Monday, November 16, 2015

Prototyping| Presencing Institute U.School

what's this: Prototyping U.School:

What's the critical Elelment of our environment, culture or society?  What about how we teach, learn and Grow?  Seems like the easiest method or solution would be to link these together. . . What links our Environment, Culture, Society to teach, learnd and grow?
Seems like the basic would be FOOD!  Growing our own food would inspire students both to learn, grow and teach. . . Like build from hwat's there.  Not trying to waste something, to get something else.  But take and use what's there and make it work!  lol, sounds like fun!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yummy House

Students Taking an Active Role in Society - Yahoo Groups

I want to share a little background story with you.  I married my college sweetheart when I graduated USF in 1988.  I was employed and into a house (Seminole Heights, still now) by December 1989.  A first child by August 1990, and my son by May 1992.  However, in one week of 1999 I lost my job, lover, and mother, who died of cancer.

8.33pm it says on the screen shot.  As I got home Mik got on a conference call for a class she's taking and I wrote to my son.  Told him about dinner with Mik at Yummy House and he says he just walked into the same restaurant.  So I told him about where we sat . . . oh, shit, I copied it in here already.  Why the hell am I talking about it now anyway. . . But it's a total trip, as I see myself falling into power and strength more and more where the synergy and synchronicity of the Universe supports and directs my experience magically.  Each step, each position, everything is completely set, designed, and planned to some perfect vision, that none could ever even imagine.  But why not, it has to be limitless, the elephant in the room is too big to see beyond the one trunk I'm holding.  How could I even imagine a tail on the other end, this before me, is too big to comprehend, see all of, vision, imagine at all. . . 
It's so good to be hear again with you, i was reading over everything I wrote today on my lists, and I realized I had to post to the Edx MIT Ulab site too.  I guess I got another announcement about posting to the listening homework. . . . It's so powerful too, as I realized why I wasn't posting to it. . . No one is at the 4th level, but all I can see or BE is that level.
Why does that surprise you
I was reading. . again, nothing should surprise me!

eric's Dashboard | Presencing Institute U.School: Like everything clicked together and fit. SO CONNECTING TO MY EMERGING SELF, TO WHO I REALLY AM, is about creating and making it all exactly the way I want . . . as I know as soon as I start construction everything else starts falling apart. Like magically the planet shifts to BE ME.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What else?
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Everything about this experience is really just phenomenal . . . and I see more pieces coming together, like another universe, another place, another universe where things are exactly the way they need to be for everything to change exactly how I set out to imagine, dream, create. . .
Well are you ready for it, finally?
I think that was really weird too.  Like everything I've been doing. . . is exactly in place to be, do, create, exactly what I need or want for this experience!  And then sometimes the machine will choke, the webpage will crash or email will bounce: and suddenly i realize the time and place it not right for whatever it is that I wanted to share. . . completely trusting and sharing what is real for me at this moment!

Monday, November 09, 2015

what's this

Wow, that was weird. I just Flashed back to the SNIK meeting where I did Ritual, and I told them how to move energy in a simple real way they could experience it. And then came back and asked who did it, since I could feel the shift. I mean there is only ONE Consciousness, so whether we know, accept, or understand this . . . If we play with crazy Rituals that shift creation, we feel it. Course Lorac eventually told me she did it. Funny, I seem to remember she told me weeks later, and Sharon remembered me asking and never getting an answer, as Carol missed the next meeting or something weird like that.
It's so strange to see all these things connecting again and again.
Like I wrote this morning, 5-investors? Really weird shit showing up!
I'm finally getting down into my writing again. Well my academic writing. I know I can do this, or have been wanting and waiting to since time began! Of course I get the feeling I've done!
What happened to you now? 
I busy trying to write!  It's weird too, as I seem to have been writing forever!  I wonder if this was something else I created just for me, but then all things seemingly fall into this category, as we created everything because we wanted to play with it all.  So now trying to grapple with writing theories, and conceptual expressions that are clear and in place with what others think, see and examine.  What a bitch!