Monday, November 16, 2015

Prototyping| Presencing Institute U.School

what's this: Prototyping U.School:

What's the critical Elelment of our environment, culture or society?  What about how we teach, learn and Grow?  Seems like the easiest method or solution would be to link these together. . . What links our Environment, Culture, Society to teach, learnd and grow?
Seems like the basic would be FOOD!  Growing our own food would inspire students both to learn, grow and teach. . . Like build from hwat's there.  Not trying to waste something, to get something else.  But take and use what's there and make it work!  lol, sounds like fun!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yummy House

Students Taking an Active Role in Society - Yahoo Groups

I want to share a little background story with you.  I married my college sweetheart when I graduated USF in 1988.  I was employed and into a house (Seminole Heights, still now) by December 1989.  A first child by August 1990, and my son by May 1992.  However, in one week of 1999 I lost my job, lover, and mother, who died of cancer.

8.33pm it says on the screen shot.  As I got home Mik got on a conference call for a class she's taking and I wrote to my son.  Told him about dinner with Mik at Yummy House and he says he just walked into the same restaurant.  So I told him about where we sat . . . oh, shit, I copied it in here already.  Why the hell am I talking about it now anyway. . . But it's a total trip, as I see myself falling into power and strength more and more where the synergy and synchronicity of the Universe supports and directs my experience magically.  Each step, each position, everything is completely set, designed, and planned to some perfect vision, that none could ever even imagine.  But why not, it has to be limitless, the elephant in the room is too big to see beyond the one trunk I'm holding.  How could I even imagine a tail on the other end, this before me, is too big to comprehend, see all of, vision, imagine at all. . . 
It's so good to be hear again with you, i was reading over everything I wrote today on my lists, and I realized I had to post to the Edx MIT Ulab site too.  I guess I got another announcement about posting to the listening homework. . . . It's so powerful too, as I realized why I wasn't posting to it. . . No one is at the 4th level, but all I can see or BE is that level.
Why does that surprise you
I was reading. . again, nothing should surprise me!

eric's Dashboard | Presencing Institute U.School: Like everything clicked together and fit. SO CONNECTING TO MY EMERGING SELF, TO WHO I REALLY AM, is about creating and making it all exactly the way I want . . . as I know as soon as I start construction everything else starts falling apart. Like magically the planet shifts to BE ME.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What else?
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Everything about this experience is really just phenomenal . . . and I see more pieces coming together, like another universe, another place, another universe where things are exactly the way they need to be for everything to change exactly how I set out to imagine, dream, create. . .
Well are you ready for it, finally?
I think that was really weird too.  Like everything I've been doing. . . is exactly in place to be, do, create, exactly what I need or want for this experience!  And then sometimes the machine will choke, the webpage will crash or email will bounce: and suddenly i realize the time and place it not right for whatever it is that I wanted to share. . . completely trusting and sharing what is real for me at this moment!

Monday, November 09, 2015

what's this

Wow, that was weird. I just Flashed back to the SNIK meeting where I did Ritual, and I told them how to move energy in a simple real way they could experience it. And then came back and asked who did it, since I could feel the shift. I mean there is only ONE Consciousness, so whether we know, accept, or understand this . . . If we play with crazy Rituals that shift creation, we feel it. Course Lorac eventually told me she did it. Funny, I seem to remember she told me weeks later, and Sharon remembered me asking and never getting an answer, as Carol missed the next meeting or something weird like that.
It's so strange to see all these things connecting again and again.
Like I wrote this morning, 5-investors? Really weird shit showing up!
I'm finally getting down into my writing again. Well my academic writing. I know I can do this, or have been wanting and waiting to since time began! Of course I get the feeling I've done!
What happened to you now? 
I busy trying to write!  It's weird too, as I seem to have been writing forever!  I wonder if this was something else I created just for me, but then all things seemingly fall into this category, as we created everything because we wanted to play with it all.  So now trying to grapple with writing theories, and conceptual expressions that are clear and in place with what others think, see and examine.  What a bitch!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What is a Pataphor? - From Wikipedia

Pataphor: such that 'pataphysics existed "as far from metaphysics as metaphysics extends from regular reality," a pataphor attempts to create a figure of speech that exists as far from metaphor as metaphor exists from non-figurative language.

Whereas a metaphor is the comparison of a real object or event with a seemingly unrelated subject in order to emphasize the similarities between the two, the pataphor uses the newly created metaphorical similarity as a reality with which to base itself. In going beyond mere ornamentation of the original idea, the pataphor seeks to describe a new and separate world, in which an idea or aspect of a concept has taken on a life of its own.

Like ‘pataphysics itself, pataphors essentially describe two degrees of separation from reality (rather than merely one degree of separation, which is the world of metaphors and metaphysics). The pataphor may also be said to function as a critical tool, describing the world of "assumptions based on assumptions," such as belief systems or rhetoric run amok.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What about this: PREZI
It's so cool,  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

what's this

what's thisEither way, it was all just weird.  Intention and emergence is just weird stuff, and I never can explain it or understand how these things happen.  But everyday I see something weird like this.  Some days a LOT more weird than other days!
every time. . . you come here you are struggling.  This is often your place of power, finding the truth inside of yourself again.  Remember this is all that you created and all that you wanted.  It's about moving forward to stand tall, not shirking away or being fearful. You've worked really hard to get here, and really have no reason to worry or struggle again.  These ideas and perspectives are your own, your power and clarity, evolving from your own expression, and beingness.  No FEAR!
I guess I hear this all the time!  And I know it's true just like I watch and know that everything is at my fingers and prefect for me. 
Yes, every thing. . .
I'm just stumbling over myself again!
Stop, everything is where you need it, waiting and ready for you to step into it all and be full and strong in your own power and clarity.  Remember this is all you asked for, like you wrote to start here, of things being weird.  Not for you, you have always walked into things with all the cards stacked in your favor, since you know the dealer, me. . .
I think that's weird too!  Cause it's really we or me.  Like I dealt this all for me, with the cards I put together for me.  I guess the real challenge is knowing I can do and achieve anything, and remain constant and pure to make it all the way through.  It's really weird when I see things come out of no where almost designed and created exactly to fix and serve my immediate needs.  I'm really perplexed how this always happens
every time. . . 144 pm you come back here you are in the same place.  Knowing it's at your fingers, knowing the power and present of time is all a gift.  Nothing out of reach, nothing to concern yourself, nothing to fear.  it's about power and clarity.
I know, but it's not coming together as easily as I want.  I biked again today and love the pool in the morning.  I always try to leave the house by 8am, bike and swim till 10am, including time to rest and dry in the sunshine.  Shower, change get to my office before 11am.
!I also recognize there it a serious pile of things in front of me, and I'm skirting around trying to stay ahead of everything.  Like yesterday I drove into video tap stuff and cleaned off the memory card onto someone's machine to publish the last recording.  And the camera had been set to a higher resolution so none of the software recognized anything.  More work, resetting things, confusion, mes, mess mess. . .  
This time you were smart. . . .
I called Kim to check into things and see about how we can move forward.  I miss having time with her and with all the craziness this month, time with her has been limited
!I feel like I'm limiting myself from full expression, but not getting out where i need to be.  Like today I went and sat at the Marshall Center Flea market for an hour or so.  Everyone I talked to was a vital connection to make incredible things happen.  Someone was taking a survey and connecting to adjuncts who were not getting paid anything within all the greedy institutions.  Course I suggested connecting to all the other professors as they are all at local institutions that need to be doing sustainability reports with us. . . 
what about the time you spoke to students. . .
It's always inventors and innovators who I meet and talk to.  This first kids wanted to build a totally solar car.  So I told him about the Student Green Energy Fund that we all pay into. . . and as we are talking another kid comes up who wants to help. . . !
every time. . . you do what you like to do people grow, learn, and benefit, that's what "no fear" is about. . . 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Journal2MyGOD: a future that requires us to tap into a deeper level of our humanity, of who we really are and who we want to be as a society.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What 10/11/2015 6.58pm the broke inside begins to heal, and grace returns. . . grace wins every time, no more lying down, rising up in victory, grace wins every time, from the periodical son. . . grace wins.. . was between, guilt and grace, and i'm living proof, grace wins every time. . . singing hayeluya. . . every time.. .
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you for your grace and truth i am able to share here and now.. . . as i tap into a deeper space getting real about who i am again here and now. . . so i gotta go do the next class. . .

7.06PM. . . AND Mik'S cat Mia is laying against my foot as i'm jamming to the music on these headsets. We both got a pair.  Mine in the office and i found her's in a drawer here.  Wow these are really great headsets to listen to music.   now again as I start to put my classes together

The Future of Business | Slantpoint

6.53PM. . AND AGAIN It;s time for something new. creating new again from scratch.  Only the power of love. . . so i need to get in this mooc i'm doing.  Started at 30,000, up the 40,000 and i've just now finished the first week's lessons.. . . and it's flying off without me ;-)  whatever that could mean.

The Future of Business | Slantpoint: Otto Scharmer, senior lecturer at MIT and co-founder of the Presencing Institute, we have entered an Age of Disruption. Traditional approaches are at an impasse. Yet the possibility of profound personal, organizational, societal change has never been more real.

This moment of disruption deals with death and rebirth. What’s dying is an old civilization and a mindset of maximum “me” — maximum consumption, bigger is better, and special-interest group-driven decision-making that has led us into a state of organized irresponsibility, collectively creating results that nobody wants.

What’s being born is less clear but in no way less significant. The future is not just about firefighting and tinkering with the surface of structural change. It’s not just about replacing one mindset that no longer serves us with another. It’s a future that requires us to tap into a deeper level of our humanity, of who we really are and who we want to be as a society.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

making progress

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 8/1/15
What are you doing?
I know I need to get my models working and I'm making progress!  Like I cleaned out my office finally, so I can get in here without tripping over things.  I started back in school in 2004, and essentially stopped consulting.  Then when I remarried in 2009, this office became a closet or a storage room.  Finally now my desk is clean, and nearly all the space is clear and workable.  Surprised too, I finally got insured again this last term, so I saw a dentist last week and will see a doctor and another dentist this week too.  Wow, it's so good to finally be taking care of these things.

Oh, and I got Mik's car back.  I thought it would be totaled, but they fixed it.  Course something wasn't right and Kim took it back, where they sent it to the Honda Dealership to reset the engine and such.  Now the weather has been no sunshine, so when we got the car, it was detailed with cleaned seats and carpet, that were all wet.  And STILL WET now a week later, which means everything is all moldy - - - Figures, as Kim is allergic to mold!

It's weird as we get to the crest on the sine wave, it seems some of us haven't reached the top yet, or still have to push a bit more to get beyond the shit.  Like wow, Dlorah died Friday!  I knew he was in the hospital again, he had sent me a note that he had pneumonia.  It turns out he actually had his cancer back in his lungs now.  Course he was smoking the day I visited his house, so he was sorta asking for it.  But wow, all my friends now will be grieving about losing our friend.  Great that I pushed for a Taurus Lunch Bunch luncheon for our birthdays in May.  I think we met in early June, but we all got together and almost once more.
What are you feeling?
It's sad.  Mik and I posted a bunch of pictures for his daughter who asked for them.  Course there is one picture with Mik where he looks great.  Poor guy, seemed like he kinda got lost in ego or something.  I remember seeing him soon after he was home from his first round.  He was smoking.  I'm sure I wrote about this already, because it really bothered me.  I mean, not just for his health, fighting cancer why get back into the crap so soon.  But also he knows I don't like smoke, so why does he have to smoke for the thirty minutes I'm there.  You think he would save it and be considerate.  It really felt like he was snubbing his nose at the universe.  Like he beat the cancer, so he could go right back to whatever life style he wanted.  I guess this is more of a lesson for me?
What do you mean by that?
I don't know, except I am often snubbing my nose at the universe!  I know what I need to do, and I know where my commitments and goals are.  Like now working on my model, or not working on it.  I need to get this done ASAP, and I seem to be dragging my feet instead of rushing to get it over-with.  I always seem to be pushing something more instead of finishing what I have already started.  Like it is always so much going in so many directions.  It seems almost pointless sometimes.
What about how these are all things Inspired!  Maybe these things you are doing fit together some way that you cannot see.  Like maybe this chaos with the grants and such was because other people and events needed to be in place before you submit at all.  Everything is always planned, and you are often stunned by how things come about.  Trust your space and time, know it's all exactly as it must be.  And there is not anything outside of you that you will ever have to worry about.
8/5/15 It's weird!  I went to the doctor and another dentist now.  The physical with the doctor was really great.  I was in better health than him.  And he commented a dozen times about us being the same age.  It was weird, but very wonderful to hear.  Then the dentist was really cool too, suggesting things to make everything better, and giving me a price that I could handle.  I've been saving some cash each month, and it's great to know I have enough to get everything fixed.  I'm really tired now.  Not sure why.  I biked in today and swam for a while.  Which is really a great way to start the day.  Tomorrow I have a ton to do.  Video and presentations and so much. 
What about getting home and finishing up you research.
I could I guess, but I get home tired and ready to sleep so often!
We can help, at least try to do what you know has to be done.
I know, I am.  Thanks for your Strength Love and Wisdom. . .    I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Fwd: JULY 2015, Bike ride into school

sharing with the present family!
Sent: Fri, Jul 31, 2015 12:35 am
Subject: JULY 2015, Bike ride into school

I was riding the current sine wave representing the evolution of life on Earth, coming into school this morning on my bike, and I was coming fast downhill and I closed my eyes.  I got the first bright light into prayer, and the first thing I saw was my life flash before my eyes.  It was the next 50 years flashing out in a split second, where I saw everything . . . Wow, the next fifty years, here doing this exact same thing, this exact schedule, biking to school again . . . I will know it so well, I could bike with my eyes closed!

Doing the same thing, bike to school, swim, shower, shave, tie . . . Wow 50 years of it!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope (July 24, 2015) - Inbox - Yahoo Mail: Your horoscope - Week of July 27, 2015

Though you'll be busy juggling plates on the home front, the developing Full Moon, which comes to a head on Friday, can see you in the limelight for one reason or another. If you need an opportunity to share a brilliant idea or showcase your skills, this is the time to go for it. Saturn turns direct in your relationship sector on Saturday, which can help improve interactions, particularly if you've had problems recently. Solutions may now be within reach.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's up . . . for me, to live is Christ, let it be, let it be Jesus, from the rising of the son, let it be Jesus, from the rising of the son, all is said and done. . . for me, to live is Christ, for me, to live is Christ, for me, to live is Christ, let it be, let it be Jesus, from the rising of the son, let it be Jesus, from the rising of the son, all is said and done. . .
I know, it's awesome . . . I praise the Soul, the King of Heaven, The One full truth that we are TOGETHER!   It's only Together, all as one that we can survive. . . ONE FAMILY, ONE LOVE, THE EVER LASTING KING, for it's only in you faith we sing. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Pope Calls on World Youth to Rise Up Against Global Capitalism | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

World Youth to Rise Up Against Global Capitalism:

 Pope Francis said. "Make a mess, but then also help to tidy it up. A mess which gives us a free heart, a mess which gives us solidarity, a mess which gives us hope."
He also encouraged those present to look at their less fortunate peers, some of whom he met earlier in the day during a visit to the Banado Norte shantytown, and spoke of the connection between authentic liberty and responsibility and the necessity of fighting for the right to lead a dignified life.

"We don't want young weaklings. We do not want young people who tire quickly, who live life worn out with faces of boredom. We want youths with hope and strength," Francis told the crowd.

Pope Francis' South American visit comes just week after the release of his Papal Encyclical, which many hailed as a "radical statement," in which he told leaders of the Catholic Church that there is a moral imperative for addressing climate change.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Here is a great article about the Pope's Encyclical

Tue Jul 7, 2015 4:02 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Heather Mann"

Here is a great article about the Pope's Encyclical. I especially appreciate these excerpts:

Finally, Turkson was quite clear in situating the encyclical not as a
theological statement, a scientific report, or a policy paper. Rather, using Pope Francis' language he described the encyclical as a "prayerful meditation." Prayerful contemplation and meditation, however, are not only the responsibility of church leaders or episcopal bodies, but of all the faithful. In this sense, *the pope is calling for deeper thought and concerted action flowing from awareness of our embeddedness in and interdependence with nature and one another. *


A central insight of the encyclical is* "integral ecology." The term,
integral, highlights the profound interdependence of people and planet. Integral ecology, *then, moves us beyond simply an anthropocentric position and towards the roots of our present environmental situation. That is, our philosophies and sciences make us aware that *humans cannot be removed from social, ecological, and cosmological processes that have given rise to us.*


Chryssavgis noted the call of the two religious leaders for preserving
nature and serving neighbor. He cited *Bartholomew's prophetic naming of intentional environmental damage as "ecological sin." *The pope reaffirms this term in the encyclical.

Celebrating Interbeing,

Heather Mann
*I am happy to announce Parallax Press will publish *
*Ocean of Insight: A Sailors Voyage Deep into the Climate Crisis*
*Please look for it on real and virtual bookshelves, Fall 2016--*
Visit my blog-- Http://
"Like" me on Facebook-- Https://
*Introduction of the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si' at the United Nations*

* Report by John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker Directors, Yale Forum on
Religion and Ecology <>*

On June 30, 2015 a high level discussion was held marking the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si'. With over 600 in attendance Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, introduced the event. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, welcomed the audience on behalf of Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon. The Secretary General has observed that the pope's "moral voice is part of a growing chorus of people from all faiths and all sectors of society speaking out for climate action." Figueres spoke of the nexus in the encyclical of morality, science, and politics noting that, "This nexus is as infrequent as it is powerful!"

Secretary Figueres then introduced the principal speaker, Cardinal Peter Turkson, who is the President of the Pontifical Academy of Justice and Peace. Pope Francis entrusted him with the initial drafting of the encyclical letter. On June 18, 2015, the day it was released, Turkson presented the encyclical at the Vatican press conference along with Metropolitan John of Pergamon from the Greek Orthodox Church. This signified the importance ecumenical relationship the pope has developed with the Greek Orthodox Church.

In his opening remarks, Cardinal Turkson, described the background of the formation of the encyclical. In 2013 Pope Francis spoke to him about an encyclical on natural and human ecology. During 2014 the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace assembled a broad team of theologians and scientists drafted an initial statement. This was sent to the Pope who reworked it consulting several Vatican agencies for their input.
Four significant points emerged from his description of the drafting process. First, Turkson's insistence that he was not inclined to "exegesis" of the encyclical to determine where a particular term came from, or who contributed a phrase or idea. "It's the pope's encyclical," he said. Many contributions are acknowledged in the footnotes, but the larger vision of the document was articulated by the pope.

Second, Turkson himself was inclined to hold the first draft from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace *in secreto* and not talk about any of the editing or consulting process. But on the plane back from the Philippines in January 2015 Pope Francis briefly described that process to reporters on his plane. This transparency, so characteristic of Francis' style as a religious leader, departs from the secretive process that has surrounded many prior papal documents, especially encyclicals.

Third, Turkson affirmed that the pope addresses this teaching document to all peoples and not just Catholics. The interweaving of ecological issues with social justice commitments necessarily involves the whole of humanity. In this regard Pope Francis asks, "What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to the children who are now growing up?"

Finally, Turkson was quite clear in situating the encyclical not as a theological statement, a scientific report, or a policy paper. Rather, using Pope Francis' language he described the encyclical as a "prayerful meditation." Prayerful contemplation and meditation, however, are not only the responsibility of church leaders or episcopal bodies, but of all the faithful. In this sense, the pope is calling for deeper thought and concerted action flowing from awareness of our embeddedness in and interdependence with nature and one another.

Turkson then gave a brief summary of each of the inner chapters of the encyclical. Certain key ideas from the six chapters were noted. Foremost, he emphasized the call in the document for "spiritual listening" required of religious communities. This means listening both to the scientific research on the ecological crises, as well as to the cry of the poor most adversely affected by environmental catastrophes.

A central insight of the encyclical is "integral ecology." The term, integral, highlights the profound interdependence of people and planet. Integral ecology, then, moves us beyond simply an anthropocentric position and towards the roots of our present environmental situation. That is, our philosophies and sciences make us aware that humans cannot be removed from social, ecological, and cosmological processes that have given rise to us.

Turkson strongly underscored a basic point of the encyclical, namely, "We are all in this together." Everyone needs to think through personal responses to pressing environmental issues. Francis went to great lengths to cite the words and ideas of his pontifical predecessors, and the insights of 18 bishops' letters from around the world. Thus, the pope is drawing on earlier church documents that have already highlighted the environment. This is a strategic move lest the encyclical be seen as radical or out of sync with church teachings.

Turkson emphasized the pope's concern for transforming reality, rather than simply staying on the level of ideas. Such transformative action, he observed, will be plural and trans-national. Practical proposals need to be developed that bring together science and religion, technology and philosophy, culture, economics and politics, and the individual and the group.

Father John Chryssavgis, theologian and adviser to the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, of the Greek Orthodox Church, responded to Cardinal Turkson's remarks. He briefly reviewed the historical separation of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and its recent *rapprochement*. This ecumenical openness is especially evident in the shared ecological concerns of the pope and the patriarch. That they have been criticized for their recognition of the mutuality of social and ecological justice, suggested to Chryssavgis that they have certainly touched on a central problem of our times.

Chryssavgis noted the call of the two religious leaders for preserving nature and serving neighbor. He cited Bartholomew's prophetic naming of intentional environmental damage as "ecological sin." The pope reaffirms this term in the encyclical. Chryssavgis underscored the Christian commitment to compassion for people and planet as emphasizing an incarnational spirituality. In conclusion, he remarked how providential it is that these two bishops are leading their respective churches into the areas of ecological and ecumenical dialogue.

View this report as a PDF:

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Christopher allen and his turtle story

United States Patent Application: 0070170306

[0045] A month or two back I was picking up my kids from school. It's across town and they get out an hour apart. So I figured I'd bring the kayaks and goof around in the river by their school, until my daughter got out. So my son and I got out into the water and paddled down this little channel. As we went along, every now and again, we'd come to a log covered with turtles . . . and they'd all jump into the water to hide as we got closer to them.

[0046] Soon we stopped for a moment, and were facing each other on opposite sides of the channel. So I said: [0047] "Hey Chris, what do you feel?" [0048] "Nothing." [0049] "No I mean really, what do you feel" [0050] "What? nothing dad . . . !" [0051] "Really feel yourself . . . deep down . . . . What do you really feel" [0052] "Ok dad, still nothing!!!" [0053] "Ok now look over there," and I pointed out another log covered with turtles . . . . [0054] "So now Chris, what do you feel . . . ?? do you feel the change . . . ?? What has changed inside of you? Do you feel it?" [0055] "yeaaayyy??!!"

[0056] "That's your connection to the turtles, that's their part of God inside of you. That's where you can go to communicate to the turtles . . . they can feel that too, share with them from down there"

[0057] "Oh cool;" was the last thing he said . . . and then we paddled up to them . . . and they all jumped into the water, except one . . . So I turned back to my son.

[0058] "Oh Chris, you need to talk to all of them, not just one" . . . .

[0059] And the Smile on his face, just popped up from ear to ear . . . Wow, was that an awesome experience. I mean to really teach something. so deep and meaningful, where he completely understood it, and put it into practice right then! I've never had anyone listen, believe, or understand anything I said so well (Erix, 2003b).

 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What happened tonight?
I saw the Fourth Fire works with great friends and family!
Chanted to the hidden moon
and posted some pictures

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  What an Awesome life! Thanks

Fourth of July

Well I can talk to this phone and it transcribes it all right now and it takes me 30 seconds. Now I can also with the blogger software I can snap a picture and post it.  Now I can't do it with the software already included, but Facebook and blogger apps can be downloaded for free and presto we are all online:

Wednesday, July 01, 2015


There's nothing worth more
That could ever come close
No thing can compare
You're our living hope
Your presence, Lord
I've tasted and seen
Of the sweetest of loves
Where my heart becomes free
And my shame is undone
Your presence, Lord

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We are here for you and are sure that this will all come about to be better than you can ever imagine.  That is what you planned, and what we are all in this for anyway.  No worries.
I am pushing from all sides and kinda annoyed a bit.  It feels like I'm the only one who knows about anything that is happening here.  Like everyone else is lost or clueless and I've got to push to bring things around where we all want to see things!
We are always giving you such deep insights into things that so few understand.  It's not that anyone is clueless, it's just things at a different level.  It's like trying to explain to a fish that they live in water.  The water is all they know, so to explain it as something outside of themselves or as part of something else it not really possible.  They simply do not know anything else, nor can they ever really know anything beyond this experience with what they are.
I get to see my son tonight!  It's so cool he wants to come alone, since we've not had a night to ourselves in months.  How awesome is that.  Exactly what I wanted and he's just soo cool about it
What happened?
It was cool, I stopped to reread what he wrote and he sent another note that he's on his way! !I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

▶ What Plants Talk About - Documentary - YouTube

▶ What Plants Talk About - Documentary - YouTube: Published on Nov 12, 2014

When we think about plants, we don't often associate a term like "behavior" with them, but experimental plant ecologist JC Cahill wants to change that.
The University of Alberta professor maintains that plants do behave and lead anything but solitary and sedentary lives.
What Plants Talk About teaches us all that plants are smarter and much more interactive than we thought!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Students Taking an Active Role in Society - Yahoo Groups Post No 3017

Students Taking an Active Role in Society - Yahoo Groups
  1. Why? What is your goal?
    1. To live in Peace and Health.  The ideal social structure of life is an attitude of learning which supports all Earth's evolution, growth & health through the abundance of sharing.
    2. To Live synergistic to Nature on Earth for fun and ease, sharing plenty with everyone.    
    3. CREATE MORE: Life, synchronicity, synergy, abundance, opportunity and success!
  2. Are you hoping to prove anything?
    1. Yes with everyone.
    2. to everyone.
always on the edge
always expressing too much
always fearless to BE!

Thanks for Your Word Dear Jesus Christ, please fill me with your truth, for Your Glory. Amen.

Saturday, May 09, 2015


May 2015

I live the strangest life ever. I don't know how this always happens to me. But each day I see more and more synergy all around me. Everything just clicks for me. Like just now, I started my PC to blog, but it needed to load in some updates. So then I went and grabbed my pen and pad so I could write and the dog started barking. So then I walked out to see what was going on with the dog course the mailman was there, but I could see the dog needed to go outside. So now I'm outside sitting in the sun watching play cricket next to me keeping my dog so he doesn't get into their court. "Hey get over here." So he will be such a good dog now!!!

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus Christ. I love this life that I have so much. Everything about it was really just awesome. Praise God, amen

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

From Original 15 to More Than 80, Student Loan Strike Numbers Grow | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

From Original 15 to More Than 80, Student Loan Strike Numbers Grow | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Published on

From Original 15 to More Than 80, Student Loan Strike Numbers Grow

'It’s been a month since 15 former students of the failing for-profit giant Corinthian Colleges said they would not pay a dime of their student loans because the school broke the law.'

 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word
What is it that you really want to see happen.
I guess it's all got to bust open!
What does that really mean?
I guess it's really about me doing what I've been designed to do!
What do you really mean?
It's all about legal action and moving people to create change!
What is remarkable is that you still really have no concept.  It's like you are so oblivious to this very thing that you dreamed up, created, imagined, designed, invented, and prepared for . . . The whole inception is you baby, and each and every aspect was dreamed and planned.  Total complete creation into an entire new place and experience.
It sounds like I'm giving up everything again!
Was that what you felt with the children leaving? It is something that you have done before, and can do again. What we know is that you are ready to make it all happen.  Pull it together in a way that no one could ever imagine, escape or challenge.  It's another puzzle to solve, a simple direct place and time to make things change in a way that no other could fight.
I keep seeing so much more and wonder how I will ever be able to get everything together!  But then I stop and look at the things happening so quickly.  I know the time and space of what is happening on this rock is shaping into a new world.  I know this will be a total trip.  And I will really never know what to do next.
What about your meeting with Annod?
I guess I was surprised!  I hadn't ever considered that it was her that wanted the college gone from Letap.  The research center was enough, as everyone agreed how integrated research would help everyone.  Now it makes another silo.  I never had considered that.  but I did tell her I could make it sing within one year. . . which is funny, as i was very careful how i said it.  Then she said how her friend would be perfect there. . . Course now i flashed to meeting with Raphael to create a new approach to get everything done.
We have to be clear. . . everything is set to really break, and we need to be sure you are ready for the end. . . everything changes. . . back to the truth, free in peace. . . and clear and sure directly infront of everyone.  you know what will happen.  And you are seeing how more every moment.
I guess, it really always seems like more work for me!
have you ever felt in need?  real about life, is so much of you in love.with the experience
I was talking to these trees again.  I realized how long it's been, and they reminded me how they are all connected, so they all here me!  Like the Osprey are back. . . but it was like realizing again how all life is connected.  Getting a continuous vibration and listening for what they share and suddenly it's all connected again. . . 

I know i need to go to bed, thank you for all you share and all you are
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Please fill us with your Strength, Love and Wisdom to fulfill your glory. amen.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Another Life: What is Spiritual growth???

Another Life: Fw: [Abes_Kids] What is Spiritual growth:  One of basic questions is : What is spiritual growth?  Thanks for your time, Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is this about?
I recognize this is all about the power of the word!  As I work to create my own scholarly publications, I struggle with making my thoughts and ideas very specific and exact.  So much of what I write I assume people can follow and understand.  Like again I met with my son and we also talked about words and dreams and experiences that we all have.  When speaking or writing, the words I use will be exactly the same whether I describe a dream or an experience I have.  I can describe each in the same detail and include my emotions and other words of clarity to make these events real and direct for anyone.  This is even more so in the English language which is nearly just a compilation of all the other languages.  We simply adopt and use words as we need for any language we find.  Thus, we include the sounds and vibrations found everywhere. . .
What you did here, was you shifted meaning.  The words themselves have a meaning that you define and understand.  But simultaneously the words each have a vibrations and another meaning that may not be as easily discernible.  This is much like numerology where you will read the time and date as a number representing the meaning of an event.  But then look at the numbers individually separate from the time scales to represent something else:  Now it's 10:48 on January 30th, 2014. . . but these numbers: 10.48 1/30/2014 are added in numerology to be 1+0=1, 4+8=12, 1, 3, 7 - - - 1+12+11=33=6. . . and as each calculation is done the numbers reveal another meaning. . . Similarly, the words you use mean something directly for everyone to understand, while the vibrations of these words can mean something completely different!
I know 1.21pm now on 1/30/2014!  Nearly the end of the month, exactly where I should be before going into to something else.  How appropriate.  I know it's about power and things that I am very strong about, just like I know things will be exactly where I need them to be.  All things come around as they need to be.  I'm always in the right place at the right time, doing things no one else can deal with or understand.  It's all perfect. . . It always is..

Monday March 30 3.51.32 PM  and so I went outside with the dog and started talking into the phone.  Wow was that so cool, like I suddenly wondered if i dreamed about this when i started journalling in high school.  I know i got all i wanted, so i wonder if one lazy afternoon as i wrote, if i considered what it would be like to talk to my paper.  like pen write this.  Or paper, create this word. so I could talk to it, and it know what i said and wrote it all out.  fixed the spelling and messy grammar. that i never could get right anyway, what use was all the knowledge if it wasn't automatic.  I need to focus on new problems and unsolved mysteries.  Stop wasting my time with the trivial stuff we have solved a million years ago.

So now, I started blogging with my phone online and noticed how cool it was to be sitting outside with the dog.  So I stopped to click a picture to post on the blog and the phone app crashed. . . It was really so very cool, like on another planet playing with spaceman's widgets, and suddenly i broke it.  Dam, all the technology everywhere and still they never get it all to work right!

And now I come in the office again and wonder a second whether maybe the phone app was smart enough to save my draft online.  So I opened the blog and looked into the listing to see if any drafts were saved. . . Then I found one that was empty, and deleted it, and then found this one  and started writing.
What just happened?
I Called steve and asked him about building my greenhouse patent!  Mike from MNU suggested we talk about the design, which I randomly remembered now.  Course call him now before i forget.  And Steve immediately asked me about it holding water. . . and we got into this deep detail about water in pipes dissolving aluminum or rusting steal having funky effects on plants and getting wicked expensive for stainless steel. . .
What did you flash too
I saw millions of roofs collecting all the water, generating their own electricity, moving people and materials all with just gravity!  No utility companies, now greed and control.  Simply people living, easy in peace, sun and water creating an abundant life where every drop of each was priceless and free for all to use and share.
What about how each section was separate and could be customized for everyone, more iron here, more water there, purifiers, and pressure cutters.  All one system as it was meant to be
I really just laugh some times!
What did you ask for?
I wanted to see the solution!  The one simple answer that worked for everything
Why not just trust what is?
I know, I'm learning.  Thanks YOU!   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Shit it crashed.

I had written up a whole page and it crashed

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So I'm waiting for work

Sitting in the parking lot at the credit union and I find that I have some free time. I don't think I'm going to go to the office today because my foot is hurt. I actually think I got bit by something because every time I stand up my right foot starts swelling. So I've been sitting in the office with my foot up all weekend and kind a got Kim worried.

Over the weekend we had AC installed. He came and gave a quote on Friday I had it installed on Saturday and need to get him paid now. So I'm pulling cash out to pay them and looks like he's pulling in right now so I'm gonna have to save this for later.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Revelation, mighty to save, lead me, Cannons Song in the NOW!!!

KARI JOBE LYRICS - Revelation Song
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings
You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color
Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be
To You the only wise King

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for all you are and All that I Am, through you!
Let mercy fall on me, the kindness of the saviors.s.s.s.s

So take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again

I give my life to follow
Everything i believe in
Now i surrender

Savor he can move the Mountains. . . And 7.02.46 3/15/15 wow what a number that was. . . It's like suddenly I realize how I've patented everything.  As it all exists in this patent notebook that I created online for everyone to read.  Like it's all been public disclosure from the start. . . . Now i can sue on thousands of patents, like close USA on the international courts. . . and funny what feels like the strongest nation will be the native indian nations here in the americas anyway. . . as yeas, am-eric-as we all will see again and again,  Never has it been so clear and simple. . .

the moon and the stars declare who you are!
Singing, You are holy, great and mighty
The moon and the stars declare who You are
I'm so unworthy, but still You love me
Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

I Love you dearest Lord Jesus Christ, Please GUIDE Me and Lead me to study and Examine the Data and Model before me to create an IDEAL PERFECT Expression of Your Truth and Your Love for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Revelation, mighty to save, lead me, Cannons Song in the NOW!!!

KARI JOBE LYRICS - Revelation Song

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Who was and is and is to come

With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings

You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color

Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder

Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be

To You the only wise King

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for all you are and All that I Am, through you!

Let mercy fall on me, the kindness of the saviors.s.s.s.s

So take me as you find me

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow

Everything i believe in

Now i surrender

Savor he can move the Mountains. . . And 7.02.46 3/15/15 wow what a number that was. . . It's like suddenly I realize how I've patented everything.  As it all exists in this patent notebook that I created online for everyone to read.  Like it's all been public disclosure from the start. . . . Now i can sue on thousands of patents, like close USA on the international courts. . . and funny what feels like the strongest nation will be the native indian nations here in the americas anyway. . . as yeas, am-eric-as we all will see again and again,  Never has it been so clear and simple. . .

the moon and the stars declare who you are!

Singing, You are holy, great and mighty

The moon and the stars declare who You are

I'm so unworthy, but still You love me

Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

I Love you dearest Lord Jesus Christ, Please GUIDE Me and Lead me to study and Examine the Data and Model before me to create an IDEAL PERFECT Expression of Your Truth and Your Love for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Revelation, mighty to save, lead me, Cannons Song in the NOW!!!

KARI JOBE LYRICS - Revelation Song

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Who was and is and is to come

With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings

You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color

Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder

Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be

To You the only wise King

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for all you are and All that I Am, through you!

Let mercy fall on me, the kindness of the saviors.s.s.s.s

So take me as you find me

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow

Everything i believe in

Now i surrender

Savor he can move the Mountains. . . And 7.02.46 3/15/15 wow what a number that was. . . It's like suddenly I realize how I've patented everything.  As it all exists in this patent notebook that I created online for everyone to read.  Like it's all been public disclosure from the start. . . . Now i can sue on thousands of patents, like close USA on the international courts. . . and funny what feels like the strongest nation will be the native indian nations here in the americas anyway. . . as yeas, am-eric-as we all will see again and again,  Never has it been so clear and simple. . .

the moon and the stars declare who you are!

Singing, You are holy, great and mighty

The moon and the stars declare who You are

I'm so unworthy, but still You love me

Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

I Love you dearest Lord Jesus Christ, Please GUIDE Me and Lead me to study and Examine the Data and Model before me to create an IDEAL PERFECT Expression of Your Truth and Your Love for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Revelation, mighty to save, lead me, Cannons Song in the NOW!!!

KARI JOBE LYRICS - Revelation Song

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Who was and is and is to come

With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings

You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color

Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder

Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be

To You the only wise King

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for all you are and All that I Am, through you!

Let mercy fall on me, the kindness of the saviors.s.s.s.s

So take me as you find me

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow

Everything i believe in

Now i surrender

Savor he can move the Mountains. . . And 7.02.46 3/15/15 wow what a number that was. . . It's like suddenly I realize how I've patented everything.  As it all exists in this patent notebook that I created online for everyone to read.  Like it's all been public disclosure from the start. . . . Now i can sue on thousands of patents, like close USA on the international courts. . . and funny what feels like the strongest nation will be the native indian nations here in the americas anyway. . . as yeas, am-eric-as we all will see again and again,  Never has it been so clear and simple. . .

the moon and the stars declare who you are!

Singing, You are holy, great and mighty

The moon and the stars declare who You are

I'm so unworthy, but still You love me

Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

I Love you dearest Lord Jesus Christ, Please GUIDE Me and Lead me to study and Examine the Data and Model before me to create an IDEAL PERFECT Expression of Your Truth and Your Love for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Revelation, mighty to save, lead me, Cannons Song in the NOW!!!

KARI JOBE LYRICS - Revelation Song

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Who was and is and is to come

With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings

You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color

Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder

Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be

To You the only wise King

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for all you are and All that I Am, through you!

Let mercy fall on me, the kindness of the saviors.s.s.s.s

So take me as you find me

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow

Everything i believe in

Now i surrender

Savor he can move the Mountains. . . And 7.02.46 3/15/15 wow what a number that was. . . It's like suddenly I realize how I've patented everything.  As it all exists in this patent notebook that I created online for everyone to read.  Like it's all been public disclosure from the start. . . . Now i can sue on thousands of patents, like close USA on the international courts. . . and funny what feels like the strongest nation will be the native indian nations here in the americas anyway. . . as yeas, am-eric-as we all will see again and again,  Never has it been so clear and simple. . .

the moon and the stars declare who you are!

Singing, You are holy, great and mighty

The moon and the stars declare who You are

I'm so unworthy, but still You love me

Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

I Love you dearest Lord Jesus Christ, Please GUIDE Me and Lead me to study and Examine the Data and Model before me to create an IDEAL PERFECT Expression of Your Truth and Your Love for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

2982Fw: Fwd: Apple to Buy Tesla for $75 Billion?

Students Taking an Active Role in Society - Yahoo Groups: Would you consider helping the "First College of Global Sustainability" on the Planet to prepare a proposal to collaborate with Apple for a Sustainable Cities Initiative in Tampa???

It sounds like a cool project we might enjoy setting up!

What an interesting idea?  Why not try to create something new that I would totally LOVE?  Apple, sustainable and Tampa, what a nice combination.  It seems like all I came here to do anyway. . . like making things shift that no one can stop.  Because once it starts and people see and feel how easy it all is without the big systems and big controls. . . suddenly they all fall away and vanish into history.  Not in war or violence, but simply shift into memories, all soon forgotten.  No challenge, no strife, simply change, and evolution, like a new branch growing out of the tree.

Suddenly it is there, it appears from no where it seems.  Soon to bear fruit, provide shade, and strength for support. . . just what is!  As it should be.  And so it IS, amen!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

ubiquitous - Google Search

ubiquitous - Google Search

I love her so much, she’s such an awesome person.  
. . . .Holy spirit you are wlecome here. . . your glory God, is what our hearts long for! Holy Spirit (live) now on iTunes Radio. . .
And . . . I remember asking why would someone create any kind of music gadget (iPod) without including the ubiquitous radio.  And now it’s running in the background with the magic keyboard sucking the words from my fingers.  And i realize now how the pains in the hands is coming on to me exactly like the eyesight issues.  Like another reaction to the chemical pollutions in our planet.  One of these dying pleasures we suffer to be able to share and expand our consciousness with all this technology.  
. . We have been waiting and watching for this since we started.  Each moment you move and share the vibration shifts and moves, stronger, and stronger . . . next its, I Refuse - Josh Wilson - See You - 
And then, everyone is working on the same model.  Pulling together the data of everything.  Where we are designing and building new water systems, that also move people.  Changing everything for people over night.  

wow, it’s like I’m done writing now
 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What it is about is becoming the dean and doing what you came here for . . . exactly the same system across the planet, using water to mover everything, energy, information, people, products, all of it. . .
I can't wait to build. . .  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Fill me with your Strength, Love and Wisdom, so I may fulfill Your Glory! Amen.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Mac Pro 2015

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
The splendor of a king, clothed in majesty, let all the earth rejoice, he wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, trembles at his voice, trembles at his voice. . How great is our god,  how great is our god, sing with me, how great is our god, how great is our god. . . Name above all names, worthy of all praise, My heart will sing how great is our god. . . the Name above all names, worthy of all praise, and my heart will say, How Great, is Our God . . . Sing with me, how great is our god, how great is our god. . . 2/18/2015 9pm 
I know, it's everything i ever could have asked for!  Exactly as i dreamed. . . it's scary to say that.  or to see that.  and even more freaky to see examples and support for it over and over again.  Like a constant stream of power and connections.  More and more people on the ground making things happen.  I see this endless stream and vibration of everything i ever wanted or thought valuable to share coming out in front of me.
What are you doing now?
I finally got a new machine!  Picked it up at lunch and flipped through it with him.  Now at home i filled three stacks of milk crates five feet high so I could get to my desk.  And suddenly I stopped?  I had created enough space to plug it in and turn it on. . . 9.47.44 2/18/2015
What we did was simply say it was time for you to do something else.  You see and understand more and more each moment.  Like understanding that you are in control exactly where you have always been, doing the same things you have always done.  Each time it's a small step forward, but it carries so far and strong throughout so many things in the culture and experience.  He is alive, he has risen . . . your love never fails it never gives up.  The power of your great name. . . 
10.11.44 2/18/2015. . . Now for you each moment you try and work in the same direction. it's here again for you and you simply must follow it through.  No worries, it's all exactly where it needs to be.  Nothing is out of reach, nor is there any concern or struggle with anything.  This moment again we are here with you and it flows so easily. Yes he loves us, how he Loves us. . .  he loves us, how he Loves us. . . he loves us, how he Loves us. . 
We have always been here with you and it's funny how you are still so authentic in your surprise.  Each moment you push the limits a bit more.  Sometimes you win and some times you don't.  But again its always pushing forward.  Clear and honest about what works for you.  it's the same for everyone.  And again you are simply doing it.  Not so much thinking and worrying about it.  But pushing it to be 10.30.44 2/18/2015 that same vibration and truth again and again in all that you do and share.  What was the last you did today? 
I really did a lot today didn't i!  The last thing at school was setting up the camera for Carl to record his class again. Cagel mentioned she saw her recording from last week, and could use it for creating a teaching portfolio.  So I asked her to read over mine, since i just finished it this weekend.  
What about before that?
I went to the meeting Kabreab told me about!  It essentially told me about how to set up a group of projects to run city services through the university.  Course the provost is promoting it here for us now. . . which is funny as this is what i did since i came to USF.
What about after that?
I gave the dude my card, saying i could do that position for him!  He's looking for a new project manger to set up new city for them in the future.  Evidently the guy presenting is a teacher who had this great idea.  Now he travels all around helping other schools to set up the same deals.  What a trip,  it's really all that I ever did!
What about before that!
I know i got a call from the city and rushed outside to speak to them!  They got my email about the contract/deal with the research on Lake Roberta. . . course there was another teacher in the room who runs laps around the lake every morning. . . What a trip was that.  Zieger, i think, as i've met her before. . .
What was critical is what you said about getting paid.  You started in the morning with eric who said to speak to koffi to get things fixed. . . and you're very last conversation was with his assistant who knew you were getting it right.  Then you got a tuition waiver on top of it.  Got the city ready for the best deal ever.  and have them getting your outstanding balance anyway.  it's all perfect.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks for you grace and Love Amen.

Sunday, February 15, 2015



This is the digital Teaching Portfolio for Eric, a Civil Engineering Doctoral Candidate at the University. Eric supports graduate and undergraduate students in their scholarly development especially in engineering, urban agriculture, public health, entrepreneurship, and Global Sustainability. 
Please browse through the links at left to explore Eric's work and experience in Global Sustainability. 

Doing Research that Matters

Rainwater Capture Greenhouse (poster-1 PDF download)
Engineering Research Day 2014 (poster-2 PDF download)
Sustainable Food Conference (poster-3 PDF download)

 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What a great way to connect all the dots.  So much of what you do, as you wrote here, is based on the experiences you have.  You have always been so careful to listen.  Often you do not agree, and do whatever you want (Hard Knocks).  However, you are persistent and learn as you go.  It's been a challenge for us to get through to you.  As you challenge most everyone else!  But that is you place anyway.  Change only comes with pushing the limits.  It would be better to select you limits to push against instead of pushing on them all at once. But you still will do what you want! 
I know, and actually, you have always encouraged me to do what I want!

yes, but What about tempering it all a bit for others who don't move and change as fast as you do.  Some times it's better to be a little more careful about how you move and change in the world.  Especially if you want anyone on the world to come along with you.
I  Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you for all you give and share with me, please lead and guide me, as only you can! Amen.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Your Word is so Powerful!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
6.31pm. "Christ dies to save me, and this i read". . . 2/5/20015 What we need you to do is to stop judging everything.  more and more comes together for you and its easier and easier. . . But still you questions?  you wonder?  You look around?  What is it, "here again" you wonder?  how has it ever changed.  you know your place, and you know your connections. ...  "6.33pm My savor loves, My savor lives . . . ., My God is always gonna Be!"
I LOVE Your Word, Thank you so much for this moment here together!
What is more remarkable than ever is how you wonder what's next all the time, instead of simply acting.  The Hope of the world Lifted up high . . . . To love you forever, you are our everything. . . . and again you are coming into the place of having everything you could possibly imagine?  What's the choice?  All we need is YOU!!! 
I SEEK Your Word!  I guess so.  And I remember my son saying, wow we're all alright!  
What . . your love never fails, never gives up, it never runs out on me and on and on to satisfy my sole.
I LOVE Your Word! 2.34am 2/13/15 wow a wild week, started Sunday with home contractors, that started the next day when i offered to pay cash. . .  to yesterday losing my wallet with half their fee!  EEK!  It all happens so quick.  I never seem to know what's next.  And again more and more appears, seemingly out of no where!  I wonder what could be next, but try not to judge and impose
What you need to remember it's your confidence and trust in the exact experience of truth that makes everything work.  You press and push so much beyond what people know.
I LOVE Your Word! I just found out about recording a lecture tomorrow morning.  Maybe racing out there early in the morning would be perfect.  I just know I need to trust everything that opens for me.  Like trusting that the lost wallet would somehow benefit me and us all.  I was convinced I was getting my grant, so short the sum was about the monitors my mac pro needs.  Seemed logical.

I even explained to my son how it was more important to stay in the FLOW.  Money needs to flow through me, so I release it so there is space for more to come in.  Never a choice or a concern, more simply the experience i needed to do that next moment. . . 3.37am Fill me up God!

What an incredible experience.  As my first reaction was to cut commitments to invest elsewhere.  like doors and windows are more important, but then as I re-examine everything as the new experiences dictated.  Wow, what's next?
What did you feel?
It was another lawyer.  Wow Your Word is so Powerful!  How could I ever question my place and responsibility, I am always clear on my place.  The limits are written in stone.  And not only do I own the only hammer and chisel, but I was helping pull the crystals together to create the stones.  It's all been here exactly as it needed to be.
What a wonderful experience we share.  each moment you grow and learn, pushing one more step, and one more level of truth and power.  4.15am 2/13/15
I love Your Word!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you for all you share amen.