Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Millennium BEing #198 - Scorpio Power

Zest2Zeal : Message: Fw: [NMBeing] New Millennium Being #198 - Scorpio, Torment or Power
While Pluto is in Capricorn through 2024, we are each part of a massive overhaul of economic, political and social institutions. The intolerability of gross inequality, exploitation, corruption and all forms of abuse will precipitate revolutionary protest and necessitate reforms and the restructuring of our collective institutions.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is really remarkable about you is that you really do know exactly what is happening, how and why . . . as you clearly have planned everything yourself.  like when you get into this deeply, you always see your son and daughter coming back.  As with everything else you really created this all for them.  awesome what was that flash now about?
I saw them in my class!  It was like scouts again where they are competing with each other, and in fact are really cooperating instead and doing it so skillfully and quietly that no one would suspect a thing.  But building it up between themselves at such a level that nothing can compete, understand or interfere.  It's like they are setting it up as they go along, playing off each other as competitors, but really helping each other into new levels of power and focus . . . teasing each other into new levels of comprehension and power.  It's really remarkable, as I watch.  I am not teaching.  I am supporting and watching, but they are teaching me and everyone else.
What about this is new?
I guess, they are functioning in spirit - evolving as one.  moving and sharing in something so universal and mysterious!  Everything i ever said to them is moving and changing as they flow in the space.  My actions are known already it seems, as every step and process builds on the previous.  
What can you do or say now that will help you to prepare for this?
I never thought of that!  as I sit here and type, i was wondering what the need was.  Like i have known and seen these things coming together for years. . . literally.  I said it would be done in 1980.  I remember joyce listening and laughing almost . . . "the kid with these ambitions.  Everyone wants to change the world, so of course the kid will say that."
What made you different than all the rest was that you are clear on priorities. . . one might say to change the world, but then focus only on their own personal version instead of the masses that really really need to see the changes. . what is really critical here is that you are clear about what the changes need to be and understand the bigger picture where fundamental needs are really mounting.  You always knew this was all built by you and for you.  The visions and dreams you had at the very beginning are exactly the same as you see now.  As these evolve before you the pictures are really only getting clearer and stronger.  Like everything you see at school and how people relate and support each others.  it's a matter of trust and respect.  all you have seen is decent and fear - people struggle because they compete with each other instead of co-operate. 
it's like the kids doing boot-camp where they had more and more work to do until they were loving and helping each other and suddenly it was not work anymore, but play time instead.  that's why your class is so important now.  people will fall into the flow of your passion where work and success are now fun and exciting instead of a boring chore.  everyone will want to be in your class, teacher and student alike.
 you already know what it's like to create and love in the evolution of life.  That is what you do!   that is what you always do, with everyone and everything.  That's why your class will be viral.  Everyone will be there at the edge of their seat, hungry to see what example and exercise they will do next.  each moment will be filled with such power and clarity.  no question, no fear, Only PEACE and PROGRESS.

Who read the syllabus?  What are the three components of every class?  Who read the article posted?  what are the three pieces for getting a business done?

What was it that you wanted?
I wanted the solution!
What that means is teaching everyone else how to live like you do.  when the priority is only what's important, all the rest falls into place.  like how your children learned to make things work.  90% is knowing that it will work, it must work, nothing would be here if there was not something very fundamental that "worked."  Evolution is about working better.  Taking what we have here and now and making it work at another level.
I'm 24 now.  Exactly like i just graduated.  I just finished school and can finally do whatever I want!  Everyone has that dream, of getting done with school and really starting life

This is my life.  You are here to learn what I teach.  I teach what I know, and I live what I know.  there is nothing else inside of me.  So for the next moment, recognize you are here in my world, here to learn what I do, here to grow and share in this truth and power that I am.  And it's really easy if you follow the rules. . . not your rules or your other expectation, but only what I tell you while you are here.  Pretend you are watching Star Trek.  I'm captain kurk and for the next hour we've here in another world, doing only what we need to do here and now.  leaving all the rest behind and focus only on this that we are.

Now I'm 24, just finished my degree and I'm ready to live my life.  No more expectations, no more grades or tests.  I've done it all, and the only thing i need to do is for me now.  Nothing but the priority and goals that I set for myself now.  this is the space of creation.  this is the power we will share and move through in the next 14 weeks.  It's totally up to you if you get anything out of this.  You can create the rest of your life or just another passing grade.  99% of ALL successful professionals will tell you about the buddy in school. . . Bill Gates was the first year in college, Einstein was in high school. . . one person, one experience, one time when everything just clicked and you knew it was right for you.  You knew you could do anything.

That moment in time when it was about who is better, faster, stronger, but what needs to get done, and the fastest best thing YOU CAN DO to help make it happen for ALL OF US!

My Mission, My Challenge, My Vision is about doing it right for the most, best, easiest way for everyone to get the most out of this. . . If I am going to spend a second breathing this air with you, it will only be for the best results for both of us.  Otherwise I will do something else.

SO NOW LEAVE, if you are not clear and ready for this!
BUT FIRST, what's your name. ONE Word, go around the circle, lets see how fast we can do this - - first name only start now, next, next, next. . .
What is so neat about this will be how surprised and spontaneous you will be with it all.  No one will be able to keep up with you.  no one will be able to do it the way you will either.  and you will evolve and grow, pulling the power and clarity that no one can comprehend.  it will be like magic
I know, it's always like that!  lol, with certain people, places and times, when I'm ready and fully in my flow . . . what else do I need to learn and grow from this?
What it is really all about it the changes you wanted from the start.  once again you will be doing everything.  The people and places and times will all bend and move to your spontaneous inspiration.  not just new businesses and new ideas and passions, but complete changes in fundamental methods and processes that are used and shared through the culture and practice of people.  knowledge and experience will be melding in ways that  have not existed in this planet for hundreds and thousands of years.  and yes you have done it all before, and will be doing it again as this cycle shifts to a new eon in the years that come.
changing the idea and the mind will be changing everything.  the shift from competition to cooperation is really beyond the comprehension of so many locked in the dying paradigm, and this will seal it's fate.   no worries, be happy, it's all set as you need, only surprises for you know, as things will be easier and easier, more fun, more young, more peace, more power, more freedom, and more LOVE!
!Thanks you eric!!! 

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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