Friday, June 02, 2006

From Russia with Love

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's up
I came in here to start to write, but then thought about the date and some Collegic Inventors Competition. So I submitted it. I can feel like it's been accepted already. I mean, it's like I had a dream about it before. I remember showing up to get the prize and finding out what they usually get as submittals. Something about past years being a waste of time. While this year was a real challenge, especially since I submitted an actual patent, not just an idea.

What where you going to write about?
I thought about how this is simply Mind & Body connected as one. Something that is valid and applies to everything while everyone tries to understand some interpretation of it. I guess I'm still not having any success explaining myself. Everyone seems to catch some aspect and that's it. Course I just go along, if that's what they understand, so be it. Not my problem to push all the rest, maybe that's all they are ready for.
What do you want to get done?
I know I need to get stronger about things or I'll never get anything done.
What else happened today?
I got this email from some Russian girl. It was almost funny, like I get countless pieces of junk mail, selling stock, winning lotteries, lost relatives trying to give me money, hundreds of singles services, drug companies and mortgages you name it. It's really bizarre that I ever look at any of them.

Any way this girl has this plan to come to the states to find someone to marry. She wants out of Russia, and set up a month Visa to work, hoping to find someone. She describes how some friend did it, and bla bla bla... yea sure, whatever. Course she has pictures attached. Usually these porn scams send you to a website where you get a virus or something stupid to sign up for before you see anyone . . . lol. . .

But then I opened these pictures and she looks like the Pocahontas Picture on my wall??? Then I remember countless times Virato told me about his Russian Wife and how they are just desperate to come to the USA.

Then I reread the message. And I just wrote a note myself. Once in a while I get bored and respond to some girls personal ad. Never anything too serious. But I thought about it and wrote a real response finally. I mean Suzy got me thinking about what I really want a even PRAYING for her.

Now I got this message and realized that it could be exactly what I prayed for. I mean even like the picture on my wall! Why Not? God always gives us what we are ready for. . . . Especially if we ask for it. So WHY NOT, if God wants me to be happy and in Love again . . . or If I REALLY want that and get serious about it... WHY NOT, so it pops up in my email, and someone drops in to visit next week.

I mean I've had that happen a bunch of times. . . Suzy, Rowan, Virato. . . lol. . . wow lots of other people too.

So maybe I've finally caught up on all my dreams and getting them DONE! Like I told you this dream last week... lol... this week! Where I was talking to the city about builbing the transit system. Sounds like the time has come. . . . lol. . . . Course I know everything is just too much aleady for me, so why not do more!!!

So all day these pictures were flashing into my mind . . . Like KNOWING I get what I want. Even if it was just a spam email, it really felt good just to remember how God works in his mysterious ways and maybe He found me the girl I need; like HE ALWAYS does. lo. ;-D)))

LOL.... like just today I was going to some med-school conference, and as I walked out I saw Dr. Balfour all stressed. He says Connie was in the Hospital and he had to find some help. So I said I was going to he Med School and could drop in on Michelle and see if she can help. HE was THRILLED. Course I had no idea whether she would be there.

So when I got to Cecile's office, they were all having a team meeting, so Michele was there too. Course we all chatted a bit, and Cecile asked if I could help her with her digital recorder again. . . . Yea sure. . . I never saw Michel make it over there, but I rushed out too. Maybe tomorrow.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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