Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Urban Agriculture courses

Thursday, May 30, 2013FW: Urban Agriculture courses

I was meeting with this girl today in our office (see email below) and she was talking about all the gardening and such she does and how she was trying to get new lesson plans together for the schools working with us.  Of course I thought of you again Ms. Emi-em . . . 
Another Life: wow look at this number below. mon, tues, wed, thurs, makes 4th day, and it's now 8:04pm 6/4/2013, and i see this number below, as wow.  Thursday=4, May 30, 2013 7:06 PM
4 5 30 2013 = 9 3 6 = 18 = 9
706 7+6 = 23 = 4
9+4=13 = 4
4+5+30+2013= 2052 = 2+0+5+2 = 9
and nine is three threes From: Weaver, Eric Sent:
and four, is the bliss at home
Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:06 PM
 is three threes the bliss at home = 4
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

825pm What did you need to write.
Creating The Way of Your Word is such an awesome experience.
What did you do?
Turned on my music.
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did you do now?
ran out and moved the chicken and rice off the stove. . dinner is ready for my yummy nums ;-)
I Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did you need to write.
I Think Jesus Christ has so much to share with me.  The Way of Your Word for Creating the world!
What did you need to write.
I know that the numbers are words too, each meaning more and more now 8:04pm 6/4/2013, Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!. . . and i finally get to the very first number i wrote, and it's now 8:40pm 6/4/2013
8+4=12, 6+4=10, 2+0+1+3=5
12+10+5 = 27 = 9
8:40pm 6/4/2013
8+40+6+4+2013 = 58+2013 = 2071 = 10?
= 10
What did you need to write.
I Thank You !  as I know there is so much here before us.
the nine before the 10. . progressing in time and space.  Creating something new.
Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What we need here is the release.  Stop trying to second guess and plan things.  it's about allowing the flower to blossom.  did you need to write, or did you really need to read.  There is so much happening here so fast that everyone is getting desperate.  more and more people will copy you.  everywhere.  it's all happening exactly as planned, and you simply will fill your place, as we find everyone else acting similarly.  there is a fact about creating our experience.  As you mentioned tonight- blossoming into the space and position that we create ourselves. We each need to feel what's around us and look at the elements at play.  Accept that these are your tools and skills and act honestly, in passion and truth.  no choices, no struggles, nor desires . . . all is at peace, simply doing what we want to know and experience.
I Thank You Jesus Christ  . . ."inside you . inside you . inside you . . ." song on the Cari Cole, "Only Truth Knows" for Creating The Way of Your Word!



What did you need to write about is the truth that is taking over here.  As more people accept that they are TRUTH, and act in it.  No more troubles.  everyone shifts at the same time.  lies and deceptions end, all shifts into truth where we all share and own everything equally. . . which is the same as the opposite where no one owns anything.  Like American Indians, owning land is completely senseless, no one can own my breath, I simply breathe.   What you build is your own.  NO more slaves, NO more lies, No more stealing, everything is transparent. . . once you reach total transparency no one can lie, cheat, steal. . . everyone is 'worth' the same.  no more greed and control. 
wow, haven't we heard that a thousand times. . hearing this in my heart . . . OHM, SY RAM, I know i'm exactly where i need to be.  ready to do exactly what needed to get done.  it is really funny
Writing will allow it to flow better.  when you understand the corruption of the system.  Find someone new.  some one you know.  some one you can talk to.  Help them share their truth.  ask them to encourage more truth.  when you see someone.  Some one around you who is in Truth.  Befriend them.  Help them stay in the truth.  Inspire them from the heart.  Allow and encourage others to express their truth.  To help and guide. . . Each of us have a gift to share.  We all know some truth.  Accepting where we are inspires your gift of truth to grow.  Each gift inspires more from others.
It gets really powerful, like the heart-field that I explained.
When more and more people get into the truth . . . more and more resources and opportunities evolve.  It becomes a spiral evolving skyward.  More and more people of truth and integrity come together and more and more are set into motion.  It supports itself.  It grows and evolves. .
Trusting it all is key . . . you need to stay in the truth and power of solutions.  Know you are always in the right place at the right time.  Everything has a place, and everything will support you.  It like recognizing how your children showed up at precisely the right moment.  they know why they are here.  and they know what they will do.  Like everyone you speak to.  there is power and clarity there all around you.
I am so ready to go to sleep now.

What did you need to write.
I need to get busy on my phd thingy.  there i so much there still to do, , , and iv'e been spacing out a bit more again. . . i actually tried to get the GIS installed again on my office PC.  wow to look at graphics and create models again.  wouldn't that be cool.  i was even thinking how the models could review and represent the agriculture in the area.  so i could use the data to develop my own research. . . . instead of testing a simple product. . .

What did you need to write.
I think this is funny again now.  I saw that too much I know.  Like "this is interesting". . . what does that really mean?  interesting or funny does not really add anything to our understanding.  we don't know more with that label.  the words are useless in this case.

What did you need to write.
I better go to sleep.  Thank you dearest loving lord for your light, amen!
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What else could we need ;-)
I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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