Friday, April 27, 2018

Ritual circles!

Ritual circles TO BE the Conscious Tipping Point of 2019: what's this: now4u2

Wow, everything is really going to start pumping up really high again now. You want to see FLOW, hang on now . . . read, reread, consider, visualize, and Relax, NO RUSH, just allow the   EARTH FLOW TO BE  . . . read every word, twice if necessary, then watch all the movies at the end, to Feel Full Strong LOVE NOW,  I AM:
These are new EMF waves you are pounding into distant galaxies with every keystroke on this computer in front of you. You feel this percussion, and keep writing to send out more vibrations . . . reflecting instantaneously as Einstein predicted, the same consciousness that created the first time, the first matter or the first energy in this moment! Knowing full well that this next expression will be in complete synergy leading into the future that you planned and created for yourselves.
Now this universe pulls me: to this synergy realized in this equation 
What do you think this will create for the complete universe? Again motion, vibrations pounded across the galaxies.  New motion in these ones and zeros is the exact sum of your physical matter moving fingers across keys on your MacBookPro, burning energy from sugars and fats, and simultaneously moving oxygen, blood, enzymes, emotions, electric energy, and lights, creating new vibrations we will feel for eons. 
It is staying present and real with this LOVE emotion of FLOW that I feel in the first EMC2 integral.  And know it's all ENERGY that is created in mind, but also know it couldn't BE ME all alone. There is ONE mind, we all know this. Get serious about this present moment in the ONE with me NOW!
4/3/18 4:03pm This energy vibration you create with each keystroke reconnects to the power of creation that we can all feel in LOVE. This Equation, is a road map to this TRUTH. Now apply it: redirect the electron and photon energy around you. Each letter and action creates FLOW: new learning and discovery moving your Love with it; these words shift conscious understanding, actions and vibrations affecting all. Each LOVE motion shifts up all frequencies endlessly across the Universe. . .
Yes, It is time for Ritual again.  I need to do it each morning with my walk, sun gazing, and prayers to fill everyday of my life in the full LOVE FLOW of Spirit.
Ritual circles must be . . . Define it as the complete synapse adventure of neurological experiences in health and truth as we Flash again seeing these movie images cascading through your consciousness - - - visuals of freedom, food, and fun, people of Earth moving in Love, Peace, and Harmony - - - so now the "stars to man" blows the doors off . . . seeing the complete culture shift one person at a time doing the very thing that no one else can do.  This map opens the doorway, step through it now to embrace the Truth to BE ONE LOVE. You created it, you wanted the one fast easy way to shift everything. It's only by shifting people. Shifting each one at a time.
The equation is "black with white" text, its all in your head.  ALL the Vibrations and energies in your BRAIN interpreted as emotions = energy in motions = move from electron energy to matter, to chemical, to photon, to electron again; through thoughts to create consciousness = = = = = = = = = = YOU CREATE information: LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY thoughts = = = = is all we need. The first integral is the energy moving in your mind as sparks through the synapses of different vibrations 0 to infinity = = = occurring through the potential (E) and kinetic (m) in motion (c) = = = This first integral equation, is the LOVE road map to allow us each to visualize creating ENERGY from MATTER over TIME. Opening the door for us to visualize the energies around us shifting into LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY. Adding the next two integrals allows consciousness to visualize how the energy and matter of mind grow from consciousness over time to include all life experiences beyond our immediate (ie.    B E    F L O W     to evolve all E and M throughout time beginning in your own backyard).  Visualize this to unlock you ability to shift forms (E to m, and m to E making your visualization expand the space time continuum). We shift universal quantum energies with foundation forces of grounded consciousness     BE EARTH FLOW . . . NOW this equation allows you to visualize directing electrons around you to create the experience of FLOW this moment as Mind over Matter shifting all around you to LOVE. Allowing your knowledge to be the Flow with the feeling of Earth, and experiences in Love, Peace and Harmony. Recognize your FLOW, visualize your consciousness creating positive effects by moving energy around you as electrons and photons in Love, Health and Harmony everywhere you go. . . THUS, you are using the knowledge, or map, represented in the equation to actively shift your personal space time continuum through this LOVE visualization.
When you pray you can bring in the Love of God, your Spirit, Angels, and the power of ancestors by using the power of the Words in Jesus Christ or any Master Guide. You join in our vibrations to create Love, Peace, and Harmony creating FLOW everywhere. This equation is your roadmap, it is the key to feeling each vibration and electron across all time! It's sent now out into all the galaxies beyond, fulfilling all that is with this new keystroke published online in this Blog. . . 
I love you Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being with me and allowing a moment for me to connect to the experience of writing and learning with you again now. 

This is a 10 minute Sound Vibrational Exercise

This is a hour long talk about the Science into Energy Vibrations and Conscious connections to the Earth creating Love Peace and Harmony!

This is a 15 minute guided Meditation for Grounding and connection to ALL YOUR LOVE!

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