Tuesday, March 03, 2009

journey of reconnection

Uriel's Message -- The Search for Your Source
By Jenifer Hoffman

Each lifetime is a journey of reconnection that begins with the belief that you have been abandoned by the Source, left to struggle on your own, powerless and with only a vague memory of home. Your experience of being disconnected is a partnership with the Source, an experience that you undertook to fully separate from and then remember your divinity. You look to Creator to give you the acknowledgement and affirmation that you have completed your journey but the real Source you are looking for is within you. This is a journey in reconnecting to your own inner Source, your Self. It is from this connection that your search for Source begins and ends.

It is part of your human experience to feel abandoned. You begin your life with a separation from the safety of the womb and arrive in the world alone and dependent. From this moment every experience either affirms your state of abandonment or your connection. As Lightworkers you have chosen to live the experience of separation to a great extreme so you could complete the journey of reconnection and change this paradigm for all of humanity. It was your intention to rekindle the inner flame of Truth as the final step of remembering that you are the Source and it is you.

You call out to God when you feel powerless and alone, hoping for confirmation of your light and power. Your hope is that through this connection you will affirm the presence of your inner light and connection to Source, from which you can remember the joy of being One. But when you feel powerless you affirm your humanity and are out of touch with the divine spark of Source within you. Your mission here is to find and light your inner flame of knowing by transcending the illusion of separation and connect to Source from your own inner Self, the Source that is within you. This completes the cycle of separation and reminds you that you are the Light of God.

As you light your inner flame the energy of humanity is shifted into a higher level of vibration, where a powerful connection with Source becomes possible. The separation between the material and spiritual worlds represents the illusion of darkness. You are here to re-member, to join with Source by lighting the illusion. Everything you need is within you and your connection to Source provides you with additional resources of strength and truth but is not the source of them, for that is within you. You do not have to ask for confirmation of your connection and your divinity, command your light and affirm your connection so that you lift the burden of separation from your shoulders. Remember that the mind sees the illusions and fear, the Self remembers the connection and love. When you are afraid, feel alone and abandoned, find the light within, which is always there and reconnect from this flame of love and truth, remembering that this is your mission, your truth and your path and it begins from the Light within you.

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