Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Millennium BEing #198 - Scorpio Power

Zest2Zeal : Message: Fw: [NMBeing] New Millennium Being #198 - Scorpio, Torment or Power
While Pluto is in Capricorn through 2024, we are each part of a massive overhaul of economic, political and social institutions. The intolerability of gross inequality, exploitation, corruption and all forms of abuse will precipitate revolutionary protest and necessitate reforms and the restructuring of our collective institutions.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is really remarkable about you is that you really do know exactly what is happening, how and why . . . as you clearly have planned everything yourself.  like when you get into this deeply, you always see your son and daughter coming back.  As with everything else you really created this all for them.  awesome what was that flash now about?
I saw them in my class!  It was like scouts again where they are competing with each other, and in fact are really cooperating instead and doing it so skillfully and quietly that no one would suspect a thing.  But building it up between themselves at such a level that nothing can compete, understand or interfere.  It's like they are setting it up as they go along, playing off each other as competitors, but really helping each other into new levels of power and focus . . . teasing each other into new levels of comprehension and power.  It's really remarkable, as I watch.  I am not teaching.  I am supporting and watching, but they are teaching me and everyone else.
What about this is new?
I guess, they are functioning in spirit - evolving as one.  moving and sharing in something so universal and mysterious!  Everything i ever said to them is moving and changing as they flow in the space.  My actions are known already it seems, as every step and process builds on the previous.  
What can you do or say now that will help you to prepare for this?
I never thought of that!  as I sit here and type, i was wondering what the need was.  Like i have known and seen these things coming together for years. . . literally.  I said it would be done in 1980.  I remember joyce listening and laughing almost . . . "the kid with these ambitions.  Everyone wants to change the world, so of course the kid will say that."
What made you different than all the rest was that you are clear on priorities. . . one might say to change the world, but then focus only on their own personal version instead of the masses that really really need to see the changes. . what is really critical here is that you are clear about what the changes need to be and understand the bigger picture where fundamental needs are really mounting.  You always knew this was all built by you and for you.  The visions and dreams you had at the very beginning are exactly the same as you see now.  As these evolve before you the pictures are really only getting clearer and stronger.  Like everything you see at school and how people relate and support each others.  it's a matter of trust and respect.  all you have seen is decent and fear - people struggle because they compete with each other instead of co-operate. 
it's like the kids doing boot-camp where they had more and more work to do until they were loving and helping each other and suddenly it was not work anymore, but play time instead.  that's why your class is so important now.  people will fall into the flow of your passion where work and success are now fun and exciting instead of a boring chore.  everyone will want to be in your class, teacher and student alike.
 you already know what it's like to create and love in the evolution of life.  That is what you do!   that is what you always do, with everyone and everything.  That's why your class will be viral.  Everyone will be there at the edge of their seat, hungry to see what example and exercise they will do next.  each moment will be filled with such power and clarity.  no question, no fear, Only PEACE and PROGRESS.

Who read the syllabus?  What are the three components of every class?  Who read the article posted?  what are the three pieces for getting a business done?

What was it that you wanted?
I wanted the solution!
What that means is teaching everyone else how to live like you do.  when the priority is only what's important, all the rest falls into place.  like how your children learned to make things work.  90% is knowing that it will work, it must work, nothing would be here if there was not something very fundamental that "worked."  Evolution is about working better.  Taking what we have here and now and making it work at another level.
I'm 24 now.  Exactly like i just graduated.  I just finished school and can finally do whatever I want!  Everyone has that dream, of getting done with school and really starting life

This is my life.  You are here to learn what I teach.  I teach what I know, and I live what I know.  there is nothing else inside of me.  So for the next moment, recognize you are here in my world, here to learn what I do, here to grow and share in this truth and power that I am.  And it's really easy if you follow the rules. . . not your rules or your other expectation, but only what I tell you while you are here.  Pretend you are watching Star Trek.  I'm captain kurk and for the next hour we've here in another world, doing only what we need to do here and now.  leaving all the rest behind and focus only on this that we are.

Now I'm 24, just finished my degree and I'm ready to live my life.  No more expectations, no more grades or tests.  I've done it all, and the only thing i need to do is for me now.  Nothing but the priority and goals that I set for myself now.  this is the space of creation.  this is the power we will share and move through in the next 14 weeks.  It's totally up to you if you get anything out of this.  You can create the rest of your life or just another passing grade.  99% of ALL successful professionals will tell you about the buddy in school. . . Bill Gates was the first year in college, Einstein was in high school. . . one person, one experience, one time when everything just clicked and you knew it was right for you.  You knew you could do anything.

That moment in time when it was about who is better, faster, stronger, but what needs to get done, and the fastest best thing YOU CAN DO to help make it happen for ALL OF US!

My Mission, My Challenge, My Vision is about doing it right for the most, best, easiest way for everyone to get the most out of this. . . If I am going to spend a second breathing this air with you, it will only be for the best results for both of us.  Otherwise I will do something else.

SO NOW LEAVE, if you are not clear and ready for this!
BUT FIRST, what's your name. ONE Word, go around the circle, lets see how fast we can do this - - first name only start now, next, next, next. . .
What is so neat about this will be how surprised and spontaneous you will be with it all.  No one will be able to keep up with you.  no one will be able to do it the way you will either.  and you will evolve and grow, pulling the power and clarity that no one can comprehend.  it will be like magic
I know, it's always like that!  lol, with certain people, places and times, when I'm ready and fully in my flow . . . what else do I need to learn and grow from this?
What it is really all about it the changes you wanted from the start.  once again you will be doing everything.  The people and places and times will all bend and move to your spontaneous inspiration.  not just new businesses and new ideas and passions, but complete changes in fundamental methods and processes that are used and shared through the culture and practice of people.  knowledge and experience will be melding in ways that  have not existed in this planet for hundreds and thousands of years.  and yes you have done it all before, and will be doing it again as this cycle shifts to a new eon in the years that come.
changing the idea and the mind will be changing everything.  the shift from competition to cooperation is really beyond the comprehension of so many locked in the dying paradigm, and this will seal it's fate.   no worries, be happy, it's all set as you need, only surprises for you know, as things will be easier and easier, more fun, more young, more peace, more power, more freedom, and more LOVE!
!Thanks you eric!!! 

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall undergrad course

starsusaorg : Message: FW: new Fall undergrad course
The Attached Syllabus was submitted Monday, October 22, 2012 8:20 PM
Undergrad Dean responded see below, at Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:12 AM
Then the GRV Report was Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:07 PM
Graduate School Deans' GRV notice Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:05 PM
Update to Academic Dean Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:29 PM
Dean's note to me: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:28 PM
Now her reply: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:36 PM

Now if you understood ###'s then you could read into another language here. . . You see Monday is the first day of the week. So the numbers start at 1, 10/22/2012 8:20. . . normally numbers people will add these up two by two sequentially between dividers to create single digits like reading into them further like = 11 4 5 28 = 2 9 10 =  11 1 = 3. . . What is so cool, is that you don't even need to get so deep into this. . . like the first number is all 2's and the last is more 3's . . . the natural progression of the universe 1, 2, 3....

Ah, my point! Everything is cooking. BIG TIME. We're about done. Like it's soup, we can dig in and enjoy it now. . . Oh, but this will be a wicked QUICK shift. Hang on TIGHT!!!!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did this feel like?
It was the power of change coming through.  I know how these things are all related and connected!  And to see how the timing all sync together involving the complete college is really crazy and powerful.  It's exactly like i felt at the very beginning.  How they were all related. And I even said so in the email to them. . . how it was out with the "old" and in with the "new."  And there it is, exactly as I said in black & white right before our eyes.  no question, no troubles.  Just a simple fact.  Everyone can check and see it.  That's real.  That's what makes the world go round.  
What else did you flash to?
Oh, the dean replaced the GRV with me.  New shift, new change, a complete vision in passion and purity!  Just done.  No questions asked.  And then the class went through, simultaneously confirming the power and commitment of creation.  It was just obvious to me.  I had to do this, and that it had to be done.  No one else could do it, no one else could understand.  It was the clear power and focus of making things happen, exactly as they needed to.
What did you feel then?
I knew I needed to get something else shifted here!  
What did you flash too?
I have a meeting next week with the dean.  So I can get it all done then.  It will be really easy.  And then I flashed to it all being done!   I was teaching my class.  Hundreds of kids.  Everyone wanted to be in it.  I kept adding sections.  Trying to figure what times I could teach another one.  And when I could get people together to do the interaction parts.  It's like magic, as I see now the GRV has to come out later since that will involve a lot more of breaking down the old.  
What do you mean by that?  It was a complete shift?
I know, I was suddenly working teams of students in the school systems everywhere.  Kids were working throughout the field, growing, feeding, sharing, teaching!  It was a complete shift.  So fast and drastic.  Nothing but change and growth.  It was like a bomb exploding. . . boom.  Suddenly things just started changing, and it shifted everything, as more and more jumped into the mix.  
What did you ask for when you came back from the accident?  You wanted to create the one change.  The one shift.  The only One that was needed to make everything else change.  It was a simple question.  It was very clear and powerful.  Not something that needed any clarification or anymore detail at all.  You wanted to do one thing.  It was only One Question and only One Task.  Nothing else mattered, and nothing else will matter once it's started.  That is why you always feel, hear and know the 'no worries.'  The change will be so quick and far reaching that nothing else will matter.  You will be in your space, doing exactly what you always do.  What you do best.  And everything else will fall into place.  It's the simple little change that was needed to allow everyone to understand, to connect and feel the truth.  
Suddenly everything else will fall into place.  The power of transparency, and the flow that everyone can feel and experience.  That is what you ask for.  Not just the solution to the problem, but The Solution that solved all the problems.  You wanted to see what made it all work, not simply to understand, but to set things right.  It was a tall order, but you were ready to work for it.  you were ready to give up your kids for it.  You were ready to do whatever it takes.  and you have!
Thank you, amen!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What are you doing
What a pain in the ass.  I was trying to cut and paste something with this iPad and it was such a total pain in the ass.  It is totally impossible to do at all.  Now typing is somewhat of a bitch too.  But I am trying to get things going.  I like something's that it does for me automatically like the spell checker and corrections for my typing which is always full of mistakes.  But sometimes I spell things correctly and it still comes out kinda crummy.  

I do not like how I can not use the arrow keys to move around, to edit or anything.  I also hate having no control keys, like I hit undo all the time too. But not here.  So anyway.  I have had this awesome day of meeting with people.  I was surprised how well things went and what was happening in all the different quarters.  Somehow things always come together really well, like magic out of nothing into something incredible.  That is what I was writing earlier.

Oh that's it what I was writing earlier was by hand on my pad.  I've been trying to write more by hand on a pad.  It's interesting like a different energy, a different space and place.  That's why I'm here again now in the library with an iPad.  I need to test this out here and see what's up and what works for who I am and where I am.  It's about power.  That's what it always is for me.  I always know where I am and what I am doing.  But making it move forward is about holding to my truth and my power.   I always make things happen.  Like today I called a professor to meet, and she could today right before she left town for the week.  We had a lot to talk about too.  It was really cool.

I know there is a lot more for me to do and talk about but this system is really annoying me and I feel like I am wring my time

I I Love I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Behind all of universal creation, there is an immanent force of Will that administers it, a Divine Power that moves it and a natural law that regulates it. Everything upon our blessed Earth has always been and continues to be divinely orchestrated through this power of Will. 

There have never ever been any mistakes. Everything has unfolded in accordance with God's Plan, the Divine Blueprint which maps out the course of evolution for all creation.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What was that?
!  I already have it in a big trash bag, but still do not want to ride home while it's raining.  I'm sure I will sooner or later.  But not yet I guess.  When I first got it I came here and decided to go to the cafeteria instead.  I figured I'd spend 5 buck on coffee in the library or 10 for dinner and coffee over there.  So I ate for a while.  Then I read over a lot of what the Dean gave us in her presentation this morning, and I've been thinking a lot about what Kate said.

What do you really feel about all of this?
!  It's really all about power and passion.  Which is really my middle name.  
Why is that?
!  It's like I created it all myself, and simply have to smile and watch as it unfolds before my eyes.
What's new about that?
!  But I remember when I met Jersey Frank at the little college pub in Paramus.  "Just go to Sig Ep and tell them you are with Jersey Frank."  Somehow, I always end up with the keys to the back door and a back stage pass.  It's just what I do?  And somehow that moment i walk in I just know what to do.
What you are not saying now, its that you died at 16, and decided something that was totally different than anything here on Earth.   Remember what you said - - no angels or weird air-fairy stuff.  You said that if you were here to do something then you wanted to get it done and not waste time with any of these other things.  Do you understand that EVERYONE else has asked for just the opposite.  You wanted to get to the tasks before you, while everyone else wanted to see confirmation and reaffirments all the time.  This is really so much different.  People always want to see power, walk on water, save lives and miracles, never fully trusting or having any faith.  While you only wanted to get down to work and make the changes on the earth that we all needed to see.  You actually made the real commitment of faith over the selfish ego stuff that clouds and confuses the masses.
!  So what.  I mean, it's just what I do.  I always have simply gotten down to business and not wanted to waste time with all the other things that people get all ego distracted with.
That is why you can always do things.  It's not just your tenacity, but also the clarity in mission and commitment.  You set your mind on something and everything about you makes it happen.  Exactly like the meditations direct.  They are all speaking of things you have been doing for hundreds of years.  Do you remember all the flashes you had of being on ships and travelling the globe.  Remember how you felt you have always been here.  Always been alive.  Like never staying in spirit for more than the second it took to find a new life being born.  like when you saw the police nearly crash as your motorcycle went flying.  You were only there for a moment.  You saw what you needed and you went back to get the job done.  You knew you had to get things done.  You were not sure what it meant yet.  But you knew what you needed to do.  You always have known.  It simply is who you are.
!  It's almost like I need to be in the moment of the experience before I know what I need to do.
That is the Divine Will that is the mirror of your moment . . as above so below.  It always knows exactly what it is doing. . . all that is and has ever been is divinely planned. . . nothing exists but this grace, for you to experience. . . 
What that is, is the I AM that You are.  Of course you create.  You are the creation, set here to create.  By your Faith in  the power that flows through you.  This Is moving the Love.  Moving the Energy of Creation.  Not ego or greed, but love and creation.  These things are so fundamentally different.  One is the construct of the mind, forming and forcing things based on perceived knowledge and personal skill. . . while the other is complete faith in the love and passion of the heart.  One is real and the other is not.  both are perfect an necessary since one builds off the other.  Just like the plant grows from the earth.  One is dead and dying, but still necessary, while the other is alive and thriving.  Both are perfect in themselves, since one allows and supports the other.
What is so powerful about this, is not simply knowing this or that.  It is understanding and BEing these things deep in your soul and experience.  Not simply talking about these things.  But listening and following in faith. . . ALWAYS!
I guess that is the real difference.  Knowing what is real, and knowing what it is I can do and will do.  Nothing but what I do.  Demand the changes, and expect the results.  It simply is what I do.  Thank you Dearest Loving Lord God for your Power and Grace . . . Please Lead us to grow and learn into your   Love and Wisdom for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Zest2Zeal: #197 - Libra Relationships

#197 - Libra Relationships
[1] Experience WHOLENESS AND PEACE within ourselves,
[3] ELEVATE OUR CONSCIOUSNESS to our heart, so that we can actually feel compassion for ourselves and each other.

This Full Moon is energized by a grand cross in the cardinal signs, which amps up the effects of the Uranus/Pluto square (September 18-19). Complex and compelling, this planetary alignment offers another opportunity to radically shift our perspective, paradigm, and direction in our lives. As is always the case, a more profound and elevated level of awareness is required to truly understand and integrate the lessons we can learn.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What was that?
I found that this last post to Zest actually explains and connects all the previous posts this week on Zest.  Of Course it is exactly where i am and what I do . . . again pulling together all the power of the moment that I am in. And directing me in the next steps that I need to take!

What are you doing?
I'm in the library and decided to blog.  Something about this space always inspires me!  What is so funny for me now, it that I'm sure there is a post here in this blog where I am discussing being in the library and how it would be nice to have a tiny laptop to carry on my bike - - or better still if the library offered laptops to use.  Of course both conditions are true for me now.  But I'm too lazy to carry my tiny laptop to school on my bike, so i use the one here for free at the library.  What is really funny for me is that I wrote that on paper after my accident in high school too . . . before there were any laptops at all.

What was that?
I flashed back to how everything that I do and see are reflections of other times and places where I asked for this or asked for that. . .  similar to as described in earlier Zest posts.  Like even this weekend I got a reply for my Research Proposal at 9/30/2012 5:55pm. . . so many threes and fives, showing the synergy in my space. . . like the perfect reply for my space and time, leading me more into who i am. Course my son was born 5/3 and my wife 5/31.  Course then my motorcycles accident was 5/31 too.  I always thought it was two weeks Before my sweet sixteen instead of two weeks after.  I was googling new articles to find what the Phosphate Spill was when I first started working as an engineer.  I found how much I could get through the library searches in the newspapers.  So I decided to find the news article about my accident!  Course that ended up with phone calls to the library in ridgewood where they found it and will send the article to me shortly.

What was that you started with?
It was realizing how I'm in the same space again ready to completely flip the system again.  I am always in this space.  And I am always flipping things four directions and five ways sideways!  And it's more to do with me and my own inspirations   What do I feel and where can I take this energy.  It's really almost funny.  Like I can see and know things will be exactly as I need them to be.  And what is really the biggest challenge for me is to take this truth to the next level.  What do I really want to do and see.  How can I make these things grow and expand beyond the place where they are now.  I know  I can do this and I know it will be more than I can imagine.  . . . so I do!  Over and Over again!

What do you need to do?
I really need to be writing exactly what I want to see and do.  Here again in my power more than ever, where everyone and everything is waiting for me to say what fits and works best for me.  It kinda amazes me sometimes.  But it's really the same place I have always been.  Like it feels like preschool where I wanted to build a fort.  WHAT, YOU CAN'T DO THAT. . . but of course i did it anyway.  I just do these things.  Everyone has always challenged and questioned me but I do it anyway.  Like I never question my own abilities, but know how i can make it happen.  Know how I can do things.

There is no more suffering.  There is no more fear.  This is what you are and what you do.  It simply is.  There is global cooperation, everything that is supports you to be.  This is our initiation!
I seem to always be in the same place.  Moving through New Layers of Being!  It's like I am always pumping things up into a higher and higher Levels of Energy and Focus.  Making new things and changing things into new larger places of power and focus.  Like imagining laptops where I could hand write into a machine that would edit and correct my gibberish and create meaningful easy to read text.  And now again imagining another place and space for leaders and students to share and grow together.  Not just talking or dreaming about things, but creating them in a higher space where they come into being here before me simple and direct where everyone can benefit.  I guess that's just what I've always done.  Building the fort as a kid or a new food system now.

Divinity is God in everything and in every form.  All the Earth is Divine.  There is only One
It's weird how only some people seem to know this

You have been and always will be, it is just a matter of acceptance and full knowing and humility.  You accept this truth.  You are able to express and be at another completely different place.  Like already knowing what is coming and knowing what is happening everywhere.  You do not accept limitations or question your challenges and focus in these events before you.  There is never any question for you.  You pass over these days and events like you did over the fort 100's of years ago.  No questions.  Sure no one else saw it, no one else believed it was possible.  But now again you simple KNOW.  You do what needs to be done.  Never a question, insecurity, or limitation.  It's time to do this, and you know it is your place and power to get things done.  Others debate and wonder, justify and rationalize.  These things are so limiting and backward.  Results do not come with questions and wonderings.  Like the fort you knew you could build.  It changed a hundred times and changed some more.  Like everything before you evolves before you eyes as you see and do without question.  This is always your power.  The knowing what is possible before you create allow you to flow with the power of creation to evolve the Divine Will that supports All Creation.  It is aware of itself ALWAYS, it knows exactly what it is doing . . . ALWAYS...  Divine Will and orchestration of Life.  there is nothing else.
Ifalshed into another design today biking to school again.

Uranus Square Pluto 2012 is the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. These planets came together in the mid-1960′s and will oppose each other from 2045. There are seven exact Uranus Pluto squares between June 2012 and 2015. So for the next five years we are living through a major generational upheaval. We have started feeling this already, as these planets came within one degree of the square from June 2011. The focus is on revolutionary change. The most telling of the seven squares is the one in the middle, the one closest in time to the Heliocentric Uranus Pluto Square. Massive social, political and economic upheaval.
Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness. It’s effect is shocking, unpredictable, and erratic. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal.  It’s effect is grinding, ruthless and extreme. Both of these planets are distinctly non-personal and emotionless, yet their effect is dramatic and deeply felt. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects, representing tests and challenges. It’s effect is stressful and frustrating.
The last series of squares was between 1932 and 1934, with five exact hits. Many of the fears astrologers have about the upcoming series are based on what happened to the world in the early 1930′s – the Great Depression, the political and social upheaval, and the rise of dictators and extremism. For a different perspective, a more esoteric view, we can look at Heliocentric astrology. This is useful for the major outer planetary aspects, as when viewed from the Sun (Helio), we get a more solar system based view, there are no retrograde motions, so we end up with one moment in time for the exact square.
In the 1930′s, this heliocentric event occurred in January 1933. This was the height of the Great Depression, the stock markets were bottoming out, and unemployment was peaking. In January 1933, Adolf Hitler cemented his power, becoming Chancellor of Germany. Soon after, the Reichstag fire led to the a Decree nullifying many German civil liberties. Pluto, discovered only three years prior, was in line with the Earth. This put a very Plutonic influence on this square for us. For this 1933 square, Pluto was also conjunct a fixed star called Pollux, in constellation Gemini. Ebertin says “Pollux has a strong Martian nature and has the name ‘the wicked boy’ of the of the sibling Twins. According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent and cruel” [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.41].
Uranus rules invention and technology, and square Pluto we saw in the early 30′s great advancements in this area. If we look to Hitler as a manifestation of ruthless Pluto control and power, we can see how he harnessed the cutting edge technology of the day. He was the first political leader in the world to take advantage of air travel, spreading his message in person all over Germany. He also led the way in the use of new media as a tool for propaganda.