Thursday, June 26, 2014

Provost Article (attached) - Yahoo Groups

Students Taking an Actve Role in Society - Yahoo Groups: Provost Article (attached) stars2man posted already how  US multinational companies’ desire to educate and train their future global workforce in the US  - - - US Makes Profits!

People learn more about Greed and Control here than ANYWHERE on the Planet!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What do you need to write about?
I feel like i've already done everything!  Now i finally got online again, and i'm not having any luck typing.  I started writing by hand. . . which feels better now . .
What is remarkable for us is that you never have a clue, and humbly follow directions in all that you do.  Each direction this morning, "cut & paste" the above, CC and BCC those who care, re-post and re-write the critical details. . . Check your phone messages, write about Jimi's Cops Report with the backdoor, now get online again. . . Here the whole human race has focused the last 10 years on training your best and brightest youth with video games and remote control TV, Telephone, Food, Education, Housing, Health. . . it's all remote controlled, processed, pumped out to you, why is it so difficult for you to understand that people are on remote-control as well?? 
Most everyone is programmed by something, but You are in control though.  As there is only ONE life here and you can all believe anything you want to believe, as we all will.  But what about understanding the connections at a deeper level?  If you are all honest and in Love.  Know you are Love, Know that you are Honest.  Then your natural instincts will be exactly on target with all Nature and All Creation - - - NO MATTER how is "appears to you"!!
Even though the entire planet "trusts" anything they are told!  The TV, the USDA, CNN. . . Sure Tampa might be run by Fox News, but your youth see through this.  And this tiny population of conscious people is the Tipping Point . . . the Square Root of One Percent is enough!
I feel better now . . 11.22am and I Flashed to Christopher.  As he said last week that more people than I know really understand this perspective of Love and Truth in Spirit.
What is remarkable still is that these individual words create such a high vibration!  You are placing Praises to God into the radio waves that circles the Planet and influences everyone.  Each Galaxy Beyond feels, sees, and knows you are getting closer and closer to creating the One Life, the One Solution, the One Truth . . . the one that no one else ever even asked for!
not again 11.30am I better get busy now . .
What you need to link to is that same story where we met and started everything.  Remember you are part of the One, the One Earth, The One Atom, The One Electron that started it all, just like You were Red Beard, and Black Beard, with the Vikings and then the Pirates . . . always the Bull in the China Shop, changing everything and pushing the limits so everyone would see and understand just a little bit more!
Is this better now . . ???  11.33am and I know I always do exactly what I need to do.  It's really weird sometimes, as people are so naive and really think they know what's going on . . . And I guess, I don't really care.  Like being Red Beard coming into the shore line really fast from a storm.  Oh well, if I hit rocks . . . I destroy my ship, most everyone dies, and is lost . . . . that means I finally get to relax and recoup . . . Start a Family, eat berries in the woods. Wow, that would be great.  But if I miss all the rocks and run up on the sand.  Well, then we can fill up the hold with whatever we find and see where the next storm will take us!  Wow, that would be great. So why should I care what happens, I never have anything to lose, it's always gains!
What now?
11.44am I got a reply to the posting . . . only about the first sentence now . . . . but it's funny to think about what you said about the vibrations . . . 
We always hear it all so fast.  You need to remember that most people are terrified of their personal "instincts" because they listen to the countless forces and programs pumped into them by CNN, USDA, Fox and all the rest.  Little do they know they can also hear and see all of us.  People can create on the physical 3d, so they vibrate and affect each other constantly.  Think a moment about matter, everything has a charge and everything generates gravity, from the earth and sun down to the proton and quark.  Heat and motion are additional forces that affect everything as well.  Your mind and consciousness are based on the tiniest, smallest, most minute and delicate patterns and vibrations of all these energies.  So the moon affects the waves on the ocean, just like all the Stars and Planets affect each life on Earth. . . BUT ALSO, you each vibrate and move affecting each breath and thought. . . Tiny vibrations, more powerful than anything affect everyone, vibrating out in the galaxy where we watch and enjoy each motion like your TV shows on Earth.  Is it the mountain that is the strongest and most powerful, or the tiny diamond that you use on the drill to cut tunnels to mine through every mountain there is?
I thought I had better get busy now . . . . . 11.52am
What is necessary will come together exactly as it must.  You never need to worry about the details.  As they will appear and present themselves exactly as they need to . . . You are in power and in Control.  You always are . . . You Are the One, as you have learned and found what to listen to and address inside of you; instead of listening and absorbing CNN, USDA  and Fox News . . . not an easy task!  But you worked at it for years!!!
I feel like I better move things around now . . 11.55am another time
What is remarkable to us, is that even now as you type another set of numbers.  Like another key unlocking still another doorway . . . more and more vibrations align.  None so strong, and none so clear . . . .
I know, I know . . . . but can I just get on with it and get things done, instead of always talking and writing and stirring up more!

Thank You Dear Jesus Christ For your Love and Light, continue to Lead us to Fulfill all that is . . Amen!

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