Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Consumers | Laws and Regulations - english | Legislation | Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Consumers | Laws and Regulations - english | Legislation | Ministry of Justice and Human Rights: "Section II. Supervision of Unfair Commercial Practices

Art. 5

It is not permissible to do anything which is in conflict with good commercial practices in business operations as these are practiced or something which is contrary to consumers’ interests.

Art. 6

It is not permissible to grant incorrect, unsatisfactory or misleading information in advertisements or in another manner or to apply other such commercial practices of a similar nature, provided that this information and commercial practices be likely to influence demand or supply of goods, real estate, services or other objects being offered for professional activities covered by the present Act.

Advertisements and other business methods shall not be unreasonable vis-à-vis competitors or consumers due to the form thereof or owing to reference to unconcerned issues.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Solstice Initiation

The Solstice Initiation: "his is contained within us as dormant Great Central Sun encodement within the body’s crystalline structures particularly within the DNA, the bones, the brain and the blood.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

The Solstice Initiation

The Solstice Initiation: "Deeper and much swifter processes of personality transfiguration will continue for those who have mastered the emotional body and are now prepared to undergo quantum life shift in order to selflessly serve the Divine Will and Purpose of the evolutionary plan for Earth’s incoming Golden Age.

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Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 17, 2010

the next 20 YEARS begins a New Flight...

now4u2: "So you will feel more optimistic,
more hopeful,
more fearless,
more courageous,
more ambitious?

Something has shifted inside you.
What is it?

This is part of your rebirth
You recalibration process
it is going on through out this entire universe.

Everything is in tune,
So stay tuned,
It is another awakening
scheduled when Uranus in Pisces goes direct December 5.

with Mercury Retrograde - December 10-30
this FULL power will be buffered for 20 days
before the next 20 YEARS begins a New Flight...
So you will feel more optimistic,
more hopeful,
more fearless,
more courageous,
more ambitious?

Something has shifted inside you.
What is it?

This is part of your rebirth
You recalibration process
it is going on through out this entire universe.

Everything is in tune,
So stay tuned,
It is another awakening
scheduled when Uranus in Pisces goes direct December 5.

with Mercury Retrograde - December 10-30,
this FULL power will be buffered for 20 days
before the next 20 YEARS begins a New Flight...

here and now
Posted by stars2man at 12:17 AM - Sent using Google Toolbar"

So I'm half way through this time of quiets.. 12/16/10 6:00 PM
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What do you really feel as you are seeing countless things coming together right here before your eyes. C C, D J. . . all aspects of the truth that you carry and understand to such extreme fantasies you have seen since conception. No one has seen the depth that we see and share every day. Constantly you FLASH into new creations, expressions of love. People catch tiny little glimpses as do you, while yours can be nearly constant. Being in the middle between these worlds is an endless challenge for you. no Fear son, NO worries! You can Do anything. Remember it's all your dream. You created it all. It is now just the Little Red Dot and White Dot coming together to fulfill it now.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! Please fill me with you Strength Love and Wisdom so we may grow to Fulfill Heaven on Earth.
What is really so incredible beyond all these other things is how much there really is together in this one place for you. Everyone around you radiates at such a high level that no one can fear anything. It's all about love creation and expression. People have been waiting and dreaming of these things for years. No one can step up and make it happen until you are ready to design - and build it all. People need a leader with power and passions in the truth. Not lost in fears and insecurities. No Fear Son. no Worries. It's all coming into Being beyond your fantasies.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word.... How can I get more clear into the truth of your Power!
We are always staying with you and saying how the Rituals are part of who you are. The natural process you have evolved with. It's something you can feel and understand always clear in the truth of your passions. Pieces will come together and create more and more every moment you are fearless in LOVE!
Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.. . . I Love You Lord Jesus, I Love You Lord Jesus, I Love You Lord Jesus, I love you Jesus
What this is really all about is getting into the power and truth of love that we are. Everyone. All of us. NO FEAR! Just do it! It's about loving who you are and TRUSTING your own instinct. All the time! Even with others. You are all connected. There is only one sub-conscious. We are all there all the time. While many of you still come and go
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for this day spirit, thank you for this day... Thank you for this day spirit, thank you for this day... Thank you for this day spirit, thank you for this day... this beautiful this beautiful day... this beautiful this beautiful day... Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 8.59am 12/17/10

Thursday, December 02, 2010

three planets will go direct

Zest2Zeal : Message: Fw: [NMBeing] NMB #175 - SCORPIO - DEATH AND REBIRTH: "Venus and Jupiter Turn Direct - November 18

An intensification of energy happens when a planet turns retrograde or direct. Like a focalized beam, the energy associated with the planet and the zodiac archetype penetrates into our collective and individual consciousness. Soon three planets will go direct, during which time their energies will act as spot lights to beam truth into our consciousness.

Both Venus (was in Scorpio, now at 28 degrees Libra) and Jupiter (in Pisces) go direct November 18. Mark November 17-19 on your calendar and be aware of what you feel. Do you feel clearer, more ready to move forward, more honest about what you really want, more connected to your heart? Do you feel more optimistic, more hopeful, less afraid, more courageous? Something has shifted inside you. What is it? This is part of your rebirth and recalibration process. Stay tuned to yourself. Another awakening is scheduled when Uranus in Pisces goes direct December 5.

Mercury Retrograde - December 10-30

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Ancestral Healing - DNA Repair | Humanity Healing Network

Ancestral Healing - DNA Repair | Humanity Healing Network:

Ancestral Healing, Part 2

“In the beginning of creation, when God made the heavens and earth, and earth was without form and void, with darkness over the face of the abyss…”
~ Genesis 1

The first phrase of the Bible explains itself through the understanding of God’s act of Creation: out of the ever-existing essence of space, the twofold energy formed the double heaven.

Our first pair of DNA is known as our Backbone DNA. This pair is responsible for the physical aspects of the human body. They direct our genetic patterning and physical predispositions. Our Backbone DNA denotes the inclination we have as individual to certain conditions such as aging, health, metabolism and general life structure. These also are responsible for the external characteristics one has, such as color of the hair, skin, etc.

The Backbone DNA determines what is given to us through our bloodlines: our ancestral line. Stored in this double helix are the information, the expectations, the dreams, goals and soul programming of the ones that came before us. It is also recorded their failures and successes. This is an important piece of information and may be the reason why so many of the ancient traditions and schools of Wisdom emphasize the necessity of the cultivation, healing and redemption of our lineages.

There are many individuals today that claim that the existing human form is a distortion of the original DNA and that this distortion was done by evil entities. Frankly, this is of no use and to continue the blame game only perpetuates the dance of the light and shadows. We reaffirm the importance to cleanse and release blockages that were in a way imposed on us and that were accepted passively, since we had no choice but to do so as we entered this physical existence and were in a need of a physical vehicle in which to experience duality.

Many of this cleansing and integration is done in an involuntary and unconscious way, but it take up a diverse range of life experiences, and often many incarnations, to be fully cleared up.

The voluntarily and fully realized spiritual work done on our ancestral lineage can greatly improve our capabilities and the ability to fully absorb the incoming energies of the shift, facilitating ascension, and at the same time “turn on our matrix system” to operate on a higher level of vibration. When this is done, the karmic residues, stagnated energies of old contracts and dense energies of basic fears and feelings such as guilt, unforgiveness and resentments can get released and healed permanently. There is no way one can ascend without visiting the ancestral wounds of the past.

The entire objective of the development of a spiritual life is the amplification of our levels of consciousness, the possibility to absorb more efficiently the different light codes bestowed upon us through the Law of Grace, and to be self-realized on the different planes we operate as multi-dimensional beings.

Dr. Sinatra Earthing--Seven Frequently Asked Questions | Dr Stephen Sinatra

Dr. Sinatra Earthing--Seven Frequently Asked Questions | Dr Stephen Sinatra: "Seven Frequently Asked Questions About Earthing

Seven Frequently Asked Questions About Earthing

Here are some common questions about Earthing, and answers that will help you put Earthing to work in your life.

1. What is Earthing?

Earthing is the simple practice of “grounding” yourself—that is, reconnecting your body to the natural electrical field in the Earth’s surface—and restoring the body’s innate electrical balance. Studies show that Earthing generates significant health benefits by creating a stable internal electrical environment. This environment promotes proper functioning of the body’s self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms. Earthing is shaping up to be a requirement for good health, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

2. Who uses Earthing?

Earthing is for everyone: men, women and children; young and old; athletes and those less fit. The results are extraordinary. There are no health conditions that prevent you from using Earthing to improve your health.

3. What happens when you’re grounded?

Your body becomes suffused with negatively charged free electrons, which are abundantly present in the Earth’s surface. As a result, your body’s electrical level becomes equal to that of the Earth itself.

4. What does being grounded feel like?

Earthing may create a warm tingling sensation, as well as feelings of ease and well-being. You will not feel a shock, and in no way are you being electrocuted or put at risk of electrocution. Earthing is among the safest natural therapies you can use.

5. What health conditions can Earthing improve?

Earthing produces many health benefits. Here’s a brief summary:
• Defuses inflammation, which speeds healing and improves or eliminates symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.
• Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.
• Improves sleep.
• Increases energy.
• Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by moderating nervous system activity and stress hormone secretion.
• Thins blood and improves blood pressure and circulation.
• Relieves muscle tension.
• Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
• Improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems.
• Reduces or eliminates jet lag.
• Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
• Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity.

6. How long does it take to get results?

Earthing can produce results in as little as an hour, sometimes even less. The amount of long-term relief—and the speed in which it’s realized—vary depending on what condition is involved.
It is important here to note that Earthing’s best results come with regular use. Do not to give up on the practice if you don’t notice immediate changes.

7. How should I start using this therapy?

Earthing is easy. Simply go barefoot outside if conditions allow, as I do with my dogs on an almost daily basis. Just 40 minutes a day can make a difference in the amount of pain you feel. Grass, sand, dirt, and concrete are conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s electrons. Wood and vinyl are not conductive. If going barefoot outside isn’t realistic for you at certain times of year, a warm basement with a concrete floor will also work. Sit there and read or just relax, with your bare feet resting on the ground.
There are also special pads that will help you stay grounded as you sit, work, or sleep. They’re connected to the Earth through a grounding wire and plug that fits into a standard three-pronged electrical outlet.

Incorporating Earthing as much as possible into your life will generate significant healing benefits. I’m confident that you will be just as amazed as I have been.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to Talk to a Ghost — Higher Balance Institute

How to Talk to a Ghost — Higher Balance Institute: "How to Talk to a Ghost

October 26th, 2010 | Higher Balance News

In most cases we try to communicate with ghosts in the same way that we would talk to a neighbor. Many of us have learned this from Hollywood movies and television shows. Characters speak with ghosts in the same way that you would speak to a friend: with verbal communication. You will often hear phrases like: ‘Give me a sign!’ or ‘Who are you?’ or ‘What do you want from me?’

So why doesn’t this really work as a way to communicate with ghosts? When we verbalize a question to a ghost, we are assuming that they have ears to hear us with and vocal chords to respond with. But ghosts do not have physical bodies. The five senses we utilize do not apply to them. Ghosts speak a different language.

The Universal Language

Emotion is the Universal language. We receive messages through emotion all the time, but we rarely recognize it. The messages we receive are interpreted by the brain and become the thoughts and words that run through our heads.

If a ghost has a developed level of consciousness, it is able to project specific ‘messages’ or emotions to us. If the ghost projects a negative emotion, we may become scared. Alternatively, if the ghost projects a positive emotion, we may feel comforted or happy.

Obviously, that is a very general overview of how ghosts communicate with us. Human emotions range from joy to sadness to anger to envy and all the emotions in between. Emotions can become very complex, so it will take practice to fully understand what messages the ghost is sending you.

Verbal vs. Emotional Communication

Now we understand how ghosts communicate with us. But how do we communicate with a ghost? Often what people try to do is as a question verbally, such as ‘Who are you?’

To communicate this using the language of emotion, the language that can be understood by ghosts, you must take the feeling of the question and broadcast that out. We often broadcast emotions, but seldom do it intentionally. For example, haven’t you ever seen someone and just known that they are a happy, bubbly person? You know because they are broadcasting that emotion and you are picking up on it.

Steps Needed to Form an Emotional Sentence

Sit down and clear your mind. Now think of the question you want to ask the ghost. ‘Who are you? What do you want?’ Focus on the feeling behind the question.

If you have trouble with this practice with more concrete emotions. For example, what does joy feel like? Now what does anticipation feel like? Pay close attention to the feelings in your chest and how the feeling is different for different emotions. Now go back to your question. What is the feeling behind your question?

Once you have the feeling behind your question, exhale and imagine projecting that feeling outward.

Learn to Listen to this New Language

You do not speak to ghosts using verbal language and you don’t listen to them with verbal though if you want to get the full and correct message. So how do you know what the ghost is communicating?

Listen by entering a state of non-thought. You may be thinking, how do I not think? Is that even possible?

Non-thought is not a state of not thinking, it is a mental state of thinking without words. When the constant stream of chatter in your head, what is sometimes called the Babbler, stops you will be able to pay attention to the more subtle forms of communication that you were not even aware of before: the language of emotion.

How to Listen in Non-thought

Sit down in a chair or on the floor. You want to be comfortable, but not so comfortable you fall asleep. Choose a location where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes. Eventually, you will be able to go into a state of non-thought at will, even with a lot of activity, but for now, we will start slow.

Take several deep breaths. Focus on the breath as you breath in and out. When you breath out imagine all of the negative emotions and worry leaving your body.

Focus on your breathing to keep your mind clear.

Now that your mind is clear, pay attention to what you are feeling around you. It is important to notice the feeling, but try not to analyze it or talk about it in your head.

Don’t be too hard on yourself! If you catch yourself talking in your head, simply take a breath to release the thoughts and begin again.

Interactions with ghosts and entities become possible as you master these new skills. As you develop the ability to enter non-thought at will and to create and project emotion, you will find that the possibilities for communication and learning are limitless.

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#1 Eric R Weaver on 11.20.10 at 11:43 am

Using this as with other techniques takes practice. I have found that as we increase in vibration “ghosts” are smart enough to STAY AWAY from us. So try this with Plants and Animals, the same methods work. To make it stronger, feel your emotional vibrations go down through the Earth to get to them… Both Plants and Animals will respond more then. I find it fun to do this while driving since Trees carry so much with all the big root masses tied into wetlands and mountains. You will find how much different they are based on the ground they sit in… and also find they LOVE the contact since people forgot this, so they will get really chattery… ;-) enjoy, erw

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Awakening the World One Mind at a Time — Higher Balance Institute

Awakening the World One Mind at a Time — Higher Balance Institute: "The sixth sense is the bridge to dimensional consciousness and will provide you with concrete feedback and progress to get you through the winter months.

1. Practice psychic readings

This is a fun way to exercise your sixth sense and get out of the house! Go to a local coffee shop and practice psychic readings. Make a list of questions before you head out to make it easier to get started. Choose a person who looks like they will be sitting still for a few minutes and quickly answer all the questions on your sheet based on your first impression or feeling of the person.

When you approach the person to check your accuracy, say something like, “Hi, I’m not a psychic but I’m doing some research on the existence of psychic abilities, but I was wondering if you could look over my answers and see if I got anything correct?”

This takes the pressure off so you can have fun with it. Be sure to mark every correct or even partially correct answer as a hit. You will be amazed at how quickly you accuracy improves.

2. Investigate a haunted house

Most hauntings are reported in the winter months when the sun begins to hide behind clouds and the weather becomes damp and cold. Do some research on your town. Where are the notorious haunted locations? Winter is the ideal time to check them out.

Be respectful of rules and personal property. Don’t break in after hours or trespass on private property for the sake of your investigation. On the other hand, if it is a hotel or other public business, don’t be shy about asking to take a look around.

3. Assimilation

Practice your assimilation skills to expand your perceptions. We all tend to see things from a very human perspective. When you reach higher states of consciousness, you lose a lot of data because you have to bring that data down and process it through your human mind. Practicing assimilation will enhance your sixth sense and teach you a new language, the language of energy.

Assimilating animals is an easy and fun way to get started. Animals have the same five senses as humans, but they utilize their sensory differently than humans. For example, bats navigate and locate insects using sound. Cats can see in almost complete darkness. And butterflies have taste receptors on their feet. How does it feel to have different sensory?

4. Play cards

This is a fun way to improve your sixth sense on a snowy day. Shuffle a deck of cards and hold the deck face down. Now, try to sense whether the card on top of the deck is red or black. Go with your first instinct. Flip it over. Then make one pile of cards for correct guesses and one pile for incorrect guesses and see what your percentage is. When you practice with this, you will find that the number of cards that you “guess” correctly increases. This is a great way to visually see the effectiveness of your Sixth Sense.

When this becomes easy for you, increase the difficulty by trying to sense the suit of the card: hearts, diamonds, spades or clubs.

These exercises will help you get through the winter slump. Use them to keep up your spirituality and by the time spring arrives and prana once again reaches out for you, you will be surprised by how much you have advanced spiritually.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wow... here we go...

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you trying to do?
I just wanted to get this conversation going again.
Where do you want to go with it?

I'm perplexed a bit, since I realize that everything has finally come together at some level totally beyond comprehension.  I'm really in the exact same place I have always been, everything else has just shifted.  I'm writing crazy emails to lots of people, where I seem to be stirring things up.  What's really funny about it all is how little I do at all, simply being in the right place at the right time; and watching what develops. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

USF-class : Innovation Creation Team

USF-class : Innovation Creation Team:

Mission Statement:

The mission of Innovation Creation is to improve the current patenting and licensing of innovations and ideas processed at the University of South Florida. Through the improvement of this process, the new process will allow the patent holders to create small business ventures that will encourage the innovations of others. Innovation Creation has the current process for patent development and plans to present significant improvements to this process in the form of a presentation in the near future.


USA PatentsWorld PatentsFederal GrantsUSF Patent ApplicationsUSF Patents

Business PlansResearch DataVC LibraryJob DescriptionsTerms Sheets

USF Patent OfficeUSF Research

Message History







Group Email Addresses

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tips for beginning gardener

WAPFTampaBay : Message: Re: [WAPFTampaBay] Tips for beginning gardener:

For a great immediate guide to what to grow right now (and although it's cold outside, there are tons of winter crops to grow). I would recommend getting some organic seedlings from just about any health food store. Typically, I've seen most of them carry herbs and tomatoes. Growing from seed is pretty tough and tomatoes are especially tough if you are just starting out - but, don't take that the wrong way! TRY EVERYTHING!

In the community garden, we're growing sweet potatoes, lettuces, chards, herbs, tomatoes, beans, sugar snap peas.

The extension service is a great online source: http://hillsborough.extension.ufl.edu/HomeGardening/HomeGardening.html They have an online guide to what to grow now. Every seed pack you purchase will show the time of year to plant and how much space you'll need. With a small plot, you will want to plan out that space well so the plants aren't fighting each other to produce food.

One thing I will recommend is: stay organic. The poisons created for pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers can all be avoided by keeping your food organic. Making a healthier you and a healthier earth.

We (the community gardeners) get our seeds from Seeds of Change http://www.seedsofchange.com/, and from vendors at Sweetwater Farms http://www.sweetwater-organic.org/ like Willow the Herbalist. Willow is not online - but, I can give you her number if you would like it. The Lotus Pond (community garden at 6201 Lynn Rd, Tampa 33625 961-3160) might have seeds/plants to exchange.

Once you start poking around for sources of organic plants, supplies (like Worm's Way http://www.wormsway.com) and the like, you will see just how much support and interest is out there for good healthy food, and getting back to understanding and knowing our food and how important it is to keep it organic.

Like one other respondent said: It's a Great Adventure!


Tips for beginning gardener

WAPFTampaBay : Message: Re: Tips for beginning gardener:
Tips for beginning gardener

The Central Florida Barefoot Garden Group is dedicated to sharing experiences in this area for natural, sustainable, organic, biodynamic practices in gardening.

They have a yahoo group to share info, a website (in serious need of upgrading and updating but useful for now), a facebook page and various members offer all kinds of classes on the subject!

Love hearing about so many people wanting to grow their own. It's absolutely the best!

Peg, Barefoot Gardener

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Year Ahead: 2011 - Mid Point of Trinity Triad | Evolve - The Human Experience

The Year Ahead: 2011 - Mid Point of Trinity Triad | Evolve - The Human Experience: "Masters, it is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you. Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones, your ability to hold greater light embellishes you ability to express love. Love that begins with Self.

You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so important in these Ascending times. You all have within you the power of God, and we call upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to wash over you. It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in this new energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Mark of the Beast" Bible's John Chapter 13, Verses 16-18

Wal-Mart plan to use smart tags raises privacy concerns - USATODAY.com:

In an a attempt to better manage inventory, Wal-mart plans to use electronic identification tags on merchandise.
By Lisa Poole, AP
In an a attempt to better manage inventory, Wal-mart plans to use electronic identification tags on merchandise.

NEW YORK — Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) is putting electronic identification tags on men's clothing like jeans starting Aug. 1 as the world's largest retailer tries to gain more control of its inventory. But the move is raising eyebrows among privacy experts.

The individual garments, which also includes underwear and socks, will have removable smart tags that can be read from a distance by Wal-Mart workers with scanners. In seconds, the worker will be able to know what sizes are missing and will also be able tell what it has on hand in the stock room. Such instant knowledge will allow store clerks to have the right sizes on hand when shoppers need them.

The tags work by reflecting a weak radio signal to identify the product. They have long spurred privacy fears as well as visions of stores being able to scan an entire shopping cart of items at one time.

Wal-Mart's goal is to eventually expand the tags to other types of merchandise but company officials say it's too early to give estimates on how long that will take.

"There are so many significant benefits in knowing how to better manage inventory and better serve customers," said Lorenzo Lopez, a Wal-Mart spokesman. "This will enhance the shopping experience and help us grow our business."

Before the rollout, Wal-Mart and other stores were using the tags, called radio frequency identification tags, only to track pallets or cases of merchandise in their warehouses. But now the tags are jumping onto individual items, a move that some privacy experts describe as frightening.

Wal-Mart, which generated annual revenue of a little more than $400 billion in its latest fiscal year and operates almost 4,000 stores, has huge influence with suppliers. That makes other merchants tend to follow its lead.

"This is a first piece of a very large and very frightening tracking system," said Katherine Albrecht, director of a group called Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering.

Albrecht worries that Wal-Mart and others would be able to track movements of customers who in some border states like Michigan and Washington are carrying new driver's licenses that contain RFID tags to make it easier for them to cross borders.

Albrecht fears that retailers could scan data from such licenses and their purchases and combine that data with other personal information. She also says that even though the smart tags can be removed from clothing, they can't be turned off and can be tracked even after you throw them in the garbage, for example.

Wal-Mart officials said they are aware of privacy concerns but insist they are taking a "thoughtful and methodical approach."

Dan Fogelman, a Wal-Mart spokesman said that the smart label doesn't collect customer information.

"Wal-Mart is using it strictly to manage inventory. The customer is in complete control," he said. Fogelman added that Wal-Mart's readers identify only inventory it has in the store.

To placate privacy concerns, Wal-Mart, which is financing some of the suppliers' costs, is asking vendors to embed the smart tags in removable labels and not embed them in clothing.

Wal-Mart plans to educate customers with the new program through in-store videos and through signs posted in the stores that educate customers about the program.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

View Is Bleaker Than Official Portrayal of War in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

And you thought you had seen everything!!!

Well if this gets noticed they will NUKE someone so that everyone can fight and scream about that while this gets pushed under the carpet....
Hang on tight folks

View Is Bleaker Than Official Portrayal of War in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com: "Map
The Conflict in Afghanistan

* 1979 The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. Mujahedeen — Islamic fighters — from across the globe, including Osama bin Laden, come to fight Soviet forces.
* 1989 Last Soviet troops leave Afghanistan.
* 1996 The Taliban take control of Afghanistan, imposing fundamentalist Islamic law. Mr. bin Laden takes refuge in the country.
* Sept. 2001 After the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush gives the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden; the Taliban refuse, and in October the U.S. leads a campaign that drives the Taliban out of major Afghan cities by the end of the year.
* 2002 Hamid Karzai becomes interim president of Afghanistan. The Taliban continue to wage guerrilla warfare near the border with Pakistan.
* 2004 New constitution is ratified, making Afghanistan an Islamic state with a strong president. Later, Mr. Karzai wins the country’s first presidential election.
* Feb. 2009 President Obama orders 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.
* Aug. 2009 President Karzai wins re-election in a vote marred by fraud.
* Dec. 2009 President Obama issues orders to send 30,000 troops in 2010, bringing the total American force to about 100,000.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What now?
I am slowly being convinced that Cancer really does not exist at all.  Cell grow in our bodies all the time.  Bad cells or cancerous cells, simply pop up all the time.  So radiation and chemotherapy that destroys our immune cells, opens the door for cancer to grow and expand out of control. . . Then surgical treatments totally disrupt and impact the whole body, compromising it again for better cancer growth.
What would you define cancer as then?
It is really a simple way to make money.  Industry found a test to determine a disease that filled people with fear.  Fear expanded the disease, as did all the treatments they supported.  We all have an immune system that beats cancer - - - until the doctor gets involved and impacts the immune system for cancer to grow out of control.  Course bad-cells come up all the time, and tumors are simply collections of these cells.  My feeling is that any time we repress things, or indulge in bad thoughts or behaviors we are creating cancer.  People would then suppose that evil people should be more prone to cancer.
What do you think about this?
It's that evil people usually do not regret, do not repress evil feelings and emotions.  But actually dump them out into the world to pollute and destroy others so they never have the cancerous effects on themselves  !
What did you envision now?
I felt how the universe is changing and the energy is increasing more and more here on earth.  So I felt how we would get the result of the evil feelings and expressions back on us faster and faster.  Thus the evil in the world will start to self-emplode and destroy itself more and more.  The Earth would clean itself as the energy of mankind increase to such a vibration where evil was an end onto itself.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing Your Word and Light with me, Amen!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bring Your Own Bike To Tampa Bay

 University of South Florida Bicycle Club President Jessica Brenner. - Julie Busch

BYOB: Bring Your Own Bike To Tampa Bay

Eager to take in the vast array of scenery the Tampa Bay region has to offer? With so many options, you might have a hard time deciding where to begin. Fortunately, a few of Tampa's most avid cyclers have some suggestions.

Bicycling safety instructor Sharon Monahan takes advantage of light early morning traffic to ride around her Lake Keen neighborhood with her 3-year-old daughter secure in a trailer hitch.

Monahan, a bicycle rider with 25 years of experience, moved from Milwaukee in 1992 and looked forward to taking advantage of Florida's year-round riding weather.

Penn's Cycling School, started last year, is a way for Monahan to provide safety workshops and to introduce kids into recreational riding. She hopes to create another program by the end of the summer called Teenspeed -- a weekly class suited for the 10-18 age range.

The forthcoming class is just another sign of the lifestyle changes young adults are making to improve not only their health, but their Earth.

University of South Florida Bicycle Club President Jessica Brenner wasn't always one of those adults.

"I was lazy," she says, "and I never had a reason not to drive to campus."

But she found herself in a predicament during the summer of 2009 when her car broke down.

"I couldn't afford a new car, so I found a bike," Brenner says.

Relying on a new mode of transportation proved to be a humbling and sweaty experience, but she's grown to love her two wheels.

"It's nice to be self-reliant," she admits. "People are always offering me rides, but I'd rather use my bike."

Members of the Bicycling Club -- resurrected last year when Brenner decided to take on the role of club president -- are hoping more students get the itch for cycling when the club finishes creating a bicycle map highlighting the best surrounding paths for riders.

The map will cover USF's campus and include areas as far south as Busch Boulevard, and  north to cycling hotspot Flatwoods Park and out to I-275 and I-75.

"We want to show students which roads are good to get to the mall, grocery store and other local businesses in the area," she says.

Upon its completion, she hopes that businesses will install extra bike racks, provided by the club, outside their doors to entice cycling customers.

But students should know they aren't limited to the area surrounding the university's campus, according to Bike Club and USF Cycling Team member Michael Suver.

"We'll carpool from USF to the athletic center ballpark near downtown San Antonio," he says. "We meet there with a group of 50, maybe 60 people."

While Hillsborough has family-friendly Flatwoods Park, a 7-mile one-way loop, northeast Pasco County around Dade City and San Antonio is loved by cyclists like Monahan and Suver for its hilly terrain.

Riding Out Of Town

Head farther north to Hernando County and west to Pinellas County, and you'll find an even greater variety of options including the Withlacoochee TrailSuncoast State Trail and the Pinellas Trail.

If you're looking for scenic views and shaded areas, these are the places to check out, according to Alan Snel, director of South West Florida Bicycle United Dealers (SWFBUD) and co-founder of the Seminole Heights Bicycle Club.

"The Pinellas Trail is a big favorite -- it's a classic Rails-to-Trails venue," he says.

Washington D.C-based Rails-to-Trails is a nonprofit organization devoted to turning former railways into pathways for cyclists and pedestrians.

The Pinellas Trail, opened in 1991, spans 47 miles from Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg.

"You can connect to it from different neighborhoods and even turn out and head out to the Gulf through various roads," he suggests.

If you're brave enough to get even closer to the water, Snel suggests biking over the Courtney Campbell Causeway on the side roads.

"The span on the causeway has a shoulder of about 4 feet and it's a bit unsettling with traffic," he warns. "But if you ride the side road you get incredible access to the water."

If you're looking to get to Downtown Tampa by bicycle from the north, consider the surprisingly efficient route of Nebraska Avenue, which Snel points out is practical despite being less aesthetic and having a seamy reputation.

Brenner and the Bike Club are partial to Florida Avenue when heading downtown, including trips to the new Tampa Art Museum on the Hillsborough River.

Hub Grub: Eating And Riding

Getting there can also take you through Seminole Heights, a neighborhood known for its shaded streets, historical architecture and an abundance of local businesses. The neighborhood was the scene last spring for popular bicycling events Snel organizes and dubs Hub Grubs.

"It was like riding through Portland -- the bicycles went as far as the eye could see," Snel beams. "I think it was a watershed moment for the Tampa Bay area."

The first Hub Grub in February attracted 120 cyclists, including Tampa Police Chief Jane Castor. Bicyclists arrived from USF, South Tampa, St. Petersburg and the Seminole Heights Bike Club, and stopped at neighborhood restaurants The Refinery and Gluten-free bakery Viitals along the way for complimentary food and drink.

Snel says events like this are emblematic of what the bike club is all about. They inspire people to get on a bicycle for the first time and bring together a group of bicyclists with different skills and backgrounds to connect with businesses in their neighborhood.

"We look at bicycling as a fun, efficient way of transportation that makes you closer to the community you live in."

Matt Spencer, a University of South Florida grad, is a native Floridian who enjoys sharing his love for Patty Griffin, browsing produce stands, spending hours in record shops and gawking at the ice cream selection in grocery stores. Comments? Contact 83 Degrees

Sunday, July 04, 2010

this is getting weird

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I was reading my homework for class on tuesday, and it was about how the Medical Industry using IT to get more competitive.  Whatever, boring!  But then I remembered this movie we watched today.
What happened?
It was hot and muggy, but I left the windows open as I could see the thunderstorms coming!  No big deal the rain was sorta off and on, and I felt like the cool air with the storm would be better than turning on the AC that never really reached the back room where we were watching this movie anyway.
What happened?
It finally burst open and I could feel the lightning strikes right there next to us, right on top of me!  Wow, big strong bursts, more power than I had seen in years.  Burst again and again.  Then I said to Kim what was happening in the movie, and I knew I would have to go back and see what it was all about.
go on . . .  What
I then asked her at the end of the movie and she didn't remember. . . course then I said it was right before the DVD scipped.  Of course after a few blasts of lightning right in my face. . . the DVD jerked around, skipped a bit and such....
What do you mean in your face?
I guess it's like welding - - which we talked about tonight too!  11:03pm....  The bright light in your eyes that sparks so strong and you know it's there with you... there for you.  There real and strong...
What happened now...
I looked at the clock and then stopped writing, and read what was there to Kim as she just reached over rubbing my bare leg here in our bed....  Funny, I read each phrase of three words to her. . . starting at the end, reading the last three...  then the next to last set of three words; and back 3 more....Course we talked about welding something for my truck today, so the spark was on my mind again.  Something really cool and simple to pick up rainroad ties...
What about the sparks...
It was really strong!  Scared me a few times, knowing how things blow around here for me all the time.
What about the movie
I asked Kim about it and we both knew what the scene was where the DVD jumped.... so all I had to do was look up the script and find out what was being said before it jumped....
What did you feel when you read it...
I had rabbits on my mind....  like Alice running through Wonderland, as it happened on Easter Sunday and Atlantis came back . . .  which replaced Our Father On Easter Sunday. . . . wow, what's this all about.
What do you think....  You always knew you were protected.  That no one could get close to you and the fingers could blast them.  Like you've said about the Ghosts and Angels that are all scared of you.  Knowing in a second you could send them all back to Source.  Like not even know they were going, before you noticed; Zap they were gone.  That's why you've been fearless.  You've seen the sparks fly before.  That instant.  You've seen them come up from the ground.  it's not something that anyone can stop.... ever.
It's about the rebirth of Life!  All the games they play and the power and greed. . . like lost little kids playing in the candy store, thinking no one is watching.  Like the story has been shown and told over and over again... making it worse and sick and more pathetic than ever.  People going along blind and stupid, just because it was easy. . . thinking "oh i'll be dead soon anyway, might as well have fun and no one will notice..."

What a sick joke that is.
What do you mean?
I know I'm not going anywhere, since everywhere else will be lost in the greed while here alone the place returns to life in LOVE! But then they really wont be going anywhere, so it's really a sick sick joke, a joke on them... the greed and corruption, get's lost into the greed and corruption.  Polluting and killing themselves over and over again. . . . never dying, or going anywhere, but just there again to suffer more.  Hell on Earth.  Where men of fear and lies, create their own doom over and over again. . . . like reverberating back to the one first vibration, that pulse, the electron of force - - - but only after grinding themselves into dirt through millions of years, as that's what they are worth....
What about the idea that vanished?
I'm really not sure!  So many ideas, so much power...  I know I can build anything in a second... and it's really easy to just start it all on my own. . . by just doing it.  nothing anywhere will ever stop me.
What were you flashing into
I watched the houses around me, filling up with people and building things together!  It was really interesting.  respect. Power. Trust. and Truth, real Love and Truth, everyone could feel it.  No question, no fear...   Just Power and Truth.
What you are seeing is such fun.  Small little pieces of such a new world, and life.  So far away from all the rest that goes on out there.  They are all lost in this other world, that never effects you.  It's not your problem, not your work.  You are the New, the Love and Life that we have all dreamed and seen and shared.  Love and truth has to be from somewhere.  All the Greed wont go anywhere . . . except make it easier and easier for you to bring out Truth.
I always wondered about that!
What you saw with the hurricane and texas will be more than any of them will ever understand.  They lie and cheat for oil...  And the Good Mother will give it to them...
I always thought it would take half of Florida with it.
Whatever is south of you needs to be restored to the wild.  Washed away clear, so the new can grow in purity.  No worries. . . the mountains will rise up with you.
I know, but I never thought it would all land somewhere else!
What it is, was what they created, just as you have created a new here that you are seeing. . . everything you see starting here is a reflection of the power and truth that mankind is capable of.  You know your power, and are always careful and pure about making only what's needed now.  Stop holding back, let things flow.  There is a lot to be done.  A great deal of change and growth is needed all about you and everywhere here for us all.  Forget the poisons.   Others will absorb those, you have Love and Light to create and share.
I keep flashing into my projects!
Like What?
Rebuilding houses, with the homeless for children to teach and elders to learn.  Catching all the water and creating a new world...

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks, Amen

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

American First Nation

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Zest2Zeal : Message: Fw: GRID TRANSMISSIONS: Updates for this Saturday!

GRID TRANSMISSIONS: Updates for this Saturday!

To claim our power back, we must first see that those we blame are as worthy of love and forgiveness as we are, and we must acknowledge that we have also played a role, even if only through our ignorance and complacency. As we release our polarized views and return to a stance of acceptance and loving allowance, we free up our personal energy to be used in positive action (it takes a lot of energy to resist what is; energy that could be better used changing what is!) This acceptance is not to be confused with inaction. It is an active choice to love rather than to judge, an awakened choice to take responsibility for healing rather than giving that responsibility away in blame or resignation.

The next step is vision. Imagination is the seed of our creation. To create, we must first envision.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Signs of Hopi Prophecy

The Nine Signs of Hopi Prophecy

(From White Feather, Bear Clan, Hopi Tribe)
The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

First Sign: We were told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana -- men who took the land that was not theirs and who struck their enemies with thunder. (Guns)

Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. (Covered wagons)

Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. (Longhorn cattle)

Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. (Railroad tracks)

Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web. (Power and telephone lines)

Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. (Concrete roads and their mirage-producing effects.)

Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. (Oil spills)

Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn our ways and wisdom. (Hippies)

Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease.

"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.

"Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

"But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You -- perhaps will see it. In time, in time..."