Thursday, October 04, 2012


Behind all of universal creation, there is an immanent force of Will that administers it, a Divine Power that moves it and a natural law that regulates it. Everything upon our blessed Earth has always been and continues to be divinely orchestrated through this power of Will. 

There have never ever been any mistakes. Everything has unfolded in accordance with God's Plan, the Divine Blueprint which maps out the course of evolution for all creation.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What was that?
!  I already have it in a big trash bag, but still do not want to ride home while it's raining.  I'm sure I will sooner or later.  But not yet I guess.  When I first got it I came here and decided to go to the cafeteria instead.  I figured I'd spend 5 buck on coffee in the library or 10 for dinner and coffee over there.  So I ate for a while.  Then I read over a lot of what the Dean gave us in her presentation this morning, and I've been thinking a lot about what Kate said.

What do you really feel about all of this?
!  It's really all about power and passion.  Which is really my middle name.  
Why is that?
!  It's like I created it all myself, and simply have to smile and watch as it unfolds before my eyes.
What's new about that?
!  But I remember when I met Jersey Frank at the little college pub in Paramus.  "Just go to Sig Ep and tell them you are with Jersey Frank."  Somehow, I always end up with the keys to the back door and a back stage pass.  It's just what I do?  And somehow that moment i walk in I just know what to do.
What you are not saying now, its that you died at 16, and decided something that was totally different than anything here on Earth.   Remember what you said - - no angels or weird air-fairy stuff.  You said that if you were here to do something then you wanted to get it done and not waste time with any of these other things.  Do you understand that EVERYONE else has asked for just the opposite.  You wanted to get to the tasks before you, while everyone else wanted to see confirmation and reaffirments all the time.  This is really so much different.  People always want to see power, walk on water, save lives and miracles, never fully trusting or having any faith.  While you only wanted to get down to work and make the changes on the earth that we all needed to see.  You actually made the real commitment of faith over the selfish ego stuff that clouds and confuses the masses.
!  So what.  I mean, it's just what I do.  I always have simply gotten down to business and not wanted to waste time with all the other things that people get all ego distracted with.
That is why you can always do things.  It's not just your tenacity, but also the clarity in mission and commitment.  You set your mind on something and everything about you makes it happen.  Exactly like the meditations direct.  They are all speaking of things you have been doing for hundreds of years.  Do you remember all the flashes you had of being on ships and travelling the globe.  Remember how you felt you have always been here.  Always been alive.  Like never staying in spirit for more than the second it took to find a new life being born.  like when you saw the police nearly crash as your motorcycle went flying.  You were only there for a moment.  You saw what you needed and you went back to get the job done.  You knew you had to get things done.  You were not sure what it meant yet.  But you knew what you needed to do.  You always have known.  It simply is who you are.
!  It's almost like I need to be in the moment of the experience before I know what I need to do.
That is the Divine Will that is the mirror of your moment . . as above so below.  It always knows exactly what it is doing. . . all that is and has ever been is divinely planned. . . nothing exists but this grace, for you to experience. . . 
What that is, is the I AM that You are.  Of course you create.  You are the creation, set here to create.  By your Faith in  the power that flows through you.  This Is moving the Love.  Moving the Energy of Creation.  Not ego or greed, but love and creation.  These things are so fundamentally different.  One is the construct of the mind, forming and forcing things based on perceived knowledge and personal skill. . . while the other is complete faith in the love and passion of the heart.  One is real and the other is not.  both are perfect an necessary since one builds off the other.  Just like the plant grows from the earth.  One is dead and dying, but still necessary, while the other is alive and thriving.  Both are perfect in themselves, since one allows and supports the other.
What is so powerful about this, is not simply knowing this or that.  It is understanding and BEing these things deep in your soul and experience.  Not simply talking about these things.  But listening and following in faith. . . ALWAYS!
I guess that is the real difference.  Knowing what is real, and knowing what it is I can do and will do.  Nothing but what I do.  Demand the changes, and expect the results.  It simply is what I do.  Thank you Dearest Loving Lord God for your Power and Grace . . . Please Lead us to grow and learn into your   Love and Wisdom for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

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