Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reba Cain's Notes | Facebook

Reba Cain's Notes | Facebook: "It’s the eclipse season again. We are ending our year with an eclipse on the very last day. This has been an intense year for eclipses as we had six eclipses this year rather than the normal four. Mercury also turned retrograde on December 26th so add that to the current mix. It will turn direct on January 15th.

Eclipses Dates:
We have a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Here are the dates:

December 31 11:13 am Pacific - 2:13 pm Eastern Lunar Eclipse at 10 Cancer
January 14 11:11 pm Pacific / January 15 2:11 am Eastern Solar Eclipse at 25 Capricorn

These eclipses have a very different flavor than the ones we experienced this summer. The summer series was focused on the past and deeply letting go, even to the extent of actually exiting the planet. Many celebrities, friends, family and pets went to the other side. The summer eclipse series was the most intense eclipse cycle I have experienced in my entire life.

This series, however, focuses more on the future and making responsible new beginnings while setting into place structures that support our redefined values. America is going through an intense transformation of values due to the values planet (Venus) and the transformation planet (Pluto) interacting in the astrology chart of our country. This has played out hugely in the financial crisis. We are finding that what has given us security in the past has changed causing us to develop new values. Look at your own life. Notice whether you have had an event or crisis in the past couple of years that caused you to redefine your values replacing material things with the nonmaterial such as love, family, children, personal fulfillment etc. A change of values is sweeping across our country.

Year End Lunar Eclipse - December 31 (also a Blue Moon)
How appropriate that this eclipse is occurring on the last day of the year – a time of releasing the old. This eclipse is a blue moon because it is the second full moon in a month. For more understanding of blue moons, see the latest post on my blog Since it is occurring at the end of the year it is also the 13th full moon of the year. As we study the Mayan calendar, we are beginning to learn that 13th rather than being a negative fearful number, is a very powerful, sacred number. And finally, this lunar eclipse is the 6th eclipse of the year – we normally have four. This eclipse is closing our year with a bang!!

Solar Eclipse – January 14 & 15, 2010
Solar eclipses bring new beginnings. This one has a strong focus on Venus and clarifying your values. The communication planet, Mercury, is aligned with the manifestation planet, Pluto, so speaking your intentions for the New Year aloud with laser focus will add to their ability to manifest.

Suggested Ceremony
In this ceremony I suggest you work not only with the astrological energies but also with the energies of the five elements according to Feng Shui. Since this eclipse occurs in the Earth sign of Capricorn, choose earth colors such as brown, gold, and naturals for your altar cloth and objects. This will symbolically create an earthy energy womb for birthing your new year’s goals. Gather these items to represent the five elements. Wood – select an object made of wood such as a carving of a power animal, Jesus, Mary or other deity; Fire – choose a candle, red for activating chi; Metal pick something made of metal, could be coins; Water- fill a beautiful bowl or decorative bottle with water; Earth is present in the earthy colors of your altar cloth.

During this ceremony you’ll focus on nurturing your new goals for 2010. Make a list of new year’s resolutions and read them aloud speaking them with laser focus while mindfully, visualizing and feeling each one. Place them in a sacred box in the middle of your altar allowing them to be engulfed by the nurturing earth energy. Now work with the other four elements. First, place the wood item on the left of your box. Visualize the green energy of wood causing your goals to grow. Next, place the red candle above the box – see chi flowing into each goal energizing it. Now place your coins or metal object on the right – see the white energy of metal bringing clarity and focus to your goals. Finally, place the bowl of water below the box. Visualize the black energy of water nourishing your goals.

Know that you have seeded your 2010 intentions in to the unified field and that they now exist on the energy level. Prayerfully give thanks, knowing that they will move from the world of energy and manifest in your world of the 3rd dimension. End your ceremony by thanking and releasing your helpers.

Now that you have activated the energy of these eclipses, your 2010 goals have a strong foundation for unfolding in your life."

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