I loveYou Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
Are you ready to start did you get everything you need and what else is waiting. Please remember this is all created by you all created by you. We are always ready to do whatever you need to do. It's all been done already.we're just ready for what's next. Do you find this anything missing.
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I am always trying to do things that are out of reach. Just now I tried to create a blog entry. I was unabled to get the format correct from section to section. I Wanted to copy what text so I can get the format clear. Each time I try to select it jumps to another space. Again now I'm unable to find things I need. I just searched for how to do an iPhone text selection. And I couldn't get to safari to work either. I know the blogger is working here for me now. And I realize now that I need to stay focused on this one blog entry.
We are always ready to help. You just need to be very clear and specific. If this is going to work you need to accept that it's going to work. Stop second-guessing yourself. You need to trust experience exactly as it happens.
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! ... I did get it to copy. And now, I'm typing one finger to finger...
We cannot help you unless you take it seriously. It is time for you to stop playing around. You need to listen very carefully and follow directions and learn. If you want this to work relax. It's going to be very complicated very quickly. So sit back and relax and let the energy flow. If you haven't noticed from the very beginning, it's all planned perfectly. And you know we are here after cleaning it with you from the store please stop and take your time. Every detail has been covered. We are not going to have anymore problems. Please allow the energy to flow!
I'm starting to get this down. I know it will work. I know I can do this. Thanks, Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! It is 4:11 AM right now and I am using speech the text program on my iPhone. I have been stopping to change one word after each new phrase. Sometimes it will create its own words. I guess I should look up I'm supposed to use this.
What are you waiting for?
Don't be too concerned about how much you accomplish now. Getting a handle on your reluctance to change could be more powerful than proving your ability to be productive. Expanding your horizons might make you nervous at first, but it's time to spread your wings and fly. Get Your Complete Cosmic Profile
It's such a trip to come to terms with all thisπ??? Each moment I absorb new levels of synchronicity and divinity, I often wonder how it could even be possible to link all this together! Now again the browser is bouncing all around as I type, and I wonder how I could ever figure it all out?? New levels of energy, consciousness, relationships, connecting, moving, creating, more and more beyond all reason! Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We are always excited in your growth, seeing things change and shift so quickly, how could anyone possible keep up and understand all these levels you go through...
I wonder that myself all the time, again now seeing the time 5:11am, Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We are ready as you are
It's all perfect, thanks for all that is!! Please fill me with your strength love and wisdom to fulfill all that IS for your Glory! Amen.