Monday, January 19, 2009

sine wave

History can be plotted as a sine wave. We're in a trough. Yet, by our nature, we wish to be surfing the crest, finding out that we have to wait until the next incoming wave rises. We've been drawing the Hermit card (tarot) for a few years so we're doing our best to strategically retreat in order to keep the gnosis alive and to build an ecoark/nest where the next wave might actually originate when it's time for the light to be re-released. It's not easy. I would rather be jamming my tushy off on stage, throwing festivals, organizing communities, coordinating CELSS construction projects, etc. It's not in the cards yet. The waiting is excruciating to my WASP-background self. I have to learn how to be lazy and not feel guilty about it or turn into a dumb bunny with TV rabbit ears. It will be better (personally speaking) when the weather warms enough I can go back to the construction projects to give my body some much needed exercise. My mind has been to many places that Google cannot find. My fingers (besides typing here) have been progamming a musical instrument sequencer and recording tracks to a digital recorder so that I can produce yet another CD's worth of cosmic music and use up some of the lyrics I've written this year. It keeps this hermit wizard crazy. Sanity scares me to death (grin)...

The wave will be generated. The regreening time will come. Instead of trying to build intentional communities, we might try using our facilities (in the days ahead) as training centers for future stewards, focusing on the young and upcoming rather than on old folk like us. It's an idea I keep coming back to. I'm listening ...t.

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