Monday, November 22, 2010

Dr. Sinatra Earthing--Seven Frequently Asked Questions | Dr Stephen Sinatra

Dr. Sinatra Earthing--Seven Frequently Asked Questions | Dr Stephen Sinatra: "Seven Frequently Asked Questions About Earthing

Seven Frequently Asked Questions About Earthing

Here are some common questions about Earthing, and answers that will help you put Earthing to work in your life.

1. What is Earthing?

Earthing is the simple practice of “grounding” yourself—that is, reconnecting your body to the natural electrical field in the Earth’s surface—and restoring the body’s innate electrical balance. Studies show that Earthing generates significant health benefits by creating a stable internal electrical environment. This environment promotes proper functioning of the body’s self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms. Earthing is shaping up to be a requirement for good health, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

2. Who uses Earthing?

Earthing is for everyone: men, women and children; young and old; athletes and those less fit. The results are extraordinary. There are no health conditions that prevent you from using Earthing to improve your health.

3. What happens when you’re grounded?

Your body becomes suffused with negatively charged free electrons, which are abundantly present in the Earth’s surface. As a result, your body’s electrical level becomes equal to that of the Earth itself.

4. What does being grounded feel like?

Earthing may create a warm tingling sensation, as well as feelings of ease and well-being. You will not feel a shock, and in no way are you being electrocuted or put at risk of electrocution. Earthing is among the safest natural therapies you can use.

5. What health conditions can Earthing improve?

Earthing produces many health benefits. Here’s a brief summary:
• Defuses inflammation, which speeds healing and improves or eliminates symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.
• Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.
• Improves sleep.
• Increases energy.
• Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by moderating nervous system activity and stress hormone secretion.
• Thins blood and improves blood pressure and circulation.
• Relieves muscle tension.
• Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
• Improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems.
• Reduces or eliminates jet lag.
• Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
• Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity.

6. How long does it take to get results?

Earthing can produce results in as little as an hour, sometimes even less. The amount of long-term relief—and the speed in which it’s realized—vary depending on what condition is involved.
It is important here to note that Earthing’s best results come with regular use. Do not to give up on the practice if you don’t notice immediate changes.

7. How should I start using this therapy?

Earthing is easy. Simply go barefoot outside if conditions allow, as I do with my dogs on an almost daily basis. Just 40 minutes a day can make a difference in the amount of pain you feel. Grass, sand, dirt, and concrete are conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s electrons. Wood and vinyl are not conductive. If going barefoot outside isn’t realistic for you at certain times of year, a warm basement with a concrete floor will also work. Sit there and read or just relax, with your bare feet resting on the ground.
There are also special pads that will help you stay grounded as you sit, work, or sleep. They’re connected to the Earth through a grounding wire and plug that fits into a standard three-pronged electrical outlet.

Incorporating Earthing as much as possible into your life will generate significant healing benefits. I’m confident that you will be just as amazed as I have been.

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