Another Life???
I'm always playing the outsider. And I go around the room to all the different discussions and people pay no attention to me, as I am just recording it for them, and seemingly never really participating. I guess I like it this way since i can participate if I want to, and never feel any need or obligation to participate.
When it came my turn to speak I said how this clearly paralleled a dream I had about my children which I had written out for my daughter recently. You see I raised my children for their first 10 years of their life, loving them every moment I could, keeping them in spirit and even singing them to sleep each night. But then suddenly a step-dad came into the story and he brainwashed them beginning with the big 64 ounce Slurpee from 7-11. What this reminded me of in this case was how the sugars are all GMO's now and toxic for the body and much of the foods are as well.
Even worse last week I read of a congressional hearing where staff admitted that they had found FRAUDULENT FOOD, being imported from China. Not just toxic GMO food, but completely fake products. And then the FDA has maybe three inspectors for the state and since the FDA is owned by Monsanto we can be sure the five minutes they are lucky to spend inspecting anything never amounts to anything. Fundamentally, people really have been ingesting toxic and unhealthy food for years. Thus, people are challenged to hold any TRUTH at all since the physical and chemical structure inside of them is all corrupted and polluted.
This means, the population as a whole is not likely to hold any truth and stability. How can truth and knowledge develop from toxic unstructured chemistry which is designed to promote disease and obesity not health and sustainability.
It was about my kids! They all have been repressed and pressured. Like filling a child full of sugar, which is essentially a toxic poison. And then beating them while they are down. Food is so essential to who we are and toxins simply make us weak and susceptible to negative influences. One study I read spoke about how the Human Immune system will "SHUT OFF" for 24 hours with one 16 ounce can of soda. That's simply what the GMO processed sugar is designed to do to people now. It is a whole industry designed to create medication and support systems to account for creating exorbitant profits.
Anyway, when someone pushes ideas into your head while you are disabled, it really sets off your complete system. Thinking clearly about the truth is not possible, because the fundamental basis for the truth is missing. You simply can not think clearly if your body chemistry is wrong. Then when your "thinking is off" you get accustomed to this feeling and sensation internally where you can never really get your chemistry right - - nor your thinking. The poison combined with the mental reprogramming creates a rut in your system where you get stuck in the thinking and diet of deception. Then more sugar and junk food make you susceptible to more deceptions and further brainwashing, and that's what these things have been designed to do. Fast food and fast fun . . . it is all tied to the TV and media feeding our planet full of BS. My kids have some serious problems with me, but they are all based on 10 years locked into this asylum with the boogieman pumping their heads full of shit, while simultaneously pumping their bodies full of poisons. Hitler did the same thing by adding fluoride and chlorine to the public water supplies. Thus, it really has nothing to do with me at all, but only their "perceptions and ideas" about me that have been completely reprogrammed to control them. We can talk about this all day, but with the poisons it creates a "new normal" in their brain and body chemistry where they become accustomed to the feelings and sensations losing touch with their power and spirit in truth. The synapses in their brain get stuck in this same patterns no matter what I do.
Interesting enough the same thing happened to my wife where her ex-bf was set to convince her she would never do any better than him. He spent his life trying to force her down to his level and trap her so she would never express her full power and potential . . . . which is exactly what the boogieman did to my kids. Their conscious power and spirit was locked into a "false" conception of self that he manufactured to control them. They are not real about who they are anymore. Again this was designed with TV and media which promotes the use and consumption of sugar and junk foods, making it easier for you to become a couch-potato and watch more and more crap on TV buying more junk and perpetuating the machine . . . . locking the mind and body into a lie of age and disease and all sorts of pathetic conflicts. .
It is really the same logic used for cigarettes and countless other drugs and consumable products. The American Machine created these to trap people into a useless consumption cycle so each day thousands of people need a new razor blade and a McDonald's cup of coffee never knowing they are trapped in a system of debt and poison that they "need" to feel right about who they are. . . just like they need a heart beat and another breathe!
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! a must see movie to remove disease, toxins and weight!
It's sad how foolish people are. Like we all know "politician" means "liar" but we still think Obama will actually do something about climate change beyond only rhetoric! What a Joke:
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
What did you find?At the end Lisa asked for everyone to share an overall feeling or impression, new learning or revelation they got from the discussions. I realized how everyone had at point of discussion about TRUST and creating structure for the experience of TRUTH to grow. It was like this foundation was necessary to bring people to community and a solid ground before moving forward on anything.
When it came my turn to speak I said how this clearly paralleled a dream I had about my children which I had written out for my daughter recently. You see I raised my children for their first 10 years of their life, loving them every moment I could, keeping them in spirit and even singing them to sleep each night. But then suddenly a step-dad came into the story and he brainwashed them beginning with the big 64 ounce Slurpee from 7-11. What this reminded me of in this case was how the sugars are all GMO's now and toxic for the body and much of the foods are as well.
Even worse last week I read of a congressional hearing where staff admitted that they had found FRAUDULENT FOOD, being imported from China. Not just toxic GMO food, but completely fake products. And then the FDA has maybe three inspectors for the state and since the FDA is owned by Monsanto we can be sure the five minutes they are lucky to spend inspecting anything never amounts to anything. Fundamentally, people really have been ingesting toxic and unhealthy food for years. Thus, people are challenged to hold any TRUTH at all since the physical and chemical structure inside of them is all corrupted and polluted.
This means, the population as a whole is not likely to hold any truth and stability. How can truth and knowledge develop from toxic unstructured chemistry which is designed to promote disease and obesity not health and sustainability.
What did you really want to say to everyone?I guess the important element was that people will not be able to function as a society or family in any coherent sustainable means as long as they blindly ingest toxins and pollutions created by industries focused on profits instead of health!
Another Life: Thus the foods and ideas about relationships and health are deception that are twisted throughout our being with all the internal chemistry off.
What a weird dream you had
Anyway, when someone pushes ideas into your head while you are disabled, it really sets off your complete system. Thinking clearly about the truth is not possible, because the fundamental basis for the truth is missing. You simply can not think clearly if your body chemistry is wrong. Then when your "thinking is off" you get accustomed to this feeling and sensation internally where you can never really get your chemistry right - - nor your thinking. The poison combined with the mental reprogramming creates a rut in your system where you get stuck in the thinking and diet of deception. Then more sugar and junk food make you susceptible to more deceptions and further brainwashing, and that's what these things have been designed to do. Fast food and fast fun . . . it is all tied to the TV and media feeding our planet full of BS. My kids have some serious problems with me, but they are all based on 10 years locked into this asylum with the boogieman pumping their heads full of shit, while simultaneously pumping their bodies full of poisons. Hitler did the same thing by adding fluoride and chlorine to the public water supplies. Thus, it really has nothing to do with me at all, but only their "perceptions and ideas" about me that have been completely reprogrammed to control them. We can talk about this all day, but with the poisons it creates a "new normal" in their brain and body chemistry where they become accustomed to the feelings and sensations losing touch with their power and spirit in truth. The synapses in their brain get stuck in this same patterns no matter what I do.
Interesting enough the same thing happened to my wife where her ex-bf was set to convince her she would never do any better than him. He spent his life trying to force her down to his level and trap her so she would never express her full power and potential . . . . which is exactly what the boogieman did to my kids. Their conscious power and spirit was locked into a "false" conception of self that he manufactured to control them. They are not real about who they are anymore. Again this was designed with TV and media which promotes the use and consumption of sugar and junk foods, making it easier for you to become a couch-potato and watch more and more crap on TV buying more junk and perpetuating the machine . . . . locking the mind and body into a lie of age and disease and all sorts of pathetic conflicts. .
It is really the same logic used for cigarettes and countless other drugs and consumable products. The American Machine created these to trap people into a useless consumption cycle so each day thousands of people need a new razor blade and a McDonald's cup of coffee never knowing they are trapped in a system of debt and poison that they "need" to feel right about who they are. . . just like they need a heart beat and another breathe!
Why do you think this is on your mind?It is really apparent that I need to resolve something here! I know explaining the simple physics is not enough. I need to get into more detail about why people adopt false ideas and how "false" and "lies" create sickness and servitude instead of power and clarity.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What is so incredible is that you are making more things happen and evolve than you can ever really know. All these little pieces that are coming together before your eyesIt's really remarkable to me now... like here is the same story again, about how sugar is addictive and deadly like cocaine!
Where did you find this?It was mentioned in a movie we found on Netflix: a must see movie to remove disease, toxins and weight!
What else?It was really awesome since it really said everything I've been passing out to people for the last few years about the "white poisons"! I was so thrilled how it really combined it all so clearly and right to the point with live-people who beat the battle of life with the machine, here are some of them (more a distraction now): course, I found several of these books and have more PDF's to read and share now! While the public is totally conned by the press and media full of puppet politicians who will only promote the industry buy-line so they can keep their cushy jobs and retirement packages:
What are you feeling now about all of this?It's weird, like all coming together simple and clear. I have a friend who was diabetic with so much diet-soda and he's stopped completely drinking only green-tea now! And I wonder if he's still diabetic? But I'm sure he's not removed all the other white poisons in his diet . . . . which really means no more boxed, pre-made foods from anywhere . . . since many restaurants use this crap too.
What else?I was really thrilled they even mentioned the 50 different FDA approved uses for MSG and how it's the standard method for creating Fat-mice in the research lab to test obesity . . . I bet there is a standard method for creating lab mice with tumors based on GMO corn or something!
What else?I know the movie even mentioned the fluoride and crap! Course the fluoride in our water is from Prosac NOT from the toothpaste . . . there are different kinds of fluoride and no one has the sense to even read the label. Heck on the toothpaste is also a label about it being toxic! But people put it in their mouths anyway. Sure they spit it out, but the skin absorbs it anyway. Like the shower each morning is sure to fill you with chlorine and fluoride anyway, again because the skin will absorb it all. . .
It's sad how foolish people are. Like we all know "politician" means "liar" but we still think Obama will actually do something about climate change beyond only rhetoric! What a Joke:
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.