Sunday, July 04, 2010

this is getting weird

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I was reading my homework for class on tuesday, and it was about how the Medical Industry using IT to get more competitive.  Whatever, boring!  But then I remembered this movie we watched today.
What happened?
It was hot and muggy, but I left the windows open as I could see the thunderstorms coming!  No big deal the rain was sorta off and on, and I felt like the cool air with the storm would be better than turning on the AC that never really reached the back room where we were watching this movie anyway.
What happened?
It finally burst open and I could feel the lightning strikes right there next to us, right on top of me!  Wow, big strong bursts, more power than I had seen in years.  Burst again and again.  Then I said to Kim what was happening in the movie, and I knew I would have to go back and see what it was all about.
go on . . .  What
I then asked her at the end of the movie and she didn't remember. . . course then I said it was right before the DVD scipped.  Of course after a few blasts of lightning right in my face. . . the DVD jerked around, skipped a bit and such....
What do you mean in your face?
I guess it's like welding - - which we talked about tonight too!  11:03pm....  The bright light in your eyes that sparks so strong and you know it's there with you... there for you.  There real and strong...
What happened now...
I looked at the clock and then stopped writing, and read what was there to Kim as she just reached over rubbing my bare leg here in our bed....  Funny, I read each phrase of three words to her. . . starting at the end, reading the last three...  then the next to last set of three words; and back 3 more....Course we talked about welding something for my truck today, so the spark was on my mind again.  Something really cool and simple to pick up rainroad ties...
What about the sparks...
It was really strong!  Scared me a few times, knowing how things blow around here for me all the time.
What about the movie
I asked Kim about it and we both knew what the scene was where the DVD jumped.... so all I had to do was look up the script and find out what was being said before it jumped....
What did you feel when you read it...
I had rabbits on my mind....  like Alice running through Wonderland, as it happened on Easter Sunday and Atlantis came back . . .  which replaced Our Father On Easter Sunday. . . . wow, what's this all about.
What do you think....  You always knew you were protected.  That no one could get close to you and the fingers could blast them.  Like you've said about the Ghosts and Angels that are all scared of you.  Knowing in a second you could send them all back to Source.  Like not even know they were going, before you noticed; Zap they were gone.  That's why you've been fearless.  You've seen the sparks fly before.  That instant.  You've seen them come up from the ground.  it's not something that anyone can stop.... ever.
It's about the rebirth of Life!  All the games they play and the power and greed. . . like lost little kids playing in the candy store, thinking no one is watching.  Like the story has been shown and told over and over again... making it worse and sick and more pathetic than ever.  People going along blind and stupid, just because it was easy. . . thinking "oh i'll be dead soon anyway, might as well have fun and no one will notice..."

What a sick joke that is.
What do you mean?
I know I'm not going anywhere, since everywhere else will be lost in the greed while here alone the place returns to life in LOVE! But then they really wont be going anywhere, so it's really a sick sick joke, a joke on them... the greed and corruption, get's lost into the greed and corruption.  Polluting and killing themselves over and over again. . . . never dying, or going anywhere, but just there again to suffer more.  Hell on Earth.  Where men of fear and lies, create their own doom over and over again. . . . like reverberating back to the one first vibration, that pulse, the electron of force - - - but only after grinding themselves into dirt through millions of years, as that's what they are worth....
What about the idea that vanished?
I'm really not sure!  So many ideas, so much power...  I know I can build anything in a second... and it's really easy to just start it all on my own. . . by just doing it.  nothing anywhere will ever stop me.
What were you flashing into
I watched the houses around me, filling up with people and building things together!  It was really interesting.  respect. Power. Trust. and Truth, real Love and Truth, everyone could feel it.  No question, no fear...   Just Power and Truth.
What you are seeing is such fun.  Small little pieces of such a new world, and life.  So far away from all the rest that goes on out there.  They are all lost in this other world, that never effects you.  It's not your problem, not your work.  You are the New, the Love and Life that we have all dreamed and seen and shared.  Love and truth has to be from somewhere.  All the Greed wont go anywhere . . . except make it easier and easier for you to bring out Truth.
I always wondered about that!
What you saw with the hurricane and texas will be more than any of them will ever understand.  They lie and cheat for oil...  And the Good Mother will give it to them...
I always thought it would take half of Florida with it.
Whatever is south of you needs to be restored to the wild.  Washed away clear, so the new can grow in purity.  No worries. . . the mountains will rise up with you.
I know, but I never thought it would all land somewhere else!
What it is, was what they created, just as you have created a new here that you are seeing. . . everything you see starting here is a reflection of the power and truth that mankind is capable of.  You know your power, and are always careful and pure about making only what's needed now.  Stop holding back, let things flow.  There is a lot to be done.  A great deal of change and growth is needed all about you and everywhere here for us all.  Forget the poisons.   Others will absorb those, you have Love and Light to create and share.
I keep flashing into my projects!
Like What?
Rebuilding houses, with the homeless for children to teach and elders to learn.  Catching all the water and creating a new world...

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks, Amen

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