Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Re: TCP = The Connection Partners

Subject: Re: TCP = The Connection Partners
Date: January 2, 2019 at 4:00:49 AM EST
To: The Connection Partners

Hi again TCP Team. I'm so sorry I've missed a few ZOOM calls and such with you all. Things are changing at phenomenal rates as predicted by Charles Darwin in 1872 as he called a "Diffusion of Sympathy."

Thanks so much Douglas for your last note about the new Charles Eisenstein book Climate: A New Story.  I'm thrilled you bring so many new insights into our circle . . . I'm also glad you benefited from things I've added as well. Doing a meditation with Sharon Joy was literally a Brilliant Gift for me as well, and now again I have to share.

As we have experienced with the St. Pete Heart Field, so much of our experiences are repeated and discovered by others as well. I think that our Flow and Presence into these powers and consciousness helps evolve this for everyone . . . Like this passage below from Vishen Lakhiani

Many people don't fully understand who Darwin was. He didn't just talk about where humanity came from, through his Theory of Evolution. He also spoke about where we are GOING. 

This is what Darwin wrote in 1872:

"As man advances in civilization, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and compassion to all the members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him.This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his compassion extending to the men of all nations and races. If, indeed, such men are separated from him by great differences in appearance or habits, experience unfortunately shows us how long it is before we look at them as our fellow-creatures.Compassion beyond the confines of man, that is humanity to the lower animals, seems to be one of the latest moral acquisitions.This virtue, one of the noblest with which man is endowed, seems to arise incidentally from our compassions becoming more tender and more widely diffused, until they are extended to all sentient beings.As soon as this virtue is honoured and practised by some men, it spreads through instruction and example to the young, and eventually through public opinion."
The text sounds new-agey. 
Somewhat Buddhist. 
Reminiscent of Alan Watts or Ken Wilber?
But it's not.

It was written in 1872 by the father of evolutionary biology himself, Charles Darwin, in his book The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. Now, the original text used the word "sympathy" instead of "compassion." I just adapted it to reflect today's meaning of the word.

In a nutshell, the text above suggests the following:

When a group of people unite into tribes (or nations), it makes sense to feel a sense of compassion for those in the tribe – even if you've never met that person. But before long, it also begins to make just as much sense to diffuse that compassion to others from other tribes and other nations. Walls will come down. And it doesn't stop there either. That diffusion of compassion will begin to spread to not just humanity as a species, but to ALL sentient beings.  Sympathy, Compassion, Kindness — are in the future evolution of man.

It's a beautiful prediction of the world. The world is waking up. And with every new generation, this beautiful diffusion of compassion can't help but spread. Compassion, after all, is far more contagious (and practical) than fear or hate.

Our future is not about the survival of the fittest. But the survival of a unified compassionate planet where we each of us only, "work on what you love!!!"
 As you find this "Real Happiness";it helps to ask yourself, in every decision you make...

  • Am I marching with where the human race is heading?" 
  • Am I flowing with humanity's diffusion of compassion?" 
  • Am I living in a sustainable way?"
  • If all of us did this meditation I believe humanity would be operating at a completely different level. The process suggested below is my adaption of this Buddhist practice, plus advice from Salzberg and techniques from the @HeartMath Institute.🧘‍♀️ (ALSO following from meditation it ismall about FEELINGS - - - to put Energy into Motion  = EMOTION ;-).

    1. Bring to mind the face of someone you truly love. It could be a child, a pet, a partner etc. Feel the love for them in your heart. ❤️

    2. Give this feeling of love a color. Imagine it as a colorful light within your heart.

    3. Now breathe in and out. As you exhale, imagine this light to expand to fill your entire body with this essence of love.

    4. Continue breathing and with every exhale imagine this light of love and compassion to expand into wider and wider circles to include the world around you…⠀ First your home & all life in it.
    Then your city.
    Then your country.
    Then your continent.
    Then the entire world.🌎

    5. The last image should be that of Earth, covered in the light of this love.

    6. As you exhale and see this love expanding, repeat a mantra like "May you live life with ease."

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