Sunday, December 10, 2017

DEC. 10, 2017
Mood swings and irritating little distractions could have you temporarily at odds with a partner. You may perceive insults where none are intended. Communication is strained. It's best to get out by yourself for a while and do something entertaining. That way you chase all the negative energy away. You can be your old charming self when you see your partner again.

Your emotional situation isn't that great today, Eric. With the Hanged Man and the High Priestess there's precious little chance of you spreading your wings. You're feeling rather discouraged and apathetic about work and towards those close to you, or towards your partner if you have one. Don't let it get you down - the sun's bound to shine tomorrow! In the professional sphere, you feel a sense of discouragement. The World indicates that you deserve compliments and recognition for your work, but the Hanged Man is doing his best to prevent your colleagues from appreciating your achievements. Rather than becoming downhearted and thinking angry thoughts, keep up the good work and have confidence in the future.

An argument with the person in your life could have you feeling very disheartened and somewhat depressed today, kim. Yet you probably are too shaken up to feel like discussing it with him. Spend the day keeping yourself busy, working off your frustration. Forget about it for a while, kim. This should enable you to see the situation more objectively, so that when the evening comes you'll be in the proper frame of mind to kiss and make up.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What an interesting collection you found today
I know, always exploring. . .   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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