Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Dinner With Michael (Moore) | What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

Our Dinner With Michael (Moore) | What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire: "We were in the presence of someone who knew what we’d been through without us speaking a word of it. We listened, somewhat spellbound, as Michael talked about his experience of seeing our movie. He laughed and joked with us about the warning card at the beginning of the movie, saying that What A Way To Go is a long and dense film. He said he’d had no idea what he was about to watch but when he saw the warning he realized that he was likely in for a ride. And indeed, he said, it was a ride. So much so that he did something he didn’t remember having done in the last decade or more. As soon as the movie was over, he told us, he reached up and hit the play button again and watched it through a second time. “Four hours,” he said, “I watched your movie.” He was riveted.

Hearing this from a hero was a balm for two weary and road-wounded souls. It’s been a very long four years. It’s been hard and lonely. But Michael Moore watched our movie and he liked it. He liked it enough to watch it immediately a second time. He liked it enough to agree with the IndyFlix committee that they should bring us to Traverse City when they screened the movie. I guess what he’s saying is that it’s good.

It’s good. It’s good not in spite of the fact that it tells the truth, but because it tells the truth. It’s good not in spite of the fact that it’s long and dense, but because it is long and dense. And when he introduced us and the movie at the State Theater later on, Michael Moore went further. After he told the story of hitting the play button again after his first viewing, he said something that really hit the spot for me. He said it is not often to find people like us who respect their audience enough to tell them the whole truth. With that, he nailed it for me. Because that is true, truer than anyone else had put into words previously. We do respect our audience that much. We do believe our audience wants the whole truth. How amazing for us to have him really understand that, and to put words to it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

planetary healing

Visualization for planetary healing.

Feel Light and Divine Power flowing through you as you serve as an instrument of God's healing grace.

Visualize the Earth floating between your hands. It may be helpful to think of the beautiful photos of it taken from outer space. See the aura of the Earth filled with harmony and light. Gently move your hands in space over the Earth, sending divine healing light of God to all areas.

See the physical aspect of the planet happy and healthy. Send healing light as you visualize clear waters in the oceans, lakes and streams. See divine light nourishing the green plants and trees of the earth. See life force flowing to all of the many creatures. See the earth's atmosphere fresh and sparkling with vitality.

Visualize light and love flowing through the many churches and spiritual groups. May the Light of God shine forth through all religions, harmonizing their efforts and guiding souls to Him. The true strength of America lies in its spiritual nature. May this spiritual nature be strengthened and clarified, and may God's light guide and protect this country.

Ask Divine Mother to bless all souls. Ask Her to to give special encouragement to the souls that strive to bring light to everyone around them. May these "angels" be ever blessed as they spread God's grace to all.

Monday, January 19, 2009

White Time Healing

What is White Time Healing?
Universal White Time Healing was created when highly developed spiritual beings, having monitored the development on Earth, saw that the need for healing increased in the human race. These beings also saw that the humans could perform the healing themselves by opening up to the universal healing force. The spiritual beings carried ancient knowledge - full of light and love - and they also had the knowledge of White Time.

These spiritual beings created a new form of healing and adopted it in every way to the human need of healing. The new healing form, using White Time, was created to give the right amount of power on the right frequency, but also protection and security for both healer and client. The healing was called Universal White Time Healing. Now we would all have the opportunity to give and receive healing, a healing that worked on a highly spiritual level. The healing-form that was created could also be used for purposes other than healing people; a healer could heal nature and Mother Earth, among many other things. Healing could also be administered to â" for instance â" different situations in life.

In a healing situation, the healer goes back to the time before the injury was inflicted to stop the injury from happening. The healer then heals the pain in present time, and finally sends the healing power forward in time to stop the possibility that a new accident might occur.

Everyone can learn how to use Universal White Time Healing. Age does not matter, although the student should be at least 10 years old or fully matured spiritually to take on the responsibility of becoming a healer.

Every healer has a different starting point. That is, a person who has been a healer in previous lives starts out from another level than a person who has not previously been a healer. But White Time healers increase their healing powers every time they open up their healing. There are no limits to the level of healing power a person can reach. This is one reason why this healing form has been kept out of the public eye for so long: it takes just a few months to become a really powerful healer and only a few years to develop very strong powers. Healers who have practiced healing for a long time have the ability to use only their eyes or mind to heal. This would naturally have created a debate in the media and this is the reason why this healing-form was kept out of the public eye until May 1993 (when humanity and the Earth went into a higher frequency of spiritual insight).

Healers using Universal White Time Healing summon their power from the Universe. This means that they will never use their own personal energy - thus preventing the possibility of draining themselves of life force, and become ill. This is a great risk in other forms of healing. On the contrary, Universal White Time Healing gives the healer better health and after a healing session, the healer feels a sense of harmony and alertness, since the healer receives a little of the healing power in the process of healing.

The healer cannot receive an illness from the patient, nor can the patient receive any illness or imbalances from the healer.

Universal White Time Healing is special in that it obeys the Karmic Laws. A person's Karma can never be changed or altered in any way by Universal White Time Healing, as is the case with many other healing-forms. If an illness has karmic origins, the healing power will be turned off, something the healer will feel in his or her hands. A Universal White Time Healer can never be affected by their client's Karma. The flow of healing power is directed towards the client and will not flow back into the healer. You might think that it is cruel that you might not be able to heal a client because of Karma. But who says that the patient cannot be healed by another person, for instance a nurse in a hospital, and that nurse happens to be the woman the client is supposed to marry, once healed? If Karma was altered using Universal White Time Healing, they would never have met, which would have caused great damage in the Karmic chain, because they would never have conceived the little girl who later would grow up and become President of the United Nations and bring peace to the world!

New Agers often says that you should "open up". But to what? Good? Evil? Universal White Time Healing is a secure way to open up to something good, light and to love. Certain blockages in the mind are removed after the initiations in the classes of Universal White Time Healing. The difference between the ever so popular "openings" in New Age circles and Universal White Time Healing is this: thousands of years of knowledge and experience lie behind the creation of this particular healing form

Highly spiritual beings and light-beings have created this unique healing-form and they watch over those who use Universal White Time Healing. Sometimes these beings are present when healing is administered. They have created a sort of filter, a protection for all people that perform White Time Healing. The protection makes sure that no harm can come to the healer or the client during healing.

Universal White Time Healing can also be used to heal animals, plants, food and matter, even events and situations! You can for instance heal a situation such as a flight trip if you are afraid to fly. Every situation that might need a bit of healing to set things right can be healed. There simply are no limits to what you can heal! Except, of course, Karma.â¦â¦ and your own imagination.

The healer is constantly evolving, even if he/she only gives healing to him/herself. Every time a healer opens up the healing power, he/she increases his/her powers. In the end, the healer, as mentioned above, just has to look at a person to make that person feel better or to be healed. But the healer must always keep a humble attitude towards his/her healing power. To say, "I did this", are words that should never be uttered by a healer. We are all just tools in service of a power filled with dignity and we, who are healers already, should always go about our work with dignity and a humble attitude. Never should a healer brag or boast about the healing work being done. No man is better than another, no matter how powerful that person might be.

You can describe a practitioner of Universal White Time Healing as a person who has a "funnel on his/her head where the healing power flows into the body. Every time the healer starts a new healing-session, the funnel becomes wider. As a result, the healer can tap into more and more of the Universal Light and Love-power. This power is given from the All in its Whole, and the Divinity. Since the funnel widens in a steady and, one might say "mild" way, the healer is constantly developing in the same way.

There are, however, shortcuts for the person who wants to evolve faster as a healer. Widening the funnel and increasing the power achieve this. A person with pure knowledge of Universal White Time Healing must administer this. This teacher must be certain of his/her judgment of the healer who wants to be opened up to powers that are more spiritual. The teacher must be sure that the healer is mature enough!

The teacher starts by widening the funnel 100-150 "steps". Each step represents one healing-situation, which is the same as if the healer has opened up and used his/her powers 100-150 times. The next step is 200-250 "steps" and finally 500-550 "steps". You always start out with the lowest number of "steps", just so that the teacher can control the student's understanding of the increase of power he/she is receiving.

The Supreme Teacher of the country where the healer lives often administers these steps.

Universal White Time Healing can be used in a great variety of ways. Experienced healers can tailor-make his/her treatment of a client. The healing works on all levels of the patient, even the ethereal or astral bodies. So, even if you do not remember exactly where you are supposed to place your hands, the healing will go where it's needed anyway! Universal White Time Healing can also be used to specific treatments of a client. You can, for instance cleanse the aura or balance the chakras separately. You can also give extra energy in the form of light-tubes that are placed in the body. This light-tube works as a personal battery from which the patient can draw energy for up to two months. The healing from an ordinary healing-session continues to work in a person for up to 27 days (giving healing is, however, much more powerful than just administering a light-tube). The client should to come in for another treatment before all the healing power has been used.

Universal White Time Healing can also be used for healing at a distance. When such a healing takes place, the healer has to follow certain rules and use certain extraterrestrial symbols. These symbols can be used under other circumstances; to boost the healer force. The symbols that are used stand for: A clear interpretation of the complete power of love, from this power nothing negative can evolve. This healing can never be used for negative purposes. It can never harm anyone or anybody. This is true for all the parts that make up Universal White Time Healing.

The Divine Mother's Meditation

The Water of Life Within the Garden of the Sacred Heart
through Wistancia

Please enter the Internal Castle within you. Enter the Sacred Heart and move directly into the Holy of Holies, the Diamond, -- a central chamber within the core of the Living Heart.

We call to All That IS and we ask Mother/Father God to polish the essence of the diamond within our own hearts that is a facet from the Heart of Our Creator. We ask GOD that this diamond be renewed and refreshed in this hour and that somehow by the end of the reflection, by the end of the meditation, it will have a mirror-finish. Let it be like looking into a pond, a living pond of water and seeing the glory of Self and GOD, inseparable.

We ask that Mother Father God supply us now with a current of energy that is both soft and powerful. So that we might find Perfect Equilibrium and Balance and Symmetry of Divine Mother and Divine Father, for they are not separable.

So please sit now under the faucet of Mother/Father God as they send forth from the generator of the Eternal Heart of The Beginning of All, the End of All, the All of All - that essence known as The Divine Mother who comes together with the Divine Father to bless you in this hour and open up in One Profound New Way, a door to your own sacred heart. The Masters and God and the Angels come forth now on the current of the breath of God and ask you to come into your own Perfection as you sit and open to receive in order that you might be able to give forth like a fountain of Divine Mother, of Divine Father.

Feel the energy below your feet. The chakras opening like petals on a rare and beautiful pink rose. Delicate and soft and yet powerful, almost like a throbbing energy of an elevator below your feet. The chakras now that push down into the heart of Goddess Mother Earth and connect you to the circulatory system of the planet, held within the heart of the Solar System, held within the heart of the galactic core, spiraled within the heart of Melchizedek and held within the heart of the Multi-universes, all spiraled and held and spiraled and held and spiraled and held within the heart of The Divine Mother as she is held and clasped and united with the embodiment of The Divine Father in Oneness.

I wish for you to feel the Light Seed within you connected to all the lines and rings of the Divine Tree of Life, the rings of time and the Timeless rings all around you and let the feet chakras and the bottom of your holy sacred body connect you all the way in to the tunnel of Time and beyond time, into the heart of the Planet.

We ask that all of the Silent Watchers, planetary and all the way through all dimensions of time, take this energy, take this propelling forth of the gift of Unity and of Ignition starting through the feet, going into the planetary heart, going all the way down.

Down and down and down

So that you might feel that you are

Floating in space

For Earth is within Space

And tunneling down into the very heart of the planet

Coming down through the other side into the Space beyond Space and being connected to All That Is

Feel your heart now

Sending its current down through the lower body, out through the feet, making this divine connection and

Let's connect upwards as well,

Let the Heart feed through that portal that is the crown chakra,

That immense portal

And let it connect into the Time-Space Continuum that is now so intensified by the energies of the Solar eclipse, by the energies of the Day of Destiny, by the energies that have been set forth now to carry Earth into the New Millennium. Those patterns, those circuits, those dynamic energies of:




And rapid acceleration into the Golden Age

Unfolding and Approaching like a beautiful Golden Rose

We ask for the opening of the portal of the crown, the gateway of the eighth chakra, the capstone that is the monad, that connects into all of the higher and higher monads, all the way into the Monad of all Monads, the Cluster of all Clusters, the Orbit of all Orbits of Life – that is the Heart of Mother/Father God.

Feel the Energy of Re-union streaming in through the Gates of Heaven in you. Drink in the cascade of majestic jewels from the Divine Heart of Love that is The Divine Mother. She is the Mother of all emanations, the Source of all emanations that has ever gone forth into any realms to carry the essence of God -

We ask that GOD current, luminescent, beyond color, beyond taste, beyond sight, beyond sound, beyond permeations come forth.

We ask that that true depth of permeation and emanation NOW be brought down

Relayed by the Silent Watchers

Relayed by the hope

By the love

By all of the qualities of all of the Rays that bring forth the Divine Frequencies of God,

Carry them now in through the crown,

Carry them all the way through,

Beyond space, beyond time

Through all of the White Time Tunnels

Through all of the Spirals

Through all of the circles and circuits of Creation

To Pour in Now like Liquid Eternal Waters of Life to come in to the crown.

Refresh yourself and be washed.

I wish for you to feel that you are becoming elongated now

That the force from the feet connecting in to The Heart of the Planet and beyond,

The force of the crown raising like a cup, like a golden cup to catch the elixir being sent into it now,

That the cup raises

That the Feet tunnel in

That the crown and the chakra column now extend into the One Column of Life

And you feel that you are being elongated now,

That you are flying through space without an end to the top of you, without an end to the bottom of you,

Where is the end of you? Where is the top? Where would be the bottom of you? What would be this Tree of Life with its roots connecting to all other trees, with its soil a soil yet within a spiraling living planet moving and rotating revolving and expanding with all of the Light of Heaven coming in, with all of the Light of Earth sending its roots upwards.

Be now a recipient!

Of the Waters of Life through both ends!

From top through the bottom

And the Garden of the Heart

Be the recipient, even as it is a Living Tree within you, a living organic tree that has been transplanted from the garden of God's heart and sent forth on the rivers of life to carry your heart into a soil, into a container, into a body, into a vehicle that can hold the Light of God and bring it forth and send it out and have it grow and have its branches, its roots, its flowers, all be

Connected, uninterrupted, glistening, united

In Oneness

With the seed that sent it forth.

And even as you are a seed within a seed, a tree within a seed, a seed within the tree, an acorn within the tree, the tree within the acorn, All That Is held within you -- I ask you now, as the voice of The Divine Mother to let go of every block of friction, of every imagined separation, to feel yourself flying and falling through space and yet through spacelessness, through Time and yet through timelessness, Through All that could Possibly be Imagined, for the Heart and God and the Mind of God holds every single part

Yet to come

Ever expressed

And yet this glistening, pristine moment that is NOW, when the Golden Cup receives the Water from the Heavens, receives the Water from the Earth in which to nourish the Sacred Heart right now

It is Divine.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, within every vibration, within every density, within every level, within every coating, within every falsity, within every echo of Anything that has gone forth speaking the echo of Illusion.

The heart that is sacred is Intact.

Let it now feel The Waters of Life coming from The Above

The Waters of Life coming from The Below

Enriching, enriching, enriching the Garden of the Living Heart within You.

The Inseparable Heart within you.

That space, that portal, that gemstone, and that cup


That is now holding the living, spiraling, reflection of God Within You.

GOD living in your form!

The Christ within you.

Let the Waters of Life pour down so that you feel Liquid Light, Liquid Energy coming inside you! The temple is being washed. The walls of the temple, the grounds around the temple being washed.

I ask you to feel the body as a temple and the spray of the Water of Life from the Above,

carried on the wings of the Archangels,

carried by the breath of the Elohim,

carried by the heart of the intention of the living Masters of Light at all levels,

the heart of your guardian angel

washing now the ground, the soil, the garden that has grown up around the temple of the Human Body that you sit within

Let the walls be washed –

Let the building, the temple itself be washed

Feel now the surface of the body being washed

The Surface of the temple

The temple walls

The glistening white washing

The removal of all ingredients that have piled up along the outside of the temple

Any bramble, any bush, any thorn that has grown up around the outside of the garden,

Everything is being washed now along the grounds of the temple.

I wish for you to see the Divine Angels walking through the outside of the temple of your body, the auric field, the fields around the body, cleansing and clearing, with the water hose. They are carrying The Water of Life, cleansing and clearing, spraying the sides, the roof, the foundation of this temple, the walkway around the temple, the garden path around the temple, the entranceway where others come to come and be and stand in your aura, in your energy fields. The whole energy around the garden temple be washed now!

Feel it washed

And I am The Divine Mother and the essence of the tears coming from my own eyes, as orbs, as vessels, holding the aura of Life, holding the truth of God in liquid form, I now pour forth from my own divine eyes


The spectrum of the energy wheel that is all around you that we will call the temple grounds.

That we will call the outline of your fields

That we will call the axiatonal pipelines that link you to all forces of

And all higher frequencies and higher evolutions of Life

As they Reach to reach you

As they long to reach you

And we Wash now, your temple walls with my own tears.

And we wash now the walkways with the buckets coming forth from the eyes, from the heart of Divine Mother

And we bring it forth to the Emissaries of Divine Mother to carry now in the Divine golden buckets

To wash the ways in which you step in y our world,

The steps that you take

And the entranceways to the hearts of all others that you meet

That they might be washed clean

That they might be held open

That they might glisten with the perfection

That they might wash clean in this hour.

I ask that this cleaning, this cleansing, this loving, this embracing, this Water of Devotion be like tributaries now from the two eyes of The Divine Mother

And even as I say this to you, I say that the Third Eye of The Divine Mother opens and from the Third Eye comes the Portal of the Washing now of Insight, of Divine Perception, and as

I send it forth

It is like a raging river from the eye, from the Single Eye of The Divine Mother. I send it in directly to the temple grounds around the bodies, to the auric fields, to the energies around the bodies, to the surface of the bodies that they might glisten, join and glisten now and

Now, Beloved One,

Let us enter the Altar

The Garden Core

The Heart of the Garden

Within You

The sacred heart

Let us enter the Sacred Heart!

I ask that one single river of Life come forth now and it is turquoise and it is silver from the Third Eye of The Divine Mother. Let this essence of water spiral through my living heart now in the grand shape of the Universe, in the grand shape of the oldest shape now known on Earth, that Beautiful Spiral, and come Now

Spiraling in, burrowing in, bellowing in, with the sound of Creation into your Splendid Heart, the Living Heart

The Garden of Your Sacred Heart within your body.

All right.

I wish for you to see now the Garden of Your Heart

The interior of your heart

And I would say to you, it is like a little greenhouse in one way for I see myriad windows

in the shape of the dodecahedron

in the shape of the isosohedron

in the shape of the tetrahedron

I in the shape of the hexagon

in the shape of the triangle

in the shape of the cube and

in the shape of the Circle

All the windows in the geometries of life, one upon the other, opening now to receive the Sunlight of the Heart of Divine Mother, to receive the washing from the River of the Third Eye of Divine Mother --

And it is pouring in now into the Garden of your Heart

And I wish for you to see the one within the one within the one within the one

The microcosm within the macrocosm within the microcosm

And I ask you to see Yourself as a Divine Being walking inside the Garden of the Living Heart, the Garden of the Sacred Heart

We enter.

There is One Space within your heart

It is in the center of the Geometric Window

Within the Core, there is heart, there is a heart, there is a core within the heart, and there is a point within the core within the geometry of the heart within the heart

Inside the temple


The walls

Go within to the altar

Go inside your heart and see the

Holy of Holies


Silver and Gold, vibrant Purple, vibrant Turquoise, Vibrant essence of the lightest, gentlest Green Essence with Silver Sparklets

Go within to that Holy of Holies

And as you go within you see an arc of Light

A covenant

A Holy Scripture

A book of life

You see an arc with the velvet covering that is the Royal Blue

Of royalty

Of Michael

Of the Heart of Faith

And Inside this heart of this Sacred Covenant

I ask you to step inside

Step inside

Be the Water Drop that can seep inside the smallest area.

Go within

Go within

Go within the arc

Go within the Holy of Holies

Go within the velvet

Go within the covering

Go within the gold

Go within the silver

Separate yourself now into a Spectrum

One drop of water you become and you become a spectrum also--

And I ask you to divide, divide, divide yourself into a multiplicity of the tiniest tiniest molecules of Water, like atoms, so that you divide yourself, as God divides itself, as the worlds divide themselves,

and yet

each drop held in accordance with every other one

There is no separation

Even as you divide

Even as you divide

Even as you divide into the perfect essence of Multiplicity, you are In Oneness.

And I ask you now

As Many Divisions of Perfect Unified Points of Light, of Living Water and Light

Seeping into the Heart

Seeping into the Holy of Holies

Seeping into the central point of the Spiral of Creation within your Sacred Heart

Seeping in like points of water now that can

Permeate, that can follow, that can meander, that can go into the depths of depths, into the tiniest of tiny, into the crevice of crevices, into the smallest little essence

I ask you now to Flow as Water flows,

Inside your heart

All right.

Follow these points of Light.

Let us look at the First.

A water droplet that you are

Inside the inside within the inside within the within the inside

A waterdrop of Glistening Life

And I ask you now

As the Looker, as the Water, as All That Is,

Look now into that One Drop of Water

Look Now

Look Now and see Your Perfection!

7 Drops of Water bubble up to the surface of the Divine Cup that I offer to you and show you, that come from your Sacred Heart.

Look into the First Drop and see your Power, Beloved One.

See the Power. See the Personality of God as power. See the living essence of Power. The power to see, the power to be, the power to love, the power to focus, the power to concentrate, the power to embrace, the power of the river, of the ocean, the power to feel the mercy, the power to connect, the power to meander, the power to bore forth inside, the power to carry God, to birth God into Form, the power of Divine Mother, of Divine Father, see the face of Power

What does it look like reflected in One Drop of Water?

What does the Flower of Power, growing within your heart, look like? Growing in this garden of your heart. What does the flower look like?

I wish for you to trace this flower, to trace its power, to see it growing and growing and growing, on the trellis of God within your own Sacred Heart. See the seeds burst into flower, burst into branches and stems and stem forth and stem forth like the Jack and the Beanstalk that moves and grows from the garden of your own private heart and grows all the way back to GOD.


The Living Garden of Your heart.

Now see the second drop. The second drop that broke away but was not disconnected from the first. Look into the face of that second drop. See its face. See your face. The Face of Love. The love of connection, the love of nourishment, the love that would embrace all, would remove all pain, the love that puts out the pain, the love that is like a fire that puts out the agony, that carries the softest infusion of light, that pours from the heart of all hearts, that love that is like the petal of the flower, the love that includes, that is the power of erosion and all that is hard and all that has grown up around the softness of the heart.

Reflect on the second glistening drop of The Water of Life that is reflected to you and then

The Flower of Love growing within your own garden

Look at the Face of Love

And Look at the Tree of Love, like the Tree of Power

And watch it burst forth, like another Jack's Beanstalk,

Watch the flowers ignite, the stems grow, the flow of liquid light through the trunk, watch the tree grow and magnify in its excellence and its magnificence

And shoot its way out of the garden all the way through to the heart of All That Is.

And see the Third Drop of Water. Divine Water Glistening. And watch the face. See the face within the Third Drop. See your face. See the wisdom there. As it connects to the Heart of Wisdom. And watch that beautiful glowing drop. Look into the face of purity, the wisdom of the Christ as it goes off and carries the intentions of God in the worlds of Form. And watch this flower ignite in the garden of the heart, as you look into the face shining forth from the mirrored reflection within the water droplet of Wisdom. And I ask that you see that drop nourishing that Flower of Wisdom that is activated in all worlds, that comes forth and ushers in the new directives, the new foundations, the new blueprints, the new resurrection codes for the forms of light, for the structures of the planet, and the blessings coming forth from the droplet of Wisdom. Let the Flower of Wisdom ignite and grow like a mighty tree and activate and permeate and go beyond Earth, beyond the surface of the garden, beyond the garden of the garden of the garden of Eden into the Original Garden, to grow from the garden of your heart to grow all the way in to the Garden of Mother/Father God. No separation here.

And then you turn in your form of purity and you notice the Fourth Glistening Droplet of Water that separated out in the beginning, but it is not separate, it is undivided, it is in Oneness

And you look at the potential within the face of Harmony here. Look into this face, so still, so perfect, so poised, reflecting the divine, reflecting the harmony and we ask that you feel the gift of harmonizing, the sound of harmony, the sound of every sphere of light, of every body that has gone forth from the seed from the heart of God that has created a world, a whirlwind of energy, a planet, a solar life, a life of a galaxy, the light of harmony of All That Is carrying the Music of the Divine, reflecting the purity and the color of the Divine in all forms

Peer into the face of Purity and see Your Face.

And we ask that you see this droplet of Purity going into the roots of the plant of the Flower of Purity and Harmony and the blossoms coming forth

Immediately igniting and expanding from the Garden of your Heart

The sacred flower of Purity and extending immediately beyond time, beyond space, beyond dimensions

And rooting into the heart of Mother/Father God. Into the Garden of Creation of All Creations.

And one more glistening beautiful droplet, tiny, flows in

You have seen the ones carrying the power, carrying the love, reflecting the wisdom, reflecting the purity, and now

Coming forth is the deep Focus of Healing

The deep permeation of The Water of Life that will carry and break asunder every single obstacle to create openness. It is a breaking forth of every single lock and key and everything that has been placed upon this garden of this heart

That would hold out


That would hold out


That would hold out higher

Geometries of Light

That would hold out

Universal Complexicty and keep you locked into a kind of simplicity that would adhere to simple forms

We ask now for the Explosion of Complexity

The Explosion of Geometric Surfaces that are One Upon the Other Upon The Other

To Create

The Most Dynamic Expression within the surfaces that might then unite

Like atoms

And create a Whole New Species

A Holy New Form of Light, of Life

A Whole New Spectrum within the Reconstruction of Form

Within the Divine Resurrection of the Adam Kadmon

To unleash all of the surface edges that then might join within the DNA molecule

Within Divine Complexity

To Create a More Highly Evolved Species of Light within YOU

To come forth radiantly now

We cal forth now to look into that One Divine Droplet

Within the Scientific Exploration and ignition of that Healing drop that removes separation at the Living Core

We ask for the Perfection of Science to step into the Perfection of Spirit


And bring in the Reflection to you of the

Water of Life

That holds the Immaculate Conception

That pans for Gold

Scientific investigation that removes obstacles and restores to God's Children, including you,

The Free Flow of GOD

this energy of this 5th drop,

And we ask now that you look into that 5th droplet and see the

Double Face of Science and Spirit

The restoration, the investigation of Form

And the healing force

And we ask you now to peer through that drop and see the watery reflection of your own face

See in you

The Seed of Connection

The Seed of Exploration

The Seed of Advancement

The Seed of the Higher Luminaries

The Seed of the Higher Evolutions

The Seed of the Higher Technologies and Lower Technologies


For Evolution

See the blessing of this droplet of the Water of Life

See it offer itself as nourishment to the Flower of the Fifth Drop

Let that drop now ignite into the Flaming Entrance of Stem and Leaf and Flower and Bud and Trunk and

Be carried all the way back

Through time and dimension

Through the portals of All That Is

Through Matter

Through Energy

Through All the permeations and

Be centered and connected in dynamically

Into the Garden of the Heart of Mother/Father God

From Your Own Heart.

And now, Beloved One,

See that sixth spinning, beautiful, tiniest molecule of The Water of Life that separated forth

And I say to you, Beloved One,

Look into the face of Devotion within that droplet of water

Look into the feeling nature of deep reverence for life

Soak that drop into your own heart

Feel that sweetness

That Deep Divine Devotion

That Loyalty to GOD

That Steadfastness to the path

That beautiful mirrored reflection of the Pure Heart that sings the praises of GOD with every breath

Look into the Majestic and magical and magnificent truth and beauty that the sixth drop displays to you

See YOUR FACE within that drop

See the Ideal that you carry

See the Ideal intact within your Sacred Heart

The light seed intact from the seed of the Garden of the Living Heart of Mother/Father God

Watch Your Self Give Life, Give Nourishment

Watch the blossoming Of the Sixth Flower igniting into the buds, the stems to the branches, to the trunk, to the living expression of the Tree of Devotion

And see the connection from the Garden of your Heart back to the Garden of the God of All That Is

See it now!

I ask you to look about within the Holy of Holies

Within the tiniest core part within the Garden of your Heart

Within inside within inside All of the Windows of Magnification

Windows of Unification

The Geometric shapes of all of the windows

I wish for you to see now

A rotating, spiraling Seventh Drop

And I wish for you to look into the face and see Your Face

In the Mirror of the Seventh Drop of The Water of Life

I wish for you to see the beauty in that face reflected to you

See the transfiguration of your holy body

See the transmutation of all of your bodies

See the transformation that is occurring within your systems

See the alchemical perfection

As you literally mutate into a New Form of Life, A New Form of Light

As you come forth and pattern in, within the changes of this time of

Within the changes of the unfolding pattern that the Higher Evolutionaries, at the Higher Dimensions bless upon the Earth

And as the thirst from your own heart has called forth into you and upon your planet

Look now and see the Face of Completion

The Face of YOUR Liberty


The Face of Freedom

Within the purity of this drop of water

See it now

And let this drop of water flow like the tears of Mary

Flow like the tears of Kwan Yin

Flow like the water that has come forth from any eye,

From every eye, from every guardian angel who has stood by and waited through eons of time for this completion,

For this


For this Blossoming of the Christ to take place.

Connect with The Liquid Light outpouring from the Heart of Sananda

The pure white fountain from the compassionate heart of Buddha

Maitreya's heart responds like waves upon waves caressing the shores of each heart

Feel the streams of Golden Flow from the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek, like a river of gold just waiting to enter the circulatory systems of the physical body to bring the True and Profound Midas Touch of Melchizedek to water the Tree of Life of each Cell Self on Earth.

Trace these drops. These outpourings create and co-create another living fountain, another living flower,

More shoots, more buds, more stems, more leaves,

The circulatory system of yet another plant that connects to another Tree of Life that connects into the Garden of the Heart of Mother/Father GOD


From that which is growing in the

Garden of Your Sacred Heart

Beloved One, your Freedom ignites!\

Your Devotion,

Your Purity

Your Reconstruction

Your Transfiguration

Your Liberty

Your Wisdom

Your Love

Your Power

Let us now turn our gaze to one more drop of The Water of Life.

It turns and it spirals and it turns and it spirals

And in its spiraling within its spiraling

It takes each of the Seven Unified, yet Unique Reflections of the Garden Within your Heart through the Drops of the Water of Life

In its turning and in its spiraling.

It gathers and gathers and gathers

It carries the waters

It gathers the waters

It picks up the waters

It contains the waters

And it brings all The Waters of Life into a Synthesis

Into a beautiful crystal receptacle

Capturing the flow of Higher Expanded Light into Lower Expanded Light

Mirroring The Procession of Matter into Light

Let now the ELIXIR of this DROP

Gather and co-create

I shall call it

"The Crystal Grail of The Water of Life"


And connected into All Permeations

Into every wave that has ever moved like water into any world

And into All That IS.

Your Heart contains This Grail of Perfection.

I bring your attention to The Water of Perfection flowing through your Heart

Outpicture the transmigration of every water molecule that has ever been lifted and cycled back to the cloud of its entrance, evaporated in, recycled, recirculated, and streamed through that which cannot lose its true form but only be trans-formed

That which has been called Ice

That which has been called Steam

That which has been called Liquid

Trace All of the manifestations of The Living Waters of Life

I ask you now, Beloved Daughter (Son) of GOD

To taste

To drink

To embody

To circulate

And to bless this water from your own heart as your heart sits within the heart within the heart within the heart within the heart

within the heart within the heart within the heart

(You get the picture)

Of All That Is!

Drink it!

Taste it!

And know that there is no Bottom to this Grail

And that you need look no further for the Holy Grail

For it lives within inside you

For Within Inside of you is every permeation of every living expression of GOD, the spring, the seed is all within inside you

For you are OF GOD

You are the Seed Carrying the inheritance of GOD

That will




I enrich you with THE ONE Water of Life for there is but One Heart, one God, one Garden, One Droplet, One Permeation, One Purpose, One Evolution,

One Grail


One Holiness.


sine wave

History can be plotted as a sine wave. We're in a trough. Yet, by our nature, we wish to be surfing the crest, finding out that we have to wait until the next incoming wave rises. We've been drawing the Hermit card (tarot) for a few years so we're doing our best to strategically retreat in order to keep the gnosis alive and to build an ecoark/nest where the next wave might actually originate when it's time for the light to be re-released. It's not easy. I would rather be jamming my tushy off on stage, throwing festivals, organizing communities, coordinating CELSS construction projects, etc. It's not in the cards yet. The waiting is excruciating to my WASP-background self. I have to learn how to be lazy and not feel guilty about it or turn into a dumb bunny with TV rabbit ears. It will be better (personally speaking) when the weather warms enough I can go back to the construction projects to give my body some much needed exercise. My mind has been to many places that Google cannot find. My fingers (besides typing here) have been progamming a musical instrument sequencer and recording tracks to a digital recorder so that I can produce yet another CD's worth of cosmic music and use up some of the lyrics I've written this year. It keeps this hermit wizard crazy. Sanity scares me to death (grin)...

The wave will be generated. The regreening time will come. Instead of trying to build intentional communities, we might try using our facilities (in the days ahead) as training centers for future stewards, focusing on the young and upcoming rather than on old folk like us. It's an idea I keep coming back to. I'm listening ...t.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seven Faces of Intention

The Face of Creativity.

The first of the seven faces of intention is the creative expression of the power of intention that designed us, got us here, and created an environment that's compatible with our needs. The power of intention has to be creative or nothing would come into existence. It seems to me that this is an irrefutable truth about intention/spirit, because its purpose is to bring life into existence in a suitable environment. Why do I conclude that the life-giving power of intention intends us to have life, and have it in increasing abundance? Because, if the opposite were true, life as we know it couldn't come into form.

The Face of Kindness.

Any power that has, as its inherent nature, the need to create and convert energy into physical form must also be a kindly power. Again, I'm deducing this from the opposite. If the all-giving power of intention had at its core the desire to be unkind, malevolent, or hurtful, then creation itself would be impossible. The moment unkind energy became form, the life-giving Spirit would be destroyed. Instead, the power of intention has a face of kindness. It is kind energy intending what it's creating to flourish and grow, and to be happy and fulfilled. Our existence is proof to me of the kindness of intention. Choosing to be kind is a choice to have the power of intention active in your life.

The Face of Love.

The third of the seven faces of intention is the face of love. That there's a life-giving nature inherent in the power of intention is an irrefutable conclusion. What would we name this quality that encourages, enhances, and supports all of life, if not love? It's the prime moving power of the Universal Spirit of Intent. As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it: "Love is our highest word and the synonym for God."

The Face of Beauty

The fourth of my seven faces of intention is the face of beauty. What else could a creative, kind, and loving expression be, other than beautiful? Why would the organizing intelligence of intention ever elect to manifest into form anything that's repugnant to itself? Obviously, it wouldn't. So we can conclude that the nature of intention has an eternal interaction of love and beauty, and add the expression of beauty to the face of a creative, kind, loving power of intention.

In order to grasp the significance of beauty as one of the faces of intention, remember this: Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul. As you become repetitive to seeing and feeling beauty around you, you're becoming attuned to the creative power of intention within everything in the natural world, including yourself. By choosing to see beauty in everything, even a person who was born into poverty and ignorance will be able to experience the power of intention. Seeking beauty in the worst of circumstances with individual intent connects one to the power of intention. It works. It has to work. The face of beauty is always present, even where others see non-beauty.

The Face of Expansion

The elemental nature of life is to increase and seek more and more expression. If we could sharply focus on the faces of intention, we'd be startled. I imagine that one of the faces we'd see is a continuously expanding expression of the power of intention. The nature of this creative spirit is always operating so as to expand. Spirit is a forming power. It has the principle of increase, meaning that life continues to expand toward more life. Life as we know it originates from formless intention. Therefore, one of the faces of intention looks like something that's eternally evolving. It might look like a tiny speck in a continuous state of duplicating itself, and then enlarging itself, and then moving forward, all the while continuing its expansion and expression.

The Face of Unlimited Abundance

This sixth face of intention is an expression of something that has no boundaries, is everywhere at once, and is endlessly abundant. It's not just huge, it never stops. This marvelous gift of abundance is what you were created from. Thus you too share this in the expression of your life. You're actually fulfilling the law of abundance. These gifts are given freely and fully to you just as the air, the sun, the water, and the atmosphere are provided in unlimited abundance for you.

The Face of Receptivity.

This is how I imagine the seventh face, the receptive face of intention. It's simply receptive to all. No one and no thing is rejected by the receptive face of intention. It welcomes everyone and every living thing, without judgment--never granting the power of intention to some and withholding it from others. The receptive face of intention means to me that all of nature is waiting to be called into action. We only need to be willing to recognize and receive. Intention can't respond to you if you fail to recognize it. If you see chance and coincidence governing your life and the world, then the universal mind of intention will appear to you as nothing but an amalgamation of forces devoid of any order or power.

Wayne Dyer

Monday, January 12, 2009

Humanity Healing

The activation of the Starseeds is designed to prepare those special souls to receive the permanent ever-expanding energy of Creation in their physical bodies and to be the receptacles of this Love, enabling them to expand and irradiate this Love further out in the time and space continuum

The real function of the awakening of the Soul Purpose in the Star-Seeded Souls is to bring into consciousness the vast possibilities of Human existence and the potential of ancient cosmic wisdom and knowledge not yet brought into manifestation in this plane of existence.

This progression is made possible through the internal process of purification and a truthful personal vow of Service. Humanity Healing is sharing a course in the Awakening the Human Angel and other Star-Seeded Souls

Light Messages, Readings, Online Classes and More! - Channelings By DL Zeta

Light Messages, Readings, Online Classes and More! - Channelings By DL Zeta: "Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness Is Here Now

(Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, Part 1)

You are living in a powerful and transformative time when greater light shines from the heavens onto the Earth plane. This influx of light is triggering a series of inner shifts and transformations that will ultimately change the shape, appearance and workings of your 'outer” world. These changes in collective reality usher in a time when Earth exists primarily in fifth-dimensional frequencies. These shifts in consciousness have been prophesied by the great seers of every time frame. This is the essence of the New Earth."

Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness is a state of mind employed by
metaphysicians, to consciously attract a higher level of abundance in
their lives. It operates by means of some simple principles of

It's been established by nuclear scientists, specifically, elementary
particle physicists, that the energy of our universe is subject to
our mental expectations of it. It was discovered that in blind tests,
that an elementary sub-atomic particle would behave as either
a "wave" or as a "particle", depending upon who was doing the test!
It was scientific proof that our human minds affect the most basic
level of the material universe. The mental expectations of the
scientist who performed the test quite clearly determined the actual
state of being of the most basic building block of our physical world.

Obviously, this was a hard pill to swallow for the scientific
community. The premise was tested..and retested..and tested again.
Yet by George, it still worked! Blind tests were performed. This
meant that we put Harry in the driver's seat to run the particle
accelerator and we won't tell him what's going on. We'll just see
what registers on the 'scope. Well, evidently Harry had his
preferences as to whether this particle would behave as a wave or
particle that day. Sure enough, it behaved according to his
preference. Hmmm...Well, let's do a double-blind test. We'll go get
Bill to go get Sam to run the test. We won't tell either one of them
what's going on in case there's some sort of ESP happening. Oops.
Same results.

This was a significant realization, which bore out in scientific
terms what has been understood in many religious, philosophical, and
mystical traditions for centuries. This was that our state of mind,
influenced by our faith in "things unseen" could affect outcomes in
the world around us. Thus, the power of prayer.

Metaphysics and the Power of Prayer

Prayer is the most classic and instinctive use of this metaphysical
influence. Every civilization in history has acknowledged the need
for it, simply to keep their lives running. Its instinctive use is
evident under conditions of extreme stress, fear or pain. One doesn't
think about praying when a situation is desperate, one just does it.
We automatically employ a superconscious state of mind in order to
connect with a Higher Power when we pray. Depending upon how
completely we believe that this Power can and will assist us,
determines how well the prayer will be answered for us. This is
faith. The stronger and clearer the faith, the more immediate and
dramatic it's answer.

This isn't the forum to debate the relative merits of various
perceptions of God, Goddess, Spirit, Allah, etc. In metaphysics, what
you call your Higher Power is irrelevant. Metaphysically, you could
even conceivably consider It an inanimate force (May the Force be
with you) which keeps the Universe from collapsing into chaos. What
you expect of It, what you believe It is capable of, and how you
believe It feels about you, is relevant indeed. These elements
describe your mental attitude about the Source of your being and
thus, the source of your supply.

Metal Attitudes and Prosperity

Prosperity Consciousness is a term which describes our mental
attitudes about prosperity. Someone who practices prosperity
consciousness makes an active decision to believe and expect that
prosperity is his or hers, right now. They practice creative
visualization, repeat affirmations to themselves, and pray, for the
specific purpose of changing their minds to accept prosperity coming
from a non-material source. Before we all get confused, let me
clarify. The non-material source is our mind and what we are able to
contact with our mind. This causes manifestation to occur through
ordinary, "coincidental" causes. Unexpected income, extraordinary job
offers, gifts, etc., are all very common "coincidental"
manifestations of prosperity consciousness.

I know just enough about statistical analysis to be dangerous, but
it's very obvious that the odds are way against these types
of "coincidences" (God, I love that word) happening with the
frequency and regularity that they do when someone is practicing
prosperity consciousness.

Prosperity, Visualization and Manifestation

There are several terms in popular use, which describe these results.
Manifestation is a fun one. What you have visualized or prayed
for "manifests" in the physical universe. Demonstration is also
widely used to describe your outcome. Treatment is a term used to
describe the activities of prosperity consciousness. So, we may treat
for a specific manifestation or demonstration.

Prosperity means different things to different people. For one
person, it could mean a bank account over a particular amount. For
another it could mean owning property. Still another might see it as
the opportunity to travel extensively. Someone else may see
prosperity as being able to stay home with the kids. It's important
that you understand what your definition of prosperity is, since
you're bringing it to yourself with your mind.

The simplest method to get clarification on this is to play the "What
would I do with a million dollars" game. Explore your answers; be in
depth about it. It's critically important that you do this, because
in doing your prosperity treatment, the million dollars isn't
important, but what you want to do with it, is. This is far more
relevant, since your treatment is effective based on your real needs
and desires, and who among us needs a million small pieces of paper?
Personally, I'm buried in paperwork as it is.

Focus on What's Really Needed

Yes, it's quite possible that you will manifest actual income in
order to achieve your desire. It doesn't need to be the point of your
efforts, however and can often work against you. In my opinion this
is due to our cultural obsession with money. An obsessive mind-set
can pretty well cancel out your effectiveness with prosperity, since
it contains a built-in attitude that there is never enough,
i.e., "you can't have too much, I must have it before it runs out,"
etc. Obsession contains the seeds of "scarcity consciousness" . Few of
us wish to treat for having an inadequate supply.

When we can focus clearly on our actual needs and wants, prosperity
work becomes much simpler. If we want that new car, we can visualize
driving it, smell that new-car smell and feel the vibration of the
road. We can know that the Higher Power wants this for us, and has
determined that we shall have it. We can "embody" (another new term)
the reality of ownership of this particular make of car, knowing it
and feeling it as our own. This could include walking out to the
driveway each morning expecting to see it parked there. We could make
plans for the future selling or disposing of our previous vehicle,
being ready for the new car's appearance. Embodiment of a
metaphysical process means that we fully create the goal into our
inner life. We, in essence, give it life.

There are many techniques for prosperity consciousness and some will
work better for you than others. With practice, you'll work out the
mental affirmations which are most effective in your life.

Developing this awareness with regard to money will enable you to
begin consciously claiming all that is your birthright, opening the
flow to money and doing so in a way that you find pleasing if you'll
make a conscious and intentional choice to internalize, grasp and
commit to consistently applying what is soon to be revealed to you.

To develop a deeper understanding concerning money, what money truly
is and the origin of money we'll start at the physical level and work

Although the process we'll be going through may seem a bit redundant
initially, I'll ask that you stay with me as we progress. Doing so
will not only bring clarity as to the "true" source of money but will
also enable you to fully grasp and understand how to begin
literally "attracting" money to you.

Let's begin by assuming that you have amassed a substantial amount of
financial wealth…that you are a multi millionaire or even a
billionaire if you prefer.

Where did these millions or billions of dollars come from? From a
product or service that you successfully marketed? From an
inheritance? Perhaps from the lottery.

Wherever it came from you would, if you're like most, assume that the
source from where this money came from was the cause of you becoming
a multi-millionaire. In the case of a business, this money came from
your customers in exchange for your product or service. In the case
of an inheritance from a deceased loved one. In the case of the
lottery from the state or country who paid you the winnings.

Although partially true something happened prior to this event,
condition or circumstance which brought you the millions. What was
that? Was it hard work? Was it due to someones passing? Was it from
the purchase of a lottery ticket? What form of "doingness" took place
that was responsible for you acquiring this money?

Whatever this was, if you're like most you would assume that it was
this physical doingness…this work that you performed or some external
event or circumstance that served as the cause or source.

For the sake of simplifying let's assume that it was from a business
and due to our hard work for the remainder of this analogy.

Let's see what we've accomplished so far…

We have millions We received it from our hard workNow lets explore
where this hard work was derived from...What initiated this work?
What was it that we worked hard at?

In order to have something to work hard at there must be something
that happened which enabled us to do so. What was it? The starting of
a business? A partnership with someone? The effort to go down and
purchase a lottery ticket?

Regardless of what it was it was some form of physical action...some
physical "doingness" that produced it correct? Something "physical"
was the cause.

OK, let's see where we stand now…

We have millions We received it from our hard work We worked hard at
a business that we began.Now let's look at where this business was
derived from.

What was the cause of our discovering, creating and working hard at
this business?

What event was it that enabled us to begin this business which we
worked hard at which created our millions?

We took action correct? But what did we take action on?

What caused us to take this action?

Before we get into that let's look at what's happened…

We have millions We received it from our work We worked hard at a
business We took actionOK now what was it that we took action on?
What initiated this action?

Was it someone who approached you with some amazing business
opportunity that they discovered?

Was it a need that you recognized that needed to be fulfilled in the
marketplace? Something that would contribute value and improve
peoples lives?

Whatever it was it came as an idea in some form or another. Some
inspired idea came to you or something was presented to you as the
result of someone else's idea which you believed had potential and
would provide you with this money and business, correct?

Now we have…

Millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked hard at a
business that we began We took action That action taken was the
result of an ideaNow let's explore a bit more deeply to discern where
this idea came from…

What made you have this idea?

What was it that you heard or saw that created this idea?

What was necessary for you to come up with this idea?

What made someone else have this idea?

You or someone else had to "think" of it correct? You couldn't
possibly have come up with an idea unless you had "thought" it,
right? Ok, so this idea was derived from a thought.

Now…that brings us to...

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action That action was the
result of an idea That idea was the result of a thoughtNext we'll
explore just a bit deeper to find where the thought came from…

In order to have this thought what happened?

What event took place that made us think this thought?

What was it that allowed this thought to evolve into an idea?

It was our brain correct?

An electrochemical process was ignited within the brain which enabled
us or someone else to think this thought.

OK, now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action That action was the
result of an idea That idea was the result of a thought That thought
was produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our
brainNow…what was it that initiated this electrochemical process in
our brain to have this thought?

What was it that enabled our brain to think this thought?

Where did the brain come from for that matter?

It was our mind correct? More specifically the conscious mind.

The mind which is unseen or spiritual in nature fed the brain a

OK…let's see where we are now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action The action was the
result of an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought
was the result of an electrochemical process in the brain The thought
that was provided or fed to the brain through the mindNow…What
enabled the mind to have this thought?

Where did this thought exist?

where did the mind come from that enabled this thought?

What is the mind?

Well...the thought came out of thin air didn't it? There was nothing
physical at this level of thought only a conceptualization.

There was nothing that could be seen or experienced with the physical
senses. It was unseen, metaphysical or spiritual in nature.

So where did it come from?

It happened at the level of energy.

Everything which exists, both seen and unseen is made up of this
energy. Thoughts, physical objects, metaphysical, EVERYTHING is made
up of this energy.

But where does this energy come from. What makes this energy exist?

Before we get into that let's see what's transpired…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action The action was the
result of an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought
came from our brain The thought was derived in the brain through the
mind The mind created or drew the thought from energyOk simple
enough. Now what initiated the thought in the mind which it gave to
the brain. What is a thought made of? What is the mind? What allows
the mind to function? Where was the mind derived from? How does the
mind exist and why?

The mind conceived and constructed the thought from energy. Energy is
everywhere in everything. Physical things that can be seen, touched,
tasted, smelled and heard are energy. All things unseen are energy.
Thoughts are energy, the mind is energy. EVERYTHING in its most basic
and purest from is comprised of energy.

Now…where does energy come from. What makes this energy which enables
us to have thoughts and ideas. Where do this energy which creates
thoughts and ideas come from?

We'll get to that next but first let's see where we are now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked at
a business that we began We took action The action was the result of
an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought came from
our brain The thought was given to the brain by the mind The mind
constructed the thought from energyOk…now what is this energy and
where does it come from? What makes energy?

The energy is made up of and exists because of subatomic particles.
Subatomic particles are a construction of elements which make up

Some common names of these subatomic particles are electrons,
protons, neurons, leptons, quarks, etc. Subatomic particles don't
make up energy…subatomic particles ARE energy.

So what is responsible for these subatomic particles?

Where do they come from.

What makes them exist?

We'll cover that in a minute, but first let's see where we stand now
and what has been accomplished. ..

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We performed
this work at our business We took action The action was the result of
an idea The idea originated from thought The thought came from our
brain The thought was given to the brain by mind The mind constructed
the thought from energy Energy is comprised of subatomic particlesOK…
stay with me…we're almost there.

Where do these subatomic particles come from?

What is it that enables these subatomic particles to create thoughts
and ideas?

Consciousness. Subatomic particles which are pure energy exist at the
level of pure consciousness.

So what exists at this level of consciousness?

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be conceived in the YOUR

Energy, as has been proven and explained by modern day science is a
continuously vibrating mass of energy.

As explained by modern day scientists…

"Energy exists and comprises an Infinite field where EVERY
conceivable outcome already exists as a probability of existence. All
things at their core…in their purest and most basic form are merely a
vibrating mass of energy packets."

"What activates this field of energy packets is "thought" which
transmutes energy from wave form into particles and activates the The
Law Of Attraction which is best and most easily explained by saying
that thought correlates with it's object."

If science isn't your preference for understanding how money and
everything else in your life is made possible, lets look at what the
most enlightened and wisest spiritual teachers have taught for
thousands of years... "

Whatsover ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive and it
shall be given


As a man thinketh so is he


"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believeth."


"Whatsoever things are true,... honest, ... just, ... pure, ... of
good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things."


"Faith" is the substance of things "hoped for" the evidence of things
not seen."

Lets look at another great teacher of a different culture...

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With
our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha

Nature produces a harvest in exact proportion to and based on the
kind and quality of the seed that is planted.

It is not woo woo esoterc nonsense…it is scientific as well as
spiritual fact. It is based on profound timeless teachings that can
and will transform your entire physical existence.

Thought (consciousness) serves as the seed...the unseen cause for
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that exists and is experienced in your
physical world whether physically, financially, relationally,
emotionally or spiritually.

It is the creative seed that is responsible for and will produce your
harvest. It is the simplicity of the continually unfolding process of
creation clearly revealed.

To put this process to work to bring about "desired" outcomes, you
only need become conscious of your consciousness. To consciously
observe what are you creating with your thoughts.

Examine and become conscious of the thoughts that are creating your
reality...Change your mind.

What seeds are you planting? What "beliefs" do you hold on to that
are creating your predominant thought processes which are creating
your current reality?

What energy are you projecting that will without fail correlates with
its object. What are you attracting?

Awaken…become aware…observe it…become conscious of it and you'll
understand completely what and why you are experiencing the current
events, conditions and circumstances in the area ofmoney and every
other area of your life.

So…what's the next step? What is it that created these subatomic
particles. What Source were these energy packets derived from?

From a scientific perspective that is yet to be determined and proven.

From the timeless teachings of the greatest and wisest spiritual
teachers to have ever walked the earth, who haven't missed yet…it is
the Creator. It is the Source of your understanding whatever that
might be for you. It is the I AM that I AM. It is EVERYTHING that is
was or ever will be. It is the Kingdom of God.

It was this Source that first thought and then spoke everything into
existence. Until it was thought of NOTHING existed. It was ALL
derived from pure consciousness. ..Universal Consciousness. The
Ultimate Source from where it ALL began.

You being an individual, have an individual consciousness and an
inalienable right of free will to utilize it as you choose. This
individual aspect of consciousness is interconnected with the Source
of all consciousness. It is a part of the whole which is necessary to
make the whole.You ARE an integral part of the whole.

As spiritual text clearly states...

You were created in the image and likeness of God...The Source.

The Whole...this Source consists of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that can
be conceived in mind. Everything ALREADY exists. All that is missing
is your willingness to conceive it and believe in it's manifestation.

You have been provided the ability to call forth anything and
everything that can be conceived in mind at the level of

The kingdom of God is within you. You have creative power to call
forth and experience anything and everything in the kingdom limited
only by YOUR choosing and willingness to "believe."

Jesus Christ taught it. "I am come that ye might have life and have
it in abundance."

"Believe that ye receive and it shall be given."

Buddha taught it. "All we are is the result of our thoughts. Through
our thoughts we make our world.

Science has proven it. "All things already exist within the field as
a probability of existence. The Law of Attraction is the law by
which "thought" correlates with its object.

Nature clearly reveals it through simple observation of its abundant
and infinite supply which continually expands and reproduces itself
over and over again and sustains the entire Universe.

ALL of it, regardless of which avenue of study you may prefer to
discover it leads to the very same understanding, only expressed in
different words. All of Creation is the result of energy…of a seed…of
belief…all of which are derived from consciousness which you are an
integral part of as a result of your individual consciousness which
you have the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will to
utilize as you choose.

You have the free will to "perceive" yourself as separate and
disconnected as well as the free will to "perceive" and understand
the Unity and interconnectedness of EVERYTHING at the level of cause.

You can choose lack, limitation, discord and hardship or you can
choose abundance, harmony, ease and plenty.

You can remain in a career that you find displeasing and un-
fulfilling or you can utilize your consciousness to draw to you the
ways and means to work in an area that you are passionate about and
begin "Doing" that which you love and are passionate about.

You can do WHATEVER you choose.

You choose at the level of consciousness. ..the kind and quality of
your thinking which returns without fail and with unwavering
certainty the kind and quality of your experience.

The real beauty is that you get to choose. You only need to become
consciously aware of what you have been choosing and begin choosing
consciously and intentionally.

Internalize it…believe it…live it…breathe it…resonate it…develop a
wealth consciousness and you will call forth and experience wealth,
in the form of money or whatever that may be for you individually.

Consciousness is the key to fulfillment and harmony in your life.
Everything following are merely effects of the "true" Cause. Effects
which continually evolve and create additional effects into infinity.

Harmonize your doingness consciously, purposefully and intentionally
with your "thoughtfulness" and "believingness" and you will
experience a life limited only by what you can conceive and believe
as possible for you.

It ALL begins at the level of consciousness. Consciousness is the
creative force….the seed.

Everything following is merely evolution unfolding.

Creation doesn't and NEVER has happened at the physical level.
Creation happens at the level of Cause. Everything else are merely
effects of the "true" Cause which create additional effects.

Become conscious of your consciousness. Consciously, intentionally
and purposefully focus the creative power that you have been given on
that which you desire to experience and allow the unfailing and
unwavering flow to take over. Simply allow nature to take its course.

Allow the Source to provide you with everything that has been made
available to you which is EVERYTHING.

Envision what you desire to experience…savor it…be grateful for it…
Relax…Ride with the flow…stay open and alert for the physical
evidence that will enable you to fulfill your desired outcome…take
action…become wealthy…enjoy your life.

Change your mind..renew your mind. Discover and replace the beliefs
that are keeping you from experiencing money or whatever else you may
desire to experience.

Quit attempting to swim against the current. Stop focusing your
creative energy on what you fear. There is nothing to fear.

The Kingdom of God is within you. ALL things already exist as a
probability of existence.

Now...allow me to ask you again...

What is money?

Where does money come from?

If you've grasped the purpose of this message the answer will be...

"Well Chuck...Like everything pure energy. A quality of
consciousness. "

If that's how you would have answered those questions... you've got
it. You understand it. Congratulations. ..your miles ahead of the mass


...that's not enough. Sorry to say but understanding it isn't enough.

Now to make your newfound knowledge and understanding work for you...

You MUST apply what you've discovered.

Harmonize with the energy of money and money will flow to you. It's
not limited to money. It works that way with EVERYTHING in your life
in EVERY area of your
life...physically. ..financially. ..relationally. ..emotionally, ,,spiritu

Stop chasing money...Stop chasing wealth...Stop chasing success...
Stop chasing anything. It's already yours. You're already connected
to it.

Just become conscious of how to call it to you. Harmonize with
it…"believe" that it's yours…think on it…be grateful for it…plant the
seed which produces it and you will attract and experience it in your

Stop "wanting it" and start having it…right now. You already do you
know. You only need to become conscious of it...allow it to flow to
you and you WILL experience it.

Above all change your mind about your life and your life will change.

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

It's ALL really very simple...once you make the conscious choice to
set aside EVERYTHING you've ever been led to "believe" and make an
undying commitment to discover if what you have been taught to be
truth is merely a "perception" of truth or based on "Higher Truth."
Either one will produce the outcomes in your life just as you choose
and "believe" they will without fail.

Expand your truth and you will expand your physical experiences.
Choose that for yourself.

Now…go forth and prosper and spread the good news to those who have a
desire to hear.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

When we choose, we are Spirit in action!

Andrew Cohen & Ken Wilber in dialogue: A Kosmic Roller-Coaster Ride: "You realize I am the creator in the midst of the fact that there are six or seven billion other creators. But the ultimate truth is I’m really the only one. So what does it mean to be the only one, within the understanding of the fact that there are six or seven billion other “only ones” who may or may not know who they really are? The individual who awakens to this fact is inspired to take absolute responsibility for what it means to be the only one, in the midst of six or seven billion others. It means within my own means, I’m going to take absolute responsibility for creating the future. It means I know it’s completely up to me. It means we’re no longer deferring responsibility, no longer making excuses."

NASA - Eclipses During 2009

NASA - Eclipses During 2009: "

During the year 2009, two solar and four lunar eclipses occur as follows:

Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse diagrams also include the path of the Moon through Earth's shadows. Contact times for each principal phase are tabulated along with the magnitudes and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and Moon at greatest eclipse.

All times and dates used in this publication are in Universal Time or UT. This astronomically derived time system is colloquially referred to as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. To learn more about UT and how to convert UT to your own local time, see Time Zones and Universal Time.

Culture Magic - Egalitarian Commonwealth - Parallel Culture

Culture Magic - Egalitarian Commonwealth - Parallel Culture: "The parallel culture is a 'chaordic' or chaotically-ordered, evolving network of intentional communities, affirming the balance of individual needs with social and environmental responsibility.

In contrast to the dominant culture, which may be described as affirming individuality over collectivity in an increasingly hierarchical, authoritarian government by the wealthy, and which in the extreme may be called 'plutocratic fascism,' the decentralized, participatory, economically-diverse culture balancing common and private ownership creates a parallel culture, which may be called the 'egalitarian commonwealth.'"

Appreciative Inquiry: Overview of the Theory & Application

When people focus on human ideals, achievements, peak experiences and best practices these things— not the conflicts—tend to flourish. Choosing to learn from moments of joy, wonder and excellence can be unusually effective in improving organizations.

The premise of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is that organizations grow in the direction in which they focus their attention. People grow in much the same way, and therefore an organization must:

• empower its members to believe that they can make a difference,

• reward leaders who empower others,

• direct the energy of the system toward generative and creative forces.

The search for solutions to problems is recognized in Appreciative Inquiry as openness to change. Change in the way that issues are explained, in beliefs of what is "real," in the basic priorities of what to pursue and choices of what ends to serve, and change in a world view as a coherent whole or paradigm. Change in how our society organizes itself, or in our consensual reality involve "new paradigm" concepts of:

• Quantum Physics - change in particle theory from individual parts and linear events to interconnectivity and multiple possibilities, such as the observer affecting the observed

• Chaos Theory - very simple, previously predictable patterns become complex and unpredictable, leading to new levels or forms of order, such as weather patterns, fractals

• Self-Organizing Systems - complex and unpredictable situations evolve into more ordered patterns, such as with living organisms, ecological systems, and social change subcultures

• Complexity Theory - an emerging reality or wholeness can not be predicted from the sum of its parts, "chaordic" structures merge chaos and order and are nonlinear, discontinuous

The social science of organizational development is moving beyond the classical mechanics of seeing the universe as a machine, and human behavior as governed by a natural hierarchy with individual parts reacting to force or coercion, toward new paradigm organizations viewing chaos as a stage in the process of renewal and revitalization, where information sharing is the organizing force, diversity of relationships energizes teams, and a shared vision provides the context toward which behavior gravitates and is aligned. New paradigm organizations involve:

• Shared Leadership - where leadership is a function, not a position, accepted by individuals when their skills and interests are applied appropriately, recognizing morale as essential to productivity, that learning opportunities motivate people, and that traditional roles such as "director" may be collaborative or rotational

• High-Tech/High- Touch Communication - assuring collaboration and partnership at every level through face-to-face conversations, travel to meetings, and multiple electronic communications technologies providing options for varieties of information sharing

• Learning Organizations - providing flexible systems accommodating change according to circumstances and new information, giving adequate time to share knowledge and skills, and constantly studying their field, deriving theory and insights grounded in their own experiences and applying it in their ongoing projects and processes

• Multi-Locational Organizations, Partnerships and Alliances - in which coordinating units may be in multiple centers or moving as required, and multiple cooperative arrangements may exist for planning and program delivery as well as education and training

• Task Competence and Process Focus - encouraging people to be both skilled in their area of expertise as well as competent in human processes of interpersonal communication and group collaboration for win-win solutions

• Values and Vision Centering - affirming that tasks change, multiply and transform themselves in harmony with the values and vision agreed upon by the organizations "community" of stakeholders at every level, holding together an organizational awareness by the power and clarity of their shared values and vision

Appreciative Inquiry is an organizational philosophy supporting learning and renewal through:

• widespread inquiry, helping participants perceive the need for change, explore new possibilities, and contribute to solutions,

• customized interview guides eliciting stories of high performance from members of the organization, for igniting transformative dialogue and action,

• alignment of the organization' s formal and informal structures with its purpose and principles, translating shared vision into reality and belief into practice.

Applying the power of positive inquiry involves framing questions that focus upon positive thinking, such as by asking organizational members (one-onone, face-to-face interviews) to:

• tell a story of when you were working in a team when performance was high and you felt engaged and valued; what were you and the others doing?

• what external or organizational factors were present that supported this positive experience?

• how might this team function if we could expand the conditions that led to past successes?

Different from most behavioral approaches to organizational management which focus upon changing people, Appreciative Inquiry invites people to engage in building the kind of organization and community in which they want to work and live. AI uses a "collaborative discovery" of economic, ecological and human effectiveness, which is then woven into the organization' s formal and informal systems, from how people organize themselves for accomplishing tasks to how they develop and implement business strategies.

The AI process enables human systems to engage in continuous learning, and to translate that learning into ongoing innovation. Uncovering and supporting people's passions, skills, knowledge, experience and successes excite and mobilize them to implement innovations that they may never before have thought possible. Through encouraging and supporting individuals in identifying and sharing their stories of excellence, the organization may then reconceptualize and transform its purpose, processes, and design in ways that support its most generative forces and ongoing success.

How AI Works: Five Generic Processes
Guided by Five Core Principles

• Constructionist Principle – Organizations evolve in the direction of the images we create based upon the questions we ask as we strive to understand the systems at work.

• Principle of Simultaneity – Change begins the moment we ask questions.

• Anticipatory Principle – Behavior in the present is influenced by the future we anticipate.

• Poetic Principle – Just as poets have no constraints on what they write, we have no boundaries on what we can inquire about and from which we can learn.

• Positive Principle – The more positive the questions used to build a change process, the longer-lasting and effective the process will be.

Five Generic Processes of the Appreciative Inquiry Cycle:

• Define – Choose positive as the focus of inquiry; a positive topic statement as interview guide.

• Discover – Discover the best of what is. Inquire into exceptionally positive moments (interviews).

• Dream – Imagine what might be. Share the stories & identify life-giving forces (highlights).

• Design – Dialogue what should be. Create shared images of a preferred future (themes).

• Deliver /Destiny – Create what will be. Innovate and improvise ways to create that future(actions). Helpful Conditions for Implementing the Process of Appreciative Inquiry:

• Humble Beginnings: honestly acknowledge current difficulties without assigning blame, and invite co-construction of solutions.

• Congruence of Means and Ends: directly involve the people most affected by the changes desired, and specifically identify the desired end in a positive statement

• History as a Source of Innovation: accessing the "positive core" of the organization' s founding philosophy and history can be a source of new possibilities

• Focus Beyond the Event: learning and change is not a one-time event arriving at a point of excellence, but a process for creating a culture open to learning and discovering possibilities

• Stories More than Numbers: as stories of "exceptional moments" capture the wholeness of meaning they may be more helpful for creative innovations than quantification in numbers

Condensed by A. Allen Butcher from: Bernard Mohr and Jane Magruder Watkins, The Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry, Pegasus Communications, Innovations in Management Series, 2002, Waltham, MA, and Appreciative Inquiry for Organization Change: A Workshop Resource Book.

www.CenterforApprec iativeInquiry. net
www.AppreciativeInq uiry.cwru. edu


The Appreciative Inquiry process is scalable, from small groups to large, and is being used to address issues of varying complexity from interpersonal communication to paradigmatic changes in human awareness. Processes from other organizational development systems are continually being added.

Appreciative Process:
• Develop an appreciative mind-set
• Be clear about what you want MORE of, not less
• Track it, fan it, and involve others in a fanfare!

Praise it – call attention to what is positive that has happened Bless it – give license to continue & ask for more Bushe, Clear Leadership, pp 155-180


General Appreciative Inquiry Process Outline:

• Introductions of persons, and to the Appreciative Inquiry process

• Presentation of the suggested topics of focus, with refinement and acceptance by the group: "Identify what has been working well in CCCS to date; Create a shared vision for the future."

• Create small groups of four persons from different institutions to work as teams. Each team chooses a facilitator, recorder, presenter and timekeeper.

• Within the teams, pair up for interview sessions, each person to ask a set of prepared questions of the other, then reverse roles.

• Report by each person to the team of four on the interview responses of the other person. Record all of the "items that have worked well," and look for one or more common theme(s) among them

• Report by each team to the whole group, with each "item that has worked well" written on a sticky note, posted on a wall chart, with the "common themes" kept separate.

• Each person gets three sticky dots with which they indicate which of the items they feel are the most important (however each defines importance). Review and draw conclusions from the resulting "scatter-gram. "

Lunch Break

• Within the groups of four, create a shared image of the common theme identified in the morning process, expressed in one of the following ways: a mixed-media construction or collage, a song or skit. The point of this activity is to think on an intuitive, creative level, engaging different parts of the brain from the intellectual.

• Creations are presented to the group. Working with images inspires ways of thinking and new ideas that may not have entered our awareness earlier. What general perspectives or paradigms are expressed in the creations? What among these enhance, stretch or challenge the status quo in CCCS or the assumptions of the Online Course Migration Team?

• The theme developed by each team is transformed into a "provocative proposition. " Written in the present tense these stimulate awareness, provide guidance and provoke action. Each team may create their own "provocative proposition" or teams may merge.

• Convening as a whole group, review the provocative propositions and derive a vision statement from them (this must be done quickly, simply merging provocative propositions may suffice).

• Brainstorm innovative ways to act on the "provocative proposition( s)," drawing from the "items that have worked well" identified in the morning session, or other action item ideas.

• As a whole group, record creative or innovative "strategic intentions" or initiatives supporting the propositions or vision.

• As individuals, identify what parts of the vision or what action items each person personally wants to bring to fruition. Individuals may state their commitment, what they need, and/or what they can offer others to help with particular action items.

• Process Evaluation. What did participants most appreciate about the process? What might have made the process more valuable? In what other contexts within CCCS might the process be helpful? What personal commitments will each person make for after this process?

Appreciative Inquiry Interview One-on-One Sessions

Interviews are where we discover/uncover the generative or leading transformative changes in our experiences. Use the questions below, taking brief notes and asking follow-up questions as appropriate, to prompt memory and understanding. Each person interviews the other for 30 min.

A. Share a story about a time when you came to an understanding of how your organization actually works, the dynamics and imperatives of its functions, or a time when you recognized that others in the organization substantially shared a common vision of the organization.

B. What was your personal best experience of feeling valued by others in the organization, or when you helped others to feel valued?

C. Describe an event in which you provided good leadership through effective communication, or in which you experienced good leadership through effective communication.

D. What was your best experience of helping the institution thrive?

E. Share a story about how you could tell that what you were doing was working.

F. How do you keep focused on getting better?

Interview Report

• What was the most appreciative QUOTABLE QUOTE that came out of your interview?

• What was the most COMPELLING STORY that came out of your interview? What details and examples did the interviewee share? How were the interviewee or others changed by the story?

• What was the most LIFE GIVING MOMENT of the interview for you as a listener?

• Did a particularly CREATIVE and/or INNOVATIVE EXAMPLE of LEADING TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE emerge during the interview? If so, describe what you learned about it, including who is doing it and where.

• What THREE THEMES stood out most for you during the interview?

Small Group Reporting

Report by each person to the team-of-four on the interview responses of the other person. Record all of the "items that have worked well," and look for one or more common theme(s) among them.

Large Group Reporting

Report by each team to the whole group, with each "item that has worked well" written on a sticky note, posted on a wall chart, with the "common themes" kept separate.


Tips for Dealing with Negatives

Sometimes people feel compelled to talk about whatisn't working. People should not be caused to feel like they do not have permission to talk about things that need fixing, so constructive handling of negatives can be done in several ways:

Postponing. Promise to take a note of what theyhave said and to come back to it later, at the point where the following question is asked: "If you could change this organization in any way you wish, what would you recommend?" Return to the notes made of negative issues, and ask them to translate the negative feedback into methods for improvement.

Listening. If some is intent upon expressing negatives, they must have their say before they can get on to positives. Be empathetic but don't take on the other's problems. Keep a caring & affirmative spirit. Redirecting. After listening, guide the conversation back by affirming or paraphrasing the feelings, and then by asking for a positive (e.g., innovation, problem solved, etc). If none, ask if they've EVER had ANY positive experience and how that could be experienced again in the context of the conversation, before giving up.

Edited from:
AI for Organization Change: A Workshop Resource Book, by Jane Magruder Watkins and Bernard Mohr