Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weaver's facebook page
Did your world end yet? Maybe it's time we generate something new? Some of your own organic energy? Feel the blood pump spinning your electrons through this to connect heaven and earth and you'll see what life and power are all about:

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Zest2Zeal : Message: NMBeing #199 - SAGITTARIUS
The Archer's path reminds us of the fact that what we see is only a very  limited and superficial representation of what is actually happening. . . WE MUST find mission, live on purpose, explore new vistas, uncover what appears to be hiding, and search for meaning in life. The Archer is always available to explore opportunities and to learn new things.

This requires being able to let go of our obsessive need to control and to relax into feeling awareness:
  1. what feels good, 
  2. what works, 
  3. what causes pain and stress, 
  4. what creates peace and pleasure, and 
  5. what transcends our conditioning and stories. 
To be able to access what is 'true,' we must transcend personal convictions about what we think is real and true. We must free our mind of dogmas and believe systems that have been imposed.  We must examine how our beliefs limit what is possible for us to achieve and manifest. Our narrow-mindedness may restrict our freedom and confine us to a very small box . . . We must make our personal experience the foundation for our beliefs . . . the real job is about getting in touch with our own truth and sticking with it. This requires being honest about what we like, what makes us happy, and what gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. We are the only one who can listen to our heart, trust our intuition and instincts, and take responsibility for our choices.

Connecting to this Inner freedom, honesty and authenticity give us more control over our expansion process, getting in touch with our intuition and instincts and trusting them.  Honoring our feelings liberates emotional energy and allows us to express messages from our soul -- our inner guidance system

A key component of the Archer's path is to recognize limitations and to make adjustments. When reality fails to respond to promises, optimistic projections, ungrounded intentions, and unrealistic goals, a good dose of honesty, humility, realism, and the ability to let go is required. Fortunately, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which makes it inherently flowing and adaptable.

We attain spiritual freedom through neutrality and non-attachment, we make room for higher awareness and divine inspiration.  Through experience we learn that:
  1. There is no escape from the lessons we must learn
  2. Real life interaction with physical reality is required to make things happen. 
  3. We must actively respond to leads and fully participate in physical manifestation by being grounded and home in our bodies when opportunities arrive.
In the spiritual realm, we must have a goal, a standard, or a vision, which we feel will bring us peace, help us experience love, and make this world a better place. We must do our best to live by this idea that we have chosen to be of highest value.  When our subtle bodies and mind vibrate at this high frequency, our desire for inner peace is so compelling that we are able to reorient our life in profound ways. We are able to achieve our goal of spiritual connection and Divine Love. We are able to forgive, to disengage from our stories, to detach from our conditioning, to release from the past, and to direct our life from higher ground.  When we are energetically available, we become conscious of another way of living and being.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
You will become a well-known author, spiritual or religious authority, or public figure whose wisdom appeals to a public audience. By introducing new ideas, meanings, and views that expand the collective consciousness and introduce a new way of thinking or being.  You choose a career in education, to be it teacher, administrator, or the designer of curriculum. This profession delves into the meaning of human existence and helps raise the collective consciousness to embrace cultural diversity, tolerance, and service. You are always the student and may one day be a 'guru.'  Whatever your next steps, you will become a modern mystic who inspire by your clarity, transforms through compassion, elevates through consciousness, and stimulates self-love through non-judgment. . . 
I'm struggling again!  It always seems so far beyond me, and over stated. . . 
What is most important is that you simply follow through.  You are being lead into a new place of power and being.  It is something very easy and profound for you.  But it is nothing new for you.  It is all that you have been focused on and all you have been waiting for.
I'm nervous!
What you need to recognize is all the guidance that you have been seeing is very clear and specific.  You need to follow your truth and your power.  No worries.  It is all before you.
I have heard this so many times!
What's fundamental here is that you are never surprised by the direction you get.  And it's always within your reach
I guess so!
What you do is something that no one else can do.  it is simply beyond most people and not readily available to their understanding - - while in fact it is all that you have ever done.
I know you are right.  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Please fill me with your Strength, Love and Wisdom to follow this through to fulfillment. . . Amen!

Zest2Zeal : Message: NMBeing #199 - SAGITTARIUS - ILLUSIONS AND TRUTH

Zest2Zeal : Message: NMBeing #199 - SAGITTARIUS - ILLUSIONS AND TRUTH

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mysticism - God-Conscousness

John Van Auken | Mysticism - God-Conscousness

"Remember there is no shortcut to a consciousness of the God-force. It is part of your own consciousness, but it cannot be realized by the simple desire to do so. Too often there is the tendency to want it and expect it without applying spiritual truth through the medium of mental processes. This is the only way to reach the gate. There are no shortcuts in metaphysics. Life is learned within self. You don’t profess it, you learn it" (8092-1)

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's knew, you've been there for a while
I know, but reconfirmations are always nice ;-)

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.



Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you doing?
It was that clear strong truth again knowing how it would all come out, before i even think about what i wanted to see!
What is so cool about this, is how much this is really the same thing you have always done.  Always here in your own space doing what you are inspired to do.  You know what you need to do.   You know what you are inspired by.  Its always so obvious and clear to you and everyone.  God is seen through your eyes.  You are transferring your love.  It's your divine relationship.  Your Service and Your privilege.
It's all as it needs to be!

What you know is so clear. 
Im not afraid of anything again!
What you need is at hand.  We are all waiting with you.  and are excited that it will be a lot easier for you soon. 
I see more and more ease and peace coming through to me again and again in every new moment.  Then I know there is so much more for me to do.  Like i know we will all be set so perfectly!  as all creation around us suddenly begins to shift into a new stronger place.  More truth, more clarity, more power.
What is fun, is how little you have seen, and how much more there will be coming.  
I always wonder about this!  I mean, these flashed i get are so strong, detailed, complex and ever expanding.  I always wonder how i could keep up with it all.  And remember how it was when Christopher was born.  Like suddenly the planet had shifted just a bit, but enough to know i was going into a completely new place and power that anything we could ever really understand.
What about your place in it all?
I accept!
What do you mean?
I Know I can do anything.  I know how it's all planned out perfect. and now much truth and power there is in every detail.  So far beyond and so far strong .  .  .  . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. it is my duty and privileged to share it all with others

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

starsusaorg : Message 12/12/2012

starsusaorg : Message: Re: [starsusaorg] new class [1 Attachment]
Any thoughts on this yet?  Do you need more?  Plan a meeting?  

If we can get the patent sold, 1/2 goes to STARS.  Last month I had a $10,000
offer from a Patent Troll.  When my attorney checked the offer and patent, then
hired a consultant who valued it from 10-1000 times more.

Course we can talk about more projects through STARS too, like if Avani came
under it I could authorize you to become a board member. . . 

Can't wait to chat about these classes too

Hope all is well.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We have been looking for that which is inside of us.... its' the ONE Divine Principle, let go of the outer BS, and get real withIN!!!!!!!
I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Zest2Zeal : EMERGENCE (#12)

THE RITE OF EMERGENCE (#12): The preferred time to transmit is at 12:12 pm but any time throughout the day is perfectly acceptable.

Prior to this act of service, please have a good understanding of the Flower of Life geometry. It would be very beneficial take the time to really study its lines and spherical inter-weavings as it will play a significant part in our transmission.

Also, this transmission should be done in FULL conscious awareness and in concentrated meditative pose, if you can. The supporting Councils of Light encourage our full attention in every part of its delivery.
- Sent using Google Toolbar

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What did you do?
I woke up in the middle of the night to do this ritual.  When I sat down and got ready to start it was 2:54am.  Now again when I got here to listen to it again, I first started a 3:36pm.  Course it is now 3:53pm!  It's funny, as I tried to blog last night again now with the blogger on the ipod.  NO LUCK.  So again i'm using the blogger tool I have set into firefox on my laptop.  It is about the only place that it really works for me.  Everything else has all these stupid tools and features and crap in the way.  Heck i've even shut off the FLASH plugin so I don't get all the stupid ads and animations in my face all the time.  What a waste of time.  They are so annoying.  You think that these clowns would get smart about the technology.
What do you mean?
Well the whole world is fucked with the greed and selfishness profit paradigm that's dieing out.  And the simple easy stuff is coming back into purpose and truth.  You would think these techno geek companies would get on the ball and do what the people are crying out for. . . instead of staying stuck in the old greed profit disease!  Sure they get fast profits now, but everything is a flash in the pan, with no substance or resiliency. 
What do you mean, facebook has been going strong for a while.
It's still just as flash, as everyone is seeing how it will be replaced again too soon!  So everyone is getting sick of this pathetic craze greed mentality where nothing is honest, nothing lasts, and no one benefits.  It's funny to think that the greedy think they are benefiting.  but this really just another disease, like tobacco, alcohol and obesity.  A selfish pathetic disease where the poor people are all lost in space.  Sad really!  
What are you doing now?
I am now unfolded by a soft loving presence. . . feel the love!  I call forth this final Right of Passage as I grow again more into my higher self.  Making God my focal point, bringing the greater realization of my Christ of God within. . . making the commitment to go the distance . . . as i expand into this next power of consciousness . . . seeing God in everything, in every form, as all things are divine.  Into this truth, knowing that all duality erases.  Fear, insecurity, doubt, are all gone
What did you do now $4:48pm
I hit the shift key, by accident. . . then again I remembered it is all Divine!  nothing ever happens by accident.  It's always ok, and fine for us.  So i sent an email to Berly about the money today.  She gone to Amscot again for 500,  While another 100 came by today before I deposited.  But this didn't mean anything to her.  So then when another amount showed up from no where I sent that to her too?  Course I did it from my ipod at publix. . . so now i replied to it again to type her a message about it.
What about it?
It was the power of the time and place again!  Exactly how I always point it out to Chuck and John how things are always in clear place and alignment. 
What did you flash to now?
I saw the patent deal again!  this time they wanted to hire me.  So I got his lump sum.  Signed up for royalties. . . and got a plane ticket to spend a week out there with my honey. 
What are you flashing to now?
It was how we all went out there and goofed around looking at the cool things we could do and share!  I dumped half of it into STARS right away so my taxes were done.  Then I could get all the designs built really quickly. . .
You are Flashing off again. . Another God Realization.  What a foundation you create.  A relationship with God, as We are god. . . all God.
It was the new roof, that rubber track. . . all the water moving around.  no more poison and pollution.  Instead of pumping oil around, we pumped water around.  And everywhere they used the water to create energy so all the internal combustion became generators and water pumps. . . it was this magic transformation that changed everything over night !  Of course we can solve the problems.  It's easy.  What is hard is getting away from the addictions.
What do you mean?
It's a planet addicted to the status quo!
What is that?
It's a planet full of people who want to feel and do what is here now, all afraid to loss it, as if nothing better would ever come.  It's the fear mentality that inspires the greed.
What  Wanting wanting wanting
It's never attained, unless we are ready to run out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.