Sunday, February 18, 2024

help me prioritize these issues

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! This discussion is exploring my learnings and experiences with Dick Alexander.  He started with a prayer, and I remembered how I started work in my office last week, beginning a new tasks, a new project, another thing to do or learn, and I stopped and prayed. Like again now, as I begin to read this over again, and I stop to pray.  The Lord’s Prayer comes out so easily.  And now he begins with something very simple:

Who is God for you. When did you come to know God, what was the reality that hit you “to want to know God.” What shifted inside of you to realize, you needed to pursue a personal relationship with God. What shifted inside of you that made this relationship with God into a priority. As you consider this Witnessing for Jesus, discern what is important to add, and what is not necessary to retell in this experience with God. 
What did you do now?
I stopped and listened to Dick’s instructions that I’ve recorded since we met, and he really wanted me to focus on the priorities that I’ve been seeing and feeling before me.  I'm trying to focus on these essentials to bring more clarity and confidence into my relationship with Jesus, through simplicity . . .This Confidence improves productivity . . . Spiritual freedom, slowing down to carefully experience the true gratitude in this moment I have in Relationship with Jesus . . . BEing instead of Doing. . . 

Knowing now these lessons before me, involve Deep intentional reading, contemplation, meditation, followed by prayers in focused conversation and Journaling, to stay intentionally connected more deeply with Jesus. This is really why I started to journal in the first place.  I knew I was having this ongoing conversation and debate with Jesus. Typing each word to read over and understand, brought me into a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus. And I need to laugh, as I just now sent another video into the Apple Feedback app, where every day I try to do something they’ve not setup to work smoothly yet. And now again I get another notice to update my apps. . . Beta 3 now I see, while it’s not been a week since my last update . . . lol . . . . Yes, they added video to the feedback app, I’ve already complained that it doesn’t record the sounds, so the video is still only halfway there. I mean now useful is seeing a mouse move around the screen, if I don't say what I'm trying to do simultaneously.

Again now this is all about my spiritual relationship with God, all the Love and Joy of Sharing this Divine Grace that Jesus gives me every moment . . . even here at the extreme digitally, where I am getting more tools making it easier and more comfortable to share so much . . . KNOWING:
  1. Always Love and Relationship! 
  2. Love God with Heart, Mind and Soul!
  3. Love our Neighbor as ourselves!
This is more focused on my “Why Statement” to stay more focused and clear to see, feel, and experience more of the “Fruits of the Spirit” around us all the time. These Fruits as the visible and measurable examples of His Love Flowing throughout our lives . . . Keeping this Love always, as Jesus is with us always. 

Those who live in Love, are in God, as God IS LOVE. Keeping these Fruits ever present in our minds and experiences as these are the fulfillment words of blessing we can see all around us:
  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Forbearance 
  5. Kindness
  6. Goodness
  7. Faithfulness
  8. Gentleness
  9. Self Control 
Galatians 5: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, showing the touchstones to gauge our experiences to live intentionally in relationship with God.
What are you feeling?
I always feel there is so much to do and no time, so I feel like I sit wasting time instead of doing anything. I’ve noticed this before. I try to or pretend to, be doing the most important things, reading, writing, and sharing; but really never seem to be doing anything else. I get frustrated with my lack of inspiration and action. I haven’t even made lunch or breakfast today. I’ve been feeling good about work and am happy with my progress there, but not much more.
You Started your laundry, then you know what you need to clean and organize, each little step is progress. The floors are clean and the front rooms are getting more organized, that’s progress, you can sit comfortable on the couch, and share this experience with God.  HOW’S THAT WORKING FOR YOU?
God Grant me the Grace to stay with You as my Priority . . . Priority vs Distractions; means really slowing down to appreciate the beauty, truth, and goodness that I can see and experience all around me. I went back to the Ignatian Adventure Book: I am created to praise, love, and serve God with the indifference of Spiritual Freedom! Indifference in freedom to serve and love as God Wills each moment, not attached to any outcome, or any selfish perspectives to achieve or accomplish something. Detachment from the cultural of corruption that is all around us, to express Spiritual Freedom with Christ-like decisions to subordinate our ego. This is Spiritual Freedom to make Christ like decisions, in partnership with God in all situations . . . Where I must decrease, so Christ may increase to experience heaven on Earth. Reconciliation is to regain equilibrium with Spiritual Freedom, to be open and honest in the moment. Recognizing how accepting the forgiveness of Jesus is my own declaration of intention for expanding my relationship with God.
What is happening, is the more clarity and focus you create allows this mission before you to unfold gently and peacefully.  Again it’s important for you to step into this understanding that you know is necessary for your own progress. Like the crosses that you bear in the legal situations before you. Each one has a specific element you are confronting in the corruption of your culture. How can people understand these deeper challenges you share if you never share these deeper levels. Prioritizing these touchstones that are so critical for others to get these deeper truths.
I have to discuss this with Dick! He wanted to help me prioritize these issues, to simplify the experiences. Taking my time in Joy and Gratitude is fundamental to this experience. Literal vs. Figurative is relative for each story in the Bible and understanding the critical and relevant details in each circumstance is critical. Avoid sin: The lack of gratitude . . . living intentionally, and living deliberately into a Spiritual Culture.  

Recognizing how Jesus has set-me-up to share and learn something deeper and understanding how my WHY STATEMENT comes through more all the time.
Now are the five steps with SEEL: Reading, slowly carefully, Contemplation, Meditation, Prayer and Journalling followed by Examine. Where the readings support a Theme, and this theme is what is critical. . . Contemplation on the word of phrase - - - a long loving look at the real words. . . . Savoring this moment. Distilling the message down to the essence which we take into meditations followed by Prayers = talking to God about the experiences. 
I get to spend more quality time with God. And develop a deeper relationship with God
Ask yourself, What does God want for you? Or what do you want for your daughter or your granddaughter. . . 
I’ve finally come back to the Fruit of the Spirit. When I think about what GOD WANTS, or more

intimately what Jesus Wants, or my mother and all the love and joy I’ve seen or shared in relationships. . . We all just want to be understood, and loved or accepted as who we are and what we can do. 

What comes to mind for me is Mrs. Michaelson from kindergarten. She was the art teacher who really just loved me. She always just wanted me to BE ME, to express myself. . . To share the gifts that I had. I remember all the art I did in school, and how it was really the only thing I could work on. Every time we did art work I was always so focused and diligent. Then she always wanted my projects for the display case and I remember how mad I got about never getting my projects back, or having pieces damaged or broken. Then she was transferred to the middle school when I was there and again she wanted my work for her display case. And again my cool piece was broken and I still have this one, where she glued the broken lid back together after it was damaged. . . 

It was third grade where Mrs Lemon came into substitute as our teacher went into the hospital with cancer. And she knew I was trouble, and would drive her crazy. And immediately as she came into the class she got me alone and told me I was in-charge of the bulletin board, where I had to redecorate it for each new section we studied in class. . . So every week I’d be making pictures and collecting art to fill the space for the next week, busy doing my own thing, working on art instead of getting into trouble sent to the principals office again.
What you’ve shared in your experience is what has worked for you. When you consider your love and life in Christ and what you know and share Spiritually what higher calling do you feel here?
I guess, when I think about my accident and how I really did NOT want to come back. I felt so frustrated and disgusted with the culture and the priorities forced on me all my life. And then to end up as an engineer, building and designing infrastructure to support a pathetic culture. To really consider what I would want to be or express as my highest self. . . recognizing how my mom, God and Jesus would only want me to be and express the highest-best version of myself possible.

Yes, God has always wanted me to express the bestest, highest, most profound self that I can find inside of me. Does this mean art, or beauty, or brains, or something else, I’ve not yet considered or experienced yet. And what’s interesting again, is how I remember that accident, and how coming back was only to help Jesus reclaim His Kingdom. I mean, I knew the Wild Kingdom and the beauty and Grace found throughout the woods and wilderness ruled by “wild” animals and creatures, which sustained and supported themselves magically reinforcing and recycling everything to support growth and development.

And then I know that the snake deceived mankind into a gluttony of lies, where greed and consumerism. poisons and destroys most everything, approaching the growth and development of love.  So Mankind and Nature were on opposite ends of the spectrum one seeking love and bliss, while the other seeking only to destroy and control all aspects. 
What about your desire and place in this?
I know again how I was able to see and live in both places, or how I did live in each side. Even seeing and sharing the extremes in each sides. And then seemingly returning here to make it work. What does Jesus reclaiming His Kingdom “look like?”

Is that what I want? 
Is that what God wants for me?
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to achieve these dreams!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ Wow, I still have sooo much to do. . . This is some of the apple feedback I’ve given. . . 

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