Wednesday, February 24, 2016


What a total trip!
It's like i've been here doing the exact same thing that I have always done.  Just like grade school, building another fort in the backyard . . . . 

"so team, I have this box. . "  It's this big, and i can cut it up. . . what can you add, what can we make together?Paint wow, we can make it red!   
What about a stick? who has a stick?Now we have a periscope or maybe it looks like a arm!
Except now i can make it an assignment and require them all to be real and right about it all.  

Red paint, what about blue and green.  What colors do you really have, not just the one you want to bring. ? 
We filled out the same Skills Form before we started so everyone could see if we could pull off this UA project!  I was very clear about it, and they all knew it too. so we did it anyway.  I then told them about Characteristics and Why these were different than Skills.  In class, I asked them to give me examples and started writing them down.  Then after about 15, I asked to see who agreed with each.  It was quick and simple democracy.  Funny, how some were obvious, since they were in the room with me - - like wanting education & experience.  No brainer questions it seemed.  But then like Organization was off, like all are really talented and smart, but some are more together with it all,

But then I said how when would do it individually, we have an experience that affects us more deeply.  Like all finding that many of the Top Ten on each personal list is the same.  We see how some have "kindness" as three and others have it as seven. . . . and it's more personal, and we relate to each other better.  THEN WHEN we are divided into a team, we can share these and create priorities and plans to move forward.  What's the PRIORITY Project for the team?  Education, Water or Soil?

Which priority resonates for your team?  Each team, must start somewhere?  Are we creating a design, or requesting resources first?  What can we do now?  Now who has the skills are resources for this task we found?

Today in class I want to paint it, who can bring brushes, or tarps, maybe rags to clean up?  What else do we need? 
And it's back to what we said at the start, We all recognize important characteristics where we are the same.  We each like to be kind and considerate to each other.   Even more so with our friends and families.  We are people this is all normal. . . Like we each have had experiences and learned in the American School Systems.

We are the 0.00001%.  No one has the opportunities and resources at hand like us.  So we can make this community garden anyway we want.  Document each step in the process, complete and build the total system democratically, together as a team.

What was that?
I FLASHED again!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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