze into the center of their eyes and dissolve.

5. Do the same thing yet with your eyes in a mirror.

6. Visualize a flower of light opening in each of your 7 main chakras. Imagine a brilliant fountain of golden light going up the spine and showering out the top of your head.

7. Practice holding your attention on the space between your thoughts. stars (pure nothing-ness)

8. Practice surrendering to what is here now. Bring your attention to God, the Universe, Consciousness etc...)

9. At night, focus on the space between the stars. Let yourself FEEL what is there. Become that empty space.

10. Focus on a brilliant golden light in your heart shining from an eternal source all throughout the day.

11. Dive into the silence between your heartbeats.

inner divine love

"Through intense deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of love from within you will be constant and unbroken." ~Swami Muktananda

1. Follow your breath. Don't try to control or change it, simply watch it. Surrender to it. Let the Universe breathe you.

2. Repeat one sound for 15 minutes so that it vibrates all throughout your body. A sound like AUM or HUM or HU will do.

3. Look directly into your another persons eyes for 15 minutes, gaze into the center of their eyes and dissolve.

5. Do the same thing yet with your eyes in a mirror.

6. Visualize a flower of light opening in each of your 7 main chakras. Imagine a brilliant fountain of golden light going up the spine and showering out the top of your head.

7. Practice holding your attention on the space between your thoughts. stars (pure nothing-ness)

8. Practice surrendering to what is here now. Bring your attention to God, the Universe, Consciousness etc...)

9. At night, focus on the space between the stars. Let yourself FEEL what is there. Become that empty space.

10. Focus on a brilliant golden light in your heart shining from an eternal source all throughout the day.

11. Dive into the silence between your heartbeats.

Children of the Sun | Current Grid Activity

Children of the Sun | Current Grid Activity: "The cauldron of purification continues to heat up in every aspect of the world transformation. On a mass consciousness level, nearly every country is experiencing growing restlessness, conflict, terror, chaos and economic collapse. All life on the planet is now being affected by an immense mandate for change. Most all higher messaging indicates that we are still in early stages with much greater earth change and transition yet to be experienced.

Both the planetary Crystalline Grid and our activity on the grid has become quite strong and highly influential in helping to establish and stabilize Gaia's new Unified Field matrix.

Further, the grid and our unification on the grid is supporting our developing abilities in telepathic communication, other dimensional communication, consciousness travel and skills in energy transference and transmission. These are absolutely the needed skill sets for our work on the grid as we transmit to the world and help bring transformation to global areas of separation, strife and suffering."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What does this all make you feel?
I'm not sure? It's funny that the full moon comes on 12/12. . . then is is also kinda weird how it is the day I scheduled for the producers to meet. Dave called yesterday after getting my invite to the Saturday Education Channel Party. He told me about his experience with them and Ann Flinn who is still in charge of it. WOW "Ann??" messed up the deal with the Expo Video my senior year in college. I was so grateful he called and we really had a good conversation.

Of course Steve called Friday and I returned his call moments before Dave called. Steve was asking me about getting some work somewhere. Course I knew Dave had no time to meet with us Friday so I told Steve to call Dave who might be busy working. . . . So when Dave called I was just hanging up with Steve??? No caller ID, so I just returned the call as I hung up. That was weird. But obviously I'm connected to things a lot deeper than anyone could ever understand. So in this I write again now...
What else are you feeling?
I know I keep feeling this wacko chick who loves playing with her power like it's some little game. And I've not written out exactly what I felt. So I never knew anything about anything - - except when I realized she had lost her keys three times I realized it might be something about locking her out of home, or stopping her from driving or traveling. . . Oh shit she has tickets to India??? So when we broke again I felt like she would get raped or killed in India? SLAM!!!!

Shit! Yes, my very first feeling was seeing some death experience where she got some incredible revelation and suddenly understood every word that I ever said to her. . . .course I never thought about this except now? Like suddenly she completely understood, and felt all my words as compliments and insights instead of insults as she seems to have felt the first time around.

So this is fucked. I try not to write stuff so strong. Like the Florida lotto. She said that if I was for real, why not just win it? Course I told her "we could" and since she decided "we" were totally done. I bought a ticket. Course every time I have a ticket it rolls over? So now looking online again I see it rolled again!!! Figures!!!

So anyway. Last week I got some Travel Notice about terrorists in India killing Americans. . . or whatever. Course I copied it to her. . . . kinda freaking me out with my first insight. So now again I feel it will be really powerful and traumatic. . . but then it wont be so bad? This morning I felt like a handicap? It was really weird like I felt I was talking to Kristin when she came back. So I want to write her again. After Lunch Friday, I was kinda pissed at her and wrote her then too, as I've said before...

Funny, Keith called yesterday and invited us over. I told him we were done again. So he asked about dating her. . . . I laughed and said they might be made for each other. He admitted he liked flirting with her, but did not want to step on my toes. . . while she was more his style and I certainly did not need to be out drinking with anyone. lol. . . course I tried to tell her that too. But all she wanted to do was drink and party and do all this useless crap - - blowing her energy out there like all the other mindless children do.

You think she would have a bit more understanding or consciousness than that. I mean she should be controlling that energy instead of blowing her own out everywhere . . . hum that's interesting???

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Love The One You’re With

Love The One You’re With: "No matter what’s going on in the world, the one you’re truly with will hold you and never abandon. The one you’re with …is always in the mirror.

Today, you and I have one more precious opportunity to be at “home”… warm, connected with the beloved and at peace while the storms rage outside.

No matter how hard we try to be at war, reality simply doesn’t allow it. There is no ‘other’ to be at war with. There’s only one. There is only the reflection of your *self* in all there is. The moment you believe there is anyone else who can complete you and be you beloved - other than you - you are separated from them and yourself. The moment you realize no one can complete you… everyone does."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What do you mean?
It's like common sense for some people. But others are just foolish... always running to find greener grass? Well daaa, trying watering it where you are!!! Running about only wears out your shoes, pisses off all those you trample and guarantee you never are welcome anywhere for very long. Sure a pretty smile might get you in, but coming and going make you seem to weird, unstable, and yucky!!!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


common_law: "Capitis Diminutio Maxima (Name in ALL CAPITALS)

For purposes of understanding one's legal or commercial status under the Admiralty system (the law system used in England, Canada and much of the US), it is necessary to examine the curious use of all CAPS -Capitis Diminutio Maxima- in legal and domestic income tax forms, credit cards & statements, loans, mortgages, speeding & parking tickets, car documents, road tax, court summons etc. While seemingly a trite concern, this apparently small detail has extremely deep significance for all of us!

Gage Canadian Dictionary 1983 Sec. 4 defines Capitalize adj. as 'To take advantage of - To use to ones own advantage.'

Blacks Law Dictionary – Revised 4th Edition 1968, provides a more comprehensive definition as follows … Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.

Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.

Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) - A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.

Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.

Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away; loss or depravation.

Capite. - Lat. By the head.