Monday, October 07, 2024

learn and grow more everyday.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! Jesus is giving me everything I need to do, what I need to do, and to get help and guidance is a blessing. You know more about it than I do and it’s really cool to know I can keep talking with you!

I can also write as I want, and learn and grow more everyday.
What happened this week.
We had a big Hurricane Helene come up the coast again to slam into the panhandle. All the crazy propaganda and fear-mongering the media does gets people so strongly.  I still tell people about the Love Vortex here so it never affects me. But hundreds got flood damage, Kevin even told me there was 1-2 feet of water in his house. Wow, I told him he was welcome to stay here if he wants. And then sent him Derek next door contact information, since Derek has been trying to rent out his house. And it sounds like Kevin will need to move out for his house to get it cleaned out and repaired.

Todd and Fr. Curtis posted a few times that we needed to meet after mass to go out and help all those who had been flooded. Thankfully Todd assigned me to Kevin’s house, then gave me his generator. Kevin had no power yet. He had only seen his house that morning before church, and it still had a few inches of water in it. I had my carpet cleaner vacuum and bunches of tools in my truck. We got the generator started and I spent most the day getting all the water out. Wow, I had two vacuums going for while and was so happy to get most of the layer of dirt out too. . . But my carpet cleaner got fried.

Then we did it all again the next day and I was asked about a refugee family in my house. I was even offered $2000 a month for them to stay in my house. Wow, how perfect that would be. I said how Heysus and helped get the space in order but I really needed to get another bed in there. So I found someone to help and we were off to my house to get it done. Wow, Carlos was great to work with!

11:31 10/1/24 ok, so it’s a day later, and the 10 AM appointment was canceled with the refugee family. So I called Apple to see if I could get the iPads fixed. What a pain in the ass, as they wanna go back all over everything again because they didn’t keep records of what they did already. What a bunch of idiots. I’m tired and frustrated again. I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. Leslie has me working at another house again cleaning up after the storm. 

Kevin took me out for dinner last night, saying how he wanted to buy a new house now instead of trying to fix the one that flooded. He knows it’ll flood again, as all of them will be soon. I kind of talked to Heysus a bit about my feelings about storms, saying how we're barely starting now and already we’ve blown every record that we’ve had in this area.

Hurricane Helene with Hombre Heysus was really powerful here at my house. He walked the neighborhood and said that I was the only one that wasn’t touched, while most everybody had damaged. He spoke a lot about dedicating his life to Jesus, and loving the Power of the Spirit so clear and strong at St Raphael’s church. Gabriel at Church said he drove around his neighborhood and saw high watermarks everywhere, the West Coast flooded up to First Street all the way up to 62nd Ave. Joe looking out his condo window downtown, had commented how everything was filled up to Beach Street with water too.

October 3rd. Again, I recognize how important it is for me to write. I really had a powerful dream again last night. All I remember was a very pretty black woman who was really strong and clear with me. I’m not sure what we were doing or what was happening, but I remember waking up and wanting to get right back into that dream again. I thought about writing it out, but I couldn’t remember anything except the feeling.  Yes, very strong and clear emotions again. It’s interesting, sometimes these dreams feel like I’m not even here anymore, where I literally float off somewhere else. 
What is important is these emotions where you recognize the love and power of family in love. 
I get it. Bill said yesterday he wasn't going to pay any of my bills that he compiled for Saint Vincent de Pauls. Of course I realized that so many people are way worse off than me now so paying my bills would really be irresponsible. Course I might have my iPhone and all shutoff now as everything is behind now. It's interesting as I also have the AirBnB suit getting a response as well as my foreclosure. Yes, so every thing comes at once. Yes as my new class starts too.

October 7th. Wow it is really to much too quickly. But I guess I always asked for everything to change at once!
We tried to tell you were asking for so much that was really going to be overpowering to so many people. Sure you have always been able to handle anything, now saving others has been your desire.
I Get it that you’re trying to get me closer and closer to my community. And this is your community so you really want me to do this with you? Very carefully and slowly with you. So many people have come into your community claiming to be Jesus and end up blowing it all the pieces.
What Is critical here more than ever is that you just saw this happen. When Heysus came into the space you recognized he was closer to Jesus than most people you’ve spoken to. Allowing Jesus to live through him is the whole point of everything, but he wasn’t humble, he needs to be humble, not proud and boastful.
Is that what this is all about for me, is it getting my ass kicked over again, so I stay humble. I’m always on a bike and I’m always ready to help people but then I’m never able to call for help. Is that what I need to learn now, is how to call for help. As crazy as this seemed Lisette arrived soon after I wrote this. Her first comment was that the bed I was on is too low. It’s trouble and dangerous to climb up. I knew she was right. And thought for a second that it was my last chance to move upstairs.

I asked her if she could move me upstairs. She was ready to pull me up that moment. So I asked her to prepare the food she brought for me on a tray to put on my bed upstairs. And I said I would get up and walk upstairs, she gave me a pain pill, saying to let it soak in a while before I moved.  Soon I was up and she was back, so I said how all the computers and towels on the bed needed to be moved upstairs. Wow, she was quick!  And I was so blessed. She had already packed her house to leave the area, as the state called for a full evacuation now. I’m not in any evacuation zone, but everyone near the church is. When she sent me a text about dropping-off some food before evacuation, I already felt blessed. Then she spent another hour moving me upstairs! 😆🤗😃
What about this storm, we’re finding more and more power and focus every day. Shifting hurricanes, and telling them where to go makes it hard to be humbling. There’s something you’ve done before. You simply must do it again, again that’s part of your job as well as sharing that with the people you love.
I get it, but does it have to be so violent and destructive everywhere.
What you already saw was a close drive-by, 160 miles away. So you get a direct hit and you have no damage, what does that mean?. 160 mile drive-by that you didn’t worry about and everybody got slammed but you. Of course, now a direct hit that you pray and focus about for their lives and safety makes everybody clear and strong in spirit.
I Guess this is why you want me to start writing about it right now
What do you think? Will anybody pay attention if you don’t talk about it ahead of time?
I get it, I get it
What happens to that you understand things at a different level you’re able to shift things at a different level and you say that and you do that because Jesus is with you, and having Jesus with you is what makes everything work. Being unemployed for four years and playing around with technology is what Jesus asked you to do, you’ve been provided for us because Jesus provides for what he asked you to do. You’ve done really well following directions so you always come out ahead. It’s very obvious to the discerning, but most people don’t look into details. Or closely examine the statements about a hurricane bouncing off Saint Petersburg like a top. I’m very logical and simple.
I  get it, all my neighbors are gone, everything is locked down and boarded up… except me. I crashed on my bike instead, so I can only lay in bed and pray about it. It’s really kind of weird for me now because I’m freezing to death and I know that I should’ve shut off the AC upstairs but it was hot when I get up here. I knew I’d have to turn it off sooner or later. But I’m so comfortable and relaxed. I don’t wanna put myself into the pain to get up. I know I can pray away hurricane, so you think I can pray away the AC problem, or the cold, or whatever I have to pray for.
What Does this make you feel about your place and purpose now before us?
I know it’s always about sharing love of Jesus. I seem to make it too complicated all the time, but it’s really simple and obvious You just want me to do More love and glory in your name. I know it’s always his name of Jesus that makes everything possible For me, So why not be more specific and focused with it now?
What did Heysus show you?
I knew I was in love of Jesus more than ever, I knew my understanding of this love and energy about me was very physical and real. I also knew that everything I’ve been doing was right on target because his obvious understanding had shifted his whole life, though I felt like he had the smallest Insights possible. What was cool about Heysus was that when I shared with him the next step, it was very obvious that he understood and stepped into it immediately. Of course, I’m not really sure if that was a good idea or not.
What was more important than anything was that you were able to talk about things that you’ve done for so long, where you had the direct experience and understood how you were guiding him. Yes, apparently it went to his head and his ability to be humble disappeared, But as you noticed he was not wanting to acknowledge the fear and insecurity. Following Jesus is about recognizing The Holy Spirit Over you, And expressing that divinity is a grace and a responsibility that we have to carry it forward instead of assuming that we can step beyond it all now.
I Get scared that I’m trying to step beyond it all now instead of asking you for guidance. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to pray and share your love, strength and beauty more than ever in this moment together at night!

Sunday, October 06, 2024

I don’t know what I’m gonna do

Thank You Jesus Christ I’ve got my rosary, my cell phone, and my glasses, wow so I can at least do something. I can barely move because I’m in so much pain. Yeah, I wiped out on my bike again, this time it’s 8 ribs. Last time it was only two ribs so I wasn’t in so much pain. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m trying to talk to my phone to put in my blog so that I can get some help.

So I reach out to Kevin and Leslie, and the fraternity to ask for help. I need to get a pillow under my head. I need to get my laptop. I need to get some breakfast and I need a can to pee in…ouch.

Of course, I’m not sure I’ll be able to read this or share it. I don’t have any idea but at least I got the ideas down. I am hurting so much I do not want to move at all.
What happened
I’m really not sure, I just woke up in the hospital… all I REMEMBERED is biking across the Church parking lot heading home!
2:27 10/10/2024 and now I’m home again, alone. In pain, but in a space of total blessing!
What happened, I when you awoke from my dream again
I’m at Peace and ease, knowing that another giant storm has passed, leaving me virtually untouched and in perfect care.  The last thing I did before I slept, was cry through the luminous mysteries of the rosary, as I prayed for protection and the love and light of a dear friend. I never have done the rosary with only my cards and not a soundtrack and a group of people. It was just me and Jesus, with the little printed cards I made. I kept crying because I knew the dear sweet family that cared for me. The last few years was leaving. Of course I wanted to reach out and convince them that they had to stay. Tell them how wonderful it was that we had this community together. I also know, we all have our time in place to go.
What happened Actually happened last night?
I’m always Protected and know I can survive anything. So I’m essentially fearless throughout my life and experience. I was actually terrified hearing the gusts of wind and the noise outside, knowing that the largest hurricane I’ve ever heard was outside my door. Each of my children actually called me, asking me to get out, saying that such a large hurricane and a direct hit was not a safe place to be. When I woke, I found how we had all lost a secret little pack of Christmas decorations.

Yes, you heard that right, I had the distinct feeling and vision that many homes in the area had lost this one patch of beauty that they had created for themselves. Then I rolled around in my bed, still stiff and  sore and I noticed how clear the space was except one small pile. I had created a pile of books, cards, tools close by me in my bed to share with Jesus. Yes, I only kept stuff that I needed to share with Jesus. I had the incredible revelation that somehow another family down the road, discovered that all their beautiful decorations are completely fine and not destroyed, as all our other neighbors’ have been. How could a storm come through so powerful, so distractive, and then also so selective to only destroy a secret little pack of Christmas decorations? And still more perplexing, to allow one family to retain all of theirs essentially untouched.
What happened was that you realized and accepted your place with Jesus. Yes, we all have a place. We have all have a responsibility. We all have a partnership that we can carry forward to share and to lead. He found the family with the perfect collection of Christmas decorations, all wrapped up and saved untouched and damaged; while neighbor after neighbor had only lost their own private collection. Why would a storm come through an area to clear out decorations?
I’m all Kind of perplexed and wondering how I can still be awake or alive. I’m surprised to find my iPad connected online and essentially no power or nothing anywhere else. It’s completely perplexing to see and realize how much of a gift I have, how much beauty I have, all here in my home to share with others in the love of Jesus
What else happened?
I remember seeing the image of the hurricane hitting the south edge of tampabay, it essentially Missed Tampa and slammed in the Sarasota. I Knew that the southern passing would mean that all the water was pulled out of the Bay. So all those families that had flooded last week would see the water pulled out completely. I guess it doesn’t really change all the damage and impact from the last storm. But this does make it clear to me that I should be a lot more specific with my prayers. 
What happens now?
I’m convince that I’m in exactly the place that I need to be. That I should continue with everything that I’m doing is more clarity and more focus. That means I’m teaching more classes, spending more time at my church helping with the choir and kids and anything and everything I can do there. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ Thank you for filling my life with your word, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to fulfill your glory.