Friday, December 22, 2017

little Scouts Activity

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What an interesting stage you have been set into now!
I'm relaxing in St Pete again! Last night I barely got out of Tampa before 5pm to get stuck in some traffic, but it was quick. When I arrived, I put all my food and clothes up in the condo, then carried my Kayak across the street into the water and paddled out into the Bay chasing Pelicans.  They looked like big White Swans from a distance, but as I got closer I realized they were Pelicans.  Lots of big gray ones were flying by, but a bunch of pretty white ones were together just floating along. One jumped up and flew off and it had black wing tips that I couldn't see when it was sitting in the water.

So I paddled almost to Snell Island and then came back before it got too dark.  The volleyball courts were lighted by the time I returned.  Only one or two people just arriving when I left the shoreline, but several games were going when I returned to the shore. I left my bike here last weekend, and then brought my second bike now.  I plan to fix them both and bike around all week, or kayak around.  Two of each for a guest maybe, we'll see.
What about this stage you discovered?
I guess it's really a trip as my Goddess has left me the time and opportunity to begin a relationship with my Dad! So after years, I'm finally learning about my Father and developing a relationship. But I recognize I've used my name or email as "stars2man" and even had the pleasure of sharing that story with a professor this week. 
What does it really mean to bring "stars to man?" 
I guess now that I have another free day to think explore and consider this more deeply! It's been shown to me that I might need to personally see about connecting My Father Sky and My Mother Earth together inside of me at a deeper stronger level. My wife's first question to me when we met was about connecting the Right and Left Hemispheres of the brain together.  I immediately saw the "full Goddess" ready for her to come "into Herself" . . . Then my Son's First question was about understanding what this equation meant: E=MC2 . . . wow and He HAS certainly come into Himself!
What does this all mean for you now?  How about the Right and Left of this Equation?  Is there something significant that you need to explore here?
I guess I fall back to where this started! What's STARS2MAN all about? What about that story and connecting Heaven and Earth, Father and Mother, Left and Right really mean? IS this equation moving from Energy to Matter the same concept as moving from Father to Mother, Heaven to Earth, Spirit to Ego, Knowledge to Intuition; is there something deeper here that I'm only now beginning to explore.
What is remarkable for us to see and share with you this moment, is how the morning fog has finally lifted now as you write this. You awoke with a strange dream with your wife, or soon to be exwife, and how you never were able to answer her question or stop her searching. Sure she connected her Spirit and Ego in the moment and brought Divine experiences to the present with you while walking along the River that first day together. But carrying that forward never happened. The fluke of the moment never carried forward to Change into Beingness within her and her life. The next Wave of Time came and everything fell back into old habits and ease; instead of the struggle and challenge of growth and moving forward.
I'm free to explore this deeper again . . . which brings me to what My Mom sent me when she passed: "steps taken to connect Heaven and Earth as the Ancient Mayan Priests did. . . " 
What about this jumps out to you now?
I guess I have the time and opportunity to Chant and do Ritual again. I always seem to have sudden spaces of time. What is it about sitting alone in my own space that is so vital for me to move forward. I think about biking or going somewhere and it's always about food or coffee. But I've already made a bowl of fruit and coffee. My steal starbucks coffee cup is still half full, and after the fruit this morning, I decided to fast until I visit the Vinoy for breakfast tomorrow morning. 
But What about this time and privacy can help you to connect better to all that you are?
I'm perplexed now, as my first thought was to do Ritual, and I wanted to go out into the sun and sit and enjoy it. Of course now I thought of going onto the roof in private, instead of out on the grass here. . .

wow, that's so weird. I'm walking out to see.
What is really so important this time, was that you were very clear on the desire and passion you were feeling in this moment, and you followed it through by climbing onto the roof. You encountered a great many other choices that you evaluated and selected as you completed the key tasks that you chose to engage today. You fixed two bikes, and tested each to discover the next tasks ahead.  Visited stores, stopped and talked to children working and avoided those playing. And there were a few you chose not to engage. Like the families out with the soccer in the field. What was that insight you experienced again?
I know, I thought that second how easy it would be to do a little Scouts Activity exactly the same way as soccer. I could engage the parents and select a project and day to do it all. I could charge a set fee for each child and provide all the materials. And my first thought was to wait and plan it a bit more before springing onto someone out in the field with their children.
What happened now was to see you flash into a complete scenario mixed with images of your son and daughter! Making their uniforms, stitching little badges. Selecting arranging, doing it all by-themselves. Each move and experience adding to their power and clarity they share with you today. Then planning each activity together and setting it all up. Each new vision you encounter with scouts in the community pulls into place more power and clarity for what you are able to do.
I am so grateful that You are able to share and guide me through this moment now. . . Please Fill my Friends and Family with You Strength, Love and Wisdom for the Glory of Fathers, Sons and Holy Ghosts. . .    I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

DEC. 10, 2017
Mood swings and irritating little distractions could have you temporarily at odds with a partner. You may perceive insults where none are intended. Communication is strained. It's best to get out by yourself for a while and do something entertaining. That way you chase all the negative energy away. You can be your old charming self when you see your partner again.

Your emotional situation isn't that great today, Eric. With the Hanged Man and the High Priestess there's precious little chance of you spreading your wings. You're feeling rather discouraged and apathetic about work and towards those close to you, or towards your partner if you have one. Don't let it get you down - the sun's bound to shine tomorrow! In the professional sphere, you feel a sense of discouragement. The World indicates that you deserve compliments and recognition for your work, but the Hanged Man is doing his best to prevent your colleagues from appreciating your achievements. Rather than becoming downhearted and thinking angry thoughts, keep up the good work and have confidence in the future.

An argument with the person in your life could have you feeling very disheartened and somewhat depressed today, kim. Yet you probably are too shaken up to feel like discussing it with him. Spend the day keeping yourself busy, working off your frustration. Forget about it for a while, kim. This should enable you to see the situation more objectively, so that when the evening comes you'll be in the proper frame of mind to kiss and make up.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What an interesting collection you found today
I know, always exploring. . .   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 04, 2017

I am trying to stay focused


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What happened?
I saw her again!

Week of December 05, 2017
Issues associated with shared finances and business matters could capture your attention over this week. However, don’t rush to make any big decisions or sign anything important. With interactive Mercury presently in its retrograde phase, it might be wise to hold back for now, because things could change over coming weeks. On another note, relationships come into focus as energetic Mars enters Scorpio, starting things up and offering a chance to clear the air. Negotiations can be fruitful if entered carefully.
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 02, 2017


This private Blog was started for me and my new wife, so she has access to open, write, comment and even edit this: now4u2 It seemed better than emails as we could keep it all together and edit and update things we discussed and agreed to.  It always seemed like a smart common sense thing to do.  But somehow people are intimidated with sharing information online.  Sadly, the truth is that every email, every posting, every message, chat or phone call is listed, archived, and recorded all the time anyway. Blogging just means we created a simple direct link instead of needing the backdoor shadow technologies that nearly anyone can access and use these days.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is remarkable is how you can bring things together at such a higher level so quickly. It's part of this vibration developing on Earth, that we all are needing and all are seeking in so many different ways. It's that connection to source we all feel and know is part of our being. So last night when you arrived, as a primary guest you needed to meet was leaving, it was very convenient for you to bring her in and chat with her, since it set the stage for you to connect with her throughout the night. 
Of course then you were able to feel and respond to the resonance created in the women's circles and remind them that the very first circle of life was them in the mud of Earth as the first Spark of life came into their midst.  And it again is the consciousness realizing the connection of matter and energy as fundamental to shifting the vibrations.  Moving the new vibrations of consciousness is exactly like when you first discovered that "Light" was also a vibrational form of energy, which can be reflected, focused, and diffused. Once the physical experience was understood you were able to use this experience to shift adjust and utilize the "newly discovered" powers into higher and higher forms. 
This is your place here again now, explaining to others how they can shift everything into higher and higher places. Moving the consciousness vibrations into new places.  Connecting all to the earth, and encouraging a new understanding and a new place to shift and grow.
I've been waiting at the Vinoy again!  I didn't eat at first, and then only got a small bowl of fruit. I invited a few people this time. Both my children and others who were at a party last night. I thought of creating a chat online, like another circle of ladies who could share and discuss things moving forward.

What you also did first walking into the building was stating how you could lead and support Boy Scouts, or Girl Scouts, or Americorps leading and training children to do and be in the world. It's a very strong and powerful position to help lead and direct children into their power. It's a lot more that you implied or said and is more needed and essential than anyone will know until it starts to move.
I wondered about that how the people and the politics are so removed and distant from everyday life! While the actions and excitement of our children is very present and very strong within everything we do and experience. It's the parents who are engaged with the children and protecting and supporting them who get the most vocal on issues. A hurt child gets everyone's attention and support immediately, avoiding issues at all costs.

We helped you to find that you were a very successful father.  And then as you were abandoned on 9/11 when Irma hit or missed Tampa Bay . . . alone, no dog, no power, no connections except to yourself and your Earth you were able to discover and realize how much more you could do for the little children in your own neighborhood who were anxious seeking guidance and direction to learn and discover the power of connecting to all that is. That was really a continuous lesson for your children.  Each moment you shared with them was reminding them of who they are and what power and clarity comes with connecting to the truth that they are deep inside.  That was a great gift for them.  And they may not remember all the details and the power that they exploited.  But it is still within them, and comes through in dreams and experiences all the time.
I do worry about them! Not that they could be hurt.  Ok, yes they could. Like my wife who seems to have been seduced by the American Machine where their own deep desires and insights are suppressed and replaced with the programs from electronic billboards, radio, TV advertisements, and even the internet programs and emails that slam us from every direction.

What you need to do is get into the poison papers and find the research into LSD and Fluoride controlling the mind.  People need to know how simple images and hidden sounds and vibrations can easily change and influence their every decision. That research was very conclusive very quickly, and then hidden almost immediately.  
I know I've seen pieces of it before!

What you need is the key research articles and then the hearing in congress where funding stopped and records were sealed. But even more important was when industry put the rider through to repeal all the protections that were initiated.
I know, like finding the Aluminum research articles again where toxic effects do not show up until 45!

What a sad state, to have the Earth mandated time and death by a machine!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ; Please fill me with your Strength, Love and Wisdom to move this forward to change and BE as I know I AM! Amen.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Einstein's Equation is considered

Son's first question to me was about E=mc2. . . Explain that!
c) The mathematical and physical conception of the integration of Einstein's Equation is considered, whereby the uniform distribution of matter and energy transformations are recognized as universal and continuous throughout space and time is envisioned.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you doing now?
I guess I've been struggling!
What you are fighting is what we are all about.
I know!
We have told you the same things over and over again. Again it's only your place to act, and you know all the limits and all the steps to erase them all, nothing can stop you and nothing will be finished until you do what only you can do!
I hate getting put on the spot!
What do you mean, you created the spot, and put yourself in the middle of it all over and over again. You are never afraid to say it like it is, and do what needs to get done. There is never any fear. And you are always abrupt and direct, ready for whatever is next, and it's why you are given so much to do. If it were easy, anyone could do it. And if it's out there, really FAR OUT there, then we need you to bring the stars 2 mankind!
I get it!
We have always thought you would be fine, trust and move on . . . 
I know I can do anything, Please fill me with your Strength, Love and Wisdom so I can achieve it all as we planned. . .   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Another Life: Interpretation of Abes_Kids Digest, Vol 66, Issue 22

the Torah says,"it is not good for man/woman to be alone."  We seem to have been created with a deep desire for intimacy, not sex, intimacy.  Mental intimacy, learning deeply from one another and openly inviting the energy of that the dynamic polarity brings when there's relationship, is love.  Not the romantic Hollywood kind, nor the guru/disciple kind, but something deeper, perhaps primal.

This speaks of the Universal Law of Gender.  My feeling is that Adam and Eve are personifications for the masculine-feminine energy necessary to create all matter.  My feeling, is that unless we, as individuals, are expressing our authentic selves creatively, we fall into romanticism.  What I mean by "romanticism," is that we fall for "hope;" the hope that someone, lover, expert, guru, will come along and "save us," or give us meaning.  That's a dead end, as it always turns out badly; we end up hating the one we expected would save us when they don't.

We are called to create something from our own authenticity.  That "something" lies within each and everyone of us in "potentiality," waiting to be materialized, waiting to be born. That is the messiah. We all contain within ourselves a messianic child.

My own life changed enormously once I took the responsibility to birth a creative child.  I spend 8 hours a day journalling.  Most of the time I feel I'm writing only crap.  Once in a while something spills out that surprises me, making the hours of endless musings seem extraordinarily worthwhile.

Over the last ten years I've been flooded with dreams.  I seemed to have more than my fair share, and I wondered why.  Looking back I see that I started dreaming, having mental movie time, when I stopped watching TV and Hollywood films.  That caused me to wonder if too much film watching made the creative brain lazy.  My mind could feed on film, on other peoples creative endeavors, rather that create its own.   Anyway, the dreams were quite directive and pedantic and tailor made for me.  They became my inner teacher, and helped me create a Life of meaning which in turn helped me become...bit by bit...a little more mentally free.

I'm fortunate to have a little money set aside so I can devote my time now to writing, but I'm living a fairly simple life.  I still run around after some income but this no longer comes first. Now, Creativity has taken over and that's much healthier for them.

Another Life: Interpretation of Abes_Kids Digest, Vol 66, Issue 22

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you doing?
I've been digging into my past and reading about many of the things I've done and learned! Again I've been given the time and freedom to remember and explore all that I am.  My Son, ever so brilliant, suggested that I might not want to get lost in these explorations and remain attentive and ready for all that IS.  Like I've spoken about all of this to Sharon over and over!  We laugh, sharing the issues of today, since we spoke of these things before!  STAY PRESENT, learn and experience, but always move forward, Nature Never makes mistakes, never go back and change or regret something, stay moving forward.

She pointed out like Christopher that I need to stay present - - - Like what did Richard say!  "be more aggressive, if you want something push for it. . . "  LIKE I could ever be accused of NOT PUSHING, how funny is that!?!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Daily Tarot Reading | Free Horoscopes & Astrology by

Week of August 28, 2017

As Mercury, the planet of talk and thought, moves back into your home zone, you may be drawn to connect with family and friends you haven't seen in awhile. The coming weeks can be a great opportunity for a reunion that gives you a chance to catch up. You might want to discuss your latest plans or introduce new members of the family to each other. On another note, pooling your resources can enable you to accomplish more than you might alone. It's worth considering.

Get a glimpse of your destiny...

Daily Tarot Reading | Free Horoscopes & Astrology by

AUG. 27, 2017

Your emotional situation isn't that great today, Eric. With the Hanged Man(touchstone) and the High Priestess(LOVE) there's precious little chance of you spreading your wings. You're feeling rather discouraged and apathetic about work THE WORLD(Career) and towards those close to you, or towards your partner if you have one. Don't let it get you down - the sun's bound to shine tomorrow! In the professional sphere, you feel a sense of discouragement. The World indicates that you deserve compliments and recognition for your work, but the Hanged Man is doing his best to prevent your colleagues from appreciating your achievements. Rather than becoming downhearted and thinking angry thoughts, keep up the good work and have confidence in the future.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What are you doing
I need to be writing resumes!
What do you need to do that for?
I just graduated, so it's an opportunity for me to get into something new!
What about everything you are already doing?  The diversity and power of creation . . . 
I had no idea!!
We are always here for you, at any time you need to share and write, we are ready. And now again it's time to take this into a higher level. 
I offer the next 30 days to do something for u.
What data, research, business, model, budget
do you want/need ??

for the next step in ur version of USF Evolution ????

No promises,
but ideally if u could do anything
to express ur deepest passion....
((Mine linked below!))

Give me a shot in the dark and
let's see what I find before fall starts! 
I owe u one, remember?
What if anything, would u like to do?
    Thx err:)
Sent from my iPhone :-) stars2man e:
July 22, 2017 at 12:04:41 AM EDT
Subject: Oops forgot
What you did was open a new level of connection to what your race is experiencing now in the evolution of the planet. More and more connections, more and more synchronicity. Each one connecting clearer and stronger to another level.  There is no fear, there is no concern. Everything is exactly where it needs to be.  And again it's an opportunity for you to step into a higher place, doing more, being more, achieving in another place, . . . we are all practicing what we preach. It's time for us to get a lot more serious about the lies and deceptions that force so many people into sickness and disability. Getting back to the truth is really the cure for everything. 
Greed and deceptions are all based on the lie "there is not enough".  But there is enough!  There are countless galaxies, and millions of life forms anxious and ready to show you how much more there is.  Millions Mores! Millions and Billions More! So kill the lies! And do the Double IMP!!!!
It's a trip to see you write this !
We have really been working at everything here for a very long time. And there is a lot more going on here than anyone would ever know or understand. And again it's pushing the limits. Change is not easy. It's not difficult, but it's a challenge. Pushing limits requires specific focus and dedication, and each moment more elements are pulled together and more pieces are found that are needed. Nothing is ever clear or easy, but it's where it needs to be for the moment. Each day things shift, and new pieces come into place and new pieces come about for the next level of creation. 
I have too many things going on! It's a struggle to keep up sometimes.
Have no fear, We have always been there for you. Each cut, each accident, each time you pushed the edge just a little bit too far. Of course you know you can, since somehow you are always ready to do more. 
I'm tired and pressed to another place again and again!
What do you expect. You are the one who DEMANDED it all work right, and you wanted it to just shift. Not a slow gradual evolution, but a sudden shift. Like the sudden shift in water communities. Now there is an air community ready to shift. What if suddenly everything false couldn't sustain. Sustainability reacted to truth in the air, where one was necessary for the other?  Suddenly things would just shift. No more questions or wondering, the truth survived and the opposite did not. . . quick easy shift of everything wouldn't you say?
It's such a trip to spend time with you and watch how things come together!
We have this all planned and ready for you
I get nervous when you say it's about me!
Why do you need to concern yourself at, this moment it's only you
I get it!
We are here at you demand, and will never play silly games, and no airy fairy stuff that is so present for so many
I know with the drugs and hormones!   NO one has a clue. . .
We can help fix that too
I know, thank you,  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Urban Sacred Signs

At one time or another, we have all wondered if the bird at the window or the coins that we continually find are more than random circumstance. In our heart and gut we feel with certainty that someone or something is watching over us and sending us a message. A surge of energy may flow up the spine and the hair on the arms may rise with intuitive recognition. A simple sense of knowing and feelings of love and comfort often alert us to the presence of a sacred sign.
However, all too often we limit our awareness of sacred signs to the natural world. While we may become aware of a message within the formation of a cloud, a feather or butterfly landing on our path, sacred signs and messages can also manifest through inanimate objects and things.
Everything and anything in our environment can be used by a higher power and presence as a messenger. All things can reveal guidance from the unseen. If you live in a more urban or residential area where your contact with nature is limited, a higher presence and power is still present.
The universe is both chatty and clever and has unlimited ways of communicating with us. Here are a few sacred signs that we might encounter in our everyday environment and their possible meaning.
Pay Attention to These Five Urban Sacred Signs - OMTimes Magazine

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What a neat way to look at things
I know everything has a place and time, some we see some we don't.  So apply to me, some apply to you, and some not at all. . . lol, but that's really rare!  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

AUG. 19, 2017
You'll be able to keep that flood of emotion under control today. The Emperor is giving you the determination to turn your personal plans into reality and lay down lasting foundations for your relationships, whereas the Moon is developing your sensitivity and imagination. In your efforts to charm, you don't hesitate to show how original you can be, dear Eric. But underneath that eccentric exterior, people can tell there beats an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship.  Professionally speaking, you’re not feeling too confident of yourself today, as the Lovers plant a seed of doubt into everything you undertake. Thankfully the Emperor, who sets the general ambiance, radiates an air of stability and reassurance. You therefore don’t need to worry, because with his benevolent influence, you can build your day on very solid foundations. Just forget about your anxieties and get on with things!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We are always here for you at this very moment!
I know, and I'm going to have a great week. I have to there are not any other choices for me. . .    I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Trust Your Inner Doctor

The Fierce Grace of My Pit Bull Attack | Lissa Rankin

Here’s the invitation, should you choose to accept it. Use every painful experience to wake up, let go, and grow closer to your own soul and God. Learn what there is to learn. Get curious and inquire deeply. Grow in self-awareness and ask yourself “What do I need in order to heal?” Lean on your loved ones and allow yourself to be needy and vulnerable. Be humble and let go of thinking you can control your life. Open to the mystery. Surrender to guidance. Come into right relationship with uncertainty. Trust the invisible forces of love that surround you all the time. Allow the Original Wound of separation from the Divine to heal as the gap closes between “you” and “All That Is.” Feel the Oneness in all things and open yourself to the healing that arises when you merge your individual consciousness with the Collective Field of Consciousness Itself. Then experience the awe of unexpected miracles. Don’t forget to say the mantra. “Thank you for this gift of love.” Fake it till you make it, but don’t just say it. Feel it in your heart. Mean it all the way. See how it transforms you . . .

Saturday, July 08, 2017

semantic system

“That means intelligence has failed,” Baines went on huskily. “We’re the last of our line—like the dinosaur. We’ve carried intelligence as far as it’ll go. Too far, maybe. We’ve already got to the point where we know so much—think so much—we can’t act.”

“Men of thought,” Anita said. “Not men of action. It’s begun to have a paralyzing effect. But this thing------”

“This thing’s faculty works better than ours ever did. We can recall past experiences, keep them in mind, learn from them. At best, we can make shrewd guesses about the future, from our memory of what’s happened in the past. But we can’t be certain. We have to speak of probabilities. Grays. Not blacks and whites. We’re only guessing.”

“Cris Johnson isn’t guessing,” Anita added.

“He can look ahead. See what’s coming. He can—pre-think. Let’s call it that. He can see into the future. Probably he doesn’t perceive it as the future.”

“No,” Anita said thoughtfully. “It would seem like the present. He has a broader present. But his present lies ahead, not back. Our present is related to the past. Only the past is certain, to us. To him, the future is certain. And he probably doesn’t remember the past, any more than any animal remembers what’s happened.”

“As he develops,” Baines said, “as his race evolves, it’ll probably expand its ability to pre-think. Instead of ten minutes, thirty minutes. Then an hour. A day. A year. Eventually they’ll be able to keep ahead a whole lifetime. Each one of them will live in a solid, unchanging world. There’ll be no variables, no uncertainty. No motion! They won’t have anything to fear. Their world will be perfectly static, a solid block of matter.”

It was time for dinner, which i was seconds from burning again. But it was ready on my plate and I needed to pick a Movie to watch. So I selected NEXT, with Nicolas Cage.

As it ended, I noticed the time and ran to go walk Jimi's doggie. I thought to ride my bike, even though it was 20-30 minutes till sunset. As I walked outside it started to rain and I felt the kinship to NEXT, where I kinda already knew I wouldn't be able to ride my bike.

Then suddenly, everything else clicked into place too. Everything I'm doing and working on, and planning is like reading from the script, that I already wrote and laid out years ago. This is my place and my scenerio. Of course, I created this, designed it all, and just need to follow it through the motions now. Damn is this a challenge, as I'm alone again. Friends and family are all out of town busy, travelling, somewhere else, doing something else. I always want to explain things to someone to confirm I know what's really happening and really know where my place is. It's like I designed it all, and still feel insecure in taking my place and role where I belong. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What a nice effort, to open the floor for us again
It kinda came together this way! Not that I could have planned it.

That's really the whole point in your explorations now, that you really did plan it all and have to go through these next steps very carefully as this is where you need to be next.
I know it's always like this! I get nervous and insecure about things, but it comes together like a dream and surprises me so much.

We have to keep things moving this way, it's important for you to accept things and work on them as they come together before you.
I always do my best . . . !

We hear you, and its always exactly where it needs to be
I guess so,  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Great Escape Room . . . I think this would be a blast to bring out all the...

I think this would be a blast to bring out all the...Tampa's Downtown added 4 new photos.

I made this posting to my family, since it would certainly be something that they would enjoy and be challenged by. However, As I stopped to think and remember my own experiences. . . It's like death, where people only slip from one plain to another, not able to speak to us the sameway we know. So they are really never gone, as in the one life we each have the challenge and opportunity to influence and change anything or everything.  Like the great escape room had all the games setup halfway . . . missing pieces and having related pictures and other items all related and sitting about. Once you pulled all the pieces together the next step was to consider what would relate them all.  Or how would one, change the meaning of another.

And again in my own life, I feel and see influences from my mom, and children, and others around me, and the events on the news.  Each one pushing me a bit more to think, feel, or see something a bit differently. Somehow I am in the place and time where I can re-evaluate these things and explore them in more details.

Like now I hit the mousepad as I typed and I saw how it jumped my typing to where the mouse was. This has happened thousands of times, but this is the first time I noticed it was my own finger tapping on the mousepad. Suddenly, my perspective shifted from something funky with the machine jumping my text, to something funky with me thinking that anything could change this beyond me!

How anyone could change this beyond me?  How the puzzles and pieces linked together in a certain way to influence and support each other. . . And how I can now stop and reconsider where I am able to change and influence everything!

7 hrs
Thank you The Great Escape Room for hosting us last night! We had a BLAST! Proud to say we also escaped! 🕵️😏

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Sharon Yes, we need to do a family escape!

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28 mins
Eric it was really kinda cool, chess games, giving you clues to look in pictures for numbers to combinations locks to open boxes for another clue . . . spinning ideas and views and everything!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Don't be surprised if you feel emotional this week. With a Full Moon in your sector of relating, feelings could run high. In addition, you might be tempted to act on impulse or make a blind decision, either of which may not bode well for you. However, you can make a success of the days ahead if you think before you act and assess any decisions very carefully. Get advice if you need it, but be sure it's from a reliable source.

MAY 2017
Mercury goes stationary direct on May 3. All your patience and clean-up efforts will begin to pay off. Love and romance rock your world during the May 10 Full Moon. It could be a stunning new lover. A romantic movie or book could inflame your heart. Or your current flame could turn the heat way up. You can run but you can't hide from love. Feel rich at the May 25 New Moon. Money may flow freely in and out, but you won't do anything rash or irresponsible with your resources. You're too clever and observant for that.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

RhymeZone: innovation synonyms

RhymeZone: innovation synonyms

24. breakthrough

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What we need you to do is get very serious about the incredible opportunities you are looking at in every direction.  You will be totally surprised about how this month plays out, as you very last in USF as a student for some years again. Interesting flash again now. . what was that?
I thought a second about the extra credit hours that I have not used in my degree and how maybe I could transfer them to somewhere else and use them all! I immediately flashed to Johns Hopkins as they are seemingly a great health care program, and it would be great to get another degree through them.
We always are here to make things happen that you want . . . like you wanted to post your resume to an engineering firm yesterday, and as it turned out the only copies that went through included the CEO, CFO and the local VP who you had interviewed with ten years ago . . .
Wow, it was ten years.  They wanted to hire me before I finished my MBA and would not consider me continuing the degree! SO I never agreed. And now ten years later, MBA, MSM and PhD, I went and found the old letter from the first recruiter who wrote me in 2006.  What a trip is that. Yea, sure websecurity is total BS, but what everyone is forgetting is that it works both ways.  The stupid burrocrates who try to control and spy on everyone and everything are now easier to spy on than ever. So everyone has access to more and more data all the time.
What did you flash to now?
It was writing up my new CV where I got very explicit detail about all the projects and experiences I have done for the last hundred years!  WOW, created the "Black Star gang at 117 Lilyan St, Waldwick NJ who were the reigning champions in the box car derby, fort builders, and curator of amateur military defence apparatus. . . where I had stretch an old bike inner-tube across the four foot entrance posts to create a slingshot capable of hurling a baseball, snowball, or handful of gravel over 200 feet."
What did you do now?
I remembered hitting a kid in the butt as he was trying to throw stones at us from his front yard across the street! I'm sure it was a handful of gravel.  We could shoot softball sized stones, but that could be deadly. . . So I opened up google maps and measured from the fort in the back yard to the neighbors front yard.  It looks like the shed is still there. I remember looking at the house once long ago and thinking that nothing had changed!
What else do you remember. . .
I remember snowball fights where no one could get close enough to us to even hit the fort with a snowball! I also remember not letting anyone hit cars driving down the road with a snowball. Course we would do that anyway. But not with the slingshot! Once again that seemed too dangerous to me. And I'm sure I did it, likely scared the shit out of me so I made sure no one else would do it.
What else?
I know I still remember Beanie asking me to fix his bike and pulling out a roll of cash! I only took a $5 bill from him, as I think I only had to adjust his tire and brakes that were rubbing too much for him to ride anywhere. I think that was my first cash-job before I started kindergarten. And I still remember my dad getting mad at me for taking his tools all the time.  I guess he was more annoyed at not finding them when he needed them since I was always building things somewhere.
What about your CV.  
I know, I still have lots to do! I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

PreGrant Publication 9/30th 2001

PreGrant Publication Database 30th 2001

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

We are here as we always are, and that still surprises you all the time.
I never know what to expect . . . but then suddenly, i am busy doing that next project!  Said how my whole life was projects and having the experience of completing real tasks is missing from the remote control culture -planet- we have now. . . no one is getting things done. Click on to something new. . .

What about the flash you had as you arrived tonight. it's important that you keep in touch with all these things you have known all along. it's like seeing the same place again. You been here, done that, so it's easier this time. now you get to play at a new level. You're ready to step things up. Nothing that is new for you, except it's another level. 
It's always more !

What about how it's always more of the same thing. More fun, More People, More Teams and Projects . . . always projects. which one did you flash to now.
It was fixing bikes the summer before school started...  Beanie, the indian kid a few doors down had bike problems! Indians in america only happened with lots of cash, for the kid to participate he's got cash in his pocket. So when I fixed the bike, i had to build something more. We started go-cart races. New projects and investment.

What's new!
I am so grateful, each moment i share is appreciated in abundance, let us grow and share in this more every moment. lead me and guide me to fulfill all as it is for the Glory of Fathers, Sons, and Holy Ghost!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. amen

Saturday, March 25, 2017


3/25/2017 6:44pm. I’m alone again working on my last, very last, last again . . . pieces of my Civil Engineering Dissertation . . . so i opened up my office Mac and it had to install a new Remote Desktop program and it now doesn’t work.  So I got all set in my office and couldn’t work, so then I knew I had to be blogging instead . . . but that’s here on my laptop as well too.  What a trip is that. FLASH:


 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What you need to do is always so obvious to you.  You get so terrified and then, grit your teeth and power throw it at the very last moment. Like how could you ever know that the only moment anything is possible is that one moment that you decided it was time to start.  As again here you know it's all before you waiting in the dark.
I can't seem to get beyond my own fears !

What will happen without fear?  No one has any reason to move at all.  Love might inspire you to move, but you jump with fear.
It's no fair, who needs fear in their life all the time !

What if you could see fear, as only another color of love. each have a place and a time.  Acceptance can move you forward too. 
I get it !

What about taking this power one step further as well. . . 
I know each word i write about You are the Way !

Whatever is true, whatever is right!
It will never stop !

What did you ask for?  you wanted to know the Solutions.  you wanted to make it all work exactly as we needed it, planned it, made it, need it. . . be it
I know, just wanting to flick a switch and change everything!

We have always been there with you, ready to take each step with you, in trust and peace, knowing it's all about being real in this very moment.
I know it's so awesome to share another moment in Life with YOU!
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Best Interview In The History

Do we really need to double food production by 2050? Actually … no.

The Best Interview In The History Of Television [Robin Williams] - YouTube

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you doin now. . 
I'm linking together all the random data I've been given at this moment !

What do you do that for?
It's being very present, in loving the moment, and respecting the exact aspect as no one can understand except by KNOWING who I AM!

What does that mean?  No one can ever really know that! Every second, the new word, the new thought, creates something new. . . and No one can Know that, no can they really ever fathom all this includes
I know, that's what makes it so fun for me !

What do you mean?
I can share my blog, and just cut and paste my journal to my blog, and everything falls into context. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. THANK You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

3/11/2017 3:17AM. So I spilled the beans again. It’s like our whole culture and society is based on lies of intentional deception to create a profit. Like Death is a good thing, not evil.  It might seemingly be an end of something glorious for us, but it’s only beginning something else. We of course, can simply choose to participate or not. Like all the other lies of our culture, we are programmed to accept them so that we can easy be controlled to create a private profit. You need water, someone profits by giving you water; or energy, or food, or even air. When you no longer need these things, you no longer create someone else a profit, and so you die. The more, better and faster you consume these, the more you will live.
Basically you have witnessed who I am, and it’s my place and responsibility now, to guide this forward as you lead me to.  Thus, begin by keeping this all confidential, and IDEALLY share knew insight and questions with me ASAP . . . even saving them for me first.  As I can link ORIGINAL passions together very easily . . . and change is fleeting, and fast! 
START A BLOG! Notice the right “must read” list, includes an endless array of data here (only read direct simple titles, only a quick word or two here and now).
That’s the easiest, so we can share instantly. Thus, IAM!
As you have witnessed who I AM, it now is important to set these guidelines. Like understanding certain experiences changes our perceptions. EACH microbe of thought, sight, hearing, taste affects our minds, moving our experiences, and understanding. ( (SO DO NOT read that BLOG above, it IS Circular, and thus IS ENDLESS.) ) This changes the Passions and INSIGHT, instantly. . . Thus, the ORIGINAL vanishes immediately.  And editing could easily DESTROY fundamental thoughts, feeling, or aspects in the “original” which might have easily been intended for one individual.
My sentence above could have included a typo that changed the meaning for a reader, but might not have been noticed by most readers. So Stalin or Hitler reading my mistake could have started XYZ because of it . . . and ME CHOOSING to selectively edit this work, might have prevented the next Stalin or Hitler. So read slowly, and be fully present and mindful of these words, and feeling, vibrating through you as you pass along them.
Thus in this context, that I USE for sharing my experience, READ THIS: a very short-story. NO LINKS, but only a quick cartoon explaining an experience. . .Wow, you can feel this.  Something feels different inside of you NOW. So READ THIS: OK NOW, “wow, you heard this already tonight” . . . this sounds like the motorcycle accident and Death experience we started at Ground ZERO. But now the experience and feelings you had from hearing it over beer and dinner HAS CHANGED. WOW, feel that, something about this story and detail is different, maybe even freaked you out, with some weird sentence.  No Judgement, stay humble!
That’s an Original, I’ve NEVER edited it.  The links listed are the original posts where a public list has it stored, while this link actually takes you to my own private server. The list might be dead now, but this vibration can carry on!
Like DEATH, again, hold it, we spoke about that already.  It’s a lie, or a myth, or something we can enjoy and participate in when we are READY.  Like my Mom left 1/23/99 . . . but then came back as the Taino Indian Spirit she was, to tell me what we did when we first arrived here::: READ THIS: AGAIN, only the description NO LINKS, as they will go on forever and you will get lost . . . losing the power and flavor you felt from the short three or four sentences. This is a challenge, such strong ideas slamming into you all at once. How is this possible, what is it bringing me to. Do I want to run?  Can I be humble? What could be next: UNITY METHOD: shit that’s a Public Federal Server now.  A big, giant, priceless, system with data on forever again, like the circular blog where you can never stop reading if you keep selecting the next link.
But hold it, that said PATENT: But it’s more like a public blog posting isn’t it.  Did you try to read that last one?  What about the one before?  Were the last two links different?  Are you sure?  What about the pictures?  What do you see in the pictures?  Do any of these symbols mean anything to you?  What about the second link, find paragraph [0039] Consider the DNA of AGE?  Did you read this?  Where did this Blog Post start?  Are you back feeling something new about this again?  Round back to the same place again, BUT it feels different now!
Now open this link: Only read the center page, through the poem . . . not even one full page. But then hit the THOUGHTS link, and read this next full story, another cartoon, fantasy, flight in imaginations. Notice the links at top of the Dream Story, hit NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, reading each new paragraph or two.
SHIT we are back to the stories of my death experience, as sweet sixteen, and kissed too much! Well, it was 2 weeks past my birthday, actually happening on my current Wife’s Birthday!
Yes, we are circular again. . . like here again: where the top right index carries you through the same old Original stories that we spoke about over dinner tonight. Round and Round back to the same place, like riding the Moving Walkway of Rivers, or the RiverWalk.  Oh did you see that, the RiverWalk we spoke about tonight was listed in the First Patents Page, fourth one down, under the Unity Methods, and again linked here: but better still this new link also links them all, but the continuous link here is even better!
So I shared a Short BLOG page. I started “blogging” after my sweet-sixteen.  And it’s more of a Patent Log Book now.  Thousands of Pages, Millions of ideas . . . circular, spinning back onto itself over and over again, until I get it RIGHT! ===> now go read Retep’s Health Note I copied you this morning: another endless circle of links.