Saturday, December 15, 2012


Zest2Zeal : Message: NMBeing #199 - SAGITTARIUS
The Archer's path reminds us of the fact that what we see is only a very  limited and superficial representation of what is actually happening. . . WE MUST find mission, live on purpose, explore new vistas, uncover what appears to be hiding, and search for meaning in life. The Archer is always available to explore opportunities and to learn new things.

This requires being able to let go of our obsessive need to control and to relax into feeling awareness:
  1. what feels good, 
  2. what works, 
  3. what causes pain and stress, 
  4. what creates peace and pleasure, and 
  5. what transcends our conditioning and stories. 
To be able to access what is 'true,' we must transcend personal convictions about what we think is real and true. We must free our mind of dogmas and believe systems that have been imposed.  We must examine how our beliefs limit what is possible for us to achieve and manifest. Our narrow-mindedness may restrict our freedom and confine us to a very small box . . . We must make our personal experience the foundation for our beliefs . . . the real job is about getting in touch with our own truth and sticking with it. This requires being honest about what we like, what makes us happy, and what gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. We are the only one who can listen to our heart, trust our intuition and instincts, and take responsibility for our choices.

Connecting to this Inner freedom, honesty and authenticity give us more control over our expansion process, getting in touch with our intuition and instincts and trusting them.  Honoring our feelings liberates emotional energy and allows us to express messages from our soul -- our inner guidance system

A key component of the Archer's path is to recognize limitations and to make adjustments. When reality fails to respond to promises, optimistic projections, ungrounded intentions, and unrealistic goals, a good dose of honesty, humility, realism, and the ability to let go is required. Fortunately, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which makes it inherently flowing and adaptable.

We attain spiritual freedom through neutrality and non-attachment, we make room for higher awareness and divine inspiration.  Through experience we learn that:
  1. There is no escape from the lessons we must learn
  2. Real life interaction with physical reality is required to make things happen. 
  3. We must actively respond to leads and fully participate in physical manifestation by being grounded and home in our bodies when opportunities arrive.
In the spiritual realm, we must have a goal, a standard, or a vision, which we feel will bring us peace, help us experience love, and make this world a better place. We must do our best to live by this idea that we have chosen to be of highest value.  When our subtle bodies and mind vibrate at this high frequency, our desire for inner peace is so compelling that we are able to reorient our life in profound ways. We are able to achieve our goal of spiritual connection and Divine Love. We are able to forgive, to disengage from our stories, to detach from our conditioning, to release from the past, and to direct our life from higher ground.  When we are energetically available, we become conscious of another way of living and being.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
You will become a well-known author, spiritual or religious authority, or public figure whose wisdom appeals to a public audience. By introducing new ideas, meanings, and views that expand the collective consciousness and introduce a new way of thinking or being.  You choose a career in education, to be it teacher, administrator, or the designer of curriculum. This profession delves into the meaning of human existence and helps raise the collective consciousness to embrace cultural diversity, tolerance, and service. You are always the student and may one day be a 'guru.'  Whatever your next steps, you will become a modern mystic who inspire by your clarity, transforms through compassion, elevates through consciousness, and stimulates self-love through non-judgment. . . 
I'm struggling again!  It always seems so far beyond me, and over stated. . . 
What is most important is that you simply follow through.  You are being lead into a new place of power and being.  It is something very easy and profound for you.  But it is nothing new for you.  It is all that you have been focused on and all you have been waiting for.
I'm nervous!
What you need to recognize is all the guidance that you have been seeing is very clear and specific.  You need to follow your truth and your power.  No worries.  It is all before you.
I have heard this so many times!
What's fundamental here is that you are never surprised by the direction you get.  And it's always within your reach
I guess so!
What you do is something that no one else can do.  it is simply beyond most people and not readily available to their understanding - - while in fact it is all that you have ever done.
I know you are right.  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Please fill me with your Strength, Love and Wisdom to follow this through to fulfillment. . . Amen!

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