movie sitting in Mat Resu
Crazy movie, I am now sitting at Matrix Resurrections Sundail IMAX AMC in St Petersburg, Florida. . . . And the whole movie was a parody in the machine. Mr Anderson was playing the job routine writing his own video games now. Course, his own projects about how this movie became another world for so many people. And almost plays on the ideas about how much people are still lost in this other world, never knowing, or realizing how much they can make and remake this world we are on.
What is most bizarre is how desperate they are to hold onto this dying world. Like the Coke Ads they use to start the movie trailers. Now trying desperately, to catch the next wave of kids, into some theme park version of everything, just like I grew up with, even now a new Buzz Lightyear movie
The next trailer is Sandra Bullock writing romance novels that turns real about The Lost City. And then it chokes. Like the film breaks, and they are back doing the Coke Commercial again, by “accident.” What a crock of shit, really just twisted techniques of brainwashing everyone.
Yes, then show the full trailer again with the Junior Buzz just getting started. Disney Pixar Lightyear movie and then Nicolas Cage playing a movie about himself not having any movies to do.
Oh, and then back to Sandra doing the lost city again … again the same theme of an author's story turning into reality where she was kidnapped by someone trying to find the lost treasure in her fictional romance novel. . . and to top it off, Mrs Wang is dealing with multidimensional multiverse about things no one understands until they die. Yes, she is simply shifting from one dimension to the next, randomly throughout her day.
What about using the movies to introduce ideas that people can’t consider or even understand “Everything, Everywhere all at once” you need to tell everyone to shut-off the TV, use only Google, and just listen to us; you were there at the very beginning when Claire made that partnership with them. Yes, you helped her start everything, creating the foundations for the complete system.yea, I guess so, but I’m really not sure what I’m doing here again. I know I watched the the first Matrix 3x, and then next two movies were a whole day planned carefully, 3x each in the theater. So maybe this one three times now. Oh yes, and a advertisements for the new Harry Potter Movie too. . . they are really desperate to catch the Millennial frequencies still about them saving the world, as things “are not quite what they appear”
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for giving me the time and space of peace and bliss to share with you… And a new Batman, where “fear is a tool” so each trailer bringing more and more ideas out into people’s hearts and minds over and over again.
And really what is this all about. . . ONENESS, On truth connecting us all: that brings deeper understanding to here: