Saturday, October 30, 2004

Friday, October 29, 2004 9:40:27 PM

Actually I joined this group because I needed some of the movie script for notes in my research. There is so much going on here on this Planet that no one has any concept of .... so many things are involved here from all over creation. These movies and their effect on consciousness are so incredibly powerful...

lol.... I wish I could follow all the's a quick sample

Like watch the 3-matrix, 3-lord of rings, 3-harry potter.... lol... try all that in one week, then watch the Passion 3x too, and everything will make perfect sense for you. Lol... it's not a mind thing, or a money thing for Hollywood.... it's a human thing for evolution... in your heart! The watch "What Dreams May Come" "What the Bleep" and "Indigo" and you'll find your place... lol... or at least see it; even if you are not ready for it yet!!! lol...

We created this, we did it so we could understand more about who we really ARE... I mean I've been there, I remember... lol...

Why would Human Consciousness on earth evolve to DREAM?

What is a dream?

What is a movie?

What r we saying to us

To: Claire Robinson
Cc: Jerry W Koehler PhD
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:09 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Mayan Chant questions???

Hey Claire
Great chat today... I can't imagine how many times we've talked about my kids. (pictures:) I know you've seen them a few times, but I don't know how much, or when. Course you MUST read this story below about them... It feels like the same energy again. like connecting us, like this one too is about the same energy:

Oh and here's the Lessons Leaned: and Leadership Paper: As I submitted to Dr. Koehler, oh and the latest on the WIKI: is all about researching the energy too.

lol... course I spoke to my Ethics teacher (Sharon Hanna-West) after seeing you too... like I really need any more synchronicity too: Of course everything is blowing up at ONCE!!! Wild ride again, HOLD ON!

It's long, but you'll Enjoy this

Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:35:29 AM

So I’ve been reading and writing a lot again. These emails and class work in my new Ethics Class. Not much for what I really need to be doing, but something important too I guess?

This is just the beginning Son. All else will be coming along just fine as it needs to be. Take your time and do as you need. It seems weird for you, but you are still strong and clear about doing for Christ.
How do you want me to do with this?

This is fine son, take your time and do as you can. Everything will come together very easily and it will be some incredible shift that no one will ever understand.
This is really going a lot further than I could ever imagine isn’t it?

This is going exactly as you imagined. This fantasy you’ve created is so extreme that it is divine. Nothing is beyond this understanding. You’ve followed Jesus Christ’s Way. You’ve allowed it to include everything that you Are. That is a very significant concept sorta beyond anything else that you’ve witnessed for us.
Oh, that’s what the whole journal was about. And ESPECIALLY the Blog all to witness for You Lord Jesus Christ.

This is what it is Son. You’ve done your part and created a significant shift that is needed at this very moment. Nothing is simple, nor will it ever end. We are reaching into everything so very strong and clear now.
So this is just the beginning isn’t it. There is a lot more here than people will understand
This will be what is needed here for all of you on Earth. The planet is ready and the power is up. The universe is ready. And it will come through onto you quicker and quicker. The ability to move the powers of the Earth and the universe are still so far from scientific understanding. What you will demonstrate will totally shift the focus of attention and priority of all peoples. They don’t need anything more. You can JUST DO IT.
There is no more to say SON. You are ready, and you know it. Nothing will stop you. Everyone out there is ready and waiting for you to make this system work.
Thank you so Very much Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ !!!!
I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ
I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ,
I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ ....
Please Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ can you make me clear on each step I need to take before me and make sure I am focused on the flow of Your Holy Spirit into the Tasks at hand. Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ! Amen


Yahoo! Groups : stars2heaven Messages : Message 770 of 803: "
12:17:01 AM 7/3/2004
Hum, love these numbers....
So anyway, I just felt all these dreams happen that very moment. All the visions and fantasies about running together...
* The infrastructure in the county.
* Building the patent, test case with the City.
* Me and my art form.
* Doing the chant with Maria and setting up full performances at Harmony.... $1000's/seat
* Monthly rituals at the Indian mounds
* Real powerful Indian rituals where I simple was the priest in charge of it all.....

Then it all is flowing together like, I love water and move rivers to make water clearer. That's my business and that's my art form, and that's my passion and patents and everything. That I can use to fund everything.... like our whole culture flips over. People build their own transit water systems and replace the government, power companies, auto, greed-power culture completely.

Power struggle is gone; we stop driving and start walking to end the greed wars. Lol... like one city block at a time, building the safe cycles to replace their infrastructure.... like it's all done and I'm there again.

Ok, so I saw a completely new world... another level, another vision. A new complication to the one same dream fantasy that I've always had! The E=MC2 integral.... more and more strands of energy sticking to our spiral helix up... up.... up.... lol.... 00:30:07 I guess I need to chant?

Yes Son you will. That's a wonderful feeling isn't it?


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:48:45 PM

So I'm really not doing any better with anything. Ok so it’s not that bad. I tried to talk to Vicky today. She acted nervous, but was polite and very distant. I then tried to go to the networking thing they scheduled for MBA students. But I knew half the teachers there, so I left as it started. It took me over 10 minutes to convince myself to go into the meeting. I sat and read their handouts and then just left. I did run into the French girl, I had met the first week of school. We talked about her getting into the grove. She’s got a bike.... now... daa perfect chance to share more with her, but still lost in space.

“I'm getting into you, because you gotta be essential to survive, when you looked at me.” Getting into you by Relient K. CMRadio.Net

Write about what happened last night

So last night I drove into Clearwater and followed the signs to a parking garage. I took my bike off, camera, journal and road into town. I rode straight down to the coastline and then north up to the park. But there was construction at the crossing to the park. So I had to go back around to the next block. So I found the park, looked in a bit, and then decided that I had to get my lawn chair. It was a short trip there so I can go back to my truck for it.

The construction and such got me all mixed up and I couldn’t find the parking garage. So I rode and rode and rode, lost in downtown Clearwater and along the coastline. I kept going round in circles checking every block. I was lost, and felt embarrassed wanting to ask for directions. But just felt sure that God had me riding long for something.... maybe I needed the exercise, but I was sure He had me doing this for some reason. I noticed all these fabulous mansions and such from all the Scientologist. Then I realized I was in the area the Scientologist owned, and there were a lot of yuppies running about, like prep school kids. So I asked one if he knew where the pierce street garage was. He looked off and said he had no idea....

He seemed overly concerned about something, or nervous. And I remembered how the other kids I’d seen were sorta running about like sneaking and rushing too. So I found the garage the very next block over.... Got my chair, put the journal back and stuck some paper in my camera case. Then I started back to the park. I saw the same guy again walking up the street; so I stopped to tell him where the garage was.... then I asked where Coachman Park was.... Just to see if he would give me good directions....

“Oh you know, over there”

This is not something to be afraid of. This is something we have all worked on for a long hard time.... “when I call him Jesus all things are possible... whenever I call on Jesus to come and rescue me. This is all you ever need to do.”

Yes I understand that. So last night when that really pretty lady came over and danced for me... lol. Course she was actually dancing with her daughter (?) and her daughter was pushing her over to me. I was dancing in my seat clapping with the music. She resisted her daughter, and got more and more powerful into the dance reaching and spinning. All I wanted to do was dance with her, and I could feel their desire for it; but I wouldn’t get up. Her daughter gave up after a bit and she went spinning down to dance behind the crowd infront of me.

“This is when the universe would be shaped by your hand, every day you will be my God... for you are worthy, for you are ever lasting.” Everlasting by George Rowe

I know I was there to bring up the energy. And so I just sat there and grooved to the music. Wow, I hadn’t really thought about this all until now. But the Scientologist were all freaking out because they saw me ride my bike by a hundred times. I mean that freaked me out too, I was convinced it was happening for some reason? But I was still really nervous about riding until late at night, thinking the cops would get me. Evidently they knew about the energy that was coming through this night.

So when I found the park again with my chair on my back, I rode right past the main entrance. There were a bunch of vendor booths and such with people all around. They had a section of the park all roped off and charged $10 to get in. So I rode down the side walk looking at the field in front with all these people, blankets and chairs before the stage in a half circle. By then I got to the other side of the park... where I found another entrance and a cute girl asking about the music and volume for the hotel next door.

Daaa.!!!! She was really cute too, and asking again and again... trying to get all the details of the nights event schedule. Course I never thought it was a perfect time to meet someone??? I was just standing there on top of my bike waiting for them to finish. She got what she needed and thanked the lady and headed off to the hotel.

I asked if there were any bike parking spaces around. She said I could bring my bike with me if I wanted. So I gave her $10 and rode my bike in. I went along the grass to the north corner opposite the vendors in the south. I turned a bit and heard the lady on the microphone giving yoga instructions to connect everyone to their chakras. So I dropped my bike and swung the chair off my back to stand up on the grass then leaned against it, next to me bike.

I pushed deep into the heart chakra facing the peach moon rising to the east. And heard Wendy behind me on stage facing it as well, speak of loves dreams and fulfillment coming there right before our eyes. She went through the throat, third eye and crown chakra’s with me, and then spoke about a lot more.

It was so powerful and intense..... I felt like I was lifting the whole universe up to the moon. So I went through the complete cycle that I start with the chant. She and everyone, I guess; pushed the light up from our hearts, to 3rd eye and to crown, and stopped. So I had to bring it back down into the earth and pull it up again into heaven.

So many things she said where in line with what I was doing. It was really very intense too. I couldn’t believe it. I finished, opened the chair and sat down; then I noticed that everyone was in front of me. Left hand to the moon, right hand to the stage, a tent in the middle with the little sound booth between it and the stage with everyone filled in around it. Little kids were running and playing under the tent. The vendors were about as far from the tent as I was, on opposite sides.

This is good son, you needed to get there and feel it again. It’s important for you to get into this energy and feel what is going on with the people. When you wrote this again you could feel into it a lot more than you had before. But you were very short on the feeling.

Well, it was a live internet broadcast again, along with the harmonic concordance. I guess it was the Harmonic Concordance II. Phil had told me about it. And he was scheduled to be there too. He called up the broadcast and was there over the phone. Several people there spoke on the broadcast as well. It was pretty neat.

This is just the beginning. You need to get more serious about a lot of things before it will go anywhere at all. No worries, be happy. Everything will be exactly as it needs to be.

Are you kidding, there is so much going on here that I can’t keep up with it all. It’s really crazy.... I better get to sleep. It was sponsored by a “community” called Yalaha

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:33:59 PM

I feel brain dead now Too much to do and not really feeling up for it all.

---- Original Message -----
From: erix
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:07 AM

I recently received a forward from this group and found everything very intriguing and familiar. Reading through the site I now have a bunch of links to review and study. However, I feel that you might be more interested in something else I stumbled on this month.

Last week I spoke to a research professor at the local university that I am attending to ask about something that I got in a dream after a near-death experience. She was very interested in what I was proposing and recommended several methods to develop an experiment to test it all through their program

I could really talk about this forever and give you hundreds of links as well. But after my last meeting with the professor she outlined what I needed to do get RESEARCH FUNDING and I've created an interactive website that we can edit to develop this more. So please take a look and feel free to hit the links on the left: this Poem: scroll down a bit it starts: The little child whispered,

Thank you


----- Original Message -----
From: erix
Date: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:50 pm
Subject: Re: I Choose

Hey Valerie,
I love this quote:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change; The courage to
change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Course everything else you wrote are perfect and complete in describing this chaos I see each day... lol... and I LOVE IT, for in Faith and Trust, such marvels unfold before my very eyes

So here are a few other favorite quotes that fit right into this one you gave

There are only two ways to live your life One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is.
~Albert Einstein

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric
To: Dave
Sent: Sunday,October 17, 2004 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: Campbell Creek

Hey Dave;
Finals are done, basic business Economics and Organization classes finished. They were half-semester core classes that I have to take since I've never done business before.

Now I've done this River ever since. What a &%#$ pain this is. We have the data so the more accurate the better. I only have a few more areas to check, as is pointed out below. The 2nd picture is the same area I sent you last time, so you can see exactly what I've done for the whole system.

I should have this is done this week, and then have the river cut out of the storage GIS file so the model is running by next Monday. Sorry to push it another week. But just think; now you can permit all development from Tampa to Plant City. (buy land now!)

Please ask Jennifer to drop a check in the mail for me, invoice attached, did you get the last one?

cc Doug

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric
To: Doug
Sent: Sunday,October 17, 2004 8:08 PM
Subject: Fw: Campbell Creek

Hey Doug...

WOW, what a fucken bitch these is... each little creek section is different sizes and chopped up all over the place... yucko!!!

I thought of asking you for drafting help, but I need to check the model and the GIS and then back to the CAD.... snapping on offset is the easy part. Thank God I have two machines running these three programs here... lol.... or it would take forever!

Not sure if Dave even reads these, so can you check and see if Jennifer can mail me a check again.


Friday, October 15, 2004

Friday, October 15, 2004 3:13:37

Wow numbers again. This place is filled with so much power, and it closes in 2 hours, 5pm. I’ve been feeling like Billy Lee Newman was when I first started college.... I know everyone looks at me. I can see their eyes and feel their reaction. It’s really kinda cool. I even feel the difference in the women and the gay men; who also are often looking. Wow, I really have so much to learn about relating to people. I can feel their reaction to everything that I do. Wow, I felt like I was typing onto the over head screen and everyone here could see and read this every word as I write.

Now I know I need to call some people, SWFWMD, Larson, FEES, Renniks, detective; I have the list on my desk, but couldn’t find it this morning so they can wait another week.

But I know now I need to see and think about how to define this experiment. In the Thursday Group they asked about videotaping. At first reaction I was offended, knowing I would never be comfortable and avoid speaking too much already. But when I thought about the video I realized I needed to get serious about doing this chant and teaching people. I mean I felt how I could “perform” for the Group once and get a reaction form them. And check it on the video, feeling how Olga would react, knowing how I spoke to her about God all the time. I immediately felt how they would love it and want more and more. So my next picture of it all in my mind was like out in the plaza where they have a circle all tiled and set-off. Really neat area and they wanted me to perform again so I started teaching it all. A crowd generated, it felt neat.

Course then I thought how that circle has some fountains I biked and played in, with Emily and Christopher.... lol... so someone’s gonna get me soaked while I chant, like protestors. LOL.... But now I write about it and realized how it would be the perfect experiment for testing this concept of changing DNA. Like the missing link between religion and science. That sounds like exactly what I was speaking to Billy about when I first came here to USF. I remember now the one equation that accounts for all energy and the same relationship with matter..... e=mc2

This is what you need to do. This is what you started
here in the 80’s. The same concepts and ideals. Remember how much fun you had, but you were too busy to take the science research aspects seriously. You were creating and interacting, making things happen. Really important stuff too. But only now are you ready to make this information known and strong and clear.

Too much? It’s been getting to me. I’ve been kinda frustrated with a lot of things, like the ‘Shy Learning Group’ this morning. I guess right now I could be interacting with the cute girl sitting next to me. She’s working on a little Mac notebook, tall and dark, very appealing. She notices every person I look at. There’s really a lot of really pretty girls around here. But all I do is watch and sneeze.... lol. But I’ve really got too many other things to do that I'm really not working too well on now. Course and now another really cute girl sits down outside on a table to eat in front of me. This is all just too weird. She knows I'm watching her, oh she moved now..... lol....

And I hesitate to go home cause I’ve just been getting pissed at Dan all the time. Not like he’s doing anything or not doing. I guess he never seems to have really respected my space. He’s not finished anything that he started. Everything that he’s done has got little defects and problems. He’s really not even conscious about it. And I guess I need to tell him since no one else will. It’s really like intimidating to argue with him. It will always become an argument.

This is only true until you decide otherwise and change it. Remember the power of the truth. What you feel and know as truth inside is so much more powerful than most of what’s on the Earth now. You lost your Ego, you gave it to Christ. It was really a significant conscious effort you made for a very long time. This is something that you haven’t been very conscious of. How did Dave react?

Oh, David was the graduate student I met last week that told me about the Math/genetic stuff. I saw him today in the library again. He was doing some C-programming for a friend’s math project and ended up starting a degree. He was surprised I spoke to the professor. I didn’t notice at first, but then felt his reaction when I said she wrote me an outline and gave me some insights and suggestions. He said she really knows a lot about all of that stuff.

This is exactly what you need. Everything about this process will get easier and stronger every moment. There is a great deal of power in this desire you have. The power is felt by everyone. This is one of the major reasons you attract so much attention. Remember how you learned to suck up all the energy people spill out. When people are lost, with no clear purpose or clarity in their hearts their energy spills out. Everyone is wanting direction and focus from the outside. They need the TV to tell them what to do. It’s really not that bad, but the point is that their energy is not focused. As you feel the power and clarity increase and grow, they are all losing it. There is always the opposites on the Earth, that’s the only way materials work.

So I really need to ask you a lot more about this all don’t I? Do I need to be searching for a lady?

You need to be honest with yourself. You sat next to two different girls today. You spoke to one of them and not the other. You liked and respected one and not the other. If this is going to be a learning experience for you then you need to get more serious about trying things. There are so many people here on campus, you can talk to someone every day and never repeat it. So what if you get embarrassed or never fin what you want. You need to start trying it all. This time it is important, there are a lot of things we’ll need to do, so you better get ready. You know we’ve told you countless times to chant each week, yoga each morning, bike more and exercise. Your going to wish you listed to us.

So how much?

This you wont know until you start. Like your engineering work, you know how much you have to do. And you also know this will impress and create a substantial position for you. However you often allow yourself to feel like you are pissing them off and not getting things done. You know better, and must keep the thoughts clear inside of you before you make it a big mess.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Monday, October 11, 2004 1:35:24 PM

So much more to think about. Dr. Koehler asked for a “lessons learned” paper in his class. We have a final in there tomorrow. Then I had a final today for my economics class, but I plan to take it tomorrow instead, so I could have more time to study. I wrote the Genetic/Math Dr this morning to thank her for the note she sent. And I included a link to the blog I started, course I started another one late last night, since I journal the same way people blog.

Son you are writing up a theory about how consciousness is all connected and then you find out how the internet has developed another tool almost written and customized just for you. Don’t you think you should use it especially if you can show how similar the connections are? Coincidence is only a perception. When the perception is seen over and over again the concept of coincidence doesn’t apply because you discover there is a “cause and effort” relationship demonstrated.

So I need to use these tools given to me to demonstrate how much we do control and how little “coincidence” actually exists at all.

You are making progress. Just started, but making progress. You will find how easy things fall together as you get more serious about making things happen.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Sunday, October 10, 2004 9:05:49 PM

So I’ve been sitting here in my room reading and writing for a few days now. Things are really kinda weird, like at church this morning I really felt kinda insulted by the whole thing. So I went home after the first service. I usually stay for the first and second service to sing. But it just didn’t feel right. I almost left before the first one ended. I wanted to ask jerry about the videos. Like he had just done this “once upon a time” story that would have been a good video. I guess now that I write and think more about it; I feel almost arrogant about it.

That was weird too. I'm not sure how I felt. But then when I turned on my truck to leave, the song on the radio was the same song they sang at the closing. So now on the radio here “are you God’s servant just when it’s convenient for you?”

So now I know I need to chant more, and that I haven’t in a few days.

This is what you need to know son. There is a great deal coming together here again and you need to get busy with it all. Stop fear. Thank God for this. Get serious about it all. How excited were you about the response from the Genetic/Math Dr. But you never replied. It’s all just waiting for you to get serious about it all

BLOG: playing all the time loving our Blessed Lord Jesus, learning, growing, loving, De'ja Vu every moment, coincident synchronistic Christ synergy with everything.... wow, what a ride seeing all of nature and creation opened up to me
How much?
This is really a lot more than you might expect or understand. There is really a great deal going on here and this wont be done until you get more serious about it. You know this truth completely, and that’s why you must be pushing it all so very much.

How much?
This is what you need to do son. There you have everything you ever could imagine and these people have no clue what you are doing.... “Jesus is alive in us” by Al
