Sunday, December 07, 2008

Children of the Sun | Current Grid Activity

Children of the Sun | Current Grid Activity: "The cauldron of purification continues to heat up in every aspect of the world transformation. On a mass consciousness level, nearly every country is experiencing growing restlessness, conflict, terror, chaos and economic collapse. All life on the planet is now being affected by an immense mandate for change. Most all higher messaging indicates that we are still in early stages with much greater earth change and transition yet to be experienced.

Both the planetary Crystalline Grid and our activity on the grid has become quite strong and highly influential in helping to establish and stabilize Gaia's new Unified Field matrix.

Further, the grid and our unification on the grid is supporting our developing abilities in telepathic communication, other dimensional communication, consciousness travel and skills in energy transference and transmission. These are absolutely the needed skill sets for our work on the grid as we transmit to the world and help bring transformation to global areas of separation, strife and suffering."

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What does this all make you feel?
I'm not sure? It's funny that the full moon comes on 12/12. . . then is is also kinda weird how it is the day I scheduled for the producers to meet. Dave called yesterday after getting my invite to the Saturday Education Channel Party. He told me about his experience with them and Ann Flinn who is still in charge of it. WOW "Ann??" messed up the deal with the Expo Video my senior year in college. I was so grateful he called and we really had a good conversation.

Of course Steve called Friday and I returned his call moments before Dave called. Steve was asking me about getting some work somewhere. Course I knew Dave had no time to meet with us Friday so I told Steve to call Dave who might be busy working. . . . So when Dave called I was just hanging up with Steve??? No caller ID, so I just returned the call as I hung up. That was weird. But obviously I'm connected to things a lot deeper than anyone could ever understand. So in this I write again now...
What else are you feeling?
I know I keep feeling this wacko chick who loves playing with her power like it's some little game. And I've not written out exactly what I felt. So I never knew anything about anything - - except when I realized she had lost her keys three times I realized it might be something about locking her out of home, or stopping her from driving or traveling. . . Oh shit she has tickets to India??? So when we broke again I felt like she would get raped or killed in India? SLAM!!!!

Shit! Yes, my very first feeling was seeing some death experience where she got some incredible revelation and suddenly understood every word that I ever said to her. . . .course I never thought about this except now? Like suddenly she completely understood, and felt all my words as compliments and insights instead of insults as she seems to have felt the first time around.

So this is fucked. I try not to write stuff so strong. Like the Florida lotto. She said that if I was for real, why not just win it? Course I told her "we could" and since she decided "we" were totally done. I bought a ticket. Course every time I have a ticket it rolls over? So now looking online again I see it rolled again!!! Figures!!!

So anyway. Last week I got some Travel Notice about terrorists in India killing Americans. . . or whatever. Course I copied it to her. . . . kinda freaking me out with my first insight. So now again I feel it will be really powerful and traumatic. . . but then it wont be so bad? This morning I felt like a handicap? It was really weird like I felt I was talking to Kristin when she came back. So I want to write her again. After Lunch Friday, I was kinda pissed at her and wrote her then too, as I've said before...

Funny, Keith called yesterday and invited us over. I told him we were done again. So he asked about dating her. . . . I laughed and said they might be made for each other. He admitted he liked flirting with her, but did not want to step on my toes. . . while she was more his style and I certainly did not need to be out drinking with anyone. lol. . . course I tried to tell her that too. But all she wanted to do was drink and party and do all this useless crap - - blowing her energy out there like all the other mindless children do.

You think she would have a bit more understanding or consciousness than that. I mean she should be controlling that energy instead of blowing her own out everywhere . . . hum that's interesting???

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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