Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Life???

I'm always playing the outsider.  And I go around the room to all the different discussions and people pay no attention to me, as I am just recording it for them, and seemingly never really participating.  I guess I like it this way since i can participate if I want to, and never feel any need or obligation to participate.
What did you find?
At the end Lisa asked for everyone to share an overall feeling or impression, new learning or revelation they got from the discussions.  I realized how everyone had at point of discussion about TRUST and creating structure for the experience of TRUTH to grow.  It was like this foundation was necessary to bring people to community and a solid ground before moving forward on anything.

When it came my turn to speak I said how this clearly paralleled a dream I had about my children which I had written out for my daughter recently.  You see I raised my children for their first 10 years of their life, loving them every moment I could, keeping them in spirit and even singing them to sleep each night.  But then suddenly a step-dad came into the story and he brainwashed them beginning with the big 64 ounce Slurpee from 7-11.  What this reminded me of in this case was how the sugars are all GMO's now and toxic for the body and much of the foods are as well.

Even worse last week I read of a congressional hearing where staff admitted that they had found FRAUDULENT FOOD, being imported from China.  Not just toxic GMO food, but completely fake products.  And then the FDA has maybe three inspectors for the state and since the FDA is owned by Monsanto we can be sure the five minutes they are lucky to spend inspecting anything never amounts to anything.  Fundamentally, people really have been ingesting toxic and unhealthy food for years.  Thus, people are challenged to hold any TRUTH at all since the physical and chemical structure inside of them is all corrupted and polluted.

This means, the population as a whole is not likely to hold any truth and stability.  How can truth and knowledge develop from toxic unstructured chemistry which is designed to promote disease and obesity not health and sustainability.
What did you really want to say to everyone?
I guess the important element was that people will not be able to function as a society or family in any coherent sustainable means as long as they blindly ingest toxins and pollutions created by industries focused on profits instead of health!
Another Life: Thus the foods and ideas about relationships and health are deception that are twisted throughout our being with all the internal chemistry off.
What a weird dream you had
It was about my kids!  They all have been repressed and pressured.  Like filling a child full of sugar, which is essentially a toxic poison.  And then beating them while they are down.  Food is so essential to who we are and toxins simply make us weak and susceptible to negative influences.  One study I read spoke about how the Human Immune system will "SHUT OFF" for 24 hours with one 16 ounce can of soda.  That's simply what the GMO processed sugar is designed to do to people now.  It is a whole industry designed to create medication and support systems to account for creating exorbitant profits.

Anyway, when someone pushes ideas into your head while you are disabled, it really sets off your complete system.  Thinking clearly about the truth is not possible, because the fundamental basis for the truth is missing.  You simply can not think clearly if your body chemistry is wrong.  Then when your "thinking is off" you get accustomed to this feeling and sensation internally where you can never really get your chemistry right - - nor your thinking.  The poison combined with the mental reprogramming creates a rut in your system where you get stuck in the thinking and diet of deception.  Then more sugar and junk food make you susceptible to more deceptions and further brainwashing, and that's what these things have been designed to do.  Fast food and fast fun . . .  it is all tied to the TV and media feeding our planet full of BS.  My kids have some serious problems with me, but they are all based on 10 years locked into this asylum with the boogieman pumping their heads full of shit, while simultaneously pumping their bodies full of poisons.  Hitler did the same thing by adding fluoride and chlorine to the public water supplies.  Thus, it really has nothing to do with me at all, but only their "perceptions and ideas" about me that have been completely reprogrammed to control them.  We can talk about this all day, but with the poisons it creates a "new normal" in their brain and body chemistry where they become accustomed to the feelings and sensations losing touch with their power and spirit in truth.  The synapses in their brain get stuck in this same patterns no matter what I do.

Interesting enough the same thing happened to my wife where her ex-bf was set to convince her she would never do any better than him.  He spent his life trying to force her down to his level and trap her so she would never express her full power and potential . . . . which is exactly what the boogieman did to my kids.  Their conscious power and spirit was locked into a "false" conception of self that he manufactured to control them.  They are not real about who they are anymore.  Again this was designed with TV and media which promotes the use and consumption of sugar and junk foods, making it easier for you to become a couch-potato and watch more and more crap on TV buying more junk and perpetuating the machine . . . . locking the mind and body into a lie of age and disease and all sorts of pathetic conflicts. . 

It is really the same logic used for cigarettes and countless other drugs and consumable products.  The American Machine created these to trap people into a useless consumption cycle so each day thousands of people need a new razor blade and a McDonald's cup of coffee never knowing they are trapped in a system of debt and poison that they "need" to feel right about who they are. . . just like they need a heart beat and another breathe!
Why do you think this is on your mind?
It is really apparent that I need to resolve something here!  I know explaining the simple physics is not enough.  I need to get into more detail about why people adopt false ideas and how "false" and "lies" create sickness and servitude instead of power and clarity.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What is so incredible is that you are making more things happen and evolve than you can ever really know.  All these little pieces that are coming together before your eyes
It's really remarkable to me now... like here is the same story again, about how sugar is addictive and deadly like cocaine!

Where did you find this?
It was mentioned in a movie we found on Netflix:  a must see movie to remove disease, toxins and weight!
What else?
It was really awesome since it really said everything I've been passing out to people for the last few years about the "white poisons"!  I was so thrilled how it really combined it all so clearly and right to the point with live-people who beat the battle of life with the machine, here are some of them (more a distraction now):
Of course, I found several of these books and have more PDF's to read and share now!  While the public is totally conned by the press and media full of puppet politicians who will only promote the industry buy-line so they can keep their cushy jobs and retirement packages:

What are you feeling now about all of this?
It's weird, like all coming together simple and clear.  I have a friend who was diabetic with so much diet-soda and he's stopped completely drinking only green-tea now!  And I wonder if he's still diabetic?  But I'm sure he's not removed all the other white poisons in his diet . . . . which really means no more boxed, pre-made foods from anywhere . . . since many restaurants use this crap too.
What else?
I was really thrilled they even mentioned the 50 different FDA approved uses for MSG and how it's the standard method for creating Fat-mice in the research lab to test obesity . . . I bet there is a standard method for creating lab mice with tumors based on GMO corn or something!
What else?
I know the movie even mentioned the fluoride and crap!  Course the fluoride in our water is from Prosac NOT from the toothpaste . . . there are different kinds of fluoride and no one has the sense to even read the label.  Heck on the toothpaste is also a label about it being toxic!  But people put it in their mouths anyway.  Sure they spit it out, but the skin absorbs it anyway.  Like the shower each morning is sure to fill you with chlorine and fluoride anyway, again because the skin will absorb it all. . .

It's sad how foolish people are.  Like we all know "politician" means "liar" but we still think Obama will actually do something about climate change beyond only rhetoric!  What a Joke:

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 24, 2013

How to strengthen that neighborly spirit

Does your community lack ... well, a sense of community? Here's how to strengthen that neighborly spirit: least have better neighbors
“Civic engagement doesn’t have to be about meetings and city hall," Urban says. "It doesn’t have to be a stodgy, administrative, nerdy thing. Anything that gets neighbors out talking gives them solidarity and power. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting to know your neighbors and seeing what happens.”

Here are 15 ways to get your neighbors working together right now. 

 Painted Intersection
1. Paint your intersection. A street intersection is not something you think of as interesting. But in Portland, residents in some neighborhoods have made them really worth stopping for. Some paint, creative people and a bright design are all it takes to bring neighbors together and produce something the whole community can be proud of.

Poetry Box
 2. Make a poetry box. The idea is simple, really: create a box with a glass or clear plastic front. Put this box on a post. Write your own poem or print out your favorite classic and display it in the box for all your neighbors to see. You can also set up a separate drop box and encourage neighbors to write their own poems and drop them in the box. Post the poems from your neighbors as they come in. Don't have time to build a box? Enlist the help of a poetry box builder. Neighborhoods

3. Set up a tool library. How often do you need a leaf blower? Or a chain saw? And how often do you use that electric cake mixer? Tool libraries answer this dilemma by creating a space where neighbors can donate rarely used appliances to share. Check with a local business, community center or church group about space that can house a tool library. Neighborhoods

4. Set up a book library. We’ve showed you how to make your own Little Free Library, but architect and photographer John Locke took that concept to a more urban level. He turned old, unused pay phones in New York City into small lending libraries. traditional exterior by Westover Landscape Design, Inc. by Westover Landscape Design,... »

5. Turn your front yard into your backyard. How often do you run into your neighbors in your backyard? Probably never. Moving your typical backyard activity to the front instantly makes you more visible and approachable. Establishing front-yard gardens, building community benches and even just barbecuing in your front yard are all great ways to connect with your community. contemporary exterior by Kipnis Architecture + Planning by Kipnis Architecture + Planning »

6. Collectively buy solar panels. Don't have a budget for solar panels? No problem. Just socialize. People across the country are now pooling their resources to collectively buy solar panels in bulk at a discount for their communities. (The idea started in Portland.) by American Red Cross by American Red Cross »

7. Set up an emergency preparedness network. If disaster strikes it's important to have people who know what to do. Establishing a common meeting space for your neighbors, appointing community members to take on various roles and having supplies ready can help strengthen your neighborhood and make things less chaotic should that unfortunate day ever come. eclectic by Amy Renea by Amy Renea »

8. Organize a garden tour. Got a thriving garden? Why not share it with others? Organize a neighborhood garden tour and invite neighbors to check out one another's gardens to learn growing tips, sample fresh produce and mingle. traditional landscape by Noelle Johnson Landscape Consulting by Noelle Johnson Landscape... »

9. Plant a tree. Maybe it's an intersection or a street corner that lacks greenery, or maybe it's a neighbor in need of some landscaping, but planting trees is a good way to overhaul your neighborhood and build ties with neighbors. eclectic by Terri Reilly Design by Terri Reilly Design »

10. Throw a block party. As if you need a reason to throw a party. There's no better way to get to know your neighbors than over food and drinks. Some cities make it easier to throw block parties than others, so check with your city about any permits needed.

11. Tell a story. Storytelling nights are popular in Portland. Neighbors get together at coffee shops or the library to tell stories about things that have happened in their neighborhood. It’s a great way to hear about your neighbors' lives and get to know them.

12. Go for more walks and bike rides. One of the best, easiest things you can do to get to know your neighbors is hit the pavement more often.

13. Carpool. Oftentimes people living in the same neighborhood work in the same area. Set up a ride share in your neighborhood to save gas and money and to get to know your neighbors.

14. Buy and shop locally. You’re more likely to run into members of your community if you shop at local boutiques and grocery stores.

15. Brand your neighborhood. It’s important for communities to feel important and establish an identity. Some residents tackle this by creating their own logo for the neighborhood that they put on banners to hang on light poles and other places around the community.

Monday, June 10, 2013

greatest of all human inventions

Another Life: the greatest of all human inventions is the creative process, how we bring forth new realities. Understanding the creative process is the foundation of genuine mastery in all fields.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What do you need to write about?
I am still totally perplexed by everything!  Friday was my day off so I got to sit home and read and write all day.  But Thursday I got to go out for lunch with my bosses and the last thing I said was to stay in your passion - - You are a respected leader where everyone values your integrity!  Of course we all know the complete system is designed to reduce Truth and Integrity into the basest forms of greed and selfishness, ever since they designed "Burrocrats" (aka bureaucrat = pronounced burro-crat = burro, a small donkey and the Greek suffix -kratia or kratos - means "power" or "rule." Burrocrats: "Jackass rules").  I said to avoid their funny games, stay in your truth, stay in your passion!

But then we had another meeting with an outside guest. . . And we spoke about the Jewel in the Crown of the university where others are coming in to be led as well. Of course they were all excited about bringing in the local leaders and I knew our guest could do better.  So of course when I walked her out I suggested she might want to do just that - - bring together all the other community and banking leaders to make a powerful team.
First, in every setting, from working teams to organizations to larger social systems, there is much more going on than meets the eye.  “learning from the future as it emerges” is vital to innovation.  Learning from the future involves intuition.  It involves embracing high levels of ambiguity, uncertainty, and willingness to fail.  It involves opening ourselves to the unthinkable and sometimes attempting to do the impossible.  But the fears and risks are balanced by feeling ourselves part of something important that is emerging that will truly make a difference.  Look at the problems we each face, and learn to recognize that they arise from systematic blind spots in our thinking and ways of doing things. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." said Albert Einstein

You must be prepared to undertake your own journey of sensing, presencing, and realizing.  It is only through this listening that we will unlock our collective capacity to create the world anew. . .

Something else I shared had the Preface written by Ram Dass - - - saying to “search for a more conscious balance, a simplicity of living that allows the integration of inner and outer, material and spiritual, masculine and feminine, personal and social, and all of the other polarities that now divide our lives.” I totally agree with him about how the next steps of evolution require all that has been developed previously . . . which is precisely why I need to get it together with my technology. . . (blogging in Ubuntu now, Sony searching a book, while the HP plays music. . . )  It’s not so much the next new gadget, but the connection to the next steps of the culture and understanding the truth that befalls us “It is a movement that arises from the recognition that our task is not only to be here, in the NOW; it is also to now be HERE."
can't fight this feeling any more... forgotten what I'm fighting for, It's all about understanding the truth.  every one has an aspect of truth ready and present.  What we're doing is bringing it together. . . everything I need, you are so beautiful to me. . you are so beautiful to me. . can't you see...    What are you left with now?
I guess it's making more sense to me all the time!  Like how the events came together and then are followed by specific emails and actions that I must also address and complete.  I am thrilled watching how things happen and how I seemingly can watch them all without any effort or struggle.
What did you flash to now?
I was feeling how I said to Emily that I really thought they were gone and I was finished.  First Ten Years with them was all I got. . . gone now.   Like nothing could surpass the bliss and joy that I felt raising my two little people.  And there was really nothing better than that experience, so why try doing any better?  I mean there was no point to it!  If I was supposed to design the city of the future, then I had done it already.  Heck, I even had patents approved for it all already, so if everything was to change, it should have already. . . I mean I did everything I could already. . . it's outta my hands
What were you feeling about now?
I remember a few weeks ago, I was struggling with my bike lock.  I never could get it open and started leaving my bike unlocked at school!  But now I needed to lock it to my truck so I had to find a lock that worked.  So I found half of an old Wal-Mart lock and was trying to find the rest of it.  I look all around my office and in the truck and going back and forth getting frustrated looking in the back of the truck and everywhere else I could think of. . .

So I thought to look in the basket of shoes by the door. "FUCK YOU, why should I look there!"  I was pissed and annoyed.  But after cursing "out load" I went and looked in the basket anyway. . . and I found it!
Of course you never mention how this was speaking to us. We've been together since why back when, sometimes i never wanna see you again... but ur still the one... still the one...
So you jump  to writing songs again instead of adding that your bike was soon stolen.  You carried in on your truck to the shop to get it fixed.  First time you had a decent ride in months. . . or years.  and Not one week later it was stolen.  You tried to say you were not focused on security as you should have been.  We say something different but you've not taken the time to ask and connect and understand.
Now here again you noticed that the new Ubuntu connections you are using has all the features you wanted and asked for.  Yelling at Google and annoyed by then because you can not get what you want. . BUT DO YOU ASK? 
Why did you write that now?
I am searching around for pieces of the portable air-conditioner we bought to keep the house mold-free last year.  Of course I cannot find it and get up every few minutes to look in some new odd place that I think of.

I guess this fits right into everything else I've been learning!

Like being "here NOW", and connecting to the "inner and outer" while knowing that the real truth that we seek and intend is what evolves in the moment.  Not some plan or goal, but the present moment and the real truth and power we are and find in this moment.  I was explaining last week how we are in our BEST when we "blossom" from our own truth.  Where we find something deep inside and bring it forth to share with others. . .
What are you waiting for then?
I'm still stuck in some struggle!  And I'm not clear why?  Sometimes I feel like I am trying to do too much?  other times I wonder if I'm thinking too much about the projects instead of acting on them
What about asking for what you want?
I want to stop worrying!  Debt free and working, teaching, inspiring the best and brightest into their next big passion.  I want my kids back, and my lover back.  I'm tired of feeling that I need to be doing everything myself.  I want to be comfortable and build whatever crazy awesome designs I have to build.  I want this to start with getting my Home and family secure again.  That's really a fundamental for all people and family.  And community is only built from people and family.
What about getting your ritual going again?  Or getting up early and exercising?  Are you willing to do what it takes to get you body and mind centered and focused on the truth you want to see and experience.  How many months have you had all these pc's in your office.  And only now have you gotten them started to where they need to be.  Cleaning and moving things is a complicated task.  And nothing will be done on any of them until you get them done yourself.  It's like you tell all the students what to do all the time, but then you don't do any of it yourself.  Like focused on only one aspect and not following through with your own passion . .
How can you expect anyone else to grow and succeed in their passions when you are not...   You trying to help and lead and guide is fine, but the action and follow through on your own is equally as important.  STOP WAITING for something for someone.  For anything out there anywhere.  Forget all them.  you know you place and you know your power.  It is very easy for you to grow and evolve so far beyond all these limitation you like to complain about.

Then you tell everyone about it all being connected and everything effects everything.  But still you do not take it seriously enough to follow through in your own truth and passion.    This power that you are is so fundamental to everything.  Recognize that you ARE HERE NOW!  Stop trying to get rewarded or recognized for what you already did.  Instead do more, start now, get something done.  If you want to make videos or tv shows, or site plans or blogs. . . OR ALL OF THEM. .
Stop your dreaming and planning and get busy.  AND STOP worrying about anyone else.  Everyone is great and fine on there own.  This is your time to be YOU. . . WHO are you really?
I guess so...!
What about posting this and going to bed now...  You can get these machines working again tomorrow
I know,  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Urban Agriculture courses

Thursday, May 30, 2013FW: Urban Agriculture courses

I was meeting with this girl today in our office (see email below) and she was talking about all the gardening and such she does and how she was trying to get new lesson plans together for the schools working with us.  Of course I thought of you again Ms. Emi-em . . . 
Another Life: wow look at this number below. mon, tues, wed, thurs, makes 4th day, and it's now 8:04pm 6/4/2013, and i see this number below, as wow.  Thursday=4, May 30, 2013 7:06 PM
4 5 30 2013 = 9 3 6 = 18 = 9
706 7+6 = 23 = 4
9+4=13 = 4
4+5+30+2013= 2052 = 2+0+5+2 = 9
and nine is three threes From: Weaver, Eric Sent:
and four, is the bliss at home
Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:06 PM
 is three threes the bliss at home = 4
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

825pm What did you need to write.
Creating The Way of Your Word is such an awesome experience.
What did you do?
Turned on my music.
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did you do now?
ran out and moved the chicken and rice off the stove. . dinner is ready for my yummy nums ;-)
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did you need to write.
I Think Jesus Christ has so much to share with me.  The Way of Your Word for Creating the world!
What did you need to write.
I know that the numbers are words too, each meaning more and more now 8:04pm 6/4/2013, Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!. . . and i finally get to the very first number i wrote, and it's now 8:40pm 6/4/2013
8+4=12, 6+4=10, 2+0+1+3=5
12+10+5 = 27 = 9
8:40pm 6/4/2013
8+40+6+4+2013 = 58+2013 = 2071 = 10?
= 10
What did you need to write.
I Thank You !  as I know there is so much here before us.
the nine before the 10. . progressing in time and space.  Creating something new.
Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What we need here is the release.  Stop trying to second guess and plan things.  it's about allowing the flower to blossom.  did you need to write, or did you really need to read.  There is so much happening here so fast that everyone is getting desperate.  more and more people will copy you.  everywhere.  it's all happening exactly as planned, and you simply will fill your place, as we find everyone else acting similarly.  there is a fact about creating our experience.  As you mentioned tonight- blossoming into the space and position that we create ourselves. We each need to feel what's around us and look at the elements at play.  Accept that these are your tools and skills and act honestly, in passion and truth.  no choices, no struggles, nor desires . . . all is at peace, simply doing what we want to know and experience.
I Thank You Jesus Christ  . . ."inside you . inside you . inside you . . ." song on the Cari Cole, "Only Truth Knows" for Creating The Way of Your Word!



What did you need to write about is the truth that is taking over here.  As more people accept that they are TRUTH, and act in it.  No more troubles.  everyone shifts at the same time.  lies and deceptions end, all shifts into truth where we all share and own everything equally. . . which is the same as the opposite where no one owns anything.  Like American Indians, owning land is completely senseless, no one can own my breath, I simply breathe.   What you build is your own.  NO more slaves, NO more lies, No more stealing, everything is transparent. . . once you reach total transparency no one can lie, cheat, steal. . . everyone is 'worth' the same.  no more greed and control. 
wow, haven't we heard that a thousand times. . hearing this in my heart . . . OHM, SY RAM, I know i'm exactly where i need to be.  ready to do exactly what needed to get done.  it is really funny
Writing will allow it to flow better.  when you understand the corruption of the system.  Find someone new.  some one you know.  some one you can talk to.  Help them share their truth.  ask them to encourage more truth.  when you see someone.  Some one around you who is in Truth.  Befriend them.  Help them stay in the truth.  Inspire them from the heart.  Allow and encourage others to express their truth.  To help and guide. . . Each of us have a gift to share.  We all know some truth.  Accepting where we are inspires your gift of truth to grow.  Each gift inspires more from others.
It gets really powerful, like the heart-field that I explained.
When more and more people get into the truth . . . more and more resources and opportunities evolve.  It becomes a spiral evolving skyward.  More and more people of truth and integrity come together and more and more are set into motion.  It supports itself.  It grows and evolves. .
Trusting it all is key . . . you need to stay in the truth and power of solutions.  Know you are always in the right place at the right time.  Everything has a place, and everything will support you.  It like recognizing how your children showed up at precisely the right moment.  they know why they are here.  and they know what they will do.  Like everyone you speak to.  there is power and clarity there all around you.
I am so ready to go to sleep now.

What did you need to write.
I need to get busy on my phd thingy.  there i so much there still to do, , , and iv'e been spacing out a bit more again. . . i actually tried to get the GIS installed again on my office PC.  wow to look at graphics and create models again.  wouldn't that be cool.  i was even thinking how the models could review and represent the agriculture in the area.  so i could use the data to develop my own research. . . . instead of testing a simple product. . .

What did you need to write.
I think this is funny again now.  I saw that too much I know.  Like "this is interesting". . . what does that really mean?  interesting or funny does not really add anything to our understanding.  we don't know more with that label.  the words are useless in this case.

What did you need to write.
I better go to sleep.  Thank you dearest loving lord for your light, amen!
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What else could we need ;-)
I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.