Tuesday, June 22, 2021

KNOW! but I’m always so surprised.

Another wicked crazy dream. So this time I was working in the University and it was this department for data. And I had to use an old program and some special machine. It was really weird because I got into the office and worked on my machine but it didn’t work on another machine. And they wanted to get me this other machine to use so it was about transferring programs and transferring data.

So the next day when I came in they had shuffled things around a little bit and I was in this back room and you noticed it was for five of us in there. Every machine had extra programs on how to use it and then you had to use special logins and all the stuff.

It was very cool and very detailed with lots of aspects; I could see different decorations in the room in different colors in different areas. I recognize some of the people in it. I stop now to write it out and of course I’m just talking to my iPhone and it’s typing everything as I speak. And I’m getting better and better at this, and I know I have to keep track of all these dreams because everything is getting more and more intense.

Like yesterday when I got a phone call we started talking about how much the phones technology has advanced where we are getting closer and closer to having direct messages in telepathy. That’s really what it’s about, that we are remembering that we do you have the capacity for telepathy, and capacity for so much more that we haven’t done in centuries. But we don’t have this capacity active, so the new iPhone technology is just opening things up for us. Course I know this and she knows this, but nobody else does.

Then I told her how my phones were on the Apple Beta program and everything is updated every day or two. So yeah yesterday, before our conversation, my technology was all updated. So as we’re talking about telepathy and our connection to a higher realms of insight, data, and so forth; I remember that all my equipment has been updated, so they’re likely listening to every word I’m saying right now.

So that’s really the whole point of putting it into a blog.  If the powers that be are sneaking into my head to see what’s going on with the evolution of the planet, then my sharing it with you allows you to understand more about the evolution of the planet as well; so for all of us as the creators here, we need to understand how much is really shifting and what we really have before us all together, instead of just one class of creature knowing what’s happening here. Because it’s really about control and everybody wants to control everything. And if nobody knows where things are evolving, then they can’t control everything.

Again I’m teaching and sharing things that are at a higher level that nobody understands anyway. But half the planet is full of aliens, and there are a lot more than we recognize, so the rest of us are trying to be normal people and grow and learn and love; but are impacted by this matrix of Looney Tunes. Of course when I publish this line here, where I realize that it’s all full of errors and gibberish going back-and-forth but I can fix it later (almost done now).

Yesterday, I was telling her about my conversation with my kids where I spoke to them both Sunday for Father’s Day. And at the end of the day, I realize we were still talking to each other. And it’s like ”oh yes” that was something else that I shared was how we really have this telepathic ability already without our phones. Which is why I was saying that technology was getting so intense so that we can understand what we have a capacity of beyond the technology. Of course as i was explaining this to her, I reminded her how when she gets pissed off at her computer, her computer goes ballistic.

Yes, she started laughing, because she’s overloaded her computer hundreds of times, whenever she gets so mad at it. I know it happens all the time, as it keeps messing up. But she loves her car, so her car will run on and on forever without oil change of anything… Just like me with my 20-year-old truck that keeps going and going even if I forget to put oil, gas, or anything into it. But once again it’s about controlling her energy and controlling her position on the planet and controlling her authority.

That’s why I know I need to start writing more my dreams, and we are getting into a stronger position of action and that’s who I am and what I’m doing here. Yesterday, I ran across a random plant picture program app for my iPhone. You take a picture of your plant and then it tells you what kind of plant it is. So it’s using artificial intelligence and all kinds of new technology with a massive database I’m sure. So yesterday I walked around and I took pictures of all my plants and I found out what they all were. To my own surprise, everything inside the house belongs in the house, so they are telling me exactly what they need and I am listening and doing it right.

Yes of course, I’m thrilled to death to know that I’m hearing things actually correctly and now I have confirmation that I have the right plants in the right place. Of course, that’s the first thing you do when you get a plant: you ask where it wants to go, what it wants to do. Because that’s what’s necessary to establish a relationship and get the plant growing in the right way…

Yes talk to the plants is something started way back with a turtle stories. Of course, it started in the woods when I was three; but getting it out there and teaching people more is where the turtle story started then where this video came from too:

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What We need you to do, is take this a lot more seriously. If you know Tim Cook is recording everything here and watching what you’re doing; then you need to be more careful. This is all about the same life evolving. He’s on your side, so be nice and polite. That’s why you doing the beta. You knew you had to.
I know but I’m always so surprised.
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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