Monday, January 12, 2009

Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness is a state of mind employed by
metaphysicians, to consciously attract a higher level of abundance in
their lives. It operates by means of some simple principles of

It's been established by nuclear scientists, specifically, elementary
particle physicists, that the energy of our universe is subject to
our mental expectations of it. It was discovered that in blind tests,
that an elementary sub-atomic particle would behave as either
a "wave" or as a "particle", depending upon who was doing the test!
It was scientific proof that our human minds affect the most basic
level of the material universe. The mental expectations of the
scientist who performed the test quite clearly determined the actual
state of being of the most basic building block of our physical world.

Obviously, this was a hard pill to swallow for the scientific
community. The premise was tested..and retested..and tested again.
Yet by George, it still worked! Blind tests were performed. This
meant that we put Harry in the driver's seat to run the particle
accelerator and we won't tell him what's going on. We'll just see
what registers on the 'scope. Well, evidently Harry had his
preferences as to whether this particle would behave as a wave or
particle that day. Sure enough, it behaved according to his
preference. Hmmm...Well, let's do a double-blind test. We'll go get
Bill to go get Sam to run the test. We won't tell either one of them
what's going on in case there's some sort of ESP happening. Oops.
Same results.

This was a significant realization, which bore out in scientific
terms what has been understood in many religious, philosophical, and
mystical traditions for centuries. This was that our state of mind,
influenced by our faith in "things unseen" could affect outcomes in
the world around us. Thus, the power of prayer.

Metaphysics and the Power of Prayer

Prayer is the most classic and instinctive use of this metaphysical
influence. Every civilization in history has acknowledged the need
for it, simply to keep their lives running. Its instinctive use is
evident under conditions of extreme stress, fear or pain. One doesn't
think about praying when a situation is desperate, one just does it.
We automatically employ a superconscious state of mind in order to
connect with a Higher Power when we pray. Depending upon how
completely we believe that this Power can and will assist us,
determines how well the prayer will be answered for us. This is
faith. The stronger and clearer the faith, the more immediate and
dramatic it's answer.

This isn't the forum to debate the relative merits of various
perceptions of God, Goddess, Spirit, Allah, etc. In metaphysics, what
you call your Higher Power is irrelevant. Metaphysically, you could
even conceivably consider It an inanimate force (May the Force be
with you) which keeps the Universe from collapsing into chaos. What
you expect of It, what you believe It is capable of, and how you
believe It feels about you, is relevant indeed. These elements
describe your mental attitude about the Source of your being and
thus, the source of your supply.

Metal Attitudes and Prosperity

Prosperity Consciousness is a term which describes our mental
attitudes about prosperity. Someone who practices prosperity
consciousness makes an active decision to believe and expect that
prosperity is his or hers, right now. They practice creative
visualization, repeat affirmations to themselves, and pray, for the
specific purpose of changing their minds to accept prosperity coming
from a non-material source. Before we all get confused, let me
clarify. The non-material source is our mind and what we are able to
contact with our mind. This causes manifestation to occur through
ordinary, "coincidental" causes. Unexpected income, extraordinary job
offers, gifts, etc., are all very common "coincidental"
manifestations of prosperity consciousness.

I know just enough about statistical analysis to be dangerous, but
it's very obvious that the odds are way against these types
of "coincidences" (God, I love that word) happening with the
frequency and regularity that they do when someone is practicing
prosperity consciousness.

Prosperity, Visualization and Manifestation

There are several terms in popular use, which describe these results.
Manifestation is a fun one. What you have visualized or prayed
for "manifests" in the physical universe. Demonstration is also
widely used to describe your outcome. Treatment is a term used to
describe the activities of prosperity consciousness. So, we may treat
for a specific manifestation or demonstration.

Prosperity means different things to different people. For one
person, it could mean a bank account over a particular amount. For
another it could mean owning property. Still another might see it as
the opportunity to travel extensively. Someone else may see
prosperity as being able to stay home with the kids. It's important
that you understand what your definition of prosperity is, since
you're bringing it to yourself with your mind.

The simplest method to get clarification on this is to play the "What
would I do with a million dollars" game. Explore your answers; be in
depth about it. It's critically important that you do this, because
in doing your prosperity treatment, the million dollars isn't
important, but what you want to do with it, is. This is far more
relevant, since your treatment is effective based on your real needs
and desires, and who among us needs a million small pieces of paper?
Personally, I'm buried in paperwork as it is.

Focus on What's Really Needed

Yes, it's quite possible that you will manifest actual income in
order to achieve your desire. It doesn't need to be the point of your
efforts, however and can often work against you. In my opinion this
is due to our cultural obsession with money. An obsessive mind-set
can pretty well cancel out your effectiveness with prosperity, since
it contains a built-in attitude that there is never enough,
i.e., "you can't have too much, I must have it before it runs out,"
etc. Obsession contains the seeds of "scarcity consciousness" . Few of
us wish to treat for having an inadequate supply.

When we can focus clearly on our actual needs and wants, prosperity
work becomes much simpler. If we want that new car, we can visualize
driving it, smell that new-car smell and feel the vibration of the
road. We can know that the Higher Power wants this for us, and has
determined that we shall have it. We can "embody" (another new term)
the reality of ownership of this particular make of car, knowing it
and feeling it as our own. This could include walking out to the
driveway each morning expecting to see it parked there. We could make
plans for the future selling or disposing of our previous vehicle,
being ready for the new car's appearance. Embodiment of a
metaphysical process means that we fully create the goal into our
inner life. We, in essence, give it life.

There are many techniques for prosperity consciousness and some will
work better for you than others. With practice, you'll work out the
mental affirmations which are most effective in your life.

Developing this awareness with regard to money will enable you to
begin consciously claiming all that is your birthright, opening the
flow to money and doing so in a way that you find pleasing if you'll
make a conscious and intentional choice to internalize, grasp and
commit to consistently applying what is soon to be revealed to you.

To develop a deeper understanding concerning money, what money truly
is and the origin of money we'll start at the physical level and work

Although the process we'll be going through may seem a bit redundant
initially, I'll ask that you stay with me as we progress. Doing so
will not only bring clarity as to the "true" source of money but will
also enable you to fully grasp and understand how to begin
literally "attracting" money to you.

Let's begin by assuming that you have amassed a substantial amount of
financial wealth…that you are a multi millionaire or even a
billionaire if you prefer.

Where did these millions or billions of dollars come from? From a
product or service that you successfully marketed? From an
inheritance? Perhaps from the lottery.

Wherever it came from you would, if you're like most, assume that the
source from where this money came from was the cause of you becoming
a multi-millionaire. In the case of a business, this money came from
your customers in exchange for your product or service. In the case
of an inheritance from a deceased loved one. In the case of the
lottery from the state or country who paid you the winnings.

Although partially true something happened prior to this event,
condition or circumstance which brought you the millions. What was
that? Was it hard work? Was it due to someones passing? Was it from
the purchase of a lottery ticket? What form of "doingness" took place
that was responsible for you acquiring this money?

Whatever this was, if you're like most you would assume that it was
this physical doingness…this work that you performed or some external
event or circumstance that served as the cause or source.

For the sake of simplifying let's assume that it was from a business
and due to our hard work for the remainder of this analogy.

Let's see what we've accomplished so far…

We have millions We received it from our hard workNow lets explore
where this hard work was derived from...What initiated this work?
What was it that we worked hard at?

In order to have something to work hard at there must be something
that happened which enabled us to do so. What was it? The starting of
a business? A partnership with someone? The effort to go down and
purchase a lottery ticket?

Regardless of what it was it was some form of physical action...some
physical "doingness" that produced it correct? Something "physical"
was the cause.

OK, let's see where we stand now…

We have millions We received it from our hard work We worked hard at
a business that we began.Now let's look at where this business was
derived from.

What was the cause of our discovering, creating and working hard at
this business?

What event was it that enabled us to begin this business which we
worked hard at which created our millions?

We took action correct? But what did we take action on?

What caused us to take this action?

Before we get into that let's look at what's happened…

We have millions We received it from our work We worked hard at a
business We took actionOK now what was it that we took action on?
What initiated this action?

Was it someone who approached you with some amazing business
opportunity that they discovered?

Was it a need that you recognized that needed to be fulfilled in the
marketplace? Something that would contribute value and improve
peoples lives?

Whatever it was it came as an idea in some form or another. Some
inspired idea came to you or something was presented to you as the
result of someone else's idea which you believed had potential and
would provide you with this money and business, correct?

Now we have…

Millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked hard at a
business that we began We took action That action taken was the
result of an ideaNow let's explore a bit more deeply to discern where
this idea came from…

What made you have this idea?

What was it that you heard or saw that created this idea?

What was necessary for you to come up with this idea?

What made someone else have this idea?

You or someone else had to "think" of it correct? You couldn't
possibly have come up with an idea unless you had "thought" it,
right? Ok, so this idea was derived from a thought.

Now…that brings us to...

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action That action was the
result of an idea That idea was the result of a thoughtNext we'll
explore just a bit deeper to find where the thought came from…

In order to have this thought what happened?

What event took place that made us think this thought?

What was it that allowed this thought to evolve into an idea?

It was our brain correct?

An electrochemical process was ignited within the brain which enabled
us or someone else to think this thought.

OK, now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action That action was the
result of an idea That idea was the result of a thought That thought
was produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our
brainNow…what was it that initiated this electrochemical process in
our brain to have this thought?

What was it that enabled our brain to think this thought?

Where did the brain come from for that matter?

It was our mind correct? More specifically the conscious mind.

The mind which is unseen or spiritual in nature fed the brain a

OK…let's see where we are now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action The action was the
result of an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought
was the result of an electrochemical process in the brain The thought
that was provided or fed to the brain through the mindNow…What
enabled the mind to have this thought?

Where did this thought exist?

where did the mind come from that enabled this thought?

What is the mind?

Well...the thought came out of thin air didn't it? There was nothing
physical at this level of thought only a conceptualization.

There was nothing that could be seen or experienced with the physical
senses. It was unseen, metaphysical or spiritual in nature.

So where did it come from?

It happened at the level of energy.

Everything which exists, both seen and unseen is made up of this
energy. Thoughts, physical objects, metaphysical, EVERYTHING is made
up of this energy.

But where does this energy come from. What makes this energy exist?

Before we get into that let's see what's transpired…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked
hard at a business that we began We took action The action was the
result of an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought
came from our brain The thought was derived in the brain through the
mind The mind created or drew the thought from energyOk simple
enough. Now what initiated the thought in the mind which it gave to
the brain. What is a thought made of? What is the mind? What allows
the mind to function? Where was the mind derived from? How does the
mind exist and why?

The mind conceived and constructed the thought from energy. Energy is
everywhere in everything. Physical things that can be seen, touched,
tasted, smelled and heard are energy. All things unseen are energy.
Thoughts are energy, the mind is energy. EVERYTHING in its most basic
and purest from is comprised of energy.

Now…where does energy come from. What makes this energy which enables
us to have thoughts and ideas. Where do this energy which creates
thoughts and ideas come from?

We'll get to that next but first let's see where we are now…

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We worked at
a business that we began We took action The action was the result of
an idea The idea was the result of a thought The thought came from
our brain The thought was given to the brain by the mind The mind
constructed the thought from energyOk…now what is this energy and
where does it come from? What makes energy?

The energy is made up of and exists because of subatomic particles.
Subatomic particles are a construction of elements which make up

Some common names of these subatomic particles are electrons,
protons, neurons, leptons, quarks, etc. Subatomic particles don't
make up energy…subatomic particles ARE energy.

So what is responsible for these subatomic particles?

Where do they come from.

What makes them exist?

We'll cover that in a minute, but first let's see where we stand now
and what has been accomplished. ..

We have millions of dollars We received it from our work We performed
this work at our business We took action The action was the result of
an idea The idea originated from thought The thought came from our
brain The thought was given to the brain by mind The mind constructed
the thought from energy Energy is comprised of subatomic particlesOK…
stay with me…we're almost there.

Where do these subatomic particles come from?

What is it that enables these subatomic particles to create thoughts
and ideas?

Consciousness. Subatomic particles which are pure energy exist at the
level of pure consciousness.

So what exists at this level of consciousness?

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be conceived in the YOUR

Energy, as has been proven and explained by modern day science is a
continuously vibrating mass of energy.

As explained by modern day scientists…

"Energy exists and comprises an Infinite field where EVERY
conceivable outcome already exists as a probability of existence. All
things at their core…in their purest and most basic form are merely a
vibrating mass of energy packets."

"What activates this field of energy packets is "thought" which
transmutes energy from wave form into particles and activates the The
Law Of Attraction which is best and most easily explained by saying
that thought correlates with it's object."

If science isn't your preference for understanding how money and
everything else in your life is made possible, lets look at what the
most enlightened and wisest spiritual teachers have taught for
thousands of years... "

Whatsover ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive and it
shall be given


As a man thinketh so is he


"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believeth."


"Whatsoever things are true,... honest, ... just, ... pure, ... of
good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things."


"Faith" is the substance of things "hoped for" the evidence of things
not seen."

Lets look at another great teacher of a different culture...

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With
our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha

Nature produces a harvest in exact proportion to and based on the
kind and quality of the seed that is planted.

It is not woo woo esoterc nonsense…it is scientific as well as
spiritual fact. It is based on profound timeless teachings that can
and will transform your entire physical existence.

Thought (consciousness) serves as the seed...the unseen cause for
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that exists and is experienced in your
physical world whether physically, financially, relationally,
emotionally or spiritually.

It is the creative seed that is responsible for and will produce your
harvest. It is the simplicity of the continually unfolding process of
creation clearly revealed.

To put this process to work to bring about "desired" outcomes, you
only need become conscious of your consciousness. To consciously
observe what are you creating with your thoughts.

Examine and become conscious of the thoughts that are creating your
reality...Change your mind.

What seeds are you planting? What "beliefs" do you hold on to that
are creating your predominant thought processes which are creating
your current reality?

What energy are you projecting that will without fail correlates with
its object. What are you attracting?

Awaken…become aware…observe it…become conscious of it and you'll
understand completely what and why you are experiencing the current
events, conditions and circumstances in the area ofmoney and every
other area of your life.

So…what's the next step? What is it that created these subatomic
particles. What Source were these energy packets derived from?

From a scientific perspective that is yet to be determined and proven.

From the timeless teachings of the greatest and wisest spiritual
teachers to have ever walked the earth, who haven't missed yet…it is
the Creator. It is the Source of your understanding whatever that
might be for you. It is the I AM that I AM. It is EVERYTHING that is
was or ever will be. It is the Kingdom of God.

It was this Source that first thought and then spoke everything into
existence. Until it was thought of NOTHING existed. It was ALL
derived from pure consciousness. ..Universal Consciousness. The
Ultimate Source from where it ALL began.

You being an individual, have an individual consciousness and an
inalienable right of free will to utilize it as you choose. This
individual aspect of consciousness is interconnected with the Source
of all consciousness. It is a part of the whole which is necessary to
make the whole.You ARE an integral part of the whole.

As spiritual text clearly states...

You were created in the image and likeness of God...The Source.

The Whole...this Source consists of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that can
be conceived in mind. Everything ALREADY exists. All that is missing
is your willingness to conceive it and believe in it's manifestation.

You have been provided the ability to call forth anything and
everything that can be conceived in mind at the level of

The kingdom of God is within you. You have creative power to call
forth and experience anything and everything in the kingdom limited
only by YOUR choosing and willingness to "believe."

Jesus Christ taught it. "I am come that ye might have life and have
it in abundance."

"Believe that ye receive and it shall be given."

Buddha taught it. "All we are is the result of our thoughts. Through
our thoughts we make our world.

Science has proven it. "All things already exist within the field as
a probability of existence. The Law of Attraction is the law by
which "thought" correlates with its object.

Nature clearly reveals it through simple observation of its abundant
and infinite supply which continually expands and reproduces itself
over and over again and sustains the entire Universe.

ALL of it, regardless of which avenue of study you may prefer to
discover it leads to the very same understanding, only expressed in
different words. All of Creation is the result of energy…of a seed…of
belief…all of which are derived from consciousness which you are an
integral part of as a result of your individual consciousness which
you have the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will to
utilize as you choose.

You have the free will to "perceive" yourself as separate and
disconnected as well as the free will to "perceive" and understand
the Unity and interconnectedness of EVERYTHING at the level of cause.

You can choose lack, limitation, discord and hardship or you can
choose abundance, harmony, ease and plenty.

You can remain in a career that you find displeasing and un-
fulfilling or you can utilize your consciousness to draw to you the
ways and means to work in an area that you are passionate about and
begin "Doing" that which you love and are passionate about.

You can do WHATEVER you choose.

You choose at the level of consciousness. ..the kind and quality of
your thinking which returns without fail and with unwavering
certainty the kind and quality of your experience.

The real beauty is that you get to choose. You only need to become
consciously aware of what you have been choosing and begin choosing
consciously and intentionally.

Internalize it…believe it…live it…breathe it…resonate it…develop a
wealth consciousness and you will call forth and experience wealth,
in the form of money or whatever that may be for you individually.

Consciousness is the key to fulfillment and harmony in your life.
Everything following are merely effects of the "true" Cause. Effects
which continually evolve and create additional effects into infinity.

Harmonize your doingness consciously, purposefully and intentionally
with your "thoughtfulness" and "believingness" and you will
experience a life limited only by what you can conceive and believe
as possible for you.

It ALL begins at the level of consciousness. Consciousness is the
creative force….the seed.

Everything following is merely evolution unfolding.

Creation doesn't and NEVER has happened at the physical level.
Creation happens at the level of Cause. Everything else are merely
effects of the "true" Cause which create additional effects.

Become conscious of your consciousness. Consciously, intentionally
and purposefully focus the creative power that you have been given on
that which you desire to experience and allow the unfailing and
unwavering flow to take over. Simply allow nature to take its course.

Allow the Source to provide you with everything that has been made
available to you which is EVERYTHING.

Envision what you desire to experience…savor it…be grateful for it…
Relax…Ride with the flow…stay open and alert for the physical
evidence that will enable you to fulfill your desired outcome…take
action…become wealthy…enjoy your life.

Change your mind..renew your mind. Discover and replace the beliefs
that are keeping you from experiencing money or whatever else you may
desire to experience.

Quit attempting to swim against the current. Stop focusing your
creative energy on what you fear. There is nothing to fear.

The Kingdom of God is within you. ALL things already exist as a
probability of existence.

Now...allow me to ask you again...

What is money?

Where does money come from?

If you've grasped the purpose of this message the answer will be...

"Well Chuck...Like everything pure energy. A quality of
consciousness. "

If that's how you would have answered those questions... you've got
it. You understand it. Congratulations. ..your miles ahead of the mass


...that's not enough. Sorry to say but understanding it isn't enough.

Now to make your newfound knowledge and understanding work for you...

You MUST apply what you've discovered.

Harmonize with the energy of money and money will flow to you. It's
not limited to money. It works that way with EVERYTHING in your life
in EVERY area of your
life...physically. ..financially. ..relationally. ..emotionally, ,,spiritu

Stop chasing money...Stop chasing wealth...Stop chasing success...
Stop chasing anything. It's already yours. You're already connected
to it.

Just become conscious of how to call it to you. Harmonize with
it…"believe" that it's yours…think on it…be grateful for it…plant the
seed which produces it and you will attract and experience it in your

Stop "wanting it" and start having it…right now. You already do you
know. You only need to become conscious of it...allow it to flow to
you and you WILL experience it.

Above all change your mind about your life and your life will change.

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

It's ALL really very simple...once you make the conscious choice to
set aside EVERYTHING you've ever been led to "believe" and make an
undying commitment to discover if what you have been taught to be
truth is merely a "perception" of truth or based on "Higher Truth."
Either one will produce the outcomes in your life just as you choose
and "believe" they will without fail.

Expand your truth and you will expand your physical experiences.
Choose that for yourself.

Now…go forth and prosper and spread the good news to those who have a
desire to hear.

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